917 resultados para Neutralizing antibodies
Dengue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever (DF), a mosquito-borne illness endemic to tropical and subtropical regions. There is currently no effective drug or vaccine formulation for the prevention of DF and its more severe forms, i.e., dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). There are two generally available experimental models for the study of DENV pathogenicity as well as the evaluation of potential vaccine candidates. The first model consists of non-human primates, which do not develop symptoms but rather a transient viremia. Second, mouse-adapted virus strains or immunocompromised mouse lineages are utilized, which display some of the pathological features of the infection observed in humans but may not be relevant to the results with regard to the wild-type original virus strains or mouse lineages. In this study, we describe a genetic and pathological study of a DENV2 clinical isolate, named JHA1, which is naturally capable of infecting and killing Balb/c mice and reproduces some of the symptoms observed in DENV-infected subjects. Sequence analyses demonstrated that the JHA1 isolate belongs to the American genotype group and carries genetic markers previously associated with neurovirulence in mouse-adapted virus strains. The JHA1 strain was lethal to immunocompetent mice following intracranial (i.c.) inoculation with a LD50 of approximately 50 PFU. Mice infected with the JHA1 strain lost weight and exhibited general tissue damage and hematological disturbances, with similarity to those symptoms observed in infected humans. In addition, it was demonstrated that the JHA1 strain shares immunological determinants with the DENV2 NGC reference strain, as evaluated by cross-reactivity of anti-envelope glycoprotein (domain III) antibodies. The present results indicate that the JHA1 isolate may be a useful tool in the study of DENV pathogenicity and will help in the evaluation of anti-DENV vaccine formulations as well as potential therapeutic approaches.
Sex differences in Ca2+-dependent signalling and homoeostasis in the vasculature of hypertensive rats are well characterized. However, sex-related differences in SOCE (store-operated Ca2+ entry) have been minimally investigated. We hypothesized that vascular protection in females, compared with males, reflects decreased Ca2+ mobilization due to diminished activation of Orai 1/STIM 1 (stromal interaction molecule I). In addition, we investigated whether ovariectomy in females affects the activation of the Orai 1/STIM 1 pathway. Endothelium-denuded aortic rings from male and female SHRSP (stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats) and WKY (Wistar Kyoto) rats and from OVX (ovariectomized) or sham female SHRSP and WKY rats were used to functionally evaluate Ca2+ influx-induced contractions. Compared with females, aorta from male SHRSP displayed: (i) increased contraction during the Ca2+-loading period; (ii) similar transient contraction during Ca2+ release from the intracellular stores; (iii) increased activation of STIM 1 and Orai1, as shown by the blockade of STIM 1 and Orai1 with neutralizing antibodies, which reversed the sex differences in contraction during the Ca2+-loading period; and (iv) increased expression of STIM I and Orai I. Additionally, we found that aortas from OVX-SHRSP showed increased contraction during the Ca2+-loading period and increased Orai1 expression, but no changes in the SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum)-buffering capacity or STIM I expression. These findings suggest that augmented activation of STIM 1/Orai 1 in aortas from male SHRSP represents a mechanism that contributes to sex-related impaired control of intracellular Ca2+ levels. Furthermore, female sex hormones may negatively modulate the STIM/Orai 1 pathway, contributing to vascular protection observed in female rats.
Abstract Background Human Papillomavirus, HPV, is the main etiological factor for cervical cancer. Different studies show that in women infected with HPV there is a positive correlation between lesion grade and number of infiltrating macrophages, as well as with IL-10 higher expression. Using a HPV16 associated tumor model in mice, TC-1, our laboratory has demonstrated that tumor infiltrating macrophages are M2-like, induce T cell regulatory phenotype and play an important role in tumor growth. M2 macrophages secrete several cytokines, among them IL-10, which has been shown to play a role in T cell suppression by tumor macrophages in other tumor models. In this work, we sought to establish if IL-10 is part of the mechanism by which HPV tumor associated macrophages induce T cell regulatory phenotype, inhibiting anti-tumor activity and facilitating tumor growth. Results TC-1 tumor cells do not express or respond to IL-10, but recruit leukocytes which, within the tumor environment, produce this cytokine. Using IL-10 deficient mice or blocking IL-10 signaling with neutralizing antibodies, we observed a significant reduction in tumor growth, an increase in tumor infiltration by HPV16 E7 specific CD8 lymphocytes, including a population positive for Granzyme B and Perforin expression, and a decrease in the percentage of HPV specific regulatory T cells in the lymph nodes. Conclusions Our data shows that in the HPV16 TC-1 tumor mouse model, IL-10 produced by tumor macrophages induce regulatory phenotype on T cells, an immune escape mechanism that facilitates tumor growth. Our results point to a possible mechanism behind the epidemiologic data that correlates higher IL-10 expression with risk of cervical cancer development in HPV infected women.
