982 resultados para P53 protein
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim was to analyze the protein expression of apoptotic genes caspase-3, caspase-8 and bcl-2 with the immunohistochemistry technique, correlating with tumor grade (I, II and III) and with the patient survival in order to understand the basic mechanism of tumoral transformation. The immunohistochemistry reactions on 50 samples of squamous cell carcinoma were carried out with the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method and antigen recovery. The analyses were made using the graduation method "in crosses" (0 to 4 crosses - no stain to more than 75% of positives cells) and in categories (low, intermediate, high) of the cytoplasm immunoreactivity of the epidermoid penile carcinoma cells. It was observed a statistically significant difference when the expression of caspase-3 were compared with the grades land II of the tumor (p=0.0010) and when comparing the patient survival with the grades I and II of the tumor (p=0.0212). The protein bcl-2 was more expressed than caspase-3 and caspase-8 proteins, suggesting that the apoptotic rate in this carcinoma is low. The higher expression of the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 suggests a higher preservation of the tumoral cells.
2-Acetylpyridine-phenylhydrazone (H2AcPh), its para-chlorophenylhydrazone (H2AcpClPh) and para-nitrophenylhydrazone (H2AcpNO(2)Ph) analogues, the corresponding 2-benzoylpyridine-derived hydrazones (H2BzPh, H2BzpClPh and H2BzpNO(2)Ph) and their gallium(III) complexes were assayed for their cytotoxic activity against U87 (expressing wild-type p53 protein) and T98 (expressing mutant p53 protein) glioma cells. IC50 values against both glioma cells and against the MRC5 (human fetal lung fibroblast) lineage were obtained for the hydrazones, but not for their gallium(III) complexes, due to their low solubility. Hydrazones were highly cytotoxic at nanomolar doses against U87 and T98 cells. The therapeutic indexes (TI = IC50MRC5/IC50glioma) were 2-660 for T98 cells and 28-5000 for U87 cells, indicating that the studied hydrazones could be good antitumor drug candidates to treat brain tumors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
DNA damage induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be removed by nucleotide excision repair through two sub-pathways, one general (GGR) and the other specific for transcribed DNA (TCR), and the processing of unrepaired lesions trigger signals that may lead to cell death. These signals involve the tumor suppressor p53 protein, a central regulator of cell responses to DNA damage, and the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, that forms a feedback regulatory loop with p53. The involvement of cell cycle and transcription on the signaling to apoptosis was investigated in UVB-irradiated synchronized, DNA repair proficient, CS-B (TCR-deficient) and XP-C (GGR-deficient) primary human fibroblasts. Cells were irradiated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, with two doses with equivalent levels of apoptosis (low and high), defined for each cell line. In the three cell lines, the low doses of UVB caused only a transient delay in progression to the S phase, whereas the high doses induced permanent cell cycle arrest. However, while accumulation of Mdm2 correlated well with the recovery from transcription inhibition at the low doses for normal and CS-B fibroblasts, for XP-C cells this protein was shown to be accumulated even at UVB doses that induced high levels of apoptosis. Thus, UVB-induced accumulation of Mdm2 is critical for counteracting p53 activation and apoptosis avoidance, but its effect is limited due to transcription inhibition. However, in the case of XP-C cells, an excess of unrepaired DNA damage would be sufficient to block S phase progression, which would signal to apoptosis, independent of Mdm2 accumulation. The data clearly discriminate DNA damage signals that lead to cell death, depending on the presence of UVB-induced DNA damage in replicating or transcribing regions.
