970 resultados para Neoplasia intra-epitelial vulvar


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT


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Survivin protein is an inhibitor of apoptosis that plays a role in cell cycle control and the mechanism of carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to verify the clinic pathological correlation of survivin expression in exfoliative cytology of chronic smokers, mucosa of patients with intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and also from mucosa after surgical removal of OSCC. Patients were divided in 03 groups: Group 1: 26 patients who smoked more than 20 cigarettes/day/10years with no history of oral malignant neoplasm, or any clinical sign visible at examination. Group 2: 26 patients who had OSCC and Group 3: 22 patients surgically treated of OSCC for at least 01 month. Immunohistochemistry of the smears from each group was analyzed by light microscopy to extent and intensity of survivin positive cells. Survivin expression was observed in 100% of cases in group 1, 88.5% in group 2 and 100% in group 3. Groups 1 and 3 showed cytoplasmic expression in 100% of the cases, while group 2 showed it in 87.5%. Cytoplasmic and nuclear expression was 7.69% observed only in group 2. The results were association with clinicopathological data by Fisher's exact test and it was significant to smoke cessation in group 2 on intensity (p=0.015) of survivin expression. The intensity of survivin expression was related to smoking cessation in group 2. Smoking history (pack/years) showed no influence survivin expression


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Survivin protein is an inhibitor of apoptosis that plays a role in cell cycle control and the mechanism of carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to verify the clinic pathological correlation of survivin expression in exfoliative cytology of chronic smokers, mucosa of patients with intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and also from mucosa after surgical removal of OSCC. Patients were divided in 03 groups: Group 1: 26 patients who smoked more than 20 cigarettes/day/10years with no history of oral malignant neoplasm, or any clinical sign visible at examination. Group 2: 26 patients who had OSCC and Group 3: 22 patients surgically treated of OSCC for at least 01 month. Immunohistochemistry of the smears from each group was analyzed by light microscopy to extent and intensity of survivin positive cells. Survivin expression was observed in 100% of cases in group 1, 88.5% in group 2 and 100% in group 3. Groups 1 and 3 showed cytoplasmic expression in 100% of the cases, while group 2 showed it in 87.5%. Cytoplasmic and nuclear expression was 7.69% observed only in group 2. The results were association with clinicopathological data by Fisher's exact test and it was significant to smoke cessation in group 2 on intensity (p=0.015) of survivin expression. The intensity of survivin expression was related to smoking cessation in group 2. Smoking history (pack/years) showed no influence survivin expression


