966 resultados para Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1


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The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling system plays a crucial role in human cancer and the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) is an attractive drug target against which a variety of novel anti-tumor agents are being developed. Deregulation of the IGF signaling pathway frequently occurs in human cancer and involves the establishment of autocrine loops comprising IGF-1 or IGF-2 and/or IGF-1R over-expression. Epidemiologic studies have documented a link between elevated IGF levels and the development of solid tumors, such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Anti-cancer strategies targeting the IGF signaling system involve two main approaches, namely neutralizing antibodies and small molecule inhibitors of the IGF-1R kinase activity. There are numerous reports describing anti-tumor activity of these agents in pre-clinical models of major human cancers. In addition, multiple clinical trials have started to evaluate the safety and efficacy of selected IGF-1R inhibitors, in combination with standard chemotherapeutic regimens or other targeted agents in cancer patients. In this mini review, I will discuss the role of the IGF signaling system in human cancer and the main strategies which have been so far evaluated to target the IGF-1R.


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The nuclear receptor liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1, NR5A2) is a crucial transcriptional regulator of many metabolic pathways. In addition, LRH-1 is expressed in intestinal crypt cells where it regulates the epithelial cell renewal and contributes to tumorigenesis through the induction of cell cycle proteins. We have recently identified the intestinal epithelium as an important extra-adrenal source of immunoregulatory glucocorticoids. We show here that LRH-1 promotes the expression of the steroidogenic enzymes and the synthesis of corticosterone in murine intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. Interestingly, LRH-1 is also essential for intestinal glucocorticoid synthesis in vivo, as LRH-1 haplo-insufficiency strongly reduces the intestinal expression of steroidogenic enzymes and glucocorticoid synthesis upon immunological stress. These results demonstrate for the first time a novel role for LRH-1 in the regulation of intestinal glucocorticoid synthesis and propose LRH-1 as an important regulator of intestinal tissue integrity and immune homeostasis.


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Members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family are critical players in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Although VEGF-A has been shown to exert fundamental functions in physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis, the exact role of the VEGF family member placental growth factor (PlGF) in tumor angiogenesis has remained controversial. To gain insight into PlGF function during tumor angiogenesis, we have generated transgenic mouse lines expressing human PlGF-1 in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans (Rip1PlGF-1). In single-transgenic Rip1PlGF-1 mice, intra-insular blood vessels are found highly dilated, whereas islet physiology is unaffected. Upon crossing of these mice with the Rip1Tag2 transgenic mouse model of pancreatic beta cell carcinogenesis, tumors of double-transgenic Rip1Tag2;Rip1PlGF-1 mice display reduced growth due to attenuated tumor angiogenesis. The coexpression of transgenic PlGF-1 and endogenous VEGF-A in the beta tumor cells of double-transgenic animals causes the formation of low-angiogenic hPlGF-1/mVEGF-A heterodimers at the expense of highly angiogenic mVEGF-A homodimers resulting in diminished tumor angiogenesis and reduced tumor infiltration by neutrophils, known to contribute to the angiogenic switch in Rip1Tag2 mice. The results indicate that the ratio between the expression levels of two members of the VEGF family of angiogenic factors, PlGF-1 and VEGF-A, determines the overall angiogenic activity and, thus, the extent of tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Genes encoding for some of the mitochondrial proteins are under the control of the transcriptional factor hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha), which can accumulate under normoxic conditions in inflammatory states. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of cobalt chloride (CoCl(2), a hypoxia mimicking agent), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and toll-like receptor (TLR) -2, -3 and -4 agonists on HIF-1 alpha accumulation, and further on HIF-1 alpha-mediated modulation of mitochondrial respiration in cultured human hepatocytes. METHODS: The human hepatoma cell line HepG2 was used in this study. Cells were treated with CoCl(2), TNF-alpha and TLR-2, -3 and -4 agonists. HIF-1 alpha was determined by Western blotting and mitochondrial respiration in stimulated cells by high-resolution respirometry. RESULTS: CoCl(2), TNF-alpha and TLR agonists induced the expression of HIF-1 alpha in a time-dependent fashion. TNF-alpha and CoCl(2), but not TLR agonists, induced a reduction in complex I-, II- and IV-dependent mitochondrial oxygen consumption. TNF-alpha-associated reduction of cellular oxygen consumption was abolished through inhibition of HIF-1 alpha activity by chetomin (CTM). Pretreatment with cyclosporine A prevented CoCl(2)-induced reduction of complex I- and II-dependent mitochondrial oxygen consumption and TNF-alpha-induced reduction of complex-I-dependent respiration, implicating the involvement of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore openings. TNF-alpha and TLR-2, -3 and -4 agonists induced the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, which was partially abolished by the blockage of HIF-1 alpha with CTM. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that HIF-1 alpha modulates mitochondrial respiration during CoCl(2) and TNF-alpha stimulation, whereas it has no effect when induced with TLR-2, -3 and -4 agonists.


