945 resultados para Non alcoholic beverage
AIMS: To determine whether alanine aminotransferase or gamma-glutamyltransferase levels, as markers of liver health and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, might predict cardiovascular events in people with Type 2 diabetes.
METHODS: Data from the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes study were analysed to examine the relationship between liver enzymes and incident cardiovascular events (non-fatal myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary and other cardiovascular death, coronary or carotid revascularization) over 5 years.
RESULTS: Alanine aminotransferase level had a linear inverse relationship with the first cardiovascular event occurring in participants during the study period. After adjustment, for every 1 sd higher baseline alanine aminotransferase value (13.2 U/l), the risk of a cardiovascular event was 7% lower (95% CI 4-13; P=0.02). Participants with alanine aminotransferase levels below and above the reference range 8-41 U/l for women and 9-59 U/l for men, had hazard ratios for a cardiovascular event of 1.86 (95% CI 1.12-3.09) and 0.65 (95% CI 0.49-0.87), respectively (P=0.001). No relationship was found for gamma-glutamyltransferase.
CONCLUSIONS: The data may indicate that in people with Type 2 diabetes, which is associated with higher alanine aminotransferase levels because of prevalent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a low alanine aminotransferase level is a marker of hepatic or systemic frailty rather than health. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Having registered negative retail value growth of 4% in Portugal in 2014, the juice category is set to decline further by 5,5% until 2019. Manufacturers of juices and nectars are therefore increasingly looking for new categories in order to balance this negative forecast in their home territory. One apparent growth opportunity for Compal, the leading producer of juices and nectars, is to expand its commercial reach to new occasions of consumption. This report carefully analyzes the opportunities related to an expansion to the main meal occasion and introduces a complete marketing and communications plan for a possible new main meal juice, Compal à Mesa. The product concept represents a rather premium positioning for the main meal occasion, including new flavor mixes that are targeted at different occasions of meals. The justification of the introduced concept includes a discussion of the primary and secondary research that was performed
To assess the associations between alcohol consumption and cytokine levels (interleukin-1beta - IL-1β; interleukin-6 - IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α - TNF-α) in a Caucasian population. Population sample of 2884 men and 3201 women aged 35-75. Alcohol consumption was categorized as nondrinkers, low (1-6 drinks/week), moderate (7-13/week) and high (14+/week). No difference in IL-1β levels was found between alcohol consumption categories. Low and moderate alcohol consumption led to lower IL-6 levels: median (interquartile range) 1.47 (0.70-3.51), 1.41 (0.70-3.32), 1.42 (0.66-3.19) and 1.70 (0.83-4.39) pg/ml for nondrinkers, low, moderate and high drinkers, respectively, p<0.01, but this association was no longer significant after multivariate adjustment. Compared to nondrinkers, moderate drinkers had the lowest odds (Odds ratio=0.86 (0.71-1.03)) of being in the highest quartile of IL-6, with a significant (p<0.05) quadratic trend. Low and moderate alcohol consumption led to lower TNF-α levels: 2.92 (1.79-4.63), 2.83 (1.84-4.48), 2.82 (1.76-4.34) and 3.15 (1.91-4.73) pg/ml for nondrinkers, low, moderate and high drinkers, respectively, p<0.02, and this difference remained borderline significant (p=0.06) after multivariate adjustment. Moderate drinkers had a lower odds (0.81 [0.68-0.98]) of being in the highest quartile of TNF-α. No specific alcoholic beverage (wine, beer or spirits) effect was found. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower levels of IL-6 and (to a lesser degree) of TNF-α, irrespective of the type of alcohol consumed. No association was found between IL-1β levels and alcohol consumption.
Chronic disorders, such as obesity, diabetes, inflammation, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis, are related to alterations in lipid and glucose metabolism, in which peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR)α, PPARβ/δ and PPARγ are involved. These receptors form a subgroup of ligand-activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family. This review discusses a selection of novel PPAR functions identified during the last few years. The PPARs regulate processes that are essential for the maintenance of pregnancy and embryonic development. Newly found hepatic functions of PPARα are the mediation of female-specific gene repression and the protection of the liver from oestrogen induced toxicity. PPARα also controls lipid catabolism and is the target of hypolipidaemic drugs, whereas PPARγ controls adipocyte differentiation and regulates lipid storage; it is the target for the insulin sensitising thiazolidinediones used to treat type 2 diabetes. Activation of PPARβ/δ increases lipid catabolism in skeletal muscle, the heart and adipose tissue. In addition, PPARβ/δ ligands prevent weight gain and suppress macrophage derived inflammation. In fact, therapeutic benefits of PPAR ligands have been confirmed in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as encephalomyelitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, PPARs promote skin wound repair. PPARα favours skin healing during the inflammatory phase that follows injury, whilst PPARβ/δ enhances keratinocyte survival and migration. Due to their collective functions in skin, PPARs represent a major research target for our understanding of many skin diseases. Taken altogether, these functions suggest that PPARs serve as physiological sensors in different stress situations and remain valuable targets for innovative therapies.
