871 resultados para Non contact measurement


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Infrared thermography is a non-invasive technique that measures mid to long-wave infrared radiation emanating from all objects and converts this to temperature. As an imaging technique, the value of modern infrared thermography is its ability to produce a digitized image or high speed video rendering a thermal map of the scene in false colour. Since temperature is an important environmental parameter influencing animal physiology and metabolic heat production an energetically expensive process, measuring temperature and energy exchange in animals is critical to understanding physiology, especially under field conditions. As a non-contact approach, infrared thermography provides a non-invasive complement to physiological data gathering. One caveat, however, is that only surface temperatures are measured, which guides much research to those thermal events occurring at the skin and insulating regions of the body. As an imaging technique, infrared thermal imaging is also subject to certain uncertainties that require physical modeling, which is typically done via built-in software approaches. Infrared thermal imaging has enabled different insights into the comparative physiology of phenomena ranging from thermogenesis, peripheral blood flow adjustments, evaporative cooling, and to respiratory physiology. In this review, I provide background and guidelines for the use of thermal imaging, primarily aimed at field physiologists and biologists interested in thermal biology. I also discuss some of the better known approaches and discoveries revealed from using thermal imaging with the objective of encouraging more quantitative assessment.


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Photothermal effect refers to heating of a sample due to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation. Photothermal (PT) heat generation which is an example of energy conversion has in general three kinds of applications. 1. PT material probing 2. PT material processing and 3. PT material destruction. The temperatures involved increases from 1-. 3. Of the above three, PT material probing is the most important in making significant contribution to the field of science and technology. Photothermal material characterization relies on high sensitivity detection techniques to monitor the effects caused by PT material heating of a sample. Photothermal method is a powerful high sensitivity non-contact tool used for non-destructive thermal characterization of materials. The high sensitivity of the photothermal methods has led to its application for analysis of low absorbance samples. Laser calorimetry, photothermal radiometry, pyroelectric technique, photoacoustic technique, photothermal beam deflection technique, etc. come under the broad class ofphotothermal techniques. However the choice of a suitable technique depends upon the nature of the sample, purpose of measurement, nature of light source used, etc. The present investigations are done on polymer thin films employing photothermal beam deflection technique, for the successful determination of their thermal diffusivity. Here the sample is excited by a He-Ne laser (A = 6328...\ ) which acts as the pump beam. Due to the refractive index gradient established in the sample surface and in the adjacent coupling medium, another optical beam called probe beam (diode laser, A= 6500A ) when passed through this region experiences a deflection and is detected using a position sensitive detector and its output is fed to a lock-in amplifier from which the amplitude and phase of the deflection can be directly obtained. The amplitude and phase of the signal is suitably analysed for determining the thermal diffusivity.The production of polymer thin film samples has gained considerable attention for the past few years. Plasma polymerization is an inexpensive tool for fabricating organic thin films. It refers to formation of polymeric materials under the influence of plasma, which is generated by some kind of electric discharge. Here plasma of the monomer vapour is generated by employing radio frequency (MHz) techniques. Plasma polymerization technique results in homogeneous, highly adhesive, thermally stable, pinhole free, dielectric, highly branched and cross-linked polymer films. The possible linkage in the formation of the polymers is suggested by comparing the FTIR spectra of the monomer and the polymer.Near IR overtone investigations on some organic molecules using local mode model are also done. Higher vibrational overtones often provide spectral simplification and greater resolution of peaks corresponding to nonequivalent X-H bonds where X is typically C, N or O. Vibrational overtone spectroscopy of molecules containing X-H oscillators is now a well established tool for molecular investigations. Conformational and steric differences between bonds and structural inequivalence ofCH bonds (methyl, aryl, acetylenic, etc.) are resolvable in the higher overtone spectra. The local mode model in which the X-H oscillators are considered to be loosely coupled anharmonic oscillators has been widely used for the interpretation of overtone spectra. If we are exciting a single local oscillator from the vibrational ground state to the vibrational state v, then the transition energy of the local mode overtone is given by .:lE a......v = A v + B v2 • A plot of .:lE / v versus v will yield A, the local mode frequency as the intercept and B, the local mode diagonal anharmonicity as the slope. Here A - B gives the mechanical frequency XI of the oscillator and B = X2 is the anharmonicity of the bond. The local mode parameters XI and X2 vary for non-equivalent X-H bonds and are sensitive to the inter and intra molecular environment of the X-H oscillator.