Das metastasierende maligne Melanom ist durch eine geringe p53-Mutations-Rate und eine hohe Resistenz gegenüber Chemotherapie mit alkylierenden Agenzien wie Fotemustin (FM) und Temozolomid (TMZ) gekennzeichnet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von p53 in der Resistenz von malignen Melanomzellen gegenüber FM untersucht und Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber TMZ und FM aufgezeigt.rnAusgangspunkt war die Beobachtung, dass p53 Wildtyp (p53wt) Melanomzellen resistenter gegenüber FM sind als p53 mutierte (p53mt) Zellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass eine FM-Behandlung in p53wt Zellen eine Stabilisierung von p53 und eine Induktion des p53-Zielproteins p21 bewirkte. Mithilfe einer p53wt Zelllinie, welche einen p53 Knockdown trägt, konnte gezeigt werden, dass p53 für die geringe Apoptose-Rate nach FM-Behandlung verantwortlich ist. Eine Untersuchung der Interstrang-Crosslink (ICL)-Reparaturkapazität zeigte, dass p53mt Zellen im Gegensatz zu p53wt Zellen nicht in der Lage sind, FM-induzierte ICL zu reparieren. Dies ging mit einer im Vergleich zu p53wt Zellen starken DNA-Schadensantwort einher. Die Gene für die Proteine DDB2 und XPC wurden als durch FM regulierte DNA-Reparatur-Gene identifiziert, deren Induktion p53-abhängig und lang anhaltend (bis zu 144 h) erfolgt. Da XPC Knockdown-Zellen sensitiver als ihre Kontrollzellen gegenüber FM reagierten, konnte die biologische Relevanz von XPC bei der ICL-Reparatur bestätigt werden. Anhand von Xenograft-Tumoren wurde gezeigt, dass FM auch in situ eine Induktion von DDB2 und XPC auslöst. Die Beobachtung, dass DNA-Reparatur-Gene nach FM-Behandlung hochreguliert werden, liefert eine Erklärung für das schlechte Ansprechen von Melanomen auf eine Therapie mit ICL-induzierenden Chemotherapeutika.rnDes Weiteren befasste sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit Möglichkeiten zur Sensitivierung von Melanomzellen gegenüber den Chemotherapeutika TMZ und FM. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde Valproinsäure (VPA), ein in der Epilepsie-Therapie verwendetes Medikament und Histondesacetylase (HDAC)-Hemmer, bezüglich der chemosensitivierenden Wirkung untersucht. Zunächst konnte der in der Literatur häufig beschriebene stabilisierende Effekt von VPA auf „wildtypisches“ p53-Protein und destabilisierende Effekt auf mutiertes p53-Protein bestätigt werden. Zwei der vier untersuchten Zelllinien konnten mithilfe von VPA gegenüber TMZ sensitiviert werden, während nur eine der vier untersuchten Zelllinien gegenüber FM sensitiviert werden konnte. VPA begünstigt die Induktion von Apoptose, während der Effekt auf die Induktion von Nekrose nur gering ausfiel. Eine Wirkung von VPA auf die Aktivität des Resistenz-vermittelnden Enzyms O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) wurde nicht beobachtet. Zudem wurde ausgeschlossen, dass die Sensitivierung gegenüber TMZ und FM, welche S-Phase abhängige Gentoxine sind, auf einer VPA-induzierten Erhöhung der Proliferation beruht. Mithilfe einer Zelllinie, welche stabil dominant-negatives FADD (Fas-associated death domain) exprimiert, konnten keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung des extrinsischen Apoptose-Signalwegs an der VPA-vermittelten Sensitivierung gewonnen werden. Gleichzeitig wurde gezeigt, dass VPA keine Induktion der niedrig exprimierten Procaspase-8 verursachte. Mithilfe eines PCR-Arrays wurden transaktivierende und –reprimierende Effekte von VPA auf die Genexpression gezeigt, wobei das proapoptotische Protein BAX (Breakpoint cluster-2-associated x protein) als ein in der Sensitivierung involviertes Kandidatengen identifiziert wurde. Obwohl eine vollständige Aufklärung der dem Sensitivierungseffekt von VPA zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen nicht erbracht werden konnte, zeigen die in dieser Arbeit erlangten Beobachtungen einen vielversprechenden Weg zur Überwindung der Resistenz von Melanomzellen gegenüber DNA-alkylierenden Zytostatika auf.rn
Human cancer develops as a result of accumulation of mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Zinc finger protein 668 (ZNF668) has recently been identified and validated as one of the highly mutated genes in breast cancer, but its function is entirely unknown. Here, we report two major functions of ZNF668 in cancer development. (1) ZNF668 functions as a tumor suppressor by regulating p53 protein stability and function. We demonstrate that ZNF668 is a nucleolar protein that physically interacts with both MDM2 and p53. By binding to MDM2, ZNF668 regulates MDM2 autoubiquitination and prevents MDM2-mediated p53 ubiquitination and degradation; ZNF668 deficiency impairs DNA damage-induced p53 stabilization. Notably, ZNF668 effectively suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and transformation in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Consistently, ZNF668 knockdown readily transforms normal mammary epithelial cells. Together, our studies identify ZNF668 as a novel breast tumor suppressor gene that acts at least in part by regulating the stability and function of p53. (2) ZNF668 functions as a DNA repair protein by regulating histone acetylation. DNA repair proteins need to access the chromatin by chromatin modification or remodeling to use DNA template within chromatin. Dynamic posttranslational modifications of histones are critical for cells to relax chromatin in DNA repair. However, the precise underlying mechanism mediating enzymes responsible for these modifications and their recruitment to DNA lesions remains poorly understood. We observed ZNF668 depletion causes impaired chromatin relaxation as a result of impaired DNA-damage induced histone H2AX hyper-acetylation. This results in the decreased recruitment of repair proteins to DNA lesions, defective homologous recombination (HR) repair and impaired cell survival after DNA damage, albeit with the presence of a functional ATM/ATR dependent DNA-damage signaling cascade. Importantly, the impaired loading of repair proteins and the defect in DNA repair in ZNF668-deficient cells can be counteracted by chromatin relaxation, indicating that the DNA-repair defect that was observed in the absence of ZNF668 is due to impeded chromatin accessibility at sites of DNA breaks. Our findings therefore identify ZNF668 as a key molecule that links chromatin relaxation with response to DNA damage in the control of DNA repair.
