964 resultados para Néo-libéralisme--Aspect social


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The cluster provides a greater commercial relationship between the companies that comprise it. This encourages companies to adopt competitive structures that allow solving problems that would hardly alone (Lubeck et. Al., 2011). With that this paper aims to describe the coopetition between companies operating on a commercial cluster planned, from the point of view of retailers, taking as a basis the theoretical models proposed by Bengtsson and Kock (1999) and Leon (2005) and operationalized by means of Social Network Analysis (SNA). Data collection consisted of two phases, the first exploratory aspect to identify the actors, and the second was characterized as descriptive as it aims to describe the coopetition among the enterprises. As a result we identified the companies that cooperate and compete simultaneously (coopetition), firms that only compete, companies just cooperate and businesses that do not compete and do not cooperate (coexistence)


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The objectives of this research were to identify and to determine the mam elements presents in actions developed by the company classified as corporate social responsibility as well as the company's speech and relation with their employees1 in Fumas' productive units. In the base theoretician-empiricist, were analyzed the aspects concerning to the social management considering the postindustrial societal model, as to the social responsibility and the moral siege aspect present in the internaI company' s relations. The method that characterizes this research is the case study of a mixing economy company considered as prominence in the industrial scene of the country, from the verification of its organizational climate. The data had been gotten by direct comment and by semistructuralized interviews, carried through with workers belonging to diverse hierarchic organization's studied leveIs, involved with social practices and their organization, having relationship to the employees. The analysis was description-qualitative formo The collected data disclose to the existence of accords and dissonances between the social responsibility practical, the moral siege and the speech presented by this company. The main objective of the study was to extend the agreement concerning to the social responsibility, as well as the moral siege practiced by the company, having as reference their integrant's perceptions, considering both the current economic and social rationalities that establish a new mo dei of relationship between State, companies under its protection and the civil society.


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Os desafios advindos da redefinição do papel do Estado e da busca pela eficiência na prestação dos serviços públicos fundamentam a realização do presente estudo. Diante disso, abordou-se a realidade dos Gerentes das Agencias da Previdência Social do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social, pessoas-chave na implantação de um modelo de Administração Pública que atenda às demandas sociais. Buscou-se identificar as percepções sobre o desenvolvimento da liderança, explicitando as relações de gênero vivenciadas no exercício desses cargos. A abordagem de gênero baseou-se no expressivo contingente de mulheres existente no serviço público. Assim, entende-se que as questões de liderança nesse setor são permeadas pelas relações de gênero. Nesse aspecto, foi realizada a contextualização da trajetória e lutas das mulheres por emancipação e da situação delas nos cargos de destaque na Administração Pública. Contextualizando o presente estudo, realizou-se a construção histórica e a apresentação dos conceitos relacionados à modernização do Estado, à Gestão Pública e à prestação dos serviços públicos no Brasil, isso conduziu à discussão de temas relacionados à cidadania e direitos sociais. Quanto aos aspectos metodológicos, trata-se de um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa, de caráter descritivo. A pesquisa de campo viabilizou os meios para a coleta dos dados, com a aplicação de questionário e entrevista semiestrurada associada à construção de desenhos. Adotou-se a análise de conteúdo para o tratamento dos dados. Foi realizada a caracterização do perfil sócio-profissional dos servidores que ocupam cargos de gerente no nível operacional do INSS e abordados os dilemas decorrentes do exercício de cargos de chefia e da busca pela liderança no desenvolvimento das competências necessárias à gestão das Agências. No âmbito das relações de gênero, foram correlacionados os significados, a partir da elaboração das vivências, enquanto homens e mulheres, no desempenho do papel de gerente nesses locais de trabalho. Importantes resultados foram observados na análise das entrevistas com a aplicação da técnica de construção de desenhos. Em geral, os gerentes demonstraram gostar e ter orgulho do que fazem, contudo, há desgastes e tensionamentos decorrentes das deficiências de infraestrutura, entre outras. Apesar disso, os gerentes demonstram capacidade de aprendizagem com essas situações e sobressaem muitos sentimentos positivos, entre eles, envolvimento, compromisso e colaboração. Os resultados da pesquisa levantam questões e recomendações que serão colocadas à disposição da organização, com elementos e reflexões no intuito de contribuir com os processos educacionais na gestão de pessoas.