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The thesis mainly focuses on material characterization in different environments: freely available samples taken in planar fonn, biological samples available in small quantities and buried objects.Free space method, finds many applications in the fields of industry, medicine and communication. As it is a non-contact method, it can be employed for monitoring the electrical properties of materials moving through a conveyor belt in real time. Also, measurement on such systems at high temperature is possible. NID theory can be applied to the characterization of thin films. Dielectric properties of thin films deposited on any dielectric substrate can be determined. ln chemical industry, the stages of a chemical reaction can be monitored online. Online monitoring will be more efficient as it saves time and avoids risk of sample collection.Dielectric contrast is one of the main factors, which decides the detectability of a system. lt could be noted that the two dielectric objects of same dielectric constant 3.2 (s, of plastic mine) placed in a medium of dielectric constant 2.56 (er of sand) could even be detected employing the time domain analysis of the reflected signal. This type of detection finds strategic importance as it provides solution to the problem of clearance of non-metallic mines. The demining of these mines using the conventional techniques had been proved futile. The studies on the detection of voids and leakage in pipes find many applications.The determined electrical properties of tissues can be used for numerical modeling of cells, microwave imaging, SAR test etc. All these techniques need the accurate determination of dielectric constant. ln the modem world, the use of cellular and other wireless communication systems is booming up. At the same time people are concemed about the hazardous effects of microwaves on living cells. The effect is usually studied on human phantom models. The construction of the models requires the knowledge of the dielectric parameters of the various body tissues. lt is in this context that the present study gains significance. The case study on biological samples shows that the properties of normal and infected body tissues are different. Even though the change in the dielectric properties of infected samples from that of normal one may not be a clear evidence of an ailment, it is an indication of some disorder.ln medical field, the free space method may be adapted for imaging the biological samples. This method can also be used in wireless technology. Evaluation of electrical properties and attenuation of obstacles in the path of RF waves can be done using free waves. An intelligent system for controlling the power output or frequency depending on the feed back values of the attenuation may be developed.The simulation employed in GPR can be extended for the exploration of the effects due to the factors such as the different proportion of water content in the soil, the level and roughness of the soil etc on the reflected signal. This may find applications in geological explorations. ln the detection of mines, a state-of-the art technique for scanning and imaging an active mine field can be developed using GPR. The probing antenna can be attached to a robotic arm capable of three degrees of rotation and the whole detecting system can be housed in a military vehicle. In industry, a system based on the GPR principle can be developed for monitoring liquid or gas through a pipe, as pipe with and without the sample gives different reflection responses. lt may also be implemented for the online monitoring of different stages of extraction and purification of crude petroleum in a plant.Since biological samples show fluctuation in the dielectric nature with time and other physiological conditions, more investigation in this direction should be done. The infected cells at various stages of advancement and the normal cells should be analysed. The results from these comparative studies can be utilized for the detection of the onset of such diseases. Studying the properties of infected tissues at different stages, the threshold of detectability of infected cells can be determined.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Ermittlung der beim Thermofließlochformen entstehenden Temperaturen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Temperaturen während des Bearbeitungsprozesses mittels der berührungslosen Temperaturmesssysteme Pyrometer und Thermografiekamera in Abhängigkeit von Werkstoffsorte, Werkstoffdicke und Werkzeuggeometrie untersucht. Die Untersuchung beinhaltet die Auswertung der Ergebnisse unter Anwendung einer statistischen Versuchsplanung und -auswertung, den Vergleich der gewonnenen Temperaturen und Temperaturverläufe sowie die Darstellung einiger Vor- und Nachteile der eingesetzten Temperaturmesssysteme. Als Voraussetzung zu einer berührungslosen Temperaturmessung mit diesen Messsystemen fand weiterhin eine experimentelle Ermittlung der Emissionsgrade der untersuchten Werkstoffe statt. Abschließend wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen der während der Bearbeitung entstehenden Prozesstemperaturen und der Momente untersucht.