Abstract Background Dengue is the most important arbovirus disease in tropical and subtropical countries. The viral envelope (E) protein is responsible for cell receptor binding and is the main target of neutralizing antibodies. The aim of this study was to analyze the diversity of the E protein gene of DENV-3. E protein gene sequences of 20 new viruses isolated in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, and 427 sequences retrieved from GenBank were aligned for diversity and phylogenetic analysis. Results Comparison of the E protein gene sequences revealed the presence of 47 variable sites distributed in the protein; most of those amino acids changes are located on the viral surface. The phylogenetic analysis showed the distribution of DENV-3 in four genotypes. Genotypes I, II and III revealed internal groups that we have called lineages and sub-lineages. All amino acids that characterize a group (genotype, lineage, or sub-lineage) are located in the 47 variable sites of the E protein. Conclusion Our results provide information about the most frequent amino acid changes and diversity of the E protein of DENV-3.
We conducted a phase I, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate a new 5-valent oral rotavirus vaccine’s safety and immunogenicity profiles. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 3 orally administered doses of a live-attenuated human-bovine (UK) reassortant rotavirus vaccine, containing five viral antigens (G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9), or a placebo. The frequency and severity of adverse events were assessed. Immunogenicity was evaluated by the titers of anti-rotavirus IgA and the presence of neutralizing antibodies anti-rotavirus. No severe adverse events were observed. There was no difference in the frequency of mild adverse events between experimental and control groups. The proportion of seroconversion was consistently higher in the vaccine group, for all serotypes, after each one of the doses. The 5-valent vaccine has shown a good profile of safety and immunogenicity in this small sample of adult volunteers.
La distrofia muscolare di Emery-Dreifuss (EDMD) è una miopatia degenerativa ereditaria caratterizzata da debolezza e atrofia dei muscoli senza coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso. Individui EDMD presentano, inoltre, cardiomiopatia con difetto di conduzione che provoca rischio di morte improvvisa. Diversi studi evidenziano un coinvolgimento di citochine in diverse distrofie muscolari causanti infiammazione cronica, riassorbimento osseo, necrosi cellulare. Abbiamo effettuato una valutazione simultanea della concentrazione di citochine, chemochine, fattori di crescita, presenti nel siero di un gruppo di 25 pazienti EDMD. L’analisi effettuata ha evidenziato un aumento di citochine quali IL-17, TGFβ2, INF-γ e del TGFβ1. Inoltre, una riduzione del fattore di crescita VEGF e della chemochina RANTES è stata rilevata nel siero dei pazienti EDMD rispetto ai pazienti controllo. Ulteriori analisi effettuate tramite saggio ELISA hanno evidenziato un aumento dei livelli di TGFβ2 e IL-6 nel terreno di coltura di fibroblasti EDMD2. Per testare l’effetto nei muscoli, di citochine alterate, abbiamo utilizzato terreno condizionante di fibroblasti EDMD per differenziare mioblasti murini C2C12. Una riduzione del grado di differenziamento è stata osservata nei mioblasti condizionati con terreno EDMD. Trattando queste cellule con anticorpi neutralizzanti contro TGFβ2 e IL-6 si è avuto un miglioramento del grado di differenziamento. In C2C12 che esprimevano la mutazione H222P del gene Lmna,non sono state osservate alterazioni di citochine e benefici di anticorpi neutralizzanti. I dati mostrano un effetto patogenetico delle citochine alterate come osservato in fibroblasti e siero di pazienti, suggerendo un effetto sul tessuto fibrotico di muscoli EDMD. Un effetto intrinseco alla mutazione della lamina A è stato rilevato sul espressione di caveolina 3 in mioblasti differenziati EDMD. I risultati si aggiungono a dati forniti sulla patogenesi dell' EDMD confermando che fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci contribuiscono alla malattia. Utilizzo di anticorpi neutralizzanti specifici contro fattori estrinseci potrebbe rappresentare un approccio terapeutico come mostrato in questo studio.