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O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar os elementos da cultura organizacional do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia (TJBA) à luz das contribuições de autores do pensamento social brasileiro - representados neste estudo por Sergio Buarque de Holanda, Raymundo Faoro, Darcy Ribeiro e Celso Furtado. O tema cultura tem recebido, nas últimas décadas, relativa atenção na área de estudos organizacionais. Apesar da atenção recebida, é possível perceber lacunas na produção acadêmica sobre o tema quanto à atenção dispensada ao contexto nacional e às instituições do setor público, especialmente no que se refere ao Poder Judiciário. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho analisou a produção acadêmica nacional sobre cultura organizacional brasileira nos últimos vinte anos e buscou identificar possibilidades de utilização dos autores do pensamento social brasileiro numa abordagem de cultura organizacional que considerasse o contexto nacional. Na etapa de coleta de dados, foram realizadas trinta e sete entrevistas semiestruturadas com servidores do TJBA, no período de fevereiro a julho de 2013. A análise do corpus de dados foi feita pelo método de análise de conteúdo, com auxilio do software ATLAS.ti. A análise dos dados apontou para possibilidades de utilização das ideias dos autores do pensamento social brasileiro no estudo da cultura organizacional, principalmente na identificação da influência dos traços culturais nos valores e práticas sociais dos servidores. A análise apontou também para uma ausência de elementos baseados em valores gerencialistas na cultura organizacional desta instituição, buscando provocar uma reflexão sobre o alcance e a adequação do modelo de reforma adotado no Judiciário. Como contribuição, esta tese buscou realizar um mapeamento da cultura organizacional do TJBA, gerando uma contribuição empírica para um aprofundamento do conhecimento do Poder Judiciário sob o aspecto de universo organizacional e para os estudos que utilizam o pensamento social brasileiro, que em sua maioria têm se tratado de ensaios teóricos.


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Five years ago, Coca-Cola Brasil launched a program named “Coletivo Project”, with the purpose to enjoy an opportunity of increase on the potential consumption power of the low-income pyramid population that lived on the “favelas”. At the same time, it had the objective to offer to them a social and financial impact, which is a trust on the future, the first job for the young adults’ participant of this program and an increase on their family source of revenues, through salaries. This was possible because through Coletivo Project, Coca-Cola identified the assets they have through its value chain, focusing on its competencies, such as retail, merchandising and logistics to apply them on courses to teach the young people of the communities and, as a result, form them to be able to find their new jobs. Internal indicators followed in a monthly basis by Coca-Cola demonstrated that the communities that had the presence of Coletivos, in comparison to those without Coletivos, had social and financial impacts. The social was the fact that the young formed started to have more confidence on their future and felt with a higher self-stem to apply for and obtain their first job. On the financial aspect, they were benefit through the increasing of their revenues and also their families and Coca-Cola had an increase on sales, when compared to a community without a Coletivo Project installed. This dissertation seeks to identify the current relationship between Coca-Cola and the communities, through the Coletivo Project classes performed on the NGOs located at this places, in order to identify opportunities for improvement the benefits and the impacts (financial and social) on the NGOs, communities and all stakeholders of this project. This dissertation examines this relationship, through presence interviews performed on four NGOs selected, and located on four of the twenty communities, that are participants of the Coletivo Project on Rio de Janeiro city. These interviews performed with the students, representatives and educators of these NGOs. The covered period of the interviews ranges from April 2014 to August 2014. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive fieldwork. The main findings among possibilities for improvement by Coca-Cola are: • Implement new courses, beyond those existent at Coca-Cola (Retail, Logistics, etc.). • Increase the content of the employment module of Coletivo classes, focusing on improving educational, cultural, economic, political, social and professional life. • Increase the scale, through the quantity of positions on the Retail Coletivo classes. • Develop cultural and sports events with the communities. • Support the points of sales, participant of the practical classes of the Coletivo Retail, with refrigerators and furniture with the Coca-Cola logo. • Provide coffee breaks and meals during the Coletivo classes, using Coca-Cola beverages and partners for food items, developing the nutrition platform of the company and filling a need of the students. • Perform a research with all stakeholders related to this Project, including those students and mothers that are not participant of the Coletivo, in order to listen to them, understand their needs, and offer solutions to fulfill these gaps. and on the side of the • Perform partnerships with educational institutions to make viable other type of courses, more technical, but that have a relation with the core business of Coca-Cola Brasil, such as marketing. • Implement the Coca-Cola University, already existed at the Company. • Create courses or activities focused on the children. Regarding the impossibilities, the findings are: • Improve the basic sanitation of the communities. • Improve the safety on the communities. • Provide a home to those do not have. • Implement courses that have no relationship with Coca-Cola business and expertise, such as gastronomy. However, Coca-Cola can influence stakeholders on that. The results suggest to executives of Coca-Cola that a deep and a qualitative research on the communities of Brazil, in order to listen young people, educators, mothers, partners that offer jobs, from Coletivo and out of the project, is mandatory, to understand their needs, dreams, complains and offer valuable solutions to all.