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L’approccio chirurgico agli adenomi ipofisari ACTH secernenti è la terapia d’elezione nell’uomo. L’ipofisectomia transfenoidale è invece una tecnica poco diffusa in ambito veterinario. La terapia più diffusa nel cane con ipercortisolismo ipofisi dipendente (PDH) è di tipo medico e prevede la somministrazione di farmaci inibitori della sintesi del cortisolo. Gli adenomi ipofisari possono aumentare di volume e determinare una conseguente sintomatologia neurologica; in questi casi le uniche opzioni terapeutiche sono rappresentate dall’asportazione chirurgica della neoplasia e dalla radioterapia. Nella presente tesi vengono descritti 8 interventi di ipofisectomia transfenoidale effettuati su 7 cani con macroadenoma ipofisario presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell’Università di Bologna. La difficoltà maggiore per il chirurgo è rappresentata dalla localizzazione della fossa ipofisaria rispetto ai punti di repere visibile in tomografia computerizzata o in risonanza magnetica nucleare, oltre ai problemi di sanguinamento durante la rimozione della neoplasia. Nel periodo post-operatorio maggiori complicazioni si riscontrano in soggetti con adenomi ipofisari di maggiori dimensioni. Al contrario, in presenza di adenomi di dimensioni più contenute, la ripresa post-operatoria risulta più rapida e il tasso di successo maggiore. Al fine di poter eseguire nel cane l’exeresi mirata della sola neoplasia ipofisaria, al pari di quanto avviene nell’uomo, è stato condotto uno studio sulla tomografia computerizzata (TC) in 86 cani con PDH. Il protocollo TC non ha tuttavia permesso di individuare con precisione la posizione della neoplasia per guidare il chirurgo nella sua rimozione. In due casi riportati nel presente lavoro si è verificata una recidiva della neoplasia ipofisaria. In un soggetto si è optato per il reintervento, mentre nell’altro caso per la radioterapia. Entrambe le opzioni hanno garantito una buona qualità di vita per più di un anno dall’intervento terapeutico. Questi casi clinici dimostrano come il reintervento e la radioterapia possano essere considerate valide opzioni in caso di recidiva.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine characteristics and clinical course of high-grade anogenital intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected women. STUDY DESIGN: HIV-positive women with biopsy-proven high-grade (II and III) vulvar (VIN), vaginal (VAIN) or perianal intraepithelial neoplasia (PAIN) were identified in the electronic databases of 2 colposcopy clinics. RESULTS: A total of 31 patients were identified from 1992 to 2007, of which 30 had a mean follow-up of 47.7 months (SD = 46.0; range, 2.6-166.2). Of the patients, 77.4% had VIN, 12.9% VAIN and 9.7% PAIN at first diagnosis. Age at diagnosis of IN was 36.2 years (SD +/- 5.2; range, 23.5-47.0). Ninety percent of patients received antiretroviral therapy at first diagnosis of IN; 65% (13 of 20) of patients with a follow-up of > 2 years required a second treatment, and 2 developed invasive vulvar cancer (10%). CONCLUSION: AIN among HIV-positive women shows a high relapse rate despite treatment modality used and a substantial invasive potential.


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The vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is a rare chronic skin condition that may progress to an invasive carcinoma of the vulva. Major issues affecting women's health were occurring symptoms, negative influences on sexuality, uncertainty concerning the illness progression and changes in the body image. Despite this, there is little known about the lived experiences of the illness trajectory. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the experiences of women with VIN during the illness trajectory. In a secondary data analysis of the foregoing qualitative study we analysed eight narrative interviews with women with VIN by using thematic analysis in combination with critical hermeneutics. Central for these women during their course of illness was a sense of "Hope and Fear". This constitutive pattern reflects the fear of recurrence but also the trust in healing. The eight narratives showed women's experiences during their course of illness occurred in five phases: "there is something unknown"; "one knows, what IT is"; "IT is treated and should heal"; "IT has effects on daily life"; "meanwhile it works". Women's experiences were particularly influenced by the feeling of "embarrassment" and by "dealing with professionals". Current care seems to lack adequate support for women with VIN to manage these phases. We suggest, based on our study and the international literature, that new models of counselling and providing information need to be developed and evaluated.


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Fil: Parra, Viviana Gladys. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Dermatología


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This study aimed at evaluating whether human papillomavirus (HPV) groups and E6/E7 mRNA of HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, and 45 are prognostic of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 outcome in women with a cervical smear showing a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). This cohort study included women with biopsy-confirmed CIN 2 who were followed up for 12 months, with cervical smear and colposcopy performed every three months. Women with a negative or low-risk HPV status showed 100% CIN 2 regression. The CIN 2 regression rates at the 12-month follow-up were 69.4% for women with alpha-9 HPV versus 91.7% for other HPV species or HPV-negative status (P < 0.05). For women with HPV 16, the CIN 2 regression rate at the 12-month follow-up was 61.4% versus 89.5% for other HPV types or HPV-negative status (P < 0.05). The CIN 2 regression rate was 68.3% for women who tested positive for HPV E6/E7 mRNA versus 82.0% for the negative results, but this difference was not statistically significant. The expectant management for women with biopsy-confirmed CIN 2 and previous cytological tests showing LSIL exhibited a very high rate of spontaneous regression. HPV 16 is associated with a higher CIN 2 progression rate than other HPV infections. HPV E6/E7 mRNA is not a prognostic marker of the CIN 2 clinical outcome, although this analysis cannot be considered conclusive. Given the small sample size, this study could be considered a pilot for future larger studies on the role of predictive markers of CIN 2 evolution.