L’accumulation de triglycérides (TG) dans les hépatocytes est caractéristique de la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique (SHNA). Cette dernière se produit dans diverses conditions dont le facteur commun est le métabolisme anormal des lipides. Le processus conduisant à l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie n’a pas encore été totalement élucidé. Toutefois, des lipides s'accumulent dans le foie lorsque les mécanismes qui favorisent leur exportation (oxydation et sécrétion) sont insuffisants par rapport aux mécanismes qui favorisent leur importation ou leur biosynthèse. De nos jours il est admis que la carence en œstrogènes est associée au développement de la stéatose hépatique. Bien que les résultats des études récentes révèlent l'implication des hormones ovariennes dans l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce phénomène doivent encore être étudiés. En conséquence, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont été menées sur des rates ovariectomizées (Ovx), comme modèle animal de femmes post-ménopausées, pour étudier les effets du retrait des œstrogènes sur le métabolisme des lipides dans le foie, en considérant l'entraînement physique comme étant un élément positif pouvant contrecarrer ces effets. Il a été démontré que l'entraînement physique peut réduire l'accumulation de graisses dans le foie chez les rates Ovx. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que chez les rates Ovx nourries à la diète riche en lipides (HF), les contenus de TG hépatiques étaient élevées (P < 0.01) comparativement aux rates Sham, 5 semaines après la chirurgie. Le changement de la diète HF par la diète standard (SD) chez les rates Sham a diminué l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. Toutefois, chez les rates Ovx, 8 semaines après le changement de la HF par la SD le niveau de TG dans le foie était maintenu aussi élevé que chez les rates nourries continuellement avec la diète HF. Lorsque les TG hépatiques mesurés à la 13e semaine ont été comparés aux valeurs correspondant au retrait initial de la diète HF effectué à la 5e semaine, les niveaux de TG hépatiques chez les animaux Ovx ont été maintenus, indépendamment du changement du régime alimentaire; tandis que chez les rats Sham le passage à la SD a réduit (P < 0.05) les TG dans le foie. Les mêmes comparaisons avec la concentration des TG plasmatiques ont révélé une relation inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la résorption des lipides au foie est contrée par l'absence des œstrogènes. Dans cette continuité, nous avons utilisé une approche physiologique dans notre seconde étude pour investiguer la façon dont la carence en œstrogènes entraîne l’accumulation de graisses dans le foie, en nous focalisant sur la voie de l'exportation des lipides du foie. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé que le retrait des œstrogènes a entraîné une augmentation (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie en concomitance avec la baisse (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG et une réduction l'ARNm et de la teneur en protéines microsomales de transfert des triglycérides (MTP). Tous ces effets ont été corrigés par la supplémentation en œstrogènes chez les rates Ovx. En outre, l'entraînement physique chez les rates Ovx a entraîné une réduction (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG accompagnée de celle de l'expression des gènes MTP et DGAT-2 (diacylglycérol acyltransférase-2). Des études récentes suggèrent que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP) devrait être au centre des intérêts des recherches sur les métabolismes énergétiques et lipidiques. Le ANP est relâché dans le plasma par les cellules cardiaques lorsque stimulée par l’oxytocine et exerce ses fonctions en se liant à son récepteur, le guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A). En conséquence, dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets du blocage du système ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire (OT-ANP) en utilisant un antagoniste de l’ocytocine (OTA), sur l'expression des gènes guanylyl cyclase-A et certains marqueurs de l’inflammation dans le foie de rates Ovx. Nous avons observé une diminution (P < 0.05) de l’ARNm de la GC-A chez les rates Ovx et Sham sédentaires traitées avec l’OTA, tandis qu’une augmentation (P < 0.05) de l'expression de l’ARNm de la protéine C-réactive (CRP) hépatique a été notée chez ces animaux. L’exercice physique n'a apporté aucun changement sur l'expression hépatique de ces gènes que ce soit chez les rates Ovx ou Sham traitées avec l’OTA. En résumé, pour expliquer l’observation selon laquelle l’accumulation et la résorption de lipides dans le foie dépendent des mécanismes associés à des niveaux d’œstrogènes, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de production de VLDL-TG induite par une déficience en œstrogènes, pourrait être un des mecanismes responsables de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. L’exercice physique quant à lui diminue l'infiltration de lipides dans le foie ainsi que la production de VLDL-TG indépendamment des niveaux d'œstrogènes. En outre, l'expression des récepteurs de l’ANP a diminué par l'OTA chez les rates Ovx et Sham suggérant une action indirecte de l’ocytocine (OT) au niveau du foie indépendamment de la présence ou non des estrogènes. L’axe ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire, dans des conditions physiologiques normales, protègerait le foie contre l'inflammation à travers la modulation de l’expression de la GC-A.