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Os dilemas e desafios estratégicos para viabilização econômica e legitimação enfrentados por organizações sociais no Brasil – organizações sem finalidade econômica - se assemelham aos enfrentados por outros tipos de organização nas diversas partes do mundo. A literatura dominante de gestão e estratégia privilegia, em seu arcabouço, conceitos e práticas que apoiam e são apoiados nas grandes corporações privadas. A crescente influência dessas organizações na academia e na sociedade ajuda a explicar o papel de importância que estratégias de responsabilidade social corporativa alcançaram na legitimação das práticas e ideologia neoliberal que ajudam a reafirmar. Por sua vez, este quadro ajuda a explicar a posição marginal que as organizações sociais ocupam na área de gestão estratégica. Esta dissertação busca a ampliação da discussão dos estudos do campo da gestão estratégica que abordaram a construção hegemônica do campo, seus processos de legitimação e difusão e as respectivas abordagens críticas, inclusive o aspecto de colonialidade no qual a literatura dominante se insere. A compreensão da trajetória estratégica de uma organização social, o Serviço Social do Comércio – Sesc, se deu pela investigação dos processos de legitimação mobilizados dentro da própria organização e no contexto em que atua. Para tal foi utilizada a perspectiva contextualista que permitiu a observação mediante as relações internas e externas estabelecidas e as mudanças e continuidades promovidas em função de sua legitimação. Ao representar organizações como sistemas políticos e culturais que influenciam e que são influenciados pelo meio, esta investigação promove o entendimento dos componentes ideológicos e de poder na gestão estratégica, comumente naturalizados pela literatura dominante, abrindo espaço ainda para a descolonização da área de gestão estratégica, enfatizando a diversidade de organizações e de práticas e na possibilidade da coexistência de diferentes tipos de organização na área.


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A evolução de políticas públicas na esfera rural, anteriormente desenvolvida pelo Ministério da Agricultura, passando para o Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário e ganhando prioridade na agenda do governo a partir do mandato do ex-presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva ao incorporar no Ministério da Casa Civil a política pública dos Territórios da Cidadania, demonstra o retorno da importância da esfera rural brasileira e de sua população para o desenvolvimento real do país. Tendo a certeza de que a política pública hoje, gerida pelo Ministério da Casa Civil, apresenta um histórico evolutivo e que desde o final da década de 90 já priorizava como ação estratégica a gestão social como pressuposto para uma atuação do Estado pautado por ações e critérios republicanos, foi realizado um levantamento de algumas explicações que apontam a mudança da ação estatal para uma gestão que incorpora a população como um agente importante para o alcance das metas preestabelecidas pelo Estado. Sabendo da real importância do aspecto histórico para a evolução das políticas públicas, este estudo resgatou o Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento Familiar (PRONAF) como objeto de investigação, já que tal política apresenta-se como um grande marco para o desenvolvimento da gestão social nas políticas públicas territoriais. Foi realizada então uma análise de conteúdo de (4) relatórios institucionais que cobrem (4) estados e mais ou menos 100 municípios para evidenciar se as mudanças preconizadas pela atuação do conceito da gestão social estão efetivamente mudando a cultura política do país. O foco para verificação da presente questão ocorre a partir da análise dos Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural (CMDR). As constatações feitas a partir dos relatórios e interpretadas através das categorias trabalhadas no presente estudo demonstram que a realidade social brasileira ainda apresenta fragilidades advindas da formação social do país, apresentando-se como verdadeiros obstáculos para a efetivação do interesse coletivo e para a consolidação de um Estado brasileiro efetivamente republicano


