975 resultados para Network Evolution


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The current state of the art in the planning and coordination of autonomous vehicles is based upon the presence of speed lanes. In a traffic scenario where there is a large diversity between vehicles the removal of speed lanes can generate a significantly higher traffic bandwidth. Vehicle navigation in such unorganized traffic is considered. An evolutionary based trajectory planning technique has the advantages of making driving efficient and safe, however it also has to surpass the hurdle of computational cost. In this paper, we propose a real time genetic algorithm with Bezier curves for trajectory planning. The main contribution is the integration of vehicle following and overtaking behaviour for general traffic as heuristics for the coordination between vehicles. The resultant coordination strategy is fast and near-optimal. As the vehicles move, uncertainties may arise which are constantly adapted to, and may even lead to either the cancellation of an overtaking procedure or the initiation of one. Higher level planning is performed by Dijkstra's algorithm which indicates the route to be followed by the vehicle in a road network. Re-planning is carried out when a road blockage or obstacle is detected. Experimental results confirm the success of the algorithm subject to optimal high and low-level planning, re-planning and overtaking.


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The White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis (WhV) is uncommon and largely restricted to protected areas across its range in sub-Saharan Africa. We used the World Database on Protected Areas to identify protected areas (PAs) likely to contain White-headed Vultures. Vulture occurrence on road transects in Southern, East, and West Africa was adjusted to nests per km2 using data from areas with known numbers of nests and corresponding road transect data. Nest density was used to calculate the number of WhV nests within identified PAs and from there extrapolated to estimate the global population. Across a fragmented range, 400 PAs are estimated to contain 1893 WhV nests. Eastern Africa is estimated to contain 721 nests, Central Africa 548 nests, Southern Africa 468 nests, and West Africa 156 nests. Including immature and nonbreeding birds, and accounting for data deficient PAs, the estimated global population is 5475 - 5493 birds. The identified distribution highlights are alarming: over 78% (n = 313) of identified PAs contain fewer than five nests. A further 17% (n = 68) of PAs contain 5 - 20 nests and 4% (n = 14) of identified PAs are estimated to contain >20 nests. Just 1% (n = 5) of PAs are estimated to contain >40 nests; none is located in West Africa. Whilst ranging behavior of WhVs is currently unknown, 35% of PAs large enough to hold >20 nests are isolated by more than 100 km from other PAs. Spatially discrete and unpredictable mortality events such as poisoning pose major threats to small localized vulture populations and will accelerate ongoing local extinctions. Apart from reducing the threat of poisoning events, conservation actions promoting linkages between protected areas should be pursued. Identifying potential areas for assisted re-establishment via translocation offers the potential to expand the range of this species and alleviate risk.


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Mutualisms often form networks of interacting species, characterized by the existence of a central core of species that potentially drive the ecology and the evolution of the whole community. Centrality measures allow quantification of how central or peripheral a species is within a network, thus informing about the role of each species in network organization, dynamics, and stability. In the present study we addressed the question whether the structural position of species in the network (i.e. their topological importance) relates to their ecological traits. We studied interactions between cleaner and client reef fishes to identify central and peripheral species within a mutualistic network, and investigated five ecological correlates. We used three measures to estimate the level of centrality of a species for distinct structural patterns, such as the number of interactions and the structural proximity to other species. Through the use of a principal component analysis (PCA) we observed that the centrality measures were highly correlated (92.5%) in the studied network, which indicates that the same species plays a similar role for the different structural patterns. Three cleaner and ten client species had positive values of centrality, which suggests that these species are modulating ecological and evolutionary dynamics within the network. Higher centralities were related to higher abundances and feeding habits for client fishes, but not for cleaners. The high correlation between centrality measures in the present study is likely related to the nested structure of the cleaning network. The cleaner species` set, by having central species that are not necessarily the most abundant ones, bears potentially more vulnerable points for network cohesiveness. Additionally, the present study generalizes previous findings for plant-animal mutualisms, as it shows that the structure of marine mutualisms is also related to a complex interplay between abundance and niche-related features.


