974 resultados para Passively Q-switched


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We demonstrate a Q-switched Raman fiber laser using molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as a saturable absorber (SA). The SA is assembled by depositing a mechanically exfoliated MoS2 onto a fiber ferrule facet before it is matched with another clean ferrule via a connector. It is inserted in a Raman fiber laser cavity with a total cavity length of about 8km to generate a Q-switching pulse train operating at 1560.2 nm. A 7.7-km-long dispersion compensating fiber with 584 ps·nm?1km?1 of dispersion is used as a nonlinear gain medium. As the pump power is increased from 395mW to 422mW, the repetition rate of the Q-switching pulses can be increased from 132.7 to 137.4 kHz while the pulse width is concurrently decreased from 3.35μs to 3.03 μs. The maximum pulse energy of 54.3 nJ is obtained at the maximum pump power of 422mW. These results show that the mechanically exfoliated MoS2 SA has a great potential to be used for pulse generation in Raman fiber laser systems.


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Antecedentes: La ocronosis Exógena (OE) es una enfermedad subdiagnosticada y de difícil manejo (1). El láser Q-Switched (QS) surge como una alternativa para el tratamiento de esta (2). Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes, del láser QS y los desenlaces en el tratamiento de OE. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases PubMed, Embase, PMC, Scielo, Elselvier, BMJ Case Reports, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Cases Journal e International Medical Case Reports Journal, desde enero del 2000 a marzo del 2016, pacientes con ocronosis exógena, 18 a 70 años, tratados con láser QS. Los artículos fueron evaluados mediante la herramienta de evaluación de validez y valor educativo de reportes de caso descrito por Pierson (3). Resultados: Se encontraron 256 artículos, 63 fueron seleccionados: 28 repetidos y 31 no cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Se escogieron 4 artículos que reportan 12 casos de pacientes con ocronosis exógena diagnosticada mediante estudio histopatológico y tratada con láser QS. Discusión: Hay poca experiencia con el láser QS en OE. En la práctica clínica se usa para tatuajes y patologías pigmentarias dérmicas con resultados satisfactorios. El pigmento dérmico en OE y la corta duración de pulso de láser QS, podrían ser el pilar de tratamiento para OE. Conclusión: El láser QS puede ser útil para el tratamiento en OE, con nivel de evidencia 3 y grado de recomendación D. Se sugiere realizar estudios clínicos con mayor grado de evidencia.


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实验研究了激光二极管阵列(LDA)侧向抽运国产Nd∶YAG陶瓷棒的准连续及被动调Q激光输出特性。该陶瓷激光器采用LDA侧面紧密环绕均匀排布的抽运结构,陶瓷棒抽运区域长度为20 mm,其总尺寸为3 mm×35 mm,掺杂原子数分数为~1%。在千赫兹准连续运转条件下,当平-平谐振腔的输出耦合镜透过率为47.3%时,获得最大平均功率23 W的1064 nm激光输出,光束发散角为4.5 mrad,斜率效率达12%。在谐振腔内插入Cr4+∶YAG晶体作为被动调Q开关,成功地实现了陶瓷激光器千赫兹重复频率调Q激光脉冲输出,当Cr4+∶YAG晶体初始透过率为60%时,输出激光脉冲宽度(半峰全宽)可窄至14.5 ns,调Q动静比约为40%。


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A passively Q-switched and mode-locked diode-pumped Nd:GdVO4 laser was demonstrated using a low-temperature-grown GaAs wafer (LT-GaAs) as an intracavity saturable absorber. The maximal Q-switched mode-locked average output power was 750 mW with the Q-switched envelop having a repetition rate of 167 kHz. The mode-locked pulse trains inside the Q-switched pulse envelope had a repetition rate of similar to 790 MHz.


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We study the generation of supercontinua in air-silica microstructured fibers by both nanosecond and femtosecond pulse excitation. In the nanosecond experiments, a 300-nm broadband visible continuum was generated in a 1.8-m length of fiber pumped at 532 nm by 0.8-ns pulses from a frequency-doubled passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip laser. At this wavelength, the dominant mode excited under the conditions of continuum generation is the LP 11 mode, and, with nanosecond pumping, self-phase modulation is negligible and the continuum generation is dominated by the interplay of Raman and parametric effects. The spectral extent of the continuum is well explained by calculations of the parametric gain curves for four-wave mixing about the zero-dispersion wavelength of the LP11 mode. In the femtosecond experiments, an 800-nm broad-band visible and near-infrared continuum has been generated in a 1-m length of fiber pumped at 780 nm by 100-fs pulses from a Kerr-lens model-locked Ti:sapphire laser. At this wavelength, excitation and continuum generation occur in the LP01 mode, and the spectral width of the observed continuum is shown to be consistent with the phase-matching bandwidth for parametric processes calculated for this fiber mode. In addition, numerical simulations based on an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation were used to model supercontinuum generation in the femtosecond regime, with the simulation results reproducing the major features of the experimentally observed spectrum. © 2002 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrated a high fundamental repetition-rate pulsed erbium-doped fiber laser with all-fiber-integrated configuration. A novel scheme using a 45°-tilted fiber grating as the in-fiber polarizing element was employed to shorten the total cavity length and, thus, increase the fundamental repetition rate of the laser. Dissipative soliton pulses mode-locked with a fundamental repetition rate of 251.3 MHz and pulse duration of 96.7 fs have been achieved from the compact and all-fiber ring cavity laser. Additionally, passively Q-switched pulses were observed from this high fundamental repetition-rate fiber laser, which is the first report on Q-switched fiber laser using a tilted fiber grating.