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This study aimed at evaluating the functional activation and activating receptors expression on resting, short- and long-term NK and NK-like T cells from blood of ovarian neoplasia patients. Blood from patients with adnexal benign alterations (n = 10) and ovarian cancer (grade I-IV n = 14) were collected after signed consent. Effector cells activation was evaluated by the expression of the CD107a molecule. Short-term culture was conducted overnight with IL-2 and long-term culture for 21 days, by a method designed to expand CD56(+) lymphocytes. Short-term culture significantly increased NK cells activation compared to resting NK cells (p<0.05), however, the long-term procedure supported an even higher increase (p<0.001). Resting NK-like T cells showed poor activation, which was not altered by the culture procedures. The long-term culture effectively increased the expression of the activating receptors on NK and NK-like T cells, either by increasing the number of cells expressing a given receptor and/or by up-regulating their expression intensity. As a conclusion, the long-term culture system employed, resulted in a high number of functional NK cells. The culture system was particularly efficient on the up-regulation of NKp30 and DNAM-1 receptors on NK cells.


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One of the great challenges of the scientific community on theories of genetic information, genetic communication and genetic coding is to determine a mathematical structure related to DNA sequences. In this paper we propose a model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information similar to a model of a power and bandwidth efficient digital communication system in order to identify a mathematical structure in DNA sequences where such sequences are biologically relevant. The model of a transmission system of genetic information is concerned with the identification, reproduction and mathematical classification of the nucleotide sequence of single stranded DNA by the genetic encoder. Hence, a genetic encoder is devised where labelings and cyclic codes are established. The establishment of the algebraic structure of the corresponding codes alphabets, mappings, labelings, primitive polynomials (p(x)) and code generator polynomials (g(x)) are quite important in characterizing error-correcting codes subclasses of G-linear codes. These latter codes are useful for the identification, reproduction and mathematical classification of DNA sequences. The characterization of this model may contribute to the development of a methodology that can be applied in mutational analysis and polymorphisms, production of new drugs and genetic improvement, among other things, resulting in the reduction of time and laboratory costs.


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To evaluate p16(INK) (4a) immunoexpression in CIN1 lesions looking for differences between cases that progress to CIN2/3 maintain CIN1 diagnosis, or spontaneously regress. Seventy-four CIN1 biopsies were studied. In the follow-up, a second biopsy was performed and 28.7% showed no lesion (regression), 37.9% maintained CIN1, and 33.4% progressed to CIN2/3. Immunostaining for p16(INK) (4a) was performed in the first biopsy and it was considered positive when there was strong and diffuse staining of the basal and parabasal layers. Pearson's chi-square was used to compare the groups (p ≤ 0.05). The age of the patients was similar. There was no significant difference in p16(INK) (4a) immunoexpression in the groups, however, statistical analyses showed a significant association when only the progression and regression groups were compared (p = 0.042). Considering p16(INK) (4a) positivity and the progression to CIN2/3, the sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values in our cohort were 45%, 75%, 47%, and 94%, respectively. We emphasize that CIN1 with p16(INK) (4a) staining was associated with lesion progression, but the sensitivity was not high. However, the negative predictive value was more reliable (94%) and p16(INK) (4a) may represent a useful biomarker that can identify CIN1 lesions that need particular attention, complementing morphology.


