986 resultados para Paraná Basin


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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Uma técnica para a inversão de dados magnetotelúricos é apresentada neste trabalho. Dois tipos de dados são tratados aqui, dados gerados por modelos unidimensionais com anisotropia na condutividade das camadas e dados bi-dimensionais de levantamentos do método EMAP (ElectroMagnetic Array Profiling). Em ambos os casos fazemos a inversão usando vínculos aproximados de igualdade para estabilizar as soluções. Mostramos as vantagens e as limitações do uso destes vínculos nos processos de inversão. Mesmo vinculada a inversão ainda pode se tornar instável. Para inverter os dados 2-D do EMAP, apresentamos um processo que consiste de três partes: 1 – A construção de um modelo interpretativo e da aproximação inicial para a inversão a partir dos dados de seções de resistividade aparente filtradas pelo processo de filtragem do EMAP; 2 – a inclusão de uma camada de corpos pequenos aflorantes, chamada de camada destatic shift, aos modelos interpretativos para resolver as fontes de distorções estáticas que contaminam os dados; 3 – o uso dos vínculos aproximados de igualdade absoluta para estabilizar as soluções. Os dois primeiros passos nos permitem extrair o máximo de informação possível dos dados, enquanto que o uso dos vínculos de igualdade nos permite incluir informação a priori que possua significado físico e geológico. Com estes passos, obtemos uma solução estável e significativa. Estudaremos o método em dados sintéticos de modelos bi-dimensionais e em dados reais de uma linha de EMAP feita na Bacia do Paraná.


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A Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná tem posição de destaque, em nível nacional, com relação a sua potencialidade para recursos hídricos, por abrigar várias unidades produtoras, com ênfase no Sistema Aqüífero Guarani (SAG). O presente estudo representa uma aplicação do método de análise de bacias para caracterização dos sistemas aqüíferos Botucatu, Serra Geral, Caiuá e Bauru, todos de idade mesozóica, no Planalto Ocidental Paulista. Com base na integração de informações provenientes de poços tubulares profundos, mapas estruturais, mapas e seções estratigráficas, foi possível apontar áreas favoráveis a execução de projetos para exploração de água subterrânea, de acordo com as características geológicas de cada área identificada nesta província geomorfológica do território paulista. Palavras-chave: Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná; Sistema Aqüífero Guarani; Planalto Ocidental Paulista; Exploração de Água Subterrânea.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Triunfo Member, from Rio Bonito Formation, is a potential reservoir for hydrocarbons and water, and contains coal deposits in the northern state of Paraná. On the eastern edge of the Paraná Basin, the Triunfo Member has two depocenters in Santa Catarina and offlap to the North of Paraná; here in two adjacent areas characterized his final lapout. These areas have a number of wells core/logged with the initials MA and NF, Monte Alegre and Figueira North, which were drilled by the Companhia de Pesquisa e Recursos Minerais (CPRM), in order to research for coal in the Rio Bonito Formation. In this study, three wells in the MA area, and they were MA-4, MA-6 and MA-7 was subjected to vertical facies analysis (1D), from the description of wells and processing of data, so that later it was possible to chronocorrelate thereof, together with MA-5 well, through cycles facies (2D). This is a thesis which has never been developed in these wells mentioned above, it was possible to observe the development of part of the Member Taciba (top) and the Member Triunfo as a whole, can be determined three cycles facies to the latter, as well as their depositional environments. Finally, the chronocorrelate showed that there is a tabular architecture between the wells studied, this occurred because of subsidence uniform


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This work presents structural studies in the northwestern portion of the Pitanga Structural High, between the towns of Ipeúna and Charqueada. The area is composed by the sedimentary rocks from Paraná Basin, represented basically by Paleozoic rocks (Itararé Group, Tatuí, Irati and Corumbataí formations) and Mesozoics rocks (Pirambóia and Botucatu formations), in association with lower Cretaceous intrusive basic rocks expressed by dikes and sills. The most important structural features are distensive faults, which put together unleveled tectonic blocks and are frequently filled by diabase dikes. In this context, the main objective of this work is the study of local structures and the recognition of the tectonic association between dropped and uplifted blocks, jointly with the caracterization of a production, migration and storage model for hydrocarbons. Through the interpretation of aerial photos, field recognitions, structural and laboratorial analysis, a normal fault with direction of N30W and a slip of 20-25 meters located south of Ipeúna was recognized this fault puts the Tatuí and Irati Formations side by side. At this place and by the SP-191 route (north of Ipeúna city), sandstones from the top of Tatuí Formation are impregnated by asfaltic material. The data interpretation shows that local fault systems with NW directions have played a determinant part in the fault blocks arrangement, placing sandstone lenses from Tatuí Formation topographically above the oil shales from Irati Formation. In addition, these systems acted as migration paths to transport and storage hydrocarbon in sanstone lenses from Tatuí Formation


