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The Borg, a collective of humanoid cyborgs linked together in a hive-mind and modeled on the earthly superorganisms of ant colonies and beehives, has been the most feared alien race in the Star Trek universe. The formidable success of the Borg in assimilating their foes corresponds to the astounding success of superorganisms in our own biosphere. Yet the Borg also serves as a metaphor for another collective of biological entities known as the corporation. In the Anthropocene epoch, corporations have become the most powerful force on the planet; their influence on the social world and the environment exceeds any government and may determine the continued sustainability of human life. Corporations have been described as people and as machines, but neither metaphor accurately describes their essence or contributes to an understanding that might resist their power. This paper reframes our understanding of the corporation by examining the metaphors that are used to describe it, and by suggesting an entirely new metaphor viewing the Borg and the corporation through the lens of sociobiology. I will argue that the corporation is a new form of superorganism that has become the dominant species on the planet and that the immense, intractable power of a globalized, corporate hive-mind has become the principal obstacle to addressing the planetary emergency of climate change. Reframing our metaphoric understanding of corporations as biological entities in the planetary biosphere may enable us to imagine ways to resist their increasing dominance and create a sustainable future.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito de um programa de exercícios na qualidade de vida em pacientes que tiveram câncer de mama. Metodologia: Foram diagnosticadas 29 mulheres com câncer de mama e tratadas com intuito de cura, sendo submetidas a dez semanas de exercícios aeróbios (caminhada ou corrida leve). Os exercícios foram realizados três vezes por semana. Para instrumentos no controle da intensidade dos exercícios se utilizou a escala de percepção de esforço de BORG e monitor de frequência cardíaca (POLAR FS-1). Para a avaliação dos estados de humor, utilizou-se o score POMS - Profile of Mood States no início da primeira semana e no final da décima semana do programa de exercícios. A qualidade de vida foi mensurada no início e no final do estudo através do score SF-36. Resultados: Com exceção da confusão mental (p= 0,123), todas as outras variáveis dos estados de humor do score POMS demonstraram melhoras significativas no final do trabalho (p< 0,05) e, também, as variáveis relacionadas aos aspectos físicos e psicológicos (p< 0,05). A capacidade aeróbia também aumentou significativamente (762,7m pré versus 1025,3m pós p< 0,05). O percentual de gordura corporal também sofreu influência positiva dos exercícios, indo de 30,9% no início do programa para 29,5% ao final (p< 0,05). Não foi detectada variação significativa no peso corporal das pacientes. Conclusão: De forma geral, os exercícios aeróbios demonstraram impactos positivos na melhora da qualidade de vida e nos estados de humor nas participantes deste estudo após dez semanas
This study tested the concurrent and construct validity of a newly developed OMNI-Kayak Scale, testing 8 male kayakers who performed a flatwater load-incremented ""shuttle"" test over a 500-m course and 3 estimation-production trials over a 1,000-m course. Velocity, blood lactate concentration, heart rate, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE), using the OMNI-Kayak RPE Scale and the Borg 6-20 Scale were recorded. OMNI-Kayak Scale RPE was highly correlated with velocity, the Borg 6-20 Scale RPE, blood lactate, and heart rate for both load-incremented test (rs=.87-.96), and estimation trials (rs=.75-.90). There were no significant differences among velocities, heart rate and blood lactate concentration between estimation and production trials. The OMNI-Kayak RPE Scale showed concurrent and construct validity in assessing perception of effort in flatwater kayaking and is a valid tool for self-regulation of exercise intensity.
Objective. - The aim of this study was to propose a new method that allows for the estimation of critical power (CP) from non-exhaustive tests using ratings of perceived exertion (RPE). Methods. - Twenty-two subjects underwent two practice trials for ergometer and Borg 15-point scale familiarization, and adaptation to severe exhaustive exercise. After then, four exercise bouts were performed on different days for the estimation of CP and anaerobic work capacity (AWC) by linear work-time equation, and CP(15), CP(17), AWC(15) and AWC(17) were estimated using the work and time to attainment of RPE15 and RPE17 based on the Borg 15-point scale. Results. - The CP, CP(15) and CP(17) (170-177W) were not significantly different (P>0.05). However, AWC, AWC(15) and AWC(17) were all different from each other. The correlations between CP(15) and CP(17), with CP were strong (R=0.871 and 0.911, respectively), but the AWC(15) and AWC(17) were not significantly correlated with AWC. Conclusion. - Sub-maximal. RPE responses can be used for the estimation of CP from non-exhaustive exercise protocols. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Background: The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a well-known instrument for assessing the functional capacity of a variety of groups, including the obese. It is a simple, low-cost and easily applied method to objectively assess the level of exercise capacity. The aim of the present study was to study the functional capacity of a severely obese population before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: A total of 51 patients were studied. Of the 51 patients, 86.2% were women, and the mean age was 40.9 +/- 9.2 years. All 51 patients were evaluated preoperatively and 49 were evaluated 7-12 months postoperatively. The initial body mass index was 51.1 +/- 9.2 kg/m(2), and the final body mass index was 28.2 +/- 8.1 kg/m(2). All patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The 6MWT was performed in a hospital corridor, with patients attempting to cover as much distance as they could, walking back and forth for as long as possible within 6 minutes at their regular pace. The total distance, Borg Scale of perceived exhaustion, modified Borg dyspnea scale for shortness of breath, and physical complaints at the end of the test were recorded. In addition, the heart rate and respiratory frequency were assessed before and after the test. Results: The tolerance was good, and no injuries occurred at either evaluation. The patients` mean distance for the 6MWT was 381.9 +/- 49.3 m before surgery and 467.8 +/- 40.3 m after surgery (p < .0001). Similar results were observed for the other parameters assessed. Conclusion: The 6MWT provided useful information about the functional status of the obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. A simple, safe, and powerful method to assess functional capacity of severely obese patients, the 6MWT is an objective test that might replace the conventional treadmill test for these types of patients. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2009;5:540-543.) (C) 2009 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.
