973 resultados para Mycobacterium avium.
INTRODUCTION La production biologique contribue de façon significative aux défis du développement durable. Les infections à Mycobacterium avium sous-espèce paratuberculosis (MAP), Neospora caninum (NC), au virus de la diarrhée virale bovine (BVD) et au virus de la rhinotrachéite infectieuse bovine (IBR) sont bien reconnues pour affecter de manière significative la production dans les élevages laitiers. Il n’existe toutefois aucune donnée sur l’importance de ces pathogènes dans les troupeaux biologiques. HYPOTHESE Ces quatre pathogènes sont présents dans les troupeaux laitiers biologiques, mais leur prévalence est moindre par rapport à l’élevage conventionnel. OBJECTIFS Estimer les séroprévalences de NC, MAP, BVD, IBR dans les troupeaux laitiers biologiques québécois. MÉTHODOLOGIE Dans la province du Québec, 60 troupeaux laitiers biologiques ont été sélectionnés aléatoirement. Un échantillon sanguin a été prélevé sur 30 vaches adultes, pour l’évaluation de NC et MAP, et sur 5 animaux plus de 6 mois non vaccinés, pour l’évaluation de BVD et IBR. Une détection d’anticorps par ELISA, pour NC et MAP, et par séroneutralisation pour BVD et IBR a été réalisée sur les sérums obtenus. Un questionnaire a été rempli par chaque éleveur. RÉSULTATS La séroprévalence individuelle de NC et MAP, avec un intervalle de confiance de 95%, étaient de 4.1% (3.2%-5.2%) et 0.8% respectivement (0.0%-1.3%). La séroprévalence de troupeau de NC, MAP, BVD, IBR, si au moins un animal est positif dans un troupeau étaient de 50.8%, 20.3%, 37.3%, 31.0% respectivement. Ces séroprévalences étaient de 30.5%, 3.4%, 28.8% et 18.9%, respectivement, si au moins deux animaux sont positifs. La taille du troupeau a un effet significatif sur le statut de BVD (p=0.02) et il y a une bonne corrélation entre le statut BVD et IBR (Kappa-0.54). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION La séroprévalence individuelle de NC, MAP, IBR semblent être moindre dans les troupeaux laitiers biologiques comparativement au conventionnel. Il ne semble pas y avoir de grandes différences entre la séroprévalence du BVD des troupeaux biologiques et celle des conventionnels.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
La presencia de microorganismos patógenos en alimentos es uno de los problemas esenciales en salud pública, y las enfermedades producidas por los mismos es una de las causas más importantes de enfermedad. Por tanto, la aplicación de controles microbiológicos dentro de los programas de aseguramiento de la calidad es una premisa para minimizar el riesgo de infección de los consumidores. Los métodos microbiológicos clásicos requieren, en general, el uso de pre-enriquecimientos no-selectivos, enriquecimientos selectivos, aislamiento en medios selectivos y la confirmación posterior usando pruebas basadas en la morfología, bioquímica y serología propias de cada uno de los microorganismos objeto de estudio. Por lo tanto, estos métodos son laboriosos, requieren un largo proceso para obtener resultados definitivos y, además, no siempre pueden realizarse. Para solucionar estos inconvenientes se han desarrollado diversas metodologías alternativas para la detección identificación y cuantificación de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario, entre las que destacan los métodos inmunológicos y moleculares. En esta última categoría, la técnica basada en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) se ha convertido en la técnica diagnóstica más popular en microbiología, y recientemente, la introducción de una mejora de ésta, la PCR a tiempo real, ha producido una segunda revolución en la metodología diagnóstica molecular, como pude observarse por el número creciente de publicaciones científicas y la aparición continua de nuevos kits comerciales. La PCR a tiempo real es una técnica altamente sensible -detección de hasta una molécula- que permite la cuantificación exacta de secuencias de ADN específicas de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario. Además, otras ventajas que favorecen su implantación potencial en laboratorios de análisis de alimentos son su rapidez, sencillez y el formato en tubo cerrado que puede evitar contaminaciones post-PCR y favorece la automatización y un alto rendimiento. En este trabajo se han desarrollado técnicas moleculares (PCR y NASBA) sensibles y fiables para la detección, identificación y cuantificación de bacterias patogénicas de origen alimentario (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis y Salmonella spp.). En concreto, se han diseñado y optimizado métodos basados en la técnica de PCR a tiempo real para cada uno de estos agentes: L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, Listeria spp. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis, y también se ha optimizado y evaluado en diferentes centros un método previamente desarrollado para Salmonella spp. Además, se ha diseñado y optimizado un método basado en la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. También se evaluó la aplicación potencial de la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de formas viables de este microorganismo. Todos los métodos presentaron una especificidad del 100 % con una sensibilidad adecuada para su aplicación potencial a muestras reales de alimentos. Además, se han desarrollado y evaluado procedimientos de preparación de las muestras en productos cárnicos, productos pesqueros, leche y agua. De esta manera se han desarrollado métodos basados en la PCR a tiempo real totalmente específicos y altamente sensibles para la determinación cuantitativa de L. monocytogenes en productos cárnicos y en salmón y productos derivados como el salmón ahumado y de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis en muestras de agua y leche. Además este último método ha sido también aplicado para evaluar la presencia de este microorganismo en el intestino de pacientes con la enfermedad de Crohn's, a partir de biopsias obtenidas de colonoscopia de voluntarios afectados. En conclusión, este estudio presenta ensayos moleculares selectivos y sensibles para la detección de patógenos en alimentos (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) y para una rápida e inambigua identificación de Salmonella spp. La exactitud relativa de los ensayos ha sido excelente, si se comparan con los métodos microbiológicos de referencia y pueden serusados para la cuantificación de tanto ADN genómico como de suspensiones celulares. Por otro lado, la combinación con tratamientos de preamplificación ha resultado ser de gran eficiencia para el análisis de las bacterias objeto de estudio. Por tanto, pueden constituir una estrategia útil para la detección rápida y sensible de patógenos en alimentos y deberían ser una herramienta adicional al rango de herramientas diagnósticas disponibles para el estudio de patógenos de origen alimentario.
A dynamic, deterministic, economic simulation model was developed to estimate the costs and benefits of controlling Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in a suckler beef herd. The model is intended as a demonstration tool for veterinarians to use with farmers. The model design process involved user consultation and participation and the model is freely accessible on a dedicated website. The 'user-friendly' model interface allows the input of key assumptions and farm specific parameters enabling model simulations to be tailored to individual farm circumstances. The model simulates the effect of Johne's disease and various measures for its control in terms of herd prevalence and the shedding states of animals within the herd, the financial costs of the disease and of any control measures and the likely benefits of control of Johne's disease for the beef suckler herd over a 10-year period. The model thus helps to make more transparent the 'hidden costs' of Johne's in a herd and the likely benefits to be gained from controlling the disease. The control strategies considered within the model are 'no control', 'testing and culling of diagnosed animals', 'improving management measures' or a dual strategy of 'testing and culling in association with improving management measures'. An example 'run' of the model shows that the strategy 'improving management measures', which reduces infection routes during the early stages, results in a marked fall in herd prevalence and total costs. Testing and culling does little to reduce prevalence and does not reduce total costs over the 10-year period.
Johne's disease in cattle is a contagious wasting disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Johne's infection is characterised by a long subclinical phase and can therefore go undetected for long periods of time during which substantial production losses can occur. The protracted nature of Johne's infection therefore presents a challenge for both veterinarians and farmers when discussing control options due to a paucity of information and limited test performance when screening for the disease. The objectives were to model Johne's control decisions in suckler beef cattle using a decision support approach, thus implying equal focus on ‘end user’ (veterinarian) participation whilst still focusing on the technical disease modelling aspects during the decision support model development. The model shows how Johne's disease is likely to affect a herd over time both in terms of physical and financial impacts. In addition, the model simulates the effect on production from two different Johne's control strategies; herd management measures and test and cull measures. The article also provides and discusses results from a sensitivity analysis to assess the effects on production from improving the currently available test performance. Output from running the model shows that a combination of management improvements to reduce routes of infection and testing and culling to remove infected and infectious animals is likely to be the least-cost control strategy.
Avian mycobacteriosis was diagnosed in a captive scarlet macaw (Ara macao) that presented multifocal granulomas on subcutaneous tissue, sciatic nerves, infraorbital sinus, trachea, air sacs, muscles, spleen and liver. Microscopically, central areas of caseous necrosis surrounded by epithelioid macrophage, multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes were observed. Acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated by Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Inoculation into Lowenstein-Jensen, Stonebrink and Petragnani media, yielded Mycobacterium spp, which was identified as Mycobacterium avium by polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR).
