898 resultados para Osteoporosis


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Background : Although the association between lower socioeconomic status (SES) and obesity in women in developed countries is well-documented, current evidence regarding the relationship between obesity in men and area-based SES (equivalised for advantage and disadvantage) is inconsistent. Therefore, we aimed to examine obesity, lifestyle behaviours, physical activity in different domains and demographics in men using area-based SES.

Methods :
We performed a descriptive cross-sectional study of 1467 randomly selected white men (mean age 56 year (inter-quartile range (IQR) = 39–73 year)) recruited from the Barwon Statistical Division, South Western Victoria, Australia between 2001–06.

Results :
Age-adjusted BMI, waist circumference, % fat and lean mass and blood pressure were inversely associated with SES, with differences between low and upper SES (P for difference <0.05), independent of country of birth. Age-adjusted lifestyle behaviours associated with obesity and/or adverse health (especially cardiovascular disease), were also associated with lower SES.

Conclusions :
Subjects from lower SES had greater measures of obesity despite being more physically active at work, but were less likely to be physically active in the domains of sports and/or leisure. These findings suggest the possible influence of lifestyle behaviours and occupation upon obesity in men and should be investigated further.


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To determine the relationship between femoral neck geometry and the risk of hip fracture in post-menopausal Caucasian women, we conducted a retrospective study comparing the femoral neck dimensions of 62 hip fracture cases to those of 608 randomly selected controls. Measurements were made from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans (Lunar DPX-L), using the manufacturers ruler function, and included: hip axis length (HAL), femoral neck axis length (FNAL), femoral neck width (FNW), femoral shaft width (FSW), medial femoral shaft cortical thickness (FSCTmed), and lateral femoral shaft cortical thickness (FSCTlat). The fracture group was older (median age 78.3 years vs 73.8 years), lighter (median weight 59.9 kg vs 64.5 kg), and, after adjustment for age, taller (mean height 158.7±0.8 cm vs 156.7±0.2 cm) than the controls. Furthermore, bone mineral density was lower in this group (0.682±0.016 g/cm2 vs 0.791±0.006 g/cm2). After adjustment for age, bone mineral content (BMC) or height, hip fracture patients had greater FNW (up to 6.6%) and FSW (up to 6.3%) than did the controls. Each standard deviation increase in FNW and FSW was associated with a 1.7-fold (95% CI 1.3–2.3) and a 2.4-fold (95% CI 1.8–3.2) increase in the fracture risk, respectively. BMC-adjusted FNAL was greater in the fracture group (+2.1%) than in the controls, while the age-adjusted FSCTmed was reduced (–7.2%). There was a trend towards longer HAL (up to 2.1%) after adjustment for age or BMC, and thinner age-adjusted FSCTlat (–1.7%) in fracture patients that did not reach statistical significance. In multivariate analysis, the risk of hip fracture was predicted by the combination of age, FNW, FSW, BMC and FSCTmed. HAL was not analyzed because of the small number of HAL measurements among fracture cases. We conclude that post-menopausal women with hip fractures have wider femoral necks and shafts, thinner femoral cortices and longer femoral neck axis lengths than do women with no fractures. Alteration in hip geometry is associated with the risk of hip fracture.


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Summary : A large population-based random sample of Australian white men was used to provide normative bone mineral density (BMD) data at multiple anatomical sites. The femoral neck BMD data are very similar to those obtained in USA non-Hispanic white males participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES III). The reference ranges will be suitable for similar populations.

Introduction : To provide normative BMD data for Australian men derived from a large population-based random sample.

Methods :
An age-stratified random sample of men was recruited from the Australian electoral rolls (n = 1,467 aged 20–97 years). BMD was quantified at multiple sites using Lunar densitometers.

Results : Age-related differences in BMD were best predicted by linear relationships at the spine and hip and by quadratic functions at the whole body and forearm. At the spine, a small age-related increase in mean BMD was observed. Although in the subset with no spinal abnormalities, there was a decrease of 0.003 g/cm2 per year from age 20. At the hip sites, mean BMD decreased at 0.001–0.006 g/cm2 per year from age 20. At the forearm and whole body, BMD peaked at 41–47 years. Apart from a small difference in men greater than or equal to 80 years, the Australian femoral neck BMD data are not different to those obtained in USA non-Hispanic white males participating in NHANES III and were generally similar to those of large studies from Canada (CaMos) and Spain.

Conclusions :
These data supply BMD reference ranges at multiple anatomical sites that will be applicable to white Australian men and similar populations such as USA non-Hispanic white men.


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To the Editor: Few reports have been published on bone mineral density (BMD) among randomly sampled populations. Organisations such as Osteoporosis Australia and the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society rely on research to supply reliable data that are representative of the Australian community. This information informs practitioners, researchers and policymakers of the size of the problem of osteoporosis in Australia. Our study aimed to document the proportion of individuals who have reduced BMD.