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The Sznajd model (SM) has been employed with success in the last years to describe opinion propagation in a community. In particular, it has been claimed that its transient is able to reproduce some scale properties observed in data of proportional elections, in different countries, if the community structure (the network) is scale-free. In this work, we investigate the properties of the transient of a particular version of the SM, introduced by Bernardes and co-authors in 2002. We studied the behavior of the model in networks of different topologies through the time evolution of an order parameter known as interface density, and concluded that regular lattices with high dimensionality also leads to a power-law distribution of the number of candidates with v votes. Also, we show that the particular absorbing state achieved in the stationary state (or else, the winner candidate), is related to a particular feature of the model, that may not be realistic in all situations.


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The topology of real-world complex networks, such as in transportation and communication, is always changing with time. Such changes can arise not only as a natural consequence of their growth, but also due to major modi. cations in their intrinsic organization. For instance, the network of transportation routes between cities and towns ( hence locations) of a given country undergo a major change with the progressive implementation of commercial air transportation. While the locations could be originally interconnected through highways ( paths, giving rise to geographical networks), transportation between those sites progressively shifted or was complemented by air transportation, with scale free characteristics. In the present work we introduce the path-star transformation ( in its uniform and preferential versions) as a means to model such network transformations where paths give rise to stars of connectivity. It is also shown, through optimal multivariate statistical methods (i.e. canonical projections and maximum likelihood classification) that while the US highways network adheres closely to a geographical network model, its path-star transformation yields a network whose topological properties closely resembles those of the respective airport transportation network.


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Shape provides one of the most relevant information about an object. This makes shape one of the most important visual attributes used to characterize objects. This paper introduces a novel approach for shape characterization, which combines modeling shape into a complex network and the analysis of its complexity in a dynamic evolution context. Descriptors computed through this approach show to be efficient in shape characterization, incorporating many characteristics, such as scale and rotation invariant. Experiments using two different shape databases (an artificial shapes database and a leaf shape database) are presented in order to evaluate the method. and its results are compared to traditional shape analysis methods found in literature. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper we extend the results presented in (de Ponte, Mizrahi and Moussa 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 032101) to treat quantitatively the effects of reservoirs at finite temperature in a bosonic dissipative network: a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators whatever its topology, i.e., whichever the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings and their natural frequencies. Starting with the case where distinct reservoirs are considered, each one coupled to a corresponding oscillator, we also analyze the case where a common reservoir is assigned to the whole network. Master equations are derived for both situations and both regimes of weak and strong coupling strengths between the network oscillators. Solutions of these master equations are presented through the normal ordered characteristic function. These solutions are shown to be significantly involved when temperature effects are considered, making difficult the analysis of collective decoherence and dispersion in dissipative bosonic networks. To circumvent these difficulties, we turn to the Wigner distribution function which enables us to present a technique to estimate the decoherence time of network states. Our technique proceeds by computing separately the effects of dispersion and the attenuation of the interference terms of the Wigner function. A detailed analysis of the dispersion mechanism is also presented through the evolution of the Wigner function. The interesting collective dispersion effects are discussed and applied to the analysis of decoherence of a class of network states. Finally, the entropy and the entanglement of a pure bipartite system are discussed.


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This paper introduces a novel methodology to shape boundary characterization, where a shape is modeled into a small-world complex network. It uses degree and joint degree measurements in a dynamic evolution network to compose a set of shape descriptors. The proposed shape characterization method has all efficient power of shape characterization, it is robust, noise tolerant, scale invariant and rotation invariant. A leaf plant classification experiment is presented on three image databases in order to evaluate the method and compare it with other descriptors in the literature (Fourier descriptors, Curvature, Zernike moments and multiscale fractal dimension). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we propose a scheme for quasi-perfect state transfer in a network of dissipative harmonic oscillators. We consider ideal sender and receiver oscillators connected by a chain of nonideal transmitter oscillators coupled by nearest-neighbour resonances. From the algebraic properties of the dynamical quantities describing the evolution of the network state, we derive a criterion, fixing the coupling strengths between all the oscillators, apart from their natural frequencies, enabling perfect state transfer in the particular case of ideal transmitter oscillators. Our criterion provides an easily manipulated formula enabling perfect state transfer in the special case where the network nonidealities are disregarded. We also extend such a criterion to dissipative networks where the fidelity of the transferred state decreases due to the loss mechanisms. To circumvent almost completely the adverse effect of decoherence, we propose a protocol to achieve quasi-perfect state transfer in nonideal networks. By adjusting the common frequency of the sender and the receiver oscillators to be out of resonance with that of the transmitters, we demonstrate that the sender`s state tunnels to the receiver oscillator by virtually exciting the nonideal transmitter chain. This virtual process makes negligible the decay rate associated with the transmitter line at the expense of delaying the time interval for the state transfer process. Apart from our analytical results, numerical computations are presented to illustrate our protocol.