Morbus Hunter, eine lysosomale Speicherkrankheit, ist eine seltene, progrediente, x-chromosomal vererbte Stoffwechselkrankheit, die durch ein Defizit an Iduronat-2-sulfatase (IDS) hervorgerufen wird. Als Folge daraus erfolgt kein Abbau von Heparan- und Dermatansulfat und die Glykosaminoglykane reichern sich in de Lysosomen der Zelle an. M. Hunter ist eine Multisystemerkrankung und weist ein breites klinisches Spektrum mit interindividuell unterschiedlichem Krankheitsbeginn, Ausprägungen und Progression der Symptome auf. Seit 2007 besteht die Therapieoption einer Enzymersatztherapie (ERT) mit Elaprase®. Einige Patienten entwickeln Antikörper gegen das substituierte Enzym, welche partiell neutralisierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es zu klären, ob die Neutralisationskapazität der gebildeten Antikörper mittels einer Bestimmung im Mischserum festgestellt werden kann und ob persistierende Antikörper mit Neutralisationskapazität zu einer Einschränkung der Wirksamkeit der Enzymersatztherapie führen. Es sollte weiterhin untersucht werden, ob sich mittels Messung der neuronenspezifischen Enolase (NSE) und S-100 Rückschlüsse auf eine neuropathische Beteiligung ziehen lassen, da bis jetzt noch keine klinische oder biochemische Messmethode existiert, die für M. Hunter-Patienten eine verlässliche Vorhersage für eine neuropathische Beteiligung bietet. 30 Patienten wurden in die retrospektive/prospektive Kohortenstudie eingeschlossen. Bei der Bestimmung der IDS-Aktivität im Mischserum mit einem gesunden Menschen zeigten fünf der Patienten (17%) in zwölf Mischseren eine um ≥ 40% reduzierte Aktivität. Zwei (7%) der 30 untersuchten Patienten wurden mit dieser Methode als positiv für persistierende neutralisierende Antikörper identifiziert. Zum gleichen Ergebnis bezüglich der persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörper führten die Anti-Elaprase®-Immunglobulin-Bestimmungen unter Berücksichtigung des Bestimmungszeitpunkts, die bei Shire Pharmaceuticals durchgeführt wurden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass die gebildeten Antikörper auch intraindividuell unterschiedlich sind. Zudem interagieren sie mit den verschiedensten Epitopen des Enzyms der ERT und besitzen nicht alle neutralisierende Eigenschaften. Aufgrund der heterogenen Zusammensetzung folgt die Hemmung der Enzymaktivität vermutlich keiner eindeutigen Kinetik. Anti-Elaprase®-Immunglobulin G spielt für die Neutralisationskapazität jedoch eine wichtige Rolle. Die Auswertung und Beurteilung der Einschränkung der Wirksamkeit der Therapie hervorgerufen durch die Antikörper mit Neutralisationskapazität gestaltete sich kompliziert. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass sich die beiden Patienten mit persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörpern in der Entwicklung der klinischen Parameter interindividuell stark unterschieden. Um einen Zusammenhang zwischen klinischem Verlauf und Antikörperbildung gegen die ERT zu finden, müssen in einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mehr Patienten mit persistierenden neutralisierenden Antikörpern identifiziert werden und der Einfluss der Antikörper untersucht werden. Die Untersuchung der NSE und S-100 ergab, dass weder die Konzentration der NSE noch der S-100 Rückschlüsse auf die neuropathische Beteiligung des Patienten zulässt.
Background Interactions between CXCR4 and its ligand CXCL12 have been shown to be involved in cancer progression in colorectal cancer (CRC). We performed a comparative CXCL12/CXCR4 expression analysis and assessed the effect of external CXCL12 stimulation on migration of CRC cells without and with CXCR4 inhibition. Methods Expression of CXCL12/CXCR4 was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR, ELISA and immunohistochemistry in resection specimens of 50 CRC patients as well as in the corresponding normal tissues and in three human CRC cell lines with different metastatic potential (Caco-2, SW480 and HT-29). Migration assays were performed after stimulation with CXCL12 and CXCR4 was inhibited by siRNA and neutralizing antibodies. Results In CRC tissues CXCL12 was significantly down-regulated and CXCR4 was significantly up-regulated compared to the corresponding normal tissues. In cell lines CXCR4 was predominantly expressed in SW480 and less pronounced in HT-29 cells. CXCL12 was only detectable in Caco-2 cells. CXCL12 stimulation had no impact on Caco-2 cells but significantly increased migration of CXCR4 bearing SW480 and HT-29 cells. This effect was significantly abrogated by neutralizing anti-CXCR4 antibody as well as by CXCR4 siRNAs (P < 0.05). Conclusions CXCR4 expression was up-regulated in CRC and CXCL12 stimulation increased migration in CXCR4 bearing cell lines. Migration was inhibited by both neutralizing CXCR4 antibodies and CXCR4 siRNAs. Thus, the expression and functionality of CXCR4 might be associated with the metastatic potential of CRC cells and CXCL12/CXCR4 interactions might therefore constitute a promising target for specific treatment interventions.
