976 resultados para Oregano extracts


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Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) targeting shikonin, a potent antioxidant and wound healing agent, have been prepared using methacrylic acid (MAA) and 2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA) as functional monomers. An investigation of solution association between shikonin and both acidic and basic functional monomers by UV-Vis titrations, suggested stronger affinity towards the basic functionality. Strong inhibition of the co-polymerisation reaction of such basic monomers was observed, but was overcome by reduction of the amount of template used during polymer synthesis. Polymer morphology was severely impacted by the template’s radical scavenging behaviour as demonstrated by solid state NMR spectroscopy measurements. HPLC evaluation of the final materials in polar conditions revealed limited imprinting effects and selectivity, with the MAA polymers exhibiting marginally better performance. During application of the polymers as MI-SPE sorbents in non-polar solvents it was found that the DEAEMA based polymer was more selective towards shikonin compared to the MAA counterpart, while shikonin recoveries of up to 72% were achieved from hexane solutions of a commercial sample of shikonin, hexane extract of Alkanna tinctoria roots and a commercial pharmaceutical ointment.


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A lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) has been developed and fully validated to detect the primary amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxin, domoic acid (DA). The performance characteristics of two versions of the test were investigated using spiked and naturally contaminated shellfish (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, and cockles). The tests provide a qualitative result, to indicate the absence or presence of DA in extracts of shellfish tissues, at concentrations that are relevant to regulatory limits. The new rapid assay (LFIA version 2) was designed to overcome the performance limitations identified in the first version of the assay. The improved test uses an electronic reader to remove the subjective nature of the generated results, and the positive cut-off for screening of DA in shellfish was increased from 10 ppm (version 1) to 17.5 ppm (version 2). A simple extraction and test procedure was employed, which required minimal equipment and materials; results were available 15 min after sample preparation. Stability of the aqueous extracts at room temperature (22 C) at four time points (up to 245 min after extraction) and across a range of DA concentrations was 100.3±1.3% and 98.8±2.4% for pre- and post-buffered extracts, respectively. The assay can be used both within laboratory settings and in remote locations. The accuracy of the new assay, to indicate negative results at or below 10 ppm DA, and positive results at or above 17.5 ppm, was 99.5% (n=216 tests). Validation data were obtained from a 2-day, randomised, blind study consisting of multiple LFIA lots (n=3), readers (n=3) and operators (n=3), carrying out multiple extractions of mussel tissue (n=3) at each concentration (0, 10, 17.5, and 20 ppm). No matrix effects were observed on the performance of the assay with different species (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, and cockles). There was no impact on accuracy or interference from other phycotoxins, glutamic acid or glutamine with various strip incubations (8, 10, and 12 min). The accuracy of the assay, using naturally contaminated samples to indicate negative results at or below 12.5 ppm and positive results at or above 17.5 ppm, was 100%. Variability between three LFIA lots across a range of DA concentrations, expressed as coefficient of variation (% CV), was 1.1±0.4% (n=2 days) based on quantitative readings from the electronic reader. During an 8 week stability study, accuracy of the method with test strips stored at various temperatures (6, 22, 37 and 50 C) was 100%. Validation for both versions included comparisons with results obtained using reference LC-UV methods. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Background: Seaweeds are good sources of dietary fibre, which can influence glucose uptake and glycemic control.Objective: To investigate and compare the in vitro inhibitory activity of different extracts from Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame), Himanthalia elongata (Sea spaghetti) and Porphyra umbilicalis (Nori) on α-glucosidase activity and glucose diffusion.Methods: The in vitro effects chloroform-, ethanol- and water-soluble extracts of the three algae were assayed on α- glucosidase activity and glucose diffusion through membrane. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied to identify patterns in the data and to discriminate which extract will show the most proper effect.Results: Only water extracts of Sea spaghetti possessed significant in vitro inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase activity (26.2% less mmol/L glucose production than control, p < 0.05) at 75 min. PCA distinguished Sea spaghetti effects, supporting that soluble fibre and polyphenols were involved. After 6 h, Ethanol-Sea spaghetti and water-Wakame extracts exerted the highest inhibitory effects on glucose diffusion (65.0% and 60.2% vs control, respectively). This extracts displayed the lowest slopes for glucose diffusion-time lineal adjustments (68.2% and 62.8% vs control, respectively).Conclusions: The seaweed hypoglycemic effects appear multi-faceted and not necessarily concatenated. According to present results, ethanol and water extracts of Sea spaghetti, and water extracts of Wakame could be useful for the development of functional foods with specific hypoglycemic properties.


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Rai, D., Koidis, A., Rawson, A., McLouglin, P., Brunton, N. (2010). Characterisation of polyacetylenes in carrot extracts using electrospray ionisation quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry. Delegate CD-Rom PS2.8, EFFoST Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 10 -12/11/2010 (Poster).


