970 resultados para Ontology -- TFC


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In this paper we propose a novel unsupervised approach to learning domain-specific ontologies from large open-domain text collections. The method is based on the joint exploitation of Semantic Domains and Super Sense Tagging for Information Retrieval tasks. Our approach is able to retrieve domain specific terms and concepts while associating them with a set of high level ontological types, named supersenses, providing flat ontologies characterized by very high accuracy and pertinence to the domain.


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The Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium (http://www.geneontology.org) (GOC) continues to develop, maintain and use a set of structured, controlled vocabularies for the annotation of genes, gene products and sequences. The GO ontologies are expanding both in content and in structure. Several new relationship types have been introduced and used, along with existing relationships, to create links between and within the GO domains. These improve the representation of biology, facilitate querying, and allow GO developers to systematically check for and correct inconsistencies within the GO. Gene product annotation using GO continues to increase both in the number of total annotations and in species coverage. GO tools, such as OBO-Edit, an ontology-editing tool, and AmiGO, the GOC ontology browser, have seen major improvements in functionality, speed and ease of use.


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L'objectiu fonamental d'aquest treball és estudiar els conceptes bàsics de la web semàntica mitjançant l'estudi de dos sistemes de gestió de bases de dades (SGBD) utilitzats en el context de la web semàntica, OWLIM-Lite i Virtuoso, que ens permetran dissenyar i implementar una ontologia.


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Desenvolupament d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils


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Abstract Background: Many complex systems can be represented and analysed as networks. The recent availability of large-scale datasets, has made it possible to elucidate some of the organisational principles and rules that govern their function, robustness and evolution. However, one of the main limitations in using protein-protein interactions for function prediction is the availability of interaction data, especially for Mollicutes. If we could harness predicted interactions, such as those from a Protein-Protein Association Networks (PPAN), combining several protein-protein network function-inference methods with semantic similarity calculations, the use of protein-protein interactions for functional inference in this species would become more potentially useful. Results: In this work we show that using PPAN data combined with other approximations, such as functional module detection, orthology exploitation methods and Gene Ontology (GO)-based information measures helps to predict protein function in Mycoplasma genitalium. Conclusions: To our knowledge, the proposed method is the first that combines functional module detection among species, exploiting an orthology procedure and using information theory-based GO semantic similarity in PPAN of the Mycoplasma species. The results of an evaluation show a higher recall than previously reported methods that focused on only one organism network.


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La web semàntica ens pot facilitar i agilitzar l'aprenentatge o recerca d'informació a través de les relacions de conceptes que ens aporta gràcies a la utilització de les ontologies. Per a la creació de la nostra ontologia hem utilitzat el programa Protégé. Per al disseny de l'ontologia ens hem basat en les funcionalitats bàsiques del Twitter.


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El present treball exposa la planificació, disseny, anàlisi i arquitectura d'una aplicació creada amb tecnologia JEE. L'aplicació pretén ser una eina de suport psicològic a nens i nenes que tenen difícil accés a aquests professionals. La idea inicial es va inspirar en els infant d'un orfenat de Katmandú. Les tecnologies emprades per la realització del treball han estat Struts2, JSP i EJB3.0. Com a base de dades s'ha seleccionat MySQL, i el servidor d'aplicacions Jboss.


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Els present document te com objectiu detallar el procés que s¿ha dut a terme per la implementació d¿una aplicació que permeti a un esportista l¿enregistrament tant de entrenaments com competicions. Per la implementació de dita aplicació s¿ha escollit Java com a llenguatge de programació i concretament J2EE com la arquitectura a utilitzar.


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Desenvolupament d'una aplicació de gestió d'un videoclub amb Microsoft .NET (TFC).


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Treball final de carrera en ASP.NET i AJAX de una web de venta online de SAI's.


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The file contains the ontology created and instantiated according to a case study as well as a little explanation of the framework in which it is included.


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The paper argues that the formulation of quantum mechanics proposed by Ghirardi, Rimini and Weber (GRW) is a serious candidate for being a fundamental physical theory and explores its ontological commitments from this perspective. In particular, we propose to conceive of spatial superpositions of non-massless microsystems as dispositions or powers, more precisely propensities, to generate spontaneous localizations. We set out five reasons for this view, namely that (1) it provides for a clear sense in which quantum systems in entangled states possess properties even in the absence of definite values; (2) it vindicates objective, single-case probabilities; (3) it yields a clear transition from quantum to classical properties; (4) it enables to draw a clear distinction between purely mathematical and physical structures, and (5) it grounds the arrow of time in the time-irreversible manifestation of the propensities to localize.


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El següent document presenta la memòria del desenvolupament d¿una aplicació web per treball col·laboratiu sobre un portal de motos amb una plataforma d¿anuncis de compra-venda de motos, una secció de rutes i un blog de notícies del sector.


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TFC sobre la creación de una ontología para Twitter y el desarrollo de un plugin para la aplicación Protégé que permite cargar datos desde Twitter.