L’obésité est définie comme un surplus de masse adipeuse. Cette condition représente un problème de santé publique devenu pandémique dans les pays industrialisés. Elle prédispose à des maladies potentiellement mortelles comme le diabète de type 2, les maladies cardiovasculaires et la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique. L’accumulation du tissu adipeux intra-abdominal, formé d’adipocytes, est corrélée avec la résistance à l’insuline. L’augmentation de la masse adipeuse se fait par l’hyperplasie des préadipocytes, la différenciation des préadipocytes en adipocytes et l’hypertrophie des adipocytes. La différenciation des préadipocytes se fait selon l’adipogenèse qui est régulée par une multitude de facteurs, mais qui est inhibée pas les stimuli inflammatoires qui sont aussi responsables de la résistance à l’insuline et de l’apparition des problèmes de santé liés à l’obésité. Nous avons identifié un nouveau système de régulation autocrine/paracrine de l’adipogenèse dans les cellules du tissu adipeux. Le pyroglutamylated RF-amide peptide (QRFP), qui était connu pour son rôle dans la régulation de l’appétit, est un activateur de l’adipogenèse par l’activation de son récepteur, le G protein-coupled receptor 103 (GPR103). Le QRFP est exprimé dans les macrophages et les adipocytes alors que le GPR103 de sous-type b est exprimé dans les adipocytes seulement. Un traitement des adipocytes avec le QRFP augmente le captage des acides gras, l’accumulation de lipides ainsi que l’expression et l’activité de l’enzyme LPL. Le QRFP augmente aussi l’expression des gènes des transporteurs d’acides gras CD36 et FATP1, de l’enzyme activatrice d’acides gras ACSL1 et des facteurs de transcription PPAR-γ et C/EBP-α, qui sont tous impliqués dans l’adipogenèse. En plus de ses effets sur l’adipogenèse, le QRFP possède aussi un effet inhibiteur sur l’activité lipolytique induite par les catécholamines. Nous avons montré que l’expression du QRFP est diminuée dans le tissu adipeux des souris obèses. Selon nos résultats, cette diminution pourrait être expliquée par une augmentation des endotoxines circulantes chez les obèses, appelée endotoxémie métabolique, qui agirait, entre autres, par l’induction des interférons dans les macrophages. Les voies de signalisation de ces effets ont aussi été identifiées. Nous avons montré un autre exemple de stimulus inflammatoire qui régule les signaux adipogènes à la baisse.
In this study, an attempt has been made to gather enough information regarding lactic acid bacteria from fish and shellfish of tropical regions. The occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen marine fish and shellfish, farmed fish and shellfish, cured and pickled fish and shellfish have been investigated. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) have for centuries been responsible for the fermentative preservation of many foods. They are used to retard spoilage and preserve foods through natural fermentations. They have found commercial applications as starter cultures in the dairy, baking, meat, fish, and vegetable and alcoholic beverage industries. They are industrially important organisms recognized for their fermentative ability as well as their nutritional benefits. These organisms produce various compounds such as organic acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins or bactericidal proteins during lactic fermentations.Biopreservation of foods using bacteriocin producing LAB cultures is becoming widely used. The antimicrobial effect of bacteriocins and other compounds produced during fermentation of carbohydrates are well known to inhibit the growth of certain food spoiling bacteria as well as a limited group of food poisoning and pathogenic bacteria LAB like Lactobacillus plantarum are widely used as starter cultures for the Production of fish ensilage. The present study is the first quantitative and qualitative study on the occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen fish and prawn. It is concluded that Lactobacillus plantaruni was the predominant lactobacillus species in fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The ability of selected Lactobacillus cultures to grow at low temperatures, high salt content, produce bacteriocins, rapidly ferment sugars and decrease the pH make them potential candidates for biopreservation of fish and shellfish.