In the field of chemical carcinogenesis the use of animal models has proved to be a useful tool in dissecting the multistage process of tumor formation. In this regard the outbred SENCAR mouse has been the strain of choice in the analysis of skin carcinogenesis given its high sensitivity to the chemically induced acquisition of premalignant lesions, papillomas, and the later progression of these lesions into squamous cell carcinomas (SCC).^ The derivation of an inbred strain from the SENCAR stock called SSIN, that in spite of a high sensitivity to the development of papillomas lack the ability to transform these premalignant lesions into SCC, suggested that tumor promotion and progression were under the genetic control of different sets of genes.^ In the present study the nature of susceptibility to tumor progression was investigated. Analysis of F1 hybrids between the outbred SENCAR and SSIN mice suggested that there is at least one dominant gene responsible for susceptibility to tumor progression.^ Later development of another inbred strain from the outbred SENCAR stock, that had sensitivity to both tumor promotion and progression, allowed the formulation of a more accurate genetic model. Using this newly derived line, SENCAR B/Pt. and SSIN it was determined that there is one dominant tumor progression susceptibility gene. Linkage analysis showed that this gene maps to mouse chromosome 14 and it was possible to narrow the region to a 16 cM interval.^ In order to better characterize the nature of the progression susceptibility differences between these two strains, their proliferative pattern was investigated. It was found that SENCAR B/Pt, have an enlarged proliferative compartment with overexpression of cyclin D1, p16 and p21. Further studies showed an aberrant overexpression of TGF-$\beta$ in the susceptible strain, an increase in apoptosis, p53 protein accumulation and early loss of connexin 26. These results taken together suggest that papillomas in the SENCAR B/Pt. mice have higher proliferation and may have an increase in genomic instability, these two factors would contribute to a higher sensitivity to tumor progression. ^
The histone acetyltransferase, GCN5, is essential for survival of mice during embryogenesis. GCN5 null embryos die early during development due to increased apoptosis. We have demonstrated that the increased apoptosis in associated with increased p53 protein levels. Loss of p53 rescues the embryonic apoptosis in the GCN5 null embryos. These results raised the question of what molecular trigger leads to p53 stabilization and cell death in the absence of GCN5. p53 is generally referred to as the gatekeeper of the cell, monitoring cellular responses to DNA damage, genotoxic stress, and other unfavorable conditions in the cell. Therefore, we examined individual cells in wild type and mutant embryos for gross chromosomal aberrations that might trigger a genome integrity checkpoint. Karyotype analysis indicates that approximately 30% of the cells in an E8.5 GCN5 null embryo display chromosomal aberrations, predominantly chromosomal end adhesions and associations. In wild type E8.5 embryos, only 6% of the cells have chromosomal aberrations. Recent data using telomeric FISH demonstrates that cells from GCN5 null embryos have a decreased telomeric signal. Telomere maintenance is essential for maintaining genome integrity. Telomeric defects are associated with loss of chromosomes and chromosomal rearrangements that can lead to detrimental gene fusions involved in many types of cancers. Little is known about the chromatin structures present near the telomeric ends, or whether any of the telomere-associated proteins are subject to post-translational modification such as acetylation. Our results are the first data to demonstrate the involvement of a histone acetyltransferase, GCN5, in maintaining genome integrity through telomere maintenance and/or capping. ^
Cytochromes P450 catalyze a monooxygenase reaction in which molecular oxygen is split and one oxygen atom is incorporated into the substrate. As a whole, P450 researchers have focused most of their attention on substrate metabolism and relatively little on how these enzymes are regulated. This study will focus on the regulation of two P450 isoforms known as, CYP2D6 and CYP4F11. ^ The human CYP2D gene locus contains two pseudogenes and one functional gene known as CYP2D6. This locus is highly polymorphic and produces several alternatively spliced transcripts from the pseudogene CYP2D7. My objective was to understand the role of SV5-in (splice variant 5), one of several alternative splice variants transcribed from the CYP2D7 pseudogene. My results indicate that SV5-in mRNA causes an increase in CYP2D6 protein levels and suggest that there is a role for SV5-in in regulation of CYP2D6 expression. ^ Second, CYP4F11 is a recently discovered and uncharacterized isoform, derived from the CYP4F subfamily. It metabolizes several clinically relevant drugs (i.e.—erythromycin and benzphetamine) and some endogenous inflammatory mediators (i.e.