1000 resultados para North Dakota


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本文选取不同放牧率下的优势植物为研究对象,主要从植物解剖结构和化学成分方面,对内蒙古典型草原和北美混合普列里草原的放牧演替机制进行探讨,这将有助于进一步揭示放牧演替过程及其主要植物对放牧的适应机理。具体研究结果如下: 1. 长期不同放牧率的放牧(内蒙古典型草原区放牧15年和混合普列里草原放牧19年)对所有物种(IMGERS的羊草(Leymus chinensis)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、扁蓿豆(Melissitus rutenica)、小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)和星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)和CGREC的Artemisia frgida ,Poa pratensis, Agropyron smithii,Solidago rigida, Helianthus rigidus和Symphoricarpos occidentalis)叶片的角质层厚度、表皮细胞面积、叶肉细胞面积、栅栏/海绵组织厚度、叶片厚度、中脉厚度均产生显著影响;放牧显著影响了两个研究区不同生活型功能群植物叶片的角质层厚度、表皮细胞面积、叶肉面积、栅栏/海绵组织和中脉厚度。内蒙古典型草原研究区草本植物功能群的叶片下角质层厚度、栅栏/海绵组织厚度显著大于灌木功能群,而美国混合普列里草原研究区,草本植物功能群的叶片下角质层厚度、表皮细胞面积、叶肉细胞面积、栅栏/海绵组织厚度、叶片厚度、中脉厚度均显著大于灌木功能群。 2. 内蒙古典型草原研究区放牧率显著影响了糙隐子草和小叶锦鸡儿的比叶面积(SLA);在美国混合普列里草原研究区,放牧率显著影响了冷蒿SLA。但对生活型功能群的SLA影响不显著。 3. 内蒙古典型草原研究区放牧对物种叶片叶绿素含量、纤维素含量影响显著,放牧仅显著增加了扁蓿豆叶片的含氮量。美国混合普列里草原研究区物种叶片的全碳、干物质、酸性洗涤纤维、叶绿素a+b含量受放牧率的显著影响。两研究区放牧率对叶片叶绿素a+b含量影响显著。放牧率也显著影响了不同生活型功能群的全碳含量和叶绿素a+b含量。 4. 两研究区叶片表皮细胞面积和叶肉细胞面积无牧和重牧下显著正相关,表皮细胞面积和叶片厚度在轻牧下显著正相关,叶肉细胞面积和叶片厚度在无牧、中牧和重牧下显著正相关,比叶面积和叶绿素a+b含量在轻牧下显著正相关。扁蓿豆叶片的表皮细胞面积和叶肉细胞面积间存在显著的正相关,其全碳含量和叶绿素a+b含量间存在显著的正相关;Artemisia frgida叶片的角质层厚度和叶片厚度间显著正相关,Poa pratensis叶片的角质层厚度和表皮细胞面积间显著负相关,Solidago rigida叶片表皮细胞面积和光合速率显著正相关。Helianthus rigidus叶片叶肉细胞面积和叶片厚度显著负相关。


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The interactions of coal with CO2 at pressures of up to 30 bar concerning mechanisms of diffusion, the strength of interactions, and the irreversibility of uptake for the permanent disposal of CO2 into coal fields have been studied. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate coal/CO2 interactions for North Dakota, Wyodak, Illinois No. 6, and Pittsburgh No. 8 coals. It was found that the first interactions of CO2 with coals led to strongly bound carbon dioxide on coal. Energy values attributed to the irreversible storage capacity for CO2 on coals were determined. The lowest irreversible sorption energy was found for North Dakota coal (0.44 J/g), and the highest value was for the Illinois No. 6 coal (8.93 J/g). The effect of high-pressure CO2 on the macromolecular structure of coal was also studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that the temperature of the second-order phase transition of Wyodak coal decreases with an increase in CO2 pressure significantly, indicating that high-pressure CO2 diffuses through the coal matrix, causes significant plasticization effects, and changes the macromolecular structure of the Wyodak coal. Desorption characteristics of CO2 from the Pittsburgh No. 8 coal were studied by temperature-programmed desorption mass spectrometry. It was found that CO2 desorption from the coal is an activated process and follows a first-order kinetic model. The activation energy for CO2 desorption from the Pittsburgh No. 8 coal increased with the preadsorbed CO2 pressure, indicating that CO2 binds more strongly and demands more energy to desorb from the Pittsburgh No. 8 coal at higher pressures.


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Análisis del riesgo de oportunismo del gobierno Colombiano planteado por el diseño institucional y normativo de la CREG, y favorecido por una notoria concentración de calidades en cabeza del Estado Colombiano como agente de mercado y regulador.