El proyecto de grado de Administración de Negocios Internacionales expuesto en este trabajo académico, tiene su marco estructural en la empresa Tropical Paradise, comercializadora de cócteles tropicales liofilizados sin alcohol, con el cual se busca demostrar la factibilidad y viabilidad de que Colombia exporte un producto innovador en contrapuesta de los productos que exporta tradicionalmente a nivel mundial. Dentro del plan exportador de la empresa Tropical Paradise, Alemania será el primer país importador de cócteles tropicales liofilizados sin alcohol y se constituirá como distribuidor del producto al interior del país y a otros países de la Unión Europea.
Introducción: la enfermedad hepática grasa no alcohólica (NAFLD) es una enfermedad muy frecuente y de curso insidioso. El diagnostico, seguimiento y tratamiento de esta condición permanecen aun sin consenso debido principalmente a la falta de conocimiento de su historia natural y la dificultad de un diagnostico preciso de forma no invasiva. Materiales y Métodos: estudio prospectivo, observacional de corte transversal y correlación usando un muestreo no aleatorio de los pacientes que asistieron al servicio de chequeo médico de la Fundación CardioInfantil Instituto de Cardiología. Se evaluaron variables clínicas y para-clínicas como Índice de Masa Corporal, transaminasas, triglicéridos y apariencia ultrasonográfica del hígado. Se realizo análisis no paramétrico de varianza con la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y análisis de correlación por medio del índice de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: se incluyeron 619 pacientes. Se encontró una variación estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001) entre todas las variables analizadas agrupadas de acuerdo a la apariencia ultrasonográfica del hígado. Finalmente, se encontraron coeficientes de correlación positivos y estadísticamente significativos (p<0,001) para las mismas variables. Discusión: la evaluación por ultrasonografía del hígado es una opción atractiva para el diagnostico y seguimiento de los pacientes con NAFLD debido a sus características no invasivas, bajo costo y amplia disponibilidad. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que dada la variación de los parámetros clínicos de acuerdo con la apariencia hepática, esta herramienta puede ser útil tanto en fase de diagnostico como en fase de seguimiento para los pacientes de esta población. Los coeficientes de correlación sugieren que la posibilidad de predecir variables sanguíneas usando este método que debería estudiarse más a fondo. Conclusiones: en conjunto, los resultados de este estudio soportan la utilidad de la evaluación ultrasonográfica del hígado como herramienta de evaluación y posible seguimiento en pacientes con sospecha de NAFLD en esta población.
El estudio busca demostrar la utilidad que tiene la relación estratégica comunitaria en el sector de bebidas alcohólicas en Colombia y cómo la utilizan a través del marketing. Cómo estas funcionan en el sector y si las organizaciones las están aplicando; si lo hacen qué tipo de estrategias emplean para adentrarse y relacionarse con su entorno. Se identifica la efectividad de estas estrategias; si en realidad están promoviendo el desarrollo de la comunidad como el de la organización y paso a seguir se describen las características de esta en el sector objetivo. Se utilizan metodologías tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas para la investigación y análisis de caso analizando la información correspondiente para así poder reseñar y describir los modelos que se utilizan en el sector.