In this paper, synthesis, characterization and antimycobacterial properties of a new water-soluble complex identified as silver-mandelate are described. Elemental and thermal analyses are consistent with the formula [Ag(C6H5C(OH)COO)](n). The polymeric structure was determined by single X-ray diffraction and the two-dimensional structure is based on the bis(carboxylate-O,O') dimer [Ag-O, 2.237(3), 2.222(3) angstrom]. The structure is extended along both the b and c axes through two oxygen atoms of a bidentate alpha-hydroxyl-carboxylate residue [Ag-OH(hydroxyl), 2.477(3) angstrom; Ag-O(carboxylate), 2.502(3) angstrom; O-Ag-O, 63.94(9)degrees]. A strong d(10)-d(10) interaction was observed between two silver atoms. The Ag...Ag distance is 2.8307(15) angstrom. The NMR C-13 spectrum in D2O shows that coordination of the ligand to Ag(l) occurs through the carboxylate group in solution. Potentiometric titration shows that only species with a molar metaHigand ratio of 2:2 are formed in aqueous solution. The mandelate complex and the silver-glycolate, silver-malate and silver-hydrogen-tartarate complexes were tested against three types of mycobacteria, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium kansasii, and their minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were determined. The results show that the four complexes are potential candidates for antiseptic or disinfectant drugs for discharged secretions of patients affected with tuberculosis. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The present work describes the synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of three Ag(I)-complexes with the sweeteners aspartame, saccharin, and cyclamate as ligands, with the aim of finding new candidate substances for fighting tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections. The minimal inhibitory concentration of these three complexes was investigated in order to determine their in-vitro antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Mycobacterium malmoense, and Mycobacterium kansasii. The MIC values were determined using the Microplate Alamar Blue Assay. The best MIC values found for the complexes were 9.75 mu M for Ag(l)-aspartame against M. kansasii and 15.7 mu M for Ag(I)-cyclamate against M. tuberculosis.
Thalidomide is a selective inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), a cytokine involved in mycobacterial death mechanisms. We investigated the role of this drug in the functional activity of alveolar macrophages in the presence of infection induced by intranasal inoculation of Mycobacterium avium in thalidomide-treated and untreated adult Swiss mice. Sixty animals were inoculated with 5 x 10(6) M. avium by the respiratory route. Thirty animals received daily thalidomide (30 mg/kg mouse) and 30 received water by gavage up to sacrifice. Ten non-inoculated mice were used as a control group. Lots of animals from each group were evaluated until 6 weeks after inoculation. Infection resulted in an increased total number of inflammatory cells as well as increased activity of pulmonary macrophages. Histologically, intranasal inoculation of bacilli resulted in small mononuclear infiltrates located at the periphery of the organ. Culture of lung fragments revealed the presence of bacilli only at the beginning and at the end of the experimental period. Thalidomide administration did not affect the microbiological or histological features of the infection. Thalidomide-treated and untreated animals showed the same amount of M. avium colonies 3 weeks after infection. Although it did not affect bacillary clearance, thalidomide administration resulted in a decreased percent of spread cells and release of hydrogen peroxide, suggesting that factors other than TNF-alpha play a role in the killing of mycobacteria by alveolar macrophages. Thalidomide administration also reduced the number of spread cells among resident macrophages, suggesting a direct effect of the drug on this phenomenon.
A fast, sensitive and cost-effective multiplex-PCR assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and Mycobacterium avium (M. avium) identification for routine diagnosis was evaluated. A total of 158 isolates of mycobacteria from 448 clinical specimens from patients with symptoms of mycobacterial disease were analyzed. By conventional biochemical methods 151 isolates were identified as M. tuberculosis, five as M. avium and two as Mycobacterium chelonae (M. chelonae). Mycolic acid patterns confirmed these results. Multiplex-PCR detected only IS6110 in isolates identified as MTC, and IS1245 was found only in the M. avium isolates. The method applied to isolates from two patients, identified by conventional methods and mycolic acid analysis, one as M. avium and other as M. chelonae, resulted positive for IS6110, suggesting co-infection with M. tuberculosis. These patients were successfully submitted to tuberculosis treatment. The multiplex-PCR method may offer expeditious identification of MTC and M. avium, which may minimize risks for active transmission of these organisms and provide useful treatment information.
The development of fast, inexpensive, and reliable tests to identify nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is needed. Studies have indicated that the conventional identification procedures, including biochemical assays, are imprecise. This study evaluated a proposed alternative identification method in which 83 NTM isolates, previously identified by conventional biochemical testing and in-house M. avium IS1245-PCR amplification, were submitted to the following tests: thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of mycolic acids and PCR-restriction enzyme analysis of hsp65 (PRA). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of mycolic acids and Southern blot analysis for M. avium IS1245 were performed on the strains that evidenced discrepancies on either of the above tests. Sixty-eight out of 83 (82%) isolates were concordantly identified by the presence of IS1245 and PRA and by TLC mycolic acid analysis. Discrepant results were found between the phenotypic and molecular tests in 12/83 (14.4%) isolates. Most of these strains were isolated from non-sterile body sites and were most probably colonizing in the host tissue. While TLC patterns suggested the presence of polymycobacterial infection in 3/83 (3.6%) cultures, this was the case in only one HPLC-tested culture and in none of those tested by PRA. The results of this study indicated that, as a phenotypic identification procedure, TLC mycolic acid determination could be considered a relatively simple and cost-effective method for routine screening of NTM isolates in mycobacteriology laboratory practice with a potential for use in developing countries. Further positive evidence was that this method demonstrated general agreement on MAC and M. simiae identification, including in the mixed cultures that predominated in the isolates of the disseminated infections in the AIDS patients under study. In view of the fact that the same treatment regimen is recommended for infections caused by these two species, TLC mycolic acid analysis may be a useful identification tool wherever molecular methods are unaffordable.