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Agriculture, particularly intensive crop production, makes a significant contribution to environmental pollution. A variety of canola (Brassica napus) has been genetically modified to enhance nitrogen use efficiency, effectively reducing the amount of fertilizer required for crop production. A partial life-cycle assessment adapted to crop production was used to assess the potential environmental impacts of growing genetically modified, nitrogen use-efficient (GMNUE) canola in North Dakota and Minnesota compared with a conventionally bred control variety. The analysis took into account the entire production system used to produce 1 tonne of canola. This comprised raw material extraction, processing and transportation, as well as all agricultural field operations. All emissions associated with the production of 1 tonne of canola were listed, aggregated and weighted in order to calculate the level of environmental impact. The findings show that there are a range of potential environmental benefits associated with growing GMNUE canola. These include reduced impacts on global warming, freshwater ecotoxicity, eutrophication and acidification. Given the large areas of canola grown in North America and, in particular, Canada, as well as the wide acceptance of genetically modified varieties in this area, there is the potential for GMNUE canola to reduce pollution from agriculture, with the largest reductions predicted to be in greenhouse gases and diffuse water pollution.


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The idea for this paper came to me when I was consulted on the architectural plans of a school. At that time I was also preparing a lecture on "how students learn" for my undergraduate teacher education students. My research took me beyond my usual educational texts to what neuroscientists and brain researchers were saying about learning. In this paper I suggest what a school may look like if this research is taken into account.


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The original idea of using a trench for the storing of ensilage seems to have been the outgrowth of the practice long used in several European countries of storing clover and beet tops in pits. Shortly after the World War, western Canada followed by Montana and North Dakota began to use the trench silo. In Nebraska the true trench silo made its appearance about 1925 or 1926. The trench silo as described in this circular, unless lined with some permanent material such as brick, concrete or stone, must be considered a temporary structure which will serve for a few years only and then must be discarded or rebuilt. In an emergency it will save a crop even though the farmer has little capital to expend other than his own labor.


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Many rural communities focus their development efforts on job creation. In the non-metropolitan portions of the Northern Great Plains, job creation efforts in the first half of this decade were quite successful. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA, 2005), 167 of the 223 non-metropolitan counties in Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota saw an actual aggregate increase in total jobs (full and part-time) of 28,734, between the years 2001 and 2005.


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H5N1 Influenza Virus in Wild Birds: A Fact Sheet Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 and Wild Birds What are avian influenza viruses? What is a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus? What is “Bird Flu” and what is “HPAI H5N1”? What do we know about avian influenza viruses in wild birds? Do we have HPAI H5N1 in North America? Is there currently a public health risk associated with HPAI H5N1 in wild birds? Is there a domestic animal health risk associated with HPAI in wild birds? What is the possibility of HPAI H5N1 entering North America via migratory wild birds? What is the possibility of this virus being maintained in wild bird populations? Do we have surveillance for HPAI H5N1 in the United States? Additional information on HPAI can be found at these websites: The recognized geographic and species distribution of chronic wasting disease (CWD) has expanded since early September 2005 to include Hampshire County in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia National Fish and Wildlife Health Initiative Guiding Principles Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) virus was isolated from seven white-tailed deer in southwestern Michigan during September 2005 During the past summer, more than 500 head of livestock in North Dakota and South Dakota were lost to one of the largest recorded anthrax outbreaks in U.S. history. Most of the losses were in cattle, but horses, bison, and farm-reared elk also were affected. Dr. John Fischer, Director of SCWDS, has received this year’s Special Recognition Award from the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA). Dr. William Randolph Davidson is retiring in November 2005.


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The intensive postwar search for new petroleum horizons has resulted in widespread prospecting in the northern Great Plains. No commercial production has as yet been derived from Ordovician or Devonian rocks in Montana, but the relat­ively few tests that have penetrated to critical depths have disclosed encouraging conditions which merit further consider­ation, especially in Devonian strata.


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The Fort Union and Lance formations are widespread terrestrial sediments exposed in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Canada. Their stratigraphic position, especially that of the Lance, has long been in doubt, and has provoked much controversy among geologists.


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Nine Iowa State University veterinary medical students completed SPA records on herds from Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. The Iowa herds were included in the SPA summary for Iowa, but the six North and South Dakota herds were summarized separately. These six herds had an average herd size of 371 cows and had a financial return to capital, labor and management of $175 per cow. Total financial cost per cow averaged $286 for these herds with a range of $211 to $388. Feed utilized averaged 4,442 pounds of dry matter per cow and the average pounds of calf produced per exposed female was 506 pounds.