—LTB4). After evaluation of microarray data, I observed an increase in CYP4F11 mRNA levels from wild-type HCT116 cells compared to p53-null cells. Our objectives were to explore and understand this connection between p53 and CYP4F11. Microarray data were confirmed by Q-PCR, after which this effect was again observed at the protein level via Western blot and again at the promoter level via luciferase assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Our results indicate that p53 protein regulates expression of CYP4F11 mRNA and protein through CYP4F11 promoter binding (note that p53 binding to CYP4F11 DNA was not shown to be direct). These results signify a whole new level of regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes by p53. ^ An understanding of CYP4F11 regulation by p53 could help us understand another pathway leading to apoptosis or cell growth arrest. This can aid future drug studies and discover new drug metabolism pathways under the control of a tumor suppressor protein. An understanding of the CYP2D6 regulation pathway could illuminate the role of non-coding RNAs in the P450 field and potentially explain several inter-individual drug response variations observed in clinical medicine that are not yet completely explained by genotyping analysis. ^
This dissertation examines the biological functions and the regulation of expression of DNA ligase I by studying its expression under different conditions.^ The gene expression of DNA ligase I was induced two- to four-fold in S-phase lymphoblastoid cells but was decreased to 15% of control after administration of a DNA damaging agent, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide. When cells were induced into differentiation, the expression level of DNA ligase I was decreased to less than 15% of that of the control cells. When the gene of DNA ligase I was examined for tissue specific expression in adult rats, high levels of DNA ligase I mRNA were observed in testis (8-fold), intermediate levels in ovary and brain (4-fold), and low levels were found in intestine, spleen, and liver (1- to 2-fold).^ In confluent cells of normal skin fibroblasts, UV irradiation induced the gene expression of DNA ligase I at 24 and 48 h. The induction of DNA ligase I gene expression requires active p53 protein. Introducing a vector containing the wild type p53 protein in the cells caused an induction of the DNA ligase I protein 24 h after the treatment.^ Our results indicate that, in addition to the regulation by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation, cellular DNA ligase I activity can be regulated at the gene transcription level, and the p53 tumor suppresser is one of the transcription factors for the DNA ligase I gene. Also, our results suggest that DNA ligase I is involved in DNA repair as well as in DNA replication.^ Also, as an early attempt to clone the human homolog of the yeast CDC9 gene which has been shown to be involved in DNA replication, DNA repair, and DNA recombination, we have identified a human gene with mRNA of 1.7 kb. This dissertation studies the gene regulation and the possible biological functions of this new human gene by examining its expression at different stages of the cell cycle, during cell differentiation, and in cellular response to DNA damage.^ The new gene that we recently identified from human cells is highly expressed in brain and reproductive organs (BRE). This BRE gene encodes an mRNA of 1.7-1.9 kb, with an open reading frame of 1,149 bp, and gives rise to a deduced polypeptide of 383 amino acid residues. No extensive homology was found between BRE and sequences from the EMBL-Gene Banks. BRE showed tissue-specific expression in adult rats. The steady state mRNA levels were high in testis (5-6 fold), ovary and brain (3-4 fold) compared to the spleen level, but low in intestine and liver (1-2 fold). The expression of this gene is responsive to DNA damage and/or retinoic acid (RA) treatment. Treatment of fibroblast cells with UV irradiation and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide caused more than 90% and 50% decreases in BRE mRNA, respectively. Similar decreases in BRE expression were observed after treatment of the brain glioma cell line U-251 and the promyelocytic cell line HL-60 with retinoic acid. (Abstract shortened by UMI). ^
Inbred 129 strain mice are predisposed to developing male germ cell tumors (GCTs) of the testes. The inherent genetic defects that underlie male GCT susceptibility in the 129 mouse strain are unknown. GCT incidence is increased in 129 strain males that lack functional p53 protein, and we have used this finding to facilitate the generation of panels of GCT-bearing intercross and backcross mice for genetic mapping analysis. A 129 strain locus, designated pgct1, that segregates with the male GCT phenotype has been identified on chromosome 13 near D13Mit188. This region of murine chromosome 13 may be syntenic to a portion of human chromosome 5q that is implicated in male GCT susceptibility in humans.