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) exhibits natural tropism for dendritic cells and represents the prototypic infection that elicits protective CD8(+) T cell (cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)) immunity. Here we have harnessed the immunobiology of this arenavirus for vaccine delivery. By using producer cells constitutively synthesizing the viral glycoprotein (GP), it was possible to replace the gene encoding LCMV GP with vaccine antigens to create replication-defective vaccine vectors. These rLCMV vaccines elicited CTL responses that were equivalent to or greater than those elicited by recombinant adenovirus 5 or recombinant vaccinia virus in their magnitude and cytokine profiles, and they exhibited more effective protection in several models. In contrast to recombinant adenovirus 5, rLCMV failed to elicit vector-specific antibody immunity, which facilitated re-administration of the same vector for booster vaccination. In addition, rLCMV elicited T helper type 1 CD4+ T cell responses and protective neutralizing antibodies to vaccine antigens. These features, together with low seroprevalence in humans, suggest that rLCMV may show utility as a vaccine platform against infectious diseases and cancer.
Immune responses have the important function of host defense and protection against pathogens. However, the immune response also causes inflammation and host tissue injury, termed immunopathology. For example, hepatitis B and C virus infection in humans cause immunopathological sequel with destruction of liver cells by the host's own immune response. Similarly, after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice, the adaptive immune response causes liver cell damage, choriomeningitis and destruction of lymphoid organ architecture. The immunopathological sequel during LCMV infection has been attributed to cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells. However, we now show that during LCMV infection CD4(+) T cells selectively induced the destruction of splenic marginal zone and caused liver cell damage with elevated serum alanin-transferase (ALT) levels. The destruction of the splenic marginal zone by CD4(+) T cells included the reduction of marginal zone B cells, marginal zone macrophages and marginal zone metallophilic macrophages. Functionally, this resulted in an impaired production of neutralizing antibodies against LCMV. Furthermore, CD4(+) T cells reduced B cells with an IgM(high)IgD(low) phenotype (transitional stage 1 and 2, marginal zone B cells), whereas other B cell subtypes such as follicular type 1 and 2 and germinal center/memory B cells were not affected. Adoptive transfer of CD4(+) T cells lacking different important effector cytokines and cytolytic pathways such as IFNγ, TNFα, perforin and Fas-FasL interaction did reveal that these cytolytic pathways are redundant in the induction of immunopathological sequel in spleen. In conclusion, our results define an important role of CD4(+) T cells in the induction of immunopathology in liver and spleen. This includes the CD4(+) T cell mediated destruction of the splenic marginal zone with consecutively impaired protective neutralizing antibody responses.
Statins have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties in addition to lipid-lowering effects. The present study evaluated the effect of atorvastatin added to interferon beta-1b in multiple sclerosis (MS) in a multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, rater-blinded study performed in eight Swiss hospitals. Seventy-seven patients with relapsing-remitting MS started interferon beta-1b every other day. After 3 months, they were randomized 1:1 to receive atorvastatin 40 mg/day or not in addition to interferon beta-1b until month 15. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with new lesions on T2-weighted images at month 15 compared to baseline at month three. At study end, the proportion of patients with new lesions on T2-weighted images was equal in both groups (odds ratio 1.14; 95 % CI 0.36-3.56; p = 0.81). All predefined secondary endpoints including number of new lesions and total lesion volume on T2-weighted images, total number of new Gd-enhancing lesions on T1-weighted images, total brain volume, volume of grey matter, volume of white matter, EDSS, MSFC, relapse rate, time to first relapse, number of relapse-free patients and neutralizing antibodies did not show any significant differences (all p values >0.1). Transient elevations of liver enzymes were more frequent with atorvastatin (p = 0.02). In conclusion, atorvastatin 40 mg/day in addition to interferon beta-1b did not have a beneficial effect on relapsing-remitting MS compared to interferon beta-1b monotherapy over a 12-month period.