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The Sunsas-Aguapei province (1.20-0.95 Ga), SW Amazonian Craton, is a key area to study the heterogeneous effects of collisional events with Laurentia, which shows evidence of the Grenvillian and Sunsas orogens. The Sunsas orogen, characterized by an allochthonous collisional-type belt (1.11-1.00 Ga), is the youngest and southwestern most of the events recorded along the cratonic fringe. Its evolution occurred after a period of long quiescence and erosion of the already cratonized provinces (>1.30 Ga), that led to sedimentation of the Sunsas and Vibosi groups in a passive margin setting. The passive margin stage was roughly contemporary with intraplate tectonics that produced the Nova Brasilandia proto-oceanic basin (<1.21 Ga), the reactivation of the Ji-Parana shear zone network (1.18-1.12 Ga) and a system of aborted rifts that evolved to the Huanchaca-Aguapei basin (1.17-1.15 Ga). The Sunsas belt is comprised by the metamorphosed Sunsas and Vibosi sequences, the Rincon del Tigre mafic-ultramafic sill and granitic intrusive suites. The latter rocks yield epsilon(Nd(t)) signatures (-0.5 to -4.5) and geochemistry (S,1, A-types) suggesting their origin associated with a continental arc setting. The Sunsas belt evolution is marked by ""tectonic fronts"" with sinistral offsets that was active from c. 1.08 to 1.05 Ga, along the southern edge of the Paragua microcontinent where K/Ar ages (1.27-1.34 Ga) and the Huanchaca-Aguapei flat-lying cover attest to the earliest tectonic stability at the time of the orogen. The Sunsas dynamics is coeval with inboard crustal shortening, transpression and magmatism in the Nova Brasilandia belt (1.13-1.00 Ga). Conversely, the Aguapei aulacogen (0.96-0.91 Ga) and nearby shear zones (0.93-0.91 Ga) are the late tectonic offshoots over the cratonic margin. The post-tectonic to anorogenic stages took place after ca. 1.00 Ga, evidenced by the occurrences of intra-plate A-type granites, pegmatites, mafic dikes and sills, as well as of graben basins. Integrated interpretation of the available data related to the Sunsas orogen supports the idea that the main nucleus of Rodinia incorporated the terrains forming the SW corner of Amazonia and most of the Grenvillian margin, as a result of two independent collisional events, as indicated in the Amazon region by the Ji-Parana shear zone event and the Sunsas belt, respectively. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most existing models for the evolution of rift basins predict the development of deep-water depositional systems during the stage of greatest tectonic subsidence, when accommodation generation potentially outpaces sedimentation. Despite this, some rift basins do not present deep-water systems, instead being dominated by subaerial deposits. This paper focuses on one of these particular rift basins, the Cambrian Guaritas Rift, Southern Brazil, characterized by more than 1500 m of alluvial and aeolian strata deposited in a 50-km-wide basin. The deposits of the Guaritas Rift can be ascribed to four depositional systems: basin-border alluvial fans, bedload-dominated ephemeral rivers, mixed-load ephemeral rivers and aeolian dune fields. These four systems are in part coeval and in part succeed each other, forming three stages of basin evolution: (i) Rift Initiation to Early Rift Climax stage, (ii) Mid to Late Rift Climax stage, and (iii) Early Post-Rift stage. The first stage comprises most of the Guaritas Group and is characterized by homogeneous bed-load-dominated river deposits, which do not clearly record the evolution of subsidence rates. The onset of sedimentation of finer-grained deposits occurred as a consequence of a reactivation event that changed the outline of the basin and the distribution of the nearby highlands. This strongly suggests that the capture of the main river system to another depression decreased the sediment supply to the basin. The study of the Guaritas Rift indicates that rift basins in which the sediment supply exceeds the accommodation generation occur as a consequence of moderate subsidence combined with the capture of a major river system to the basin during the initial stages of basin evolution. In these basins, changes in the average discharge of the river system or tectonic modification of the drainage network may be the major control on the stratigraphic architecture. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Trypanosoma cruzi is highly diverse genetically and has been partitioned into six discrete typing units (DTUs), recently re-named T. cruzi I-VI. Although T. cruzi reproduces predominantly by binary division, accumulating evidence indicates that particular DTUs are the result of hybridization events. Two major scenarios for the origin of the hybrid lineages have been proposed. It is accepted widely that the most heterozygous TcV and TcVI DTUs are the result of genetic exchange between TcII and TcIII strains. On the other hand, the participation of a TcI parental in the current genome structure of these hybrid strains is a matter of debate. Here, sequences of the T. cruzi-specific 195-bp satellite DNA of TcI, TcII, Tat, TcV, and TcVI strains have been used for inferring network genealogies. The resulting genealogy showed a high degree of reticulation, which is consistent with more than one event of hybridization between the Tc DTUs. The data also strongly suggest that Tat is a hybrid with two distinct sets of satellite sequences, and that genetic exchange between TcI and TcII parentals occurred within the pedigree of the TcV and TcVI DTUs. Although satellite DNAs belong to the fast-evolving portion of eukaryotic genomes, in >100 satellite units of nine T. cruzi strains we found regions that display 100% identity. No DTU-specific consensus motifs were identified, inferring species-wide conservation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis work concerns about the Performance evolution of peer to peer networks, where we used different distribution technique’s of peer distribution like Weibull, Lognormal and Pareto distribution process. Then we used a network simulator to evaluate the performance of these three distribution techniques.During the last decade the Internet has expanded into a world-wide network connecting millions of hosts and users and providing services for everyone. Many emerging applications are bandwidth-intensive in their nature; the size of downloaded files including music and videos can be huge, from ten megabits to many gigabits. The efficient use of network resources is thus crucial for the survivability of the Internet. Traffic engineering (TE) covers a range of mechanisms for optimizing operational networks from the traffic perspective. The time scale in traffic engineering varies from the short-term network control to network planning over a longer time period.Here in this thesis work we considered the peer distribution technique in-order to minimise the peer arrival and service process with three different techniques, where we calculated the congestion parameters like blocking time for each peer before entering into the service process, waiting time for a peers while the other peer has been served in the service block and the delay time for each peer. Then calculated the average of each process and graphs have been plotted using Matlab to analyse the results