The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of the role of pigs as a biomedical model for humans. The usefulness and limitations of porcine models have been discussed in terms of metabolic, cardiovascular, digestive and bone diseases in humans. Domestic pigs and minipigs are the main categories of pigs used as biomedical models. One drawback of minipigs is that they are in short supply and expensive compared with domestic pigs, which in contrast cost more to house, feed and medicate. Different porcine breeds show different responses to the induction of specific diseases. For example, ossabaw minipigs provide a better model than Yucatan for the metabolic syndrome as they exhibit obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension, all of which are absent in the Yucatan. Similar metabolic/physiological differences exist between domestic breeds (e.g. Meishan v. Pietrain). The modern commercial (e.g. Large White) domestic pig has been the preferred model for developmental programming due to the 2- to 3-fold variation in body weight among littermates providing a natural form of foetal growth retardation not observed in ancient (e.g. Meishan) domestic breeds. Pigs have been increasingly used to study chronic ischaemia, therapeutic angiogenesis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and abdominal aortic aneurysm as their coronary anatomy and physiology are similar to humans. Type 1 and II diabetes can be induced in swine using dietary regimes and/or administration of streptozotocin. Pigs are a good and extensively used model for specific nutritional studies as their protein and lipid metabolism is comparable with humans, although pigs are not as sensitive to protein restriction as rodents. Neonatal and weanling pigs have been used to examine the pathophysiology and prevention/treatment of microbial-associated diseases and immune system disorders. A porcine model mimicking various degrees of prematurity in infants receiving total parenteral nutrition has been established to investigate gut development, amino acid metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Endoscopic therapeutic methods for upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding are being developed. Bone remodelling cycle in pigs is histologically more similar to humans than that of rats or mice, and is used to examine the relationship between menopause and osteoporosis. Work has also been conducted on dental implants in pigs to consider loading; however with caution as porcine bone remodels slightly faster than human bone. We conclude that pigs are a valuable translational model to bridge the gap between classical rodent models and humans in developing new therapies to aid human health.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Phytoestrogens are estradiol-like natural compounds found in plants that have been associated with protective effects against chronic diseases, including some cancers, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. The purpose of this study was to estimate the dietary intake of phytoestrogens, identify their food sources and their association with lifestyle factors in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Single 24-hour dietary recalls were collected from 36 037 individuals from 10 European countries, aged 35–74 years using a standardized computerized interview programe (EPIC-Soft). An ad hoc food composition database on phytoestrogens (isoflavones, lignans, coumestans, enterolignans and equol) was compiled using data from available databases, in order to obtain and describe phytoestrogen intakes and their food sources across 27 redefined EPIC centres. RESULTS: Mean total phytoestrogen intake was the highest in the UK health-conscious group (24.9 mg/day in men and 21.1 mg/day in women) whereas lowest in Greece (1.3 mg/day) in men and Spain-Granada (1.0 mg/day) in women. Northern European countries had higher intakes than southern countries. The main phytoestrogen contributors were isoflavones in both UK centres and lignans in the other EPIC cohorts. Age, body mass index, educational level, smoking status and physical activity were related to increased intakes of lignans, enterolignans and equol, but not to total phytoestrogen, isoflavone or coumestan intakes. In the UK cohorts, the major food sources of phytoestrogens were soy products. In the other EPIC cohorts the dietary sources were more distributed, among fruits, vegetables, soy products, cereal products, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. CONCLUSIONS: There was a high variability in the dietary intake of total and phytoestrogen subclasses and their food sources across European regions.
High fat diets are extensively associated with health complications within the spectrum of the metabolic syndrome. Some of the most prevalent of these pathologies, often observed early in the development of high-fat dietary complications, are non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Mitochondrial bioenergetics and redox state changes are also widely associated with alterations within the metabolic syndrome. We investigated the mitochondrial effects of a high fat diet leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mice. We found that the diet does not substantially alter respiratory rates, ADP/O ratios or membrane potentials of isolated liver mitochondria. However, H(2)O(2) release using different substrates and ATP-sensitive K(+) transport activities are increased in mitochondria from animals on high fat diets. The increase in H(2)O(2) release rates was observed with different respiratory substrates and was not altered by modulators of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) channels, indicating it was not related to an observed increase in K(+) transport. Altogether, we demonstrate that mitochondria from animals with diet-induced steatosis do not present significant bioenergetic changes, but display altered ion transport and increased oxidant generation. This is the first evidence, to our knowledge, that ATP-sensitive K(+) transport in mitochondria can be modulated by diet.