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We discuss some novel technologies that enable the implementation of shearing interferometry at the terahertz part of the spectrum. Possible applications include the direct measurement of lens parameters, the measurement of refractive index of materials that are transparent to terahertz frequencies, determination of homogeneity of samples, measurement of optical distortions and the non-contact evaluation of thermal expansion coefficient of materials buried inside media that are opaque to optical or infrared frequencies but transparent to THz frequencies. The introduction of a shear to a Gaussian free-space propagating terahertz beam in a controlled manner also makes possible a range of new encoding and optical signal processing modalities.


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Factors which may account for the high frequency of macrovascular disease in diabetics are age, sex, cigarette smoking, hypertension, obesity, lack of exercise, diet, hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaeroia, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL-cholesterol concentration, elevated free fatty acid concentration and enhanced platelet aggregation. Twenty seven (13 men and 14 women) non-insulin-dependent diabetics and thirty eight age, height and weight matched healthy subjects (10 men and 28 women) were studied. None of the subjects were smokers, or hypertensive. No subject had any clinical evidence of peripheral arterial disease, coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. All had apparently normal peripheral pulses and normal ankle/arm blood pressure indices. Methods for determining arterial compliance in the segment between the left subclavian artery and each common femoral artery, and proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery, have been reviewed and developed. An appropriate food intake methodology for deriving food indices from food records was developed. Biochemical determinants have been made of glucose tolerance, glycosylated haemoglobin, serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, plasma free fatty acid and insulin. A significant decrease in the arterial compliance, and a significant increase in the arterial proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery in non-insulin-dependent diabetics, compared with their healthy controls, have been found. Significant negative correlation between arterial compliance and proximal resistance and, a significant positive correlation between the arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery were found. Differences between control (healthy subjects) and non-insulin-dependent diabetic groups indicate that preclinical peripheral arterial disease can be recognised even in mild diabetics by non-invasive measurement of arterial compliance or proximal resistance. There were significant and negative correlations between arterial compliance and each of blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin concentration. There were significant and positive correlations between arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery and each of blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and plasma free fatty acid concentration. Multivariate analysis to examine each of the biochemical factors Including blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid, plasma Insulin and lipids, showed that the factor which most influenced the arterial compliance and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was the glucose level in the fasting state or the glucose response after a glucose load. In addition, the factors which most influenced proximal resistance of the common femoral artery were free fatty acid -level in the fasting state or glucose response after a glucose load. The factors which most influenced arterial compliance were glucose level in men, and the insulin level in the fasting state or the plasma free fatty acid response after a glucose load in women. These findings indicate that blood glucose, plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin are risk factors for changes in arterial wall characteristic at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent. Arterial compliance was decreased and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was increased in those with a low intake of protective foods compared with those with a high intake whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Arterial compliance was decreased in non-fish eaters compared with the fish eaters whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Proximal resistance of the posterior tibia! artery in non-fish eaters was increased compared with fish eaters in healthy subjects. Overall, food variety, a protective food score consumption and fish consumption emerge as importance determinants of arterial wall characteristics at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent.


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We present the thermal analysis of liquid containing Al2O3 nanoparticles in a microfluidic platform using an infrared camera. The small dimensions of the microchannel along with the low flow rates (less than 120 μl min−1) provide very low Reynolds numbers of less than 17.5, reflecting practical parameters for a microfluidic cooling platform. The heat analysis of nanofluids has never been investigated in such a regime, due to the deficiencies of conventional thermal measurement systems. The infrared camera allows non-contact, three dimensional and high resolution capability for temperature profiling. The system was studied at different w/w concentrations of thermally conductive Al2O3 nanoparticles and the experiments were in excellent agreement with the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.