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Meaning fuel and renewal energy source s derivative additives, the term biodiesel exists in Brazil since 1980, when it was signed its first patent by Expedito Parente. Since then, its importance has grown gradually due to the worsening of the ambient problems, since its use has became a highly promising alternative to the pollution decrease, as in the carbon dioxide issue as with the smoke and sulfur oxide. In Brazil, it was created the National Program of Production, whose objective is to insert the new product in the country s energy matrix, strengthening the economy and creating new employment opportunities, being an important product to the national energetic independence, since Brazil still imports diesel to its domestic consumption. This study aims to identify the ambient, social and economic perception of the teachers from the Technology Center of Natal city (CTGÁS-RN) to the biodiesel. For that, it was used a questionnaire closed questions, organized in the likart scale, directed to the tree spheres of the research analysis, the biodiesel and its social, ambient and economic nuances, totaling 31 questionnaires full answered. In its objectives, the research was descriptive and in its approach it was qualitative. To the data analysis it was used statistical tools (Statistic software, 6.1 version and Microsoft Excel 2003). The research revealed the predominance of the ambient aspect in the sight of the teachers, followed by the social ones. The economic factors represent a minor percentage in the analysis when compared to other


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As obras de Sade procuram retratar as práticas corruptas e libertinas presentes no regime despótico de Luís XV, apontando invariavelmente a alcova como lugar privilegiado de transformação do corpo e da mente e, ao mesmo tempo, de produção filosófica. A atualidade do pensamento de Sade revela-se no fato de colocar como tendencia da modernidade, a constituição narcísica da subjetividade que, em sua variante político-social, aparece sob a forma do conformismo político. Este artigo pretende apresentar o pensamento de Sade como urna crítica aos liames sociais, o que conduz à ruptura da idéia de pacto social formulada por Rousseau. A doutrina sem compaixão de Sade torna-se filosofia negativa na medida em que fornece os fundamentos da crítica à razão instrumental. Sendo pessimista quanto aos rumos do existente, a teoria sadiana aponta a animalidade humana como possibilidade de transcendencia da artificialidade dos laços sociais.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar como o processo de conhecimento traduz-se numa estrutura triádica, cuja característica não pode prescindir da temporalidade e de seu aspecto social. de outra forma, conforme o dualismo subjacente nas teorias tradicionais, a esfera do conhecimento tornar-se-ia limitada pela inevitabilidade do recurso à coisa-em-si.


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The great droughts re- produced spaces in the city of Mossoró / RN in the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. Its dimension exceeds the climatic effects becoming social locus when advances over the political and economic sectors, social and cultural of the North / Northeast Brazilian societies during that period. This way, analyzing the re-production of social space in episodes of Mossoró‟s droughts is our toil. So try to reveal each segment, route and aspect of production of space in its size and interface between the perceived, conceived and lived, and subjects related to it - refugees, population and authorities - during the droughts of 1877, 1903 and 1915 within Mossoró city. Therefore, issues such as the constitution and representation of the city and social space in the terrifying experience of the drought of 1877, the production of fixed objects and flows of the urban web through of migrant labor, attempts to control, discipline and spatial planning and ways to resistance to these charges in daily sphere are key issues addressed in this work. For this we use diverse sources as minutes of the city council, reports from provincial presidents, media, memory books and others that sustain us in building our narrative and problematic. This way, the spatial production of Mossoró‟s droughts reveals itself in the field of relations and political-economic transformations and sociocultural, inextricably, that shapes and mobilizes your own social space