Inhibiting the α4 subunit of the integrin heterodimers α4β1 and α4β7 with the mab natalizumab is an effective treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). Which of the two α4 heterodimers is involved in disease pathogenesis has, however, remained controversial. Whereas the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS, is ameliorated in β7-integrin-deficient C57BL/6 mice, neutralizing antibodies against the β7-integrin subunit or the α4β7-integrin heterodimer fail to interfere with EAE pathogenesis in the SJL mouse. To facilitate α4β7-integrin-mediated immune-cell trafficking across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), we established transgenic C57BL/6 mice with endothelial cell-specific, inducible expression of the α4β7-integrin ligand mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule (MAdCAM)-1 using the tetracycline (TET)-OFF system. Although TET-regulated MAdCAM-1 induced α4β7-integrin mediated interaction of α4β7(+) /α4β1(-) T cells with the BBB in vitro and in vivo, it failed to influence EAE pathogenesis in C57BL/6 mice. TET-regulated MAdCAM-1 on the BBB neither changed the localization of central nervous system (CNS) perivascular inflammatory cuffs nor did it enhance the percentage of α4β7-integrin(+) inflammatory cells within the CNS during EAE. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that ectopic expression of MAdCAM-1 at the BBB does not increase α4β7-integrin-mediated immune cell trafficking into the CNS during MOG(aa35-55)-induced EAE.
The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling system plays a crucial role in human cancer and the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) is an attractive drug target against which a variety of novel anti-tumor agents are being developed. Deregulation of the IGF signaling pathway frequently occurs in human cancer and involves the establishment of autocrine loops comprising IGF-1 or IGF-2 and/or IGF-1R over-expression. Epidemiologic studies have documented a link between elevated IGF levels and the development of solid tumors, such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer. Anti-cancer strategies targeting the IGF signaling system involve two main approaches, namely neutralizing antibodies and small molecule inhibitors of the IGF-1R kinase activity. There are numerous reports describing anti-tumor activity of these agents in pre-clinical models of major human cancers. In addition, multiple clinical trials have started to evaluate the safety and efficacy of selected IGF-1R inhibitors, in combination with standard chemotherapeutic regimens or other targeted agents in cancer patients. In this mini review, I will discuss the role of the IGF signaling system in human cancer and the main strategies which have been so far evaluated to target the IGF-1R.
In this paper, we investigated whether bcl-xL can be involved in the modulation of the angiogenic phenotype of human tumor cells. Using the ADF human glioblastoma and the M14 melanoma lines, and their derivative bcl-xL-overexpressing clones, we showed that the conditioned medium of bcl-xL transfectants increased in vitro endothelial cell functions, such as proliferation and morphogenesis, and in vivo vessel formation in Matrigel plugs, compared with the conditioned medium of control cells. Moreover, the overexpression of bcl-xL induced an increased expression of the proangiogenic interleukin-8 (CXCL8), both at the protein and mRNA levels, and an enhanced CXCL8 promoter activity. The role of CXCL8 on bcl-xL-induced angiogenesis was validated using CXCL8-neutralizing antibodies, whereas down-regulation of bcl-xL through antisense oligonucleotide or RNA interference strategies confirmed the involvement of bcl-xL on CXCL8 expression. Transient overexpression of bcl-xL led to extend this observation to other tumor cell lines with different origin, such as colon and prostate carcinoma. In conclusion, our results showed that CXCL8 modulation by bcl-xL regulates tumor angiogenesis, and they point to elucidate an additional function of bcl-xL protein.
OBJECTIVE: Marfan syndrome is a systemic connective tissue disorder caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene. It was originally believed that Marfan syndrome results exclusively from the production of abnormal fibrillin-1 that leads to structurally weaker connective tissue when incorporated into the extracellular matrix. This effect seemed to explain many of the clinical features of Marfan syndrome, including aortic root dilatation and acute aortic dissection, which represent the main causes of morbidity and mortality in Marfan syndrome. METHODS: Recent molecular studies, most based on genetically defined mouse models of Marfan syndrome, have challenged this paradigm. These studies established the critical contribution of fibrillin-1 haploinsufficiency and dysregulated transforming growth factor-beta signaling to disease progression. RESULTS: It seems that many manifestations of Marfan syndrome are less related to a primary structural deficiency of the tissues than to altered morphogenetic and homeostatic programs that are induced by altered transforming growth factor-beta signaling. Most important, transforming growth factor-beta antagonism, through transforming growth factor-beta neutralizing antibodies or losartan (an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist), has been shown to prevent and possibly reverse aortic root dilatation, mitral valve prolapse, lung disease, and skeletal muscle dysfunction in a mouse model of Marfan syndrome. CONCLUSION: There are indicators that losartan, a drug widely used to treat arterial hypertension in humans, offers the first potential for primary prevention of clinical manifestations in Marfan syndrome.