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The Pirambóia Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, positioned between the Corumbataí (lower) and Botucatu (upper) Formations on the eastern edge of the basin. This unit is focused by many studies due to its great importance as an essential component in the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) and the petroleum system “Irati-Pirambóia”, as excellent reservoirs. The Pirambóia Formation is historically the subject of several controversies on issues like age, contact relationships with the upper unit and depositional paleoenvironment. Despite these aspects, the Pirambóia Formation is commonly taken to be of Triassic age and is considered a product of wet aeolian systems, with plenty of wet interdunes and subordinate fluvial facies. In this work, by using techniques such as facies analysis, depositional architecture and facies association, facies of this unit were characterized and their depositional paleoenvironment was inferred particularly in Jundu Mining, region of Descalvado in northeastern São Paulo. Techniques such as grain size and petrographic analyses, aimed to characterize this unit as a potential reservoir rock. Five facies were described for the Pirambóia Formation in the studied region: St, Sh, Sm, Sr and Gt facies, generated by sedimentary processes of the bottom load type, mostly under low flow regime (with exception for the Sh facies, which is formed by upper flow regime processes). In addition to that, four facies associations were recognized from the architectural elements, primarily contained within the main channel: complex channel bars, composed by foreset macroforms (FM), sandy bedforms (SB) and gravel bars and bedforms (GB); flood deposits, constituted by laminated sand sheets (LS); deposits of hyperconcentrated flows and eolian deposits. It was interpreted that the Pirambóia Formation in Descalvado (SP) is the record of the sedimentation of braided rivers, with dunes and interdunes deposits...


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The paper deals with the petrographic and geochemical investigation of basalt flows present in a gravel quarry in the town of Monções in northwestern São Paulo State, members of the Serra Geral Formation of the Paraná Basin. Were collected 11 samples from different horizons within a topographic vertical profile with an average of 18 meters in height. The samples were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic petrographic and chemical major, minor and trace. The results indicated that it is tholeiitic basalts with dense fine grained average. Petrographic analyzes show that basalts studied are basically constituted by plagioclase (between 33 and 49%), labradorite and clinopyroxenes (between 29 and 46%) represented by the subordinate pigeonite and augite, having as accessories opaque (between 3 and 15% ), olivine (<2%), apatite and zircon as dashes. The secondary minerals correspond to cloropheite, chlorite, serpentine, epidote, albite and iron oxides and hydroxy as well as bowlingit of clay, nontronite, and celadonite. The basalts are kind of high-titanium (Hti)> 1.8% TiO2, and apparently belong to the Pitanga magma-type. The geochemical analyzes proved unsatisfactory for the determination of a probable lithogeochemistry differentiation within the vertical stroke for generating multiple data correlation or no immediately discernible trends


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The area of this work is located along the Northern portion of the Pelotas´s basin. The onshore region extends from the Southern portion São Paulo State to the North of Rio Grande do Sul State, with a total area of 440 530 km ². The objective of the research is to characterize the main geological structures of the outcropping basement in the Paraná Basin and its correlation with the offshore portion of the Pelotas Basin. The characterization was performed through the integration of surface (SRTM images and outcrops) and subsurface data (seismic data and well logs), the method includes the use of remote sensing techniques and seismic interpretation. The main structures to be analyzed are the Tibagi Lineament and the “Torres Syncline in order to verify its influence on the geological evolution and deformation of the basin. As result, it was identified the continuity of the both structures inside the offshore basin (Pelotas Basin); but only the Tibagi Lineament represents an important structural feature in the offshore basin. In this sense, the Tibagi lineament shows a NW-SE direction along the both basins (Pelotas and Paraná) and it is defined by drainages and relief on the continental portion. It was classified as a graben structure limited by normal faults and it also was verified a trend of faults inside the lineament that cuts all the sedimentary package of Itararé Group from Paraná Basin. The Torres syncline is a structure that connects the arches of Ponta Grossa and Rio Grande, showing NW-SE orientation and a low angle dip in the NW direction. Its projection into the Pelotas Basin was not recognized by the methods applied in this work, because a preliminary analyze indicates that its projection corresponds to a structural high inside the Pelotas Basin


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The Santos Basin is located in the Brazilian continental margin and includes the coast of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states. Its northern limit is the Campos Basin through the High of Cabo Frio and the southern one with the Pelotas Basin through the Platform of Florianópolis, totaling an area of approximately 350,000 square kilometers in a water depth of 3,000 m. The Paranapanema Lineament has WNW / ESE direction, and extends from the area filled by the Paraná Basin, on the border between the states of Sao Paulo and Parana, lasting up to near the ocean floor along with the fracture zone of Rio de Janeiro. The Capricorn Lineament is a feature inherited from the separation between the continents of Africa and South America, and is the main structural feature NW / SE of the Santos Basin center-south region. These two structures together with other ones with continental origin may be associated with structural features in the sediments from the Santos Basin. This work aims to characterize the structures operating in the central portion of the Santos Basin based on subsurface data in the offshore area (2D seismic) together with data from the surface of the continental basement in a way to correlate the Santos Basin structures with the continental regional traits. This data interpolation showed that the structural features of the continent operates on the submerged zone, the seismic sections show these structural trends for the Paranapanema Lineament / Fracture Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Capricorn Lineament and two fault zones that exhibit structures typical of a transfer zone


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)