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A single-step lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) was developed and validated for the rapid screening of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) from a variety of shellfish species, at concentrations relevant to regulatory limits of 800 μg STX-diHCl equivalents/kg shellfish meat. A simple aqueous extraction protocol was performed within several minutes from sample homogenate. The qualitative result was generated after a 5 min run time using a portable reader which removed subjectivity from data interpretation. The test was designed to generate noncompliant results with samples containing approximately 800 μg of STX-diHCl/kg. The cross-reactivities in relation to STX, expressed as mean ± SD, were as follows: NEO: 128.9% ± 29%; GTX1&4: 5.7% ± 1.5%; GTX2&3: 23.4% ± 10.4%; dcSTX: 55.6% ± 10.9%; dcNEO: 28.0% ± 8.9%; dcGTX2&3: 8.3% ± 2.7%; C1&C2: 3.1% ± 1.2%; GTX5: 23.3% ± 14.4% (n = 5 LFIA lots). There were no indications of matrix effects from the different samples evaluated (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, cockles) nor interference from other shellfish toxins (domoic acid, okadaic acid group). Naturally contaminated sample evaluations showed no false negative results were generated from a variety of different samples and profiles (n = 23), in comparison to reference methods (MBA method 959.08, LC-FD method 2005.06). External laboratory evaluations of naturally contaminated samples (n = 39) indicated good correlation with reference methods (MBA, LC-FD). This is the first LFIA which has been shown, through rigorous validation, to have the ability to detect most major PSTs in a reliable manner and will be a huge benefit to both industry and regulators, who need to perform rapid and reliable testing to ensure shellfish are safe to eat.


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Sheep on the island of North Ronaldsay (Orkney, UK) feed mostly on seaweed, which contains high concentrations of dimethylated arsenoribosides. Wool of these sheep contains dimethylated, monomethylated and inorganic arsenic, in addition to unidentified arsenic species in unbound and complexed form. Chromatographic techniques using different separation mechanisms and detectors enabled us to identify five arsenic species in water extracts of wool. The wool contained 5.2 ± 2.3 μg arsenic per gram wool. About 80% of the arsenic in wool was extracted by boiling the wool with water. The main species is dimethylarsenic, which accounted for about 75 to 85%, monomethylated arsenic at about 5% and the rest is inorganic arsenic. Depending on the separation method and condition, the chromatographic recovery of arsenic species was between 45% for the anion exchange column, 68% for the size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and 82% for the cation exchange column. The SEC revealed the occurrence of two unknown arsenic compounds, of which one was probably a high molecular mass species. Since chromatographic recovery can be improved by either treating the extract with CuCl/HCl (CAT: 90%) or longer storage of the sample (CAT: 105%), in particular for methylated arsenic species, it can be assumed that labile arsenic -protein-like coordination species occur in the extract, which cannot be speciated with conventional chromatographic methods. It is clear from our study of sheep wool that there can be different kinds of 'hidden' arsenic in biological matrices, depending on the extraction, separation and detection methods used. Hidden species can be defined as species that are not recordable by the detection system, not extractable or do not elute from chromatographic columns. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A single-step lateral flow immunoassay was developed and validated to detect okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysis toxins (DTXs), which cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. The performance characteristics of the test were investigated, in comparison to reference methods (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and/or bioassay), using both spiked and naturally contaminated shellfish. A portable reader was used to generate a qualitative result, indicating the absence or presence of OA-group toxins, at concentrations relevant to the maximum permitted level (MPL). Sample homogenates could be screened in 20 min (including extraction and assay time) for the presence of free toxins (OA, DTX1, DTX2). DTX3 detection could be included with the addition of a hydrolysis procedure. No matrix effects were observed from the species evaluated (mussels, scallops, oysters, and clams). Results from naturally contaminated samples (n = 72) indicated no false compliant results and no false noncompliant results at <50% MPL. Thus, the development of a new low-cost but highly effective tool for monitoring a range of important phycotoxins has been demonstrated.


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Fraud in the global food supply chain is becoming increasingly common due to the huge profits associated with this type of criminal activity. Food commodities and ingredients that are expensive and are part of complex supply chains are particularly vulnerable. Both herbs and spices fit these criteria perfectly and yet strategies to detect fraudulent adulteration are still far from robust. An FT-IR screening method coupled to data analysis using chemometrics and a second method using LC-HRMS were developed, with the latter detecting commonly used adulterants by biomarker identification. The two tier testing strategy was applied to 78 samples obtained from a variety of retail and on-line sources. There was 100% agreement between the two tests that over 24% of all samples tested had some form of adulterants present. The innovative strategy devised could potentially be used for testing the global supply chains for fraud in many different forms of herbs.