Background: Impairment in pulmonary capacity due to pleural effusion compromises daily activity. Removal of fluid improves symptoms, but the impact, especially on exercise capacity, has not been determined. Methods: Twenty-five patients with unilateral pleural effusion documented by chest radiograph were included. The 6-min walk test, Borg modified dyspnea score, FVC, and FEV, were analyzed before and 48 h after the removal of large pleural effusions. Results: The mean fluid removed was 1,564 +/- 695 mL. After the procedure, values of FVC, FEV and 6-min walk distance increased (P<.001), whereas dyspnea decreased (P<.001). Statistical correlations (P<.001) between 6-min walk distance and FVC (r=0.725) and between 6-min walk distance and FEV, (r=0.661) were observed. Correlations also were observed between the deltas (prethoracentesis X postthoracentesis) of the 6-min walk test and the percentage of FVC (r=0.450) and of FEV, (r=0.472) divided by the volume of fluid removed (P<.05). Conclusion: In addition to the improvement in lung function after thoracentesis, the benefits of fluid removal are more evident in situations of exertion, allowing better readaptation of patients to routine activities. CHEST 2011; 139(6):1424-1429
Numerous studies have attempted to elucidate the cytokine networks involved in chronic periodontitis, often with conflicting results. A variety of techniques were used to study cells in situ, cells extracted from gingival tissues, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, purified cell populations, and T cell lines and clones. Bacterial components, including sonicates, killed cells, outer membrane components, and purified antigens, have all been used to stimulate cells in vitro, making comparisons of cytokine profiles difficult. As it is likely that different cells are present at different disease stages, the inability to determine disease activity clinically is a major limitation of all these studies. In the context of tissue destruction, cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6 and IL-18 are likely to be important, as are their regulating cytokines IL-10 and IL-11. In terms of the nature of the inflammatory infiltrate, two apparently conflicting hypotheses have emerged: one based on direct observations of human lesions, the other based on animal experimentation and the inability to demonstrate IL-4 mRNA in gingival extracts. In the first of these, Th1 responses are responsible for the stable lesion, while in the second Th2 responses are considered protective. Using Porphyromonas gingivalis specific T cell lines we have shown a tendency for IFN-gamma production rather than LL-I or IL-10 when antigen is presented with peripheral blood mononuclear cells which may contain dendritic cells. It is likely that the nature of the antigen-presenting cell is fundamental in determining the nature of the cytokine profile, which may in turn open up possibilities for new therapeutic modalities.
Time series of vertical sediment fluxes are derived from concentration time series in sheet flow under waves. While the concentrations C(z,t) vary very little with time for \z\ < 10d(50), the measured vertical sediment fluxes Q(zs)(z,t) vary strongly with time in this vertical band and their time variation follows, to some extent, the variation of the grain roughness Shields parameter 02,5(t). Thus, sediment distribution models based on the pickup function boundary condition are in some qualitative agreement with the measurements. However, the pickup function models are only able to model the upward bursts of sediment during the accelerating phases of the flow. They are, so far, unable to model the following strong downward sediment fluxes, which are observed during the periods of flow deceleration. Classical pickup functions, which essentially depend on the Shields parameter, are also incapable of modelling the secondary entrainment fluxes, which sometimes occur at free stream velocity reversal. The measured vertical fluxes indicate that the effective sediment settling velocity in the high [(0.3 < C(z,t) < 0.4] concentration area is typically only a few percent of the clear water settling velocity, while the measurements of Richardson and Jeronimo [Chem. Eng. Sci. 34 (1979) 1419], from a different physical setting, lead to estimates of the order 20%. The data does not support gradient diffusion as a model for sediment entrainment from the bed. That is, detailed modelling of the observed near-bed fluxes would require diffusivities that go negative during periods of flow deceleration. An observed general trend for concentration variability to increase with elevation close to the bed is also irreconcilable with diffusion models driven by a bottom boundary condition. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.