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The purpose of this work is to map the family and community social supports for adolescents and young students from Bom Pastor Distric, West Zone of Natal/RN, as well as to describe how such resources are used by these individuaIs in that community. Social support refers not only to formal activities or organizations, but also to spontaneous or informal forms of support - friendship and solidarity nets available in the community, affective relations that are meaningful in the lives of children and young people. Our discussion is based on a research performed with 382 adolescents and young students from Jean Mermoz Public School (students from 5th to 11th grades, aged 13 to 14). We emphasized the situations of violence derived from family or community spheres faced by these students. In relation to this specific aspect, we observed the participants more frequently look for help from the informal social supports, mostly from their friends, which indicates that the formal ones are not considered to be effective instruments for social assistance. The search for informal social supports shows the relations informally established in the streets (for instance when they look for help from friends, rei atives or neighbors) have more effect and play an important role in which there are values and affections exchange. Thinking the strengthening of these social links is of extreme importance and leads to the weakening of the hegemonic logics focused on the production of subjects as private identities, and to the amplification of an ethics committed to the disassembly of a sociability anchored to fear, impotence, intolerance, discrimination, and reduction of spaces for circulating and confronting mechanisms of social exclusion. It is crucial that we concentrate our attention to building friendship as a system of reciprocity and affective exchanges, as a space for political actions and production of forms of lives that are potent against social anesthesia


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The struggle against AIDS is a kind of action in favor of life and the organized Brazilian civil society incorporated it in a meaningful dimension. This struggle matured the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advanced with the discoveries about the disease. Since the very early 90 s, the consolidation of the partnership involving the movement anti-aids with State came up with a dilemma for the entities of civil society: are they just executors of governmental policies or do they take up the role of effective demands concerning public policies? Since then, activism against aids started to stand for execution of projects and one considers that the institutional way of anti-aids work has problems because it constructs a basic strategy to take off the political aspect of the third sector. The NGOs/aids consolidate the reconfiguration of capital and get far from street activities. This is important to be studied because the relationship between society and aids, contemporarily, can prevent them from accomplishing their agenda referring to political mobilization and collective resistance. This research started to be carried after some visits, previously arranged, to an institutional life support group called Grupo de Apoio à Vida-GAV, in Campina Grande. A semi-structured interview was applied to 31 users and to 6 technicians of the entity mentioned. One aimed at investigating the activist anti-aids practice, identifying the conceptions of activism and knowing how social actors assess those practices. Preliminary results indicate that one of the conceptions on activism among the interviewees refers to the execution of projects through partnership of NGOs and supporting institutions, governmental or non-governmental. Although this new conception on activism consolidates a non-political aspect, there are other ways of executing projects and participating actively, according to some users, such as: meetings, lectures and other sorts of events promoted by the group, which are also legitimate actions representing anti-aids activism at the present context


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The present paper proposes an analysis about the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as a public policy and deriving from a research developed with the workers of a Psychosocial Attention Centre III (CAPS III) and the managers of the Psychosocial Attention Web (REAP) in Aracaju. This analysis is developed as an investigation of the discharge at those services, understood not as a procedure, but as a dispositive from which different elements can be articulated: users, knowledge, technical procedures, police measures, juridical decisions, laws, services edifying. This, form the background of the articulation between mental alienation and the subject of right alienation, in the ways through which this articulation develops to the relations between madness,citizenship, internment and substitutive practices. Our investigation about the discharge as a dispositive was built with some narrative constructions, as a discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault s method, from the perspective of some of the main dispositive operators: workers and managers. The main aspect observed were: the articulations built by the discharge as a dispositive based on two discursive grate, the Reform as a new treatment substituting internship, and the Reform as juridical insertion and users rights practice; the exercise of these discursive grades based on the workers and managers perspective; the transference of limitations and contradictions of these grades to the competence of the dispositive operators, emerged in an outstanding way, as sometimes those operators are liable for the emergent limitations and difficulties, and some other times they are restrained by their institutional role, which is to maintain the domination relations articulated by the dispositive; finally, some aspects extracted which the dispositive operators - when they were expected to act in a way to maintain certain power relations - were capable to resist, managing other power relations from the dispositive, that we call, as Agamben, dispositive profanity


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La trajectoire du syndicalisme au Brésil de 1978 à 1998 se présente comme un passage, sur le plan de la stratégie syndicale, de la confrontation à la coopération conflictuelle, ou encore, de la lutte des classes dans la production vers une «convergence antagonique», ou un syndicalisme de participation ou de «concertation sociale», qui s'avère précisement un défensivisme nouveau, d'apparence néo-corporative. Ce que nous cherchons à caractériser ici est l'importance progressive dans la pratique syndicaliste prépondérante de la CUT dans les années 90 du nouveau corporatisme ouvrier, qui a tendance à affaiblir la perspective de classe qui a caractérisé la lutte politique et syndicale au Brésil dans les années 80.