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento do gradiente de pressão venosa hepática (GPVH) em pacientes com cirrose. Foram estudados 83 pacientes portadores de hepatopatia crônica, com média de idade de 52,9 ± 10,1 anos, sendo 71,1% do sexo masculino. Todos realizaram estudo hemodinâmico hepático, sendo determinado o GPVH. Nestes doentes o GPVH foi analisado segundo distintas variáveis clínicas, enfatizando seu papel na avaliação da probabilidade de sangramento a partir de um nível discriminativo. Os pacientes foram seguidos em média por 16,6 ± 16,02 meses e divididos em grupos conforme o desfecho: óbito, realização de cirurgia de “shunt” porto-cava, de transplante hepático e ressangramento por ruptura de varizes de esôfago durante o seguimento, tendo sido realizadas comparações entre as médias do GPVH nos diferentes desfechos. O nível de significância estatística adotado de foi 0,05. Com os dados obtidos foram possíveis os seguintes resultados: - A média do GPVH nos pacientes com hepatopatia crônica foi de 15,26 ± 6,46 mmHg. - Não houve diferença estatística entre as médias do GPVH nos hepatopatas crônicos de etiologia alcoólica e não alcoólica. - O risco relativo para sangramento por varizes de esôfago foi maior nos pacientes com GPVH acima de 10 e 12mmHg, embora tenha havido sangramento em doentes com níveis inferiores a estes. - A média do GPVH foi significativamente maior nos pacientes que apresentaram sangramento durante o seguimento em relação àqueles que estiveram livres desta complicação. - A média do GPVH no grupo de pacientes que sangraram, que foram a óbito, que realizaram “shunt” porto-cava e que foram a transplante hepático foi significativamente maior do que aquela observada nos pacientes que evoluíram sem complicações. - Não foi identificado um nível crítico discriminativo do GPVH que estivesse relacionado ao prognóstico. - A determinação do GPVH, ressalvada uma complicação de seriedade, mostrou-se um método seguro. Dos resultados aqui observados, conclui-se que a determinação do GPVH é útil em predizer qual população de cirróticos está mais suscetível ao sangramento digestivo por ruptura de varizes, bem como em auxiliar na avaliação do prognóstico dos mesmos.
Alcohol is one of the few psychotropic drugs that their consumption has admitted legally and sometimes encouraged by the society. Studies show alcohol as the highest consumption of drugs among young people and society in general, probably because of its availability and easy access. The abuse causes public health problems, which was closely related to the violence, socioeconomic problems and the high number of automobile accidents. Transit is one of the main sectors affected by the effects of alcohol, observing a high incidence in the studies. About half of automobile accidents occurs after the consumption of alcoholic beverage, and the vast majority of cases related to high concentrations of alcohol in the bloodstream. The relationship of drunk with traffic accidents is in fact evident everywhere in the world, including Brazil, where studies have shown a high relationship between alcohol consumption and traffic accidents. This study determined the alcohol in fatal victims of traffic accidents in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and established the profile of this population compared with those found in Brazil and other countries. Samples of blood of ethanol added to fulfillment of the standardization of chromatographic conditions and procedures for the analysis, being employed in the determination of alcohol in blood samples of 277 victims of traffic accidents, collected at the Institute of Scientific Technical Police of Rio Grande do North (ITEP) in the year 2007. The blood alcohol level was determined in these samples correlated with the sex, age and marital status of the victim and the location, day of week and month when the accident occurred, is doing a statistical analysis and outlining a profile of the victims of an accident at transit in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The parameters of standardization studied ensured the quality of the analytical method and, consequently, to obtain reliable laboratory results. Being given the best temperature for injector (150 ºC), detector (250 ºC) and column (50 ºC) with a flow of gas in the column of 2mL/minutos and analysis of time of 12 minutes. The method was linear in the range of 0.01 to 3.2 g / L (r2 = 0.9989) with average recovery of 100.2% and precision with coefficient of variation less than 15%. The analysis carried out on victims of fatal road traffic accidents, ethanol detected in the blood in 66.43% of the victims and these, 96% showed concentration ≥ 0.2 g / L, 87.73% of victims were male, while 12.27% female. The younger age group (1535 years) was the most involved (52,35%) and most single (55.60%). The accidents occurred with greater prevalence in the day on Monday (27%) followed by Sunday (24,19%) and Saturday (15,52%) and it was found that the prevalence of injuries varied between the different months of the year, and in February (14.4%) and April (10.47%) the months that had a higher number of accidents, however this oscillation showed no statistically significant difference. Also no significant difference was observed between the tracks of concentration found in men and women. The standardized method showed to be efficient, given satisfactorily to the goals of this work, and the high levels of alcohol found in victims of fatal road traffic accidents are consistent with several studies of literature, and the profile of the victim also supported by presenting in its most young adults, male and single