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High repetition rate passively mode-locked sources are of significant interest due to their potential for applications including optical clocking, optical sampling, communications and others. Due to their short excited state lifetimes mode-locked VECSELs are ideally suited to high repetition rate operation, however fundamentally mode-locked quantum well-based VECSELs have not achieved repetition rates above 10 GHz due to the limitations placed on the cavity geometry by the requirement that the saturable absorber saturates more quickly than the gain. This issue has been overcome by the use of quantum dot-based saturable absorbers with lower saturation fluences leading to repetition rates up to 50 GHz, but sub-picosecond pulses have not been achieved at these repetition rates. We present a passively harmonically mode-locked VECSEL emitting pulses of 265 fs duration at a repetition rate of 169 GHz with an output power of 20 mW. The laser is based around an antiresonant 6 quantum well gain sample and is mode-locked using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. Harmonic modelocking is achieved by using an intracavity sapphire etalon. The sapphire then acts as a coupled cavity, setting the repetition rate of the laser while still allowing a tight focus on the saturable absorber. RF spectra of the laser output show no peaks at harmonics of the fundamental repetition rate up to 26 GHz, indicating stable harmonic modelocking. Autocorrelations reveal groups of pulses circulating in the cavity as a result of an increased tendency towards Q-switched modelocking due to the low pulse energies.


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Diode-pumped passively mode-locked laser operation of Yb3+,Na+:CaF2 single crystal has been demonstrated for the first time. By using a SESAM ( semiconductor saturable mirror), simultaneous transform-limited 1-ps passively mode-locked pulses, with the repetition rate of 183MHz, were obtained under the self-Q-switched envelope induced by the laser medium. The average output power of 360mW was attained at 1047nm for 3.34W of absorbed power at 976nm, and the corresponding pulse peak power arrived at 27kW, indicating the promising application of Yb3+,Na+-codoped CaF2 crystals in achieving ultra-short pulses and high pulse peak power. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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A passively mode-locked all-solid-state YVO4/Nd:YVO4 composite crystal laser was realized with a low temperature (LT) In0.25Ga0.75As semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. The saturable absorber was used as nonlinear absorber and output coupler simultaneously. Both the Q-switch and continous-wave mode locking operation were experimentally realized. At a pump power of 4 W, the Q-switched mode locking changed to continuous wave mode locking. An average output power of 4.1 W with 5 ps pulse width was achieved at the pump power of 12 W, corresponding to an optical-optical conversion efficiency of 34.2%.


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A diode-pumped Nd:GdVO4 laser mode-locked by a semiconductor saturable absorber and output coupler (SESAOC) is passively stabilized to suppress Q-switched mode-locking. A phase mismatched 131130 second-harmonic generation (SHG) crystal is used for passive stabilization. The continuous wave mode-locking (CWML) threshold is reduced and the pulse width is compressed. The pulse width is 6.5 ps as measured at the repetition rate of 128 MHz. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A diode-pumped passively mode-locked Nd YVO4 laser with a five-mirror folded cavity is presented by using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). The temperature distribution and thermal lensing in laser medium are numerically analyzed to design a special cavity which can keep the power density on SESAM under its damage threshold. Both the Q-switched and continuous-wave mode-locked operation are experimentally realized. The maximum average output power of 8.94 W with a 9.3 ps pulse width at a repetition rate of 111 MHz is obtained under a pump power of 24 W, correspondingly the optical slope efficiency is 39.2%. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diode-pumped passively mode-locked laser operation of Yb3+,Na+:CaF2 single crystal has been demonstrated for the first time. By using a SESAM ( semiconductor saturable mirror), simultaneous transform-limited 1-ps passively mode-locked pulses, with the repetition rate of 183MHz, were obtained under the self-Q-switched envelope induced by the laser medium. The average output power of 360mW was attained at 1047nm for 3.34W of absorbed power at 976nm, and the corresponding pulse peak power arrived at 27kW, indicating the promising application of Yb3+,Na+-codoped CaF2 crystals in achieving ultra-short pulses and high pulse peak power. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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采用面泵浦的CAMIL结构,我们研究了970 nm泵浦的Yb:YAG/YAG复合陶瓷薄片激光器,获得了连续和调Q的激光输出。在连续运转情况下,获得了最高1.05 W的激光输出,中心波长为1031 nm,后腔输出镜透射率为2%。我们同时获得了声光调Q的脉冲输出,重复频率从1 kHz到30 kHz,脉宽分别从166 ns到700 ns。