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Esta tese teve como objectivo estudar estratégias de conservação de pescado fresco, recorrendo ao uso de extractos e óleos essenciais de plantas e do processamento por alta pressão (HPP), usando filetes de robalo como um caso de estudo modelo. Relativamente aos extractos e óleos essenciais, avaliaram-se as suas propriedades antibacterianas e antioxidantes. Os extractos aquosos quente de poejo e de orégão e o óleo essencial de cravinho apresentaram a maior actividade antioxidante. Os óleos essenciais foram mais eficientes do que os extractos para inibir o crescimento das estirpes bacterianas testadas, tendo-se observado os menores valores de concentração mínima inibitória nos óleos essenciais de orégão, citronela, alho e orégão Espanhol. De seguida, estudou-se o efeito dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco tendo em conta critérios microbiológicos, químicos, físicos e sensoriais. A aplicação do óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol aumentou o tempo de vida útil dos filetes sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas não em termos sensoriais. A combinação dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão melhorou o efeito antioxidante e reduziu a intensidade do odor e a sua eficácia em relação às Enterobacteriaceae, comparando com o tratamento com óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol per se. No sentido de reduzir o odor conferido pelos óleos essenciais realizou-se um estudo de conservação para avaliar o efeito de películas com óleos essenciais (citronela, alho e tomilho) em filetes de robalo, recorrendo a uma teste de desafio bacteriano. As películas sem óleos essenciais aumentaram o tempo de vida útil sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas este efeito não foi observado com a incorporação dos óleos essenciais nas películas. Em relação ao HPP, testaram-se diversas condições (nível de pressão, tempo de pressurização e taxa de pressurização) e avaliaram-se os efeitos na actividade enzimática, na qualidade global e na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco. Em geral, o aumento do nível de pressão e do tempo de pressurização diminuiu a actividade da fosfatase ácida e das enzimas proteolíticas, a carga bacteriana e a capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto que os filetes ficaram mais brancos. O HPP revelou potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos: mais brancos, não translúcidos, mais firmes e com maior tempo de frescura e estabilidade microbiológica. Em conclusão, os óleos essenciais e o HPP têm potencial para conservar pescado fresco, devido aos seus efeitos na qualidade bacteriana. Ainda assim, mais esforços devem ser feitos no sentido de reduzir a transferência de odor dos óleos essenciais para o pescado e os efeitos do HPP no aspecto do pescado e na oxidação lipídica.


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Relevância etnofarmacológica: Artemisia gorgonum (Asteraceae), conhecida como “losna ou lorna”, é usada em Cabo Verde na medicina tradicional para o tratamento de inflamações, febre e gastroenterites. Estudos recentes sugerem que artimetina, isolada a partir de Artemisa gorgonum, poderia ser usada para o tratamento da malária devido à sua atividade antiplasmodial. Objetivo do estudo: Avaliação in vitro da atividade anti-microbiana e sinergética dos extratos hidroetanol (70%) e metanol de A. gorgonum (EHAG e EMAG) em bactérias do trato urinário e uma espécie de fungo. A atividade antioxidante dos extratos de hidroetanol (70%), metanol, clorofórmio e clorofórmio-metanol (1:2), e o efeito protetor de EHAG contra lesões hepáticas em ratos induzidos com CCl4 também foram analisados. Material e métodos: A atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos de A. gorgonum foi testada in vitro contra sete estirpes de microrganismos, incluindo bactérias Gram-positivas, Gram-negativas e uma espécie de fungo. O método DAA (Decimal assay for additivity) foi determinado para atividade antibacteriana do EHAG contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa. O efeito antioxidante in vitro de vários extratos de A. gorgonum foi analisado pelo método DPPH. A lesão hepática foi induzida por injeção intrapeitoral do CCl4. Seguidamente, os ratos foram administrados oralmente com EHAG, diariamente, por um período de 7 dias. Resultados e Discussão: Foi observada atividade antibacteriana dos extratos de EHAG e EMAG contra todos os microrganismos usados neste estudo. O crescimento das estirpes de Escherichia coli e Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi o mais inibido por ambos os extratos, apresentando valores significativos, enquanto o crescimento das estirpes S. aureus e Klebsiella spp. foi o menos afetado. Candida albicans foi inibida fortemente pelo EMAG. As combinações de extrato hidroetanólico com antibióticos demonstraram atividade antibacteriana sinergética contra todos os patogénicos testados. Em contrapartida, a combinação de extrato metanólico com antibióticos permitiu observar efeitos antagónicos contra todas as bactérias, exceto Klebsiella spp. que apresentou atividade sinérgica. O EHAG e EMAG mostraram efeito significativo na eliminação do radical DPPH. A atividade hepatoprotetora foi observada em ratos previamente administrados com CCl4. Estes estudos evidenciam os potenciais benefícios de A. gorgonum.