Delay in diagnosis of pulmonary and other forms of tuberculosis (TB) can be fatal, particularly in HIV-infected patients. Hence, techniques based on nucleic acid amplification, which are both rapid and of high specificity and sensitivity, are now widely used and recommended for laboratories that diagnose TB. In the present study, diagnostic methods based on mycobacterial DNA amplification were evaluated in comparative trials alongside tradicional bacterial methods, using negative smear samples from patients with clinically-suspected TB (sputum samples from 25 patients with suspected pulmonary TB, urine samples from two patients with suspected renal TB and cerebrospinal fluid samples from one patient with suspected meningeal TB). A specificity of 100% was achieved with DNA amplification methods and tradicional culture/identification methods, in relation to clinical findings and treatment results. For the smear-negative sputa, conventional PCR for M. tuberculosis was positive in 62% of suspected lung TB case, showing the same sensitivity as bacterial identification. Both techniques failed in the detection of extra-pulmonary samples. Nested PCR showed, after species-specific amplification, a sensitivity of 100% for M. avium and 85% for M. tuberculosis. For extra-pulmonary smear-negative samples, only Nested PCR detected M. tuberculosis and all cases were confirmed clinically. Nested PCR, in which two-step amplification reactions are performed, can identify the two most important mycobacteria in human pathology quickly and directly from clinical spicimens.
Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR
Nos últimos anos tem sido observado um aumento de relatos de infecções causadas por micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT). No entanto, dados sobre frequência e espécies envolvidas em infecções pulmonares no Brasil são limitados, principalmente em estados da Região Norte do Brasil. O conhecimento das espécies de MNT associadas às infecções pulmonares tem importância clínica e epidemiológica, sendo as técnicas moleculares ferramentas capazes de oferecer um diagnóstico espécie-específico, o qual é necessário para a instituição de terapia adequada. O presente trabalho descreve a diversidade de MNT isoladas de espécimes pulmonares encaminhados ao Instituto Evandro Chagas entre 1999 e 2011 para pesquisa de micobactérias. As MNT foram inicialmente caracterizadas por PCR-restriction analysis (PRA-hsp65) e reidentificadas por sequenciamento dos genes RNAr 16S, hsp65, rpoB e região ITS1. De acordo com os achados, o método de PRA-hsp65 mostrou-se uma ferramenta prática para identificação MNT, permitindo a distinção de uma grande variedade de espécies de forma rápida, simples e barata, em comparação com o sequenciamento. Além disso, como sugerido no presente estudo, de acordo com a diversidade de espécies local, este método pode ser passível de modificações para proporcionar maior poder discriminatório. Para isolados do complexo Mycobacterium avium (MAC), a aplicação da análise de sequência do gene rpoB não se mostrou como alternativa adequada para discriminação de isolados do Estado do Pará, gerando resultados discrepantes com baixa resolução taxonômica. Um espectro particular de MNT foi associado aos casos de infecção pulmonar na região, representado principalmente por espécies dos complexos M. chelonae-M. abscessus (M. abscessus, M. massiliense e M. bolletii), M. avium (M. avium, M. intracellulare e M. colombiense) e M. simiae (M. simiae e taxa não nomeados). Dentre esse último, duas potenciais espécies foram detectadas, M. paraensis sp. nov. e M. amazoniensis sp. nov., sendo propostas como novos membros do complexo M. simiae. Entre os indivíduos afetados, as principais características encontradas foram sexo feminino, a idade superior a 50 anos, etnia parda e história de infecção prévia por tuberculose. Embora este estudo não demonstre a real magnitude de infecções pulmonares por MNT no Estado do Pará, ele descreve a diversidade de espécies e claramente retrata a importância desse grupo na região, chegando a representar 13,5% dos isolamentos micobacterianos em um laboratório de referência. Conjuntamente a esse achado, a identificação de casos de MNT em indivíduos presuntivamente diagnosticados com TB, indica a necessidade de confirmação bacteriológica, especialmente nos casos de resistência primária ao esquema básico da tuberculose.