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CONTEXT: Desmoid tumors constitute one of the most important extraintestinal manifestations of familial adenomatous polyposis. The development of desmoids is responsible for increasing morbidity and mortality rates in cases of familial adenomatous polyposis. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the occurrence of desmoid tumors in familial adenomatous polyposis cases following prophylactic colectomy and to present patient outcome. METHODS: Between 1984 and 2008, 68 patients underwent colectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis at the School of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil. Desmoid tumors were found in nine (13.2%) of these patients, who were studied retrospectively by consulting their medical charts with respect to clinical and surgical data. RESULTS: Of nine patients, seven (77.8%) were submitted to laparotomy for tumor resection. Median age at the time of surgery was 33.9 years (range 22-51 years). Desmoid tumors were found in the abdominal wall in 3/9 cases (33.3%) and in an intra-abdominal site in the remaining six cases (66.7%). Median time elapsed between ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and diagnosis of desmoid tumor was 37.5 months (range 14-60 months), while the median time between colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis and diagnosis was 63.7 months (range 25-116 months). In 6/9 (66.7%) patients with desmoid tumors, the disease was either under control or there was no evidence of tumor recurrence at a follow-up visit made a mean of 63.1 months later (range 12-240 months). CONCLUSIONS: Desmoid tumors were found in 13.2% of cases of familial adenomatous polyposis following colectomy; therefore, familial adenomatous polyposis patients should be followed-up and surveillance should include abdominal examination to detect signs and symptoms. Treatment options include surgery and clinical management with antiestrogens, antiinflammatory drugs or chemotherapy.


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Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant hereditary cancer syndrome characterized mostly by parathyroid, enteropancreatic, and anterior pituitary tumors. We present a case of an 8-year-old boy referred because of hypoglycemic attacks. His diagnosis was pancreatic insulinoma. Paternal grandmother died due to repeated gastroduodenal ulcerations and a paternal aunt presented similar manifestations. At a first evaluation, the father presented only gastric ulceration but subsequently developed hyperparathyroidism and lung carcinoid tumor. During almost 15 years of follow-up, three brothers and the index case presented hyperparathyroidism and hyperprolactinemia. Molecular study showed a G to A substitution in intron 4, at nine nucleotides upstream of the splicing acceptor site, causing a splicing mutation. All affected members of the family have the same mutation. Paternal grandmother and aunt were not studied and the mother does not carry any mutation. MEN1 is a rare condition that requires permanent medical assistance. Early clinical and genetic identification of affected individuals is essential for their own surveillance and also for genetic counseling.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate changes in retinal nerve fiber layer thickness as measured by scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) after the use of medication to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucomatous or ocular hypertensive patients. METHODS: The authors prospectively enrolled 37 eyes of 37 patients in whom IOP was reduced by more than 25% after the use of medication. The images were obtained before and 15 to 30 days after the introduction of medication. The SLP parameters measured before and after the use of medication were compared using paired Student's t Test. RESULTS: The mean IOP was significantly reduced from 26.57±4.23 mmHg to 16.54 ±2.92 mmHg after the use of medication (p<0.05). None of the 10 SLP analyzed parameters was significantly affected by the reduction of IOP with medication (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, as measured by SLP, is not affected by the reduction of IOP with medication in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension.


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O estudo da próstata canina tem se tornado comum em razão da grande incidência de doenças prostáticas nessa espécie e das similaridades com as alterações apresentadas pela glândula prostática humana. Frente à alta frequência de displasias epiteliais acompanhadas de infiltrado linfocitário intersticial e atrofia acinar na espécie canina, o presente estudo teve como objetivos a caracterização imunofenotípica e a avaliação quantitativa desse infiltrado, utilizando marcadores para identificação de linfócitos T (anti-CD3) e B (anti-CD79a). Foram catalogadas 42 lesões displásicas classificadas em discreta (48%), moderada (38%) e acentuada (14%). O infiltrado linfocitário intersticial periacinar junto às áreas de epitélio prostático displásico constituiu-se predominantemente por linfócitos T (66%) e houve interação entre o grau histológico da displasia e o marcador imunoistoquímico, com oscilação na quantidade de células T e B intersticiais em função do grau da displasia epitelial.