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An automated laparoscopic instrument capable of non-invasive measurement of tip/tissue interaction forces for direct application in robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery systems_ is introduced in this paper. It has the capability to measure normal grasping forces as well as lateral interaction forces without any sensor mounted on the tip jaws. Further to non-invasive actuation of the tip, the proposed instrument is also able to change the grasping direction during surgical operation. Modular design of the instrument allows conversion between surgical modalities (e.g., grasping, cutting, and dissecting). The main focus of this paper is on evaluation of the grasping force capability of the proposed instrument. The mathematical formulation of fenestrated insert is presented and its non-linear behaviour is studied. In order to measure the stiffness of soft tissues, a device was developed that is also described in this paper. Tissue characterisation experiments were conducted and results are presented and analysed here. The experimental results verify the capability of the proposed instrument in accurately measuring grasping forces and in characterising artificial tissue samples of varying stiffness.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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The article discusses a proposal of displacement measurement using a unique digital camera aiming at to exploit its feasibility for Modal Analysis applications. The proposal discusses a non-contact measuring approach able to measure multiple points simultaneously by using a unique digital camera. A modal analysis of a reduced scale lab building structure based only at the responses of the structure measured with the camera is presented. It focuses at the feasibility of using a simple ordinary camera for performing the output only modal analysis of structures and its advantage. The modal parameters of the structure are estimated from the camera data and also by using ordinary experimental modal analysis based on the Frequency Response Function (FRF) obtained by using the usual sensors like accelerometer and force cell. The comparison of the both analysis showed that the technique is promising noncontact measuring tool relatively simple and effective to be used in structural modal analysis


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Numerous factors influencing the surface quality of wood after machining, among them we highlight the machining parameters and the properties of the wood. In the analysis of the influence of these factors on machining and in determining the quality measurement systems are used to obtain surface characteristics, these systems are divided into methods of contact and non-contact. The method for mechanical contact performed with the aid of the surface roughness tester is the most valued in the measurement of roughness of wood, however, aiming at a greater agility in these measurements, there is a need to seek alternatives for evaluation of surface quality, and one of these options is to use the forms of indirect measurements of this quality, as for example, the use of noise emission during the machining process. With this, the aim was to analyze the influence of the moisture content of the wood, at different levels, on surface quality of the species Pinus elliottii, determined by the method of mechanical probing move and relate this roughness with the sound emission issued for each class of humidity, during machining. The planning of experiments and statistical analyses were performed with the help of Taguchi method. The specimens were conditioned in greenhouses climatizadoras automatics for obtaining three classes of humidity. Machining tests of wooden pieces were performed on a machining center specific for this type of material. The roughness values were measured by a roughness verifier and the noise emission values were measured by for a measurer sound pressure level. Statistically significant differences were observed, the significance level of 10 %, on roughness and noise emission between the three levels of moisture. It was observed that with the increase in the moisture content occurred an increase of roughness and a reduction in noise emission. Monitoring of surface quality through noise level is an interesting alternative to the method of mechanical contact.