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Dissertação mest., Engenharia Biológica, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Cancer is a multistage process characterized by three stages: initiation, promotion and progression; and is one of the major killers worldwide. Oxidative stress acts as initiator in tumorigenesis; chronic inflammation promotes cancer; and apoptosis inactivation is an issue in cancer progression. In this study, it was investigated the antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antitumor properties of hexane, ether, chloroform, methanol and water extracts of five species of halophytes: A. macrostachyum, P. coronopus, J. acutus, C. edulis and A. halimus. Antioxidant activity was assessed by DPPH• and ABTS•+ methods, and the total phenolics content (TPC) was evaluated by the Folin-Ciocalteau method. The anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts was determined by the Griess method, and by evaluating the inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated RAW- 264.7 macrophages. The cytotoxic activity of the extracts against HepG2 and THP1 cell lines was estimated by the MTT assay, and the results obtained were further compared with the S17 non-tumor cell line. The induction of apoptosis of J. acutus ether extract was assessed by DAPI staining. The highest antioxidant activities was observed in C. edulis methanol and the J. acutus ether extracts against the DPPH• radical; and J. acutus ether and A. halimus ether extracts against the ABTS•+ radical. The methanol extracts of C. edulis and P. coronopus, and the ether extract of J. acutus revealed a high TPC. Generally the antioxidant activity had no correlation with the TPC. The A. halimus chloroform and P. coronopus hexane extracts demonstrated ability to reduce NO production in macrophages (> 50%), revealing their anti-inflammatory capacity. The ether extract of J. acutus showed high cytotoxicity against HepG2 cancer cells, with reduced cellular viability even at the lowest concentrations. This outcome was significantly lower than the obtained with the non-tumor cells (S17). This result was complemented by the induction of apoptosis.


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Total phenol, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, flavone/flavonol and flavanones/dihydroflavonol contents of hydro-alcoholic extracts, obtained by sonication, from the aerial parts of Artemisia campestris L., Anthemis arvensis L., Haloxylon scoparium Pomel, Juniperus phoenicea L., Arbutus unedo L., Cytisus monspessulanus L., Thymus algeriensis Boiss et Reut, Zizyphus lotus L (Desf.) collected in Djebel Amour (Sahara Atlas, Algeria) were quantified by spectrophotometric methods. The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from Artemisia campestris L. and Juniperus phoenicea I aerial parts were also evaluated by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The antioxidant activity of the extracts and essential oils was assessed measuring the capacity for preventing lipid peroxidation using two lipidic substrates (egg yolk and liposomes), the capacity for scavenging DPPH, ABTS, superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals and peroxyl radicals. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by measuring the capacity for inhibiting lipoxygenase. Reducing power and chelating capacity were also assayed. The results showed different amounts of total phenols depending on the method used: A. campestris extract had the highest levels of total phenols when the measurement was made at lambda = 280 nm, whereas H. scoparium and A. unedo extracts showed the highest levels of total phenols with Folin-Ciocalteau. C. monspessulanus had the highest levels of flavones/flavonols and flavanones/dihydroflavonols. The essential oils of A. campestris and J. phoenicea were mainly constituted by alpha-pinene, beta-pinene and sabinene; and a-pinene, respectively. The methods used for assaying the capacity for preventing lipid peroxidation revealed to be inadequate for extracts due to the great interferences detected. The essential oils were more active than the generality of extracts for scavenging peroxyl radicals and for inhibiting lipoxygenase, whereas A. unedo extract was the most active for scavenging ABTS, DPPH, superoxide anion radicals and it also had the best reducing capacity. In a general way, the great majority of the antioxidant activities correlated well with the phenol content although such correlation was not so clear with the flavonoid content. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Folk medicine is a relevant and effective part of indigenous healthcare systems which are, in practice, totally dependent on traditional healers. An outstanding coincidence between indigenous medicinal plant uses and scientifically proved pharmacological properties of several phytochemicals has been observed along the years. This work focused on the leaves of a medicinal plant traditionally used for therapeutic benefits (Angolan Cymbopogon citratus), in order to evaluate their nutritional value. The bioactive phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of leaf extracts prepared with different solvents (water, methanol and ethanol) were also evaluated. The plant leaves contained ~60% of carbohydrates, protein (~20%), fat (~5%), ash (~4%) and moisture (~9%). The phytochemicals screening revealed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, and terpenoids in all extracts. Methanolic extracts also contained alkaloids and steroids. Several methods were used to evaluate total antioxidant capacity of the different extracts (DPPH; NO; and H2O2 scavenging assays, reducing power, and FRAP). Ethanolic extracts presented a significantly higher antioxidant activity (p < 0.05) except for FRAP, in which the best results were achieved by the aqueous extracts. Methanolic extracts showed the lowest radical scavenging activities for both DPPH; and NO; radicals.