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To evaluate the prevalence of osteoporosis at various sites among Australian women, cross-sectional bone mineral density (BMD) data for adult females was obtained from an age-stratified population-based sample (n = 1494; 20–94 yr) drawn at random from the Barwon Statistical Division, a population characteristic of Australia. Age- and weight- (and for three sites, height) matched reference ranges for BMD at the lumbar spine, proximal femur, forearm, and total body were developed using regression techniques. The cutoff BMD level for osteoporosis at the PA spine was 0.917 g/cm2 and 0.713 g/cm2 at the femoral neck according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The upper cutoff level for osteopenia was 1.128 g/cm2 at the PA spine and 0.913 g/cm2 for the femoral neck. The proportion of Australian women categorized as having osteoporosis at the PA spine, femoral neck, or midforearm ranged from 0.9% among those aged 40–44 yr to 87.0% for those older than 79 yr. This study provides reference data representative of the Australian female population. A large proportion of elderly Australian women has osteoporosis according to the WHO guidelines.


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Bone densitometry reports a measure of fracture risk in comparison with young adults (T-scores) and age-matched peers (Z-scores). To date, each manufacturer has provided its own reference range resulting in lack of uniformity. The Australia and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society and Osteoporosis Australia have recognized the need to standardize the reference range and have recommended that data generated by the Geelong Osteoporosis Study (GOS) be used Australia-wide. The GOS recruited a random, population-based sample of adult women and measured bone mineral density (BMD) at the proximal femur and spine using a Lunar DPX-L. These data were used to establish reference ranges for Lunar machines and, using conversion equations, for Norland and Hologic machines. The new standardized Australian reference ranges for BMD will enable consistent diagnosis of osteoporosis and categorization of fracture risk across different types of densitometers.


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Purpose: To develop and evaluate a fracture risk (FRISK) score based on multiple-site bone mineral density (BMD) measurements and other risk factors, to enable prediction of future fracture occurrence.

Materials and Methods:
All participants gave written informed consent, and the study was approved by the Barwon Health Research and Ethics Advisory Committee. BMD was measured at the femoral neck and spine in two concurrently recruited groups: women 60 years of age or older who had sustained a low-trauma fracture of the hip, spine, humerus or distal forearm during a 2-year ascertainment period (n = 231; mean age, 74 years ± 7 [standard deviation]) and a population-based random sample of women who had not sustained a fracture during the recruitment period (n = 448; mean age, 72 years ± 8). Falls in the previous year and the number of self-reported fractures in adult life were recorded. Coefficients of a multiple logistic regression model were used as weightings for a combined model. A longitudinal population-based sample was used to assess the fracture risk equation (n = 600; median age, 74 years; interquartile range, 67–82 years).

The FRISK score was obtained from the following equation: 9.304 − 4.735BMDSP − 4.530BMDFN + 1.127FS + 0.344NPF + 0.037W, where BMDSP is spinal BMD (in grams per square centimeter), BMDFN is femoral neck BMD, FS is falls score, NPF is number of previous fractures, and W is weight (in kilograms). The FRISK score successfully predicted 75% of fractures 2 years after baseline measurements in subjects in the longitudinal study with 68% specificity.

This study resulted in the derivation of a fracture risk score that successfully predicted 75% of fractures 2 years after baseline.


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Fracture risk is determined by bone mineral density (BMD). The T-score, a measure of fracture risk, is the position of an individual's BMD in relation to a reference range. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude of change in the T-score when different sampling techniques were used to produce the reference range. Reference ranges were derived from three samples, drawn from the same region: (1) an age-stratified population-based random sample, (2) unselected volunteers, and (3) a selected healthy subset of the population-based sample with no diseases or drugs known to affect bone. T-scores were calculated using the three reference ranges for a cohort of women who had sustained a fracture and as a group had a low mean BMD (ages 35-72 yr; n = 484). For most comparisons, the T-scores for the fracture cohort were more negative using the population reference range. The difference in T-scores reached 1.0 SD. The proportion of the fracture cohort classified as having osteoporosis at the spine was 26, 14, and 23% when the population, volunteer, and healthy reference ranges were applied, respectively. The use of inappropriate reference ranges results in substantial changes to T-scores and may lead to inappropriate management.


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Osteoporosis, in the absence of fracture, is defined as a deficit in bone mineral density (BMD) of 2.5 SD or more below the young adult reference mean in postmenopausal Caucasian populations. BMD is a measure of fracture risk but not the sole predictor. We have assessed a combination of easily accessible measures of age, height, weight, and BMD to improve fracture risk assessment. Women with low trauma fractures and a control group were recruited from south-eastern Australia. Discriminant analysis derived multivariate equations that assessed fracture risk. Age was not in the best models at the spine and forearm sites. Weight and height contributed to the relationship for the forearm sites only. At the proximal femur, the BMD level that separates fracture cases from nonfracture cases, increases with age. These separation levels of BMD were higher than the WHO's level of osteoporosis (T-score < −2.5 SD) at ages older than 62 years. This increasing BMD threshold with age suggests that other age-related risk factors assume increasing importance among the elderly.