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides with a characteristic tree-looped trefoil structure. TFFs are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract where they play a critical role in the function of the mucosal barrier. TFF1 has been suggested as a neuropeptide, but not much is known about its expression and function in the central nervous system. We investigated the expression of TFF1 in the developing and adult rat midbrain. In the adult ventral mesencephalon, TFF1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells were predominantly found in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and in periaqueductal areas. While around 90% of the TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), only a subpopulation of the TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1. Some TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed the calcium-binding proteins calbindin or calretinin and nearly all were NeuN-ir confirming a neuronal phenotype, which was supported by lack of co-localization with the astroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Interestingly, at postnatal (P) day 7 and P14, a significantly higher proportion of TH-ir neurons in the SNc co-expressed TFF1 as compared to P21. In contrast, the proportion of TFF1-ir cells expressing TH remained unchanged during postnatal development. Furthermore, significantly more TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1 in the SNc, compared to the VTA at all four time-points investigated. Injection of the tracer fluorogold into the striatum of adult rats resulted in retrograde labeling of several TFF1 expressing cells in the SNc showing that a significant fraction of the TFF1-ir cells were projection neurons. This was also reflected by unilateral loss of TFF1-ir cells in SNc of 6-hydroxylase-lesioned hemiparkinsonian rats. In conclusion, we show for the first time that distinct subpopulations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and that this expression pattern is altered in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.


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The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. We will measure the Earth ' s gravitational acceleration g with antihydrogen atoms being launched in a horizontal vacuum tube and traversing a moiré de fl ectometer. We intend to use a position sensitive device made of nuclear emulsions (combined with a time-of- fl ight detector such as silicon μ strips) to measure precisely their annihilation points at the end of the tube. The goal is to determine g with a 1% relative accuracy. In 2012 we tested emulsion fi lms in vacuum and at room temperature with low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. First results on the expected performance for AEgIS are presented


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Chordoid glioma of the third ventricle is a rare neuroepithelial tumor characterized by a unique histomorphology and exclusive association with the suprasellar/third ventricular compartment. Variously interpreted as either astrocytic- or ependymal-like, and speculatively ascribed to the lamina terminalis/subcommissural organ, its histogenesis remains, nevertheless, unsettled. Here, we report on a suprasellar chordoid glioma occurring in a 52-year-old man. Although displaying otherwise typical morphological features, the tumor was notable for expression of thyroid transcription factor 1, a marker of tumors of pituicytic origin in the context of the sellar region. We furthermore found overlapping immunoprofiles of this example of chordoid glioma and pituicytic tumors (pituicytoma and spindle cell oncocytoma), respectively. Specifically, phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6, a marker of mTOR pathway activation, was expressed in both groups. Based on these findings, we suggest that chordoid glioma and pituicytic tumors may form part of a spectrum of lineage-related neoplasms of the basal forebrain.


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides that are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. Notably, TFF1 has been suggested to operate as a neuropeptide, however, its specific cellular expression, regulation and function remain largely unknown. We have previously shown that TFF1 is expressed in developing and adult rat ventral mesencephalic tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons. Here, we investigated the expression of TFF1 in rat ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons (embryonic day 14) grown in culture for 5, 7 or 10 days in the absence (controls) or presence of either glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), Forskolin or the combination. No TFF1-ir cells were identified at day 5 and only a few at day 7, whereas TH was markedly expressed at both time points. At day 10, several TFF1-ir cells were detected, and their numbers were significantly increased after the addition of GDNF (2.2-fold) or Forskolin (4.1-fold) compared to controls. Furthermore, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin had an additive effect and increased the number of TFF1-ir cells by 5.6-fold compared to controls. TFF1 expression was restricted to neuronal cells, and the percentage of TH/TFF1 co-expressing cells was increased to the same extent in GDNF and Forskolin-treated cultures (4-fold) as compared to controls. Interestingly, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin resulted in a significantly increased co-expression (8-fold) of TH/TFF1, which could indicate that GDNF and Forskolin targeted different subpopulations of TH/TFF1 neurons. Short-term treatment with Forskolin resulted in an increased number of TFF1-ir cells, and this effect was significantly reduced by the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 or the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H89, suggesting that Forskolin induced TFF1 expression through diverse signaling pathways. In conclusion, distinct populations of cultured dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and their numbers can be increased by factors known to influence survival and differentiation of dopaminergic cells.