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This article reflects findings from a long term case study of an online community of practice established through a network for the professional education of teachers in Ontario, Canada. The Education Network of Ontario/Réseau éducatif de l'Ontario (ENO/REO) was created in 1992–1993 to support and connect teachers from kindergarten to grade 12 in the province of Ontario. Its mandate was to ensure that all teachers had free access to the Internet and to each other and to encourage the development of skills in the area of information and communication technology with the ultimate goal of using those skills to improve classroom practice. The study investigated whether information technology had the potential to connect teachers to each other in order to build the capacity to create networks where professional learning could take place in a cost-efficient and flexible time and/or place. It was found that participants were early adopters who enjoyed innovation, that online networkswere supportive for learning but hard to maintain over time, and though they supported the integration of technology in the classroom, other barriers within schools could challenge this effect.


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Low-molecular mass organic gelators self-organizing into three-dimensional fiber networks within organic solvents have attracted much attention in recent years. However, to date, how the microstructure of fiber network is formed in a gelation process and the key factors that govern the topological structure of a gel network remain to be determined. In this work, we address these issues by investigating the in situ formation of the gel networks in the N-lauroyl-l-glutamic acid di-n-butylamide (GP-1)/propylene glycol (PG) system. By using optical microscopy, the time evolution of the gel network microstructure was investigated under various supersaturation conditions. It is found that supersaturation is one of the key factors that govern the topological structure of a gel network. In particular, the creation of the junctions turns out to be supersaturation-dependent. The rheological experiments further revealed the correlation between topological structure and mechanical properties. It suggests that the rheological properties can be effectively modified by tuning the microstructure topology of the gel network. Our results reported here provide new physical insight into the formation kinetics of a molecular gel. Furthermore, this work could be important in constructing and engineering a supramolecular structure for the purpose of applications.