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Diese Arbeit stellt eine ausführliche Studie fundamentaler Eigenschaften der Kalzit CaCO3(10.4) und verwandter Mineraloberflächen dar, welche nicht nur durch die Verwendung von Nichtkontakt Rasterkraftmikroskopie, sondern hauptsächlich durch die Messung von Kraftfeldern ermöglicht wurde. Die absolute Oberflächenorientierung sowie der hierfür zugrundeliegende Prozess auf atomarer Skala konnten erfolgreich für die Kalzit (10.4) Oberfläche identifiziert werden.rnDie Adsorption chiraler Moleküle auf Kalzit ist relevant im Bereich der Biomineralisation, was ein Verständnis der Oberflächensymmetrie unumgänglich macht. Die Messung des Oberflächenkraftfeldes auf atomarer Ebene ist hierfür ein zentraler Aspekt. Eine solche Kraftkarte beleuchtet nicht nur die für die Biomineralisation wichtige Wechselwirkung der Oberfläche mit Molekülen, sondern enthält auch die Möglichkeit, Prozesse auf atomarer Skala und damit Oberflächeneigenschaften zu identifizieren.rnDie Einführung eines höchst flexiblen Messprotokolls gewährleistet die zuverlässige und kommerziell nicht erhältliche Messung des Oberflächenkraftfeldes. Die Konversion der rohen ∆f Daten in die vertikale Kraft Fz ist jedoch kein trivialer Vorgang, insbesondere wenn Glätten der Daten in Frage kommt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt detailreich, wie Fz korrekt für die experimentellen Bedingungen dieser Arbeit berechnet werden können. Weiterhin ist beschrieben, wie Lateralkräfte Fy und Dissipation Γ erhalten wurden, um das volle Potential dieser Messmethode auszureizen.rnUm Prozesse auf atomarer Skala auf Oberflächen zu verstehen sind die kurzreichweitigen, chemischen Kräfte Fz,SR von größter Wichtigkeit. Langreichweitige Beiträge müssen hierzu an Fz angefittet und davon abgezogen werden. Dies ist jedoch eine fehleranfällige Aufgabe, die in dieser Arbeit dadurch gemeistert werden konnte, dass drei unabhängige Kriterien gefunden wurden, die den Beginn zcut von Fz,SR bestimmen, was für diese Aufgabe von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Eine ausführliche Fehleranalyse zeigt, dass als Kriterium die Abweichung der lateralen Kräfte voneinander vertrauenswürdige Fz,SR liefert. Dies ist das erste Mal, dass in einer Studie ein Kriterium für die Bestimmung von zcut gegeben werden konnte, vervollständigt mit einer detailreichen Fehleranalyse.rnMit der Kenntniss von Fz,SR und Fy war es möglich, eine der fundamentalen Eigenschaften der CaCO3(10.4) Oberfläche zu identifizieren: die absolute Oberflächenorientierung. Eine starke Verkippung der abgebildeten Objekte


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Measurement of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation in medical applications is an essential component to providing safe and reproducible patient care. There are a wide variety of tools available for measuring radiation dose; this work focuses on the characterization of two common, solid-state dosimeters in medical applications: thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) and optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters (OSLD). There were two main objectives to this work. The first objective was to evaluate the energy dependence of TLD and OSLD for non-reference measurement conditions in a radiotherapy environment. The second objective was to fully characterize the OSLD nanoDot in a CT environment, and to provide validated calibration procedures for CT dose measurement using OSLD. Current protocols for dose measurement using TLD and OSLD generally assume a constant photon energy spectrum within a nominal beam energy regardless of measurement location, tissue composition, or changes in beam parameters. Variations in the energy spectrum of therapeutic photon beams may impact the response of TLD and OSLD and could thereby result in an incorrect measure of dose unless these differences are accounted for. In this work, we used a Monte Carlo based model to simulate variations in the photon energy spectra of a Varian 6MV beam; then evaluated the impact of the perturbations in energy spectra on the response of both TLD and OSLD using Burlin Cavity Theory. Energy response correction factors were determined for a range of conditions and compared to measured correction factors with good agreement. When using OSLD for dose measurement in a diagnostic imaging environment, photon energy spectra are often referenced to a therapy-energy or orthovoltage photon beam – commonly 250kVp, Co-60, or even 6MV, where the spectra are substantially different. Appropriate calibration techniques specifically for the OSLD nanoDot in a CT environment have not been presented in the literature; furthermore the dependence of the energy response of the calibration energy has not been emphasized. The results of this work include detailed calibration procedures for CT dosimetry using OSLD, and a full characterization of this dosimetry system in a low-dose, low-energy setting.