921 resultados para Native mobile applications
In the age of computerisation, entrepreneurs around the world aim to revolutionise their field with ground-breaking ICTs. GuestU is one of those offering mobile application development to small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. To assure the young start-ups steady growth this paper aims to identify reasons for the high customer churn risk. Primary data is used to analyse end-user behaviour and particularly the success of acquisition and activation. Results show troubling download quantities as well as retention rates leading to the recommendations for GuestU to incentivise and guide their customers in increasing promotion for the applications.
The present work focuses on the use of the life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC)methodologies to evaluate environmental and economic impacts of polymers and polymer composites materials and products. Initially a literature review is performed in order to assess the scope and limitations of existing LCA and LCC studies on these topics. Then, a case study, based on the production of a water storage glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite storage tank, is presented. The storage tank was evaluated via a LCA/LCC integrated model, a novel way of analysing the life cycle (LC) environmental and economic performances of structural products. The overarching conclusion of the review is that the environmental and economic performances of polymers composites in non-mobile applications are seldom assessed and never in a combined integrated way.
In the context of the scientific research into radio, recent years have encouraged many theories about the meaning of a post-radio (Oliveira & Portela, 2011), thus enlisting several parameters regarding the inclusion of contemporary radio in the digital and online environments. This digital migration has led to the development of mobile applications for radio, broadening the communicative potential of audiences (Aguado, Feijoo & Martínez, 2013), as well as promoting convergence of interactive content among listeners-users. Aware of this opportunity, the main broadcasters in Spain and Portugal have broadened their radiophonic scope to the mobile platform, especially geared towards smartphones through the development of mobile applications, commonly known as apps (Cerezo, 2010). As a symbol of a culture in permanent changing, smartphones not only provide greater easiness in terms of access and interaction, but also afford larger opportunities for disseminating content among audiences, a phenomenon that some studies have labelled as user distributed content (Villi, 2012). This article presents an exploratory analysis of the current policies of the main Spanish and Portuguese radio broadcasters regarding mobile applications, evaluating the different levels of interaction and participation in these platforms. This observation led to the conclusion, among other findings, that the mobile platform represents a supplementary channel for traditional FM radio, rather than a new medium with its own language and expression.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Informática
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Tradução e Comunicação Multilingue
Anàlisi, disseny, implementació i documentació d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils utilitzant la plataforma WAC.
Actualment en el món de les xarxes i el de les aplicacions mòbils està en contínua evolució i cada dia sorgeixen noves idees e implementacions que aprofundeixen en aquests aspectes. Aquest projecte uneix en un mateix desenvolupament tots dos punts presentant una aplicació Android per a connectar-se a la xarxa de microblogging lliure StatusNet.
Aquest projecte desenvolupa una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils compatibles amb el sistema operatiu Android. El resultat és el programa "Paga lo justo", una calculadora per repartir el compte d'un restaurant.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils basats en Android. L'aplicació és un joc multi-pantalla, multi-nivell.
Aquest treball tracta sobre el desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils Android. Aquesta aplicació és un front-end pel servei Nagios, que s'encarrega de monitoritzar l'estat dels serveis d'una xarxa.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació per a la plataforma Android que ofereix un calendari integrat de curses a peu.
Desenvolupament d'una aplicació turística de la ciutat de Reus per a dispositius Android.
Este trabajo se basa en una aplicación para dispositivos móviles para Android basada en la API de Maps de esta plataforma.
Desarrollo de una base de datos para dar soporte a una plataforma de descarga de aplicaciones para móviles inteligentes.