135 resultados para Multiprocessor


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Rapid ongoing evolution of multiprocessors will lead to systems with hundreds of processing cores integrated in a single chip. An emerging challenge is the implementation of reliable and efficient interconnection between these cores as well as other components in the systems. Network-on-Chip is an interconnection approach which is intended to solve the performance bottleneck caused by traditional, poorly scalable communication structures such as buses. However, a large on-chip network involves issues related to congestion problems and system control, for instance. Additionally, faults can cause problems in multiprocessor systems. These faults can be transient faults, permanent manufacturing faults, or they can appear due to aging. To solve the emerging traffic management, controllability issues and to maintain system operation regardless of faults a monitoring system is needed. The monitoring system should be dynamically applicable to various purposes and it should fully cover the system under observation. In a large multiprocessor the distances between components can be relatively long. Therefore, the system should be designed so that the amount of energy-inefficient long-distance communication is minimized. This thesis presents a dynamically clustered distributed monitoring structure. The monitoring is distributed so that no centralized control is required for basic tasks such as traffic management and task mapping. To enable extensive analysis of different Network-on-Chip architectures, an in-house SystemC based simulation environment was implemented. It allows transaction level analysis without time consuming circuit level implementations during early design phases of novel architectures and features. The presented analysis shows that the dynamically clustered monitoring structure can be efficiently utilized for traffic management in faulty and congested Network-on-Chip-based multiprocessor systems. The monitoring structure can be also successfully applied for task mapping purposes. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the presented in-house simulation environment is flexible and practical tool for extensive Network-on-Chip architecture analysis.


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Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) designs utilize the available technology and communication architectures to meet the requirements of the upcoming applications. In MPSoC, the communication platform is both the key enabler, as well as the key differentiator for realizing efficient MPSoCs. It provides product differentiation to meet a diverse, multi-dimensional set of design constraints, including performance, power, energy, reconfigurability, scalability, cost, reliability and time-to-market. The communication resources of a single interconnection platform cannot be fully utilized by all kind of applications, such as the availability of higher communication bandwidth for computation but not data intensive applications is often unfeasible in the practical implementation. This thesis aims to perform the architecture-level design space exploration towards efficient and scalable resource utilization for MPSoC communication architecture. In order to meet the performance requirements within the design constraints, careful selection of MPSoC communication platform, resource aware partitioning and mapping of the application play important role. To enhance the utilization of communication resources, variety of techniques such as resource sharing, multicast to avoid re-transmission of identical data, and adaptive routing can be used. For implementation, these techniques should be customized according to the platform architecture. To address the resource utilization of MPSoC communication platforms, variety of architectures with different design parameters and performance levels, namely Segmented bus (SegBus), Network-on-Chip (NoC) and Three-Dimensional NoC (3D-NoC), are selected. Average packet latency and power consumption are the evaluation parameters for the proposed techniques. In conventional computing architectures, fault on a component makes the connected fault-free components inoperative. Resource sharing approach can utilize the fault-free components to retain the system performance by reducing the impact of faults. Design space exploration also guides to narrow down the selection of MPSoC architecture, which can meet the performance requirements with design constraints.


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The capabilities and thus, design complexity of VLSI-based embedded systems have increased tremendously in recent years, riding the wave of Moore’s law. The time-to-market requirements are also shrinking, imposing challenges to the designers, which in turn, seek to adopt new design methods to increase their productivity. As an answer to these new pressures, modern day systems have moved towards on-chip multiprocessing technologies. New architectures have emerged in on-chip multiprocessing in order to utilize the tremendous advances of fabrication technology. Platform-based design is a possible solution in addressing these challenges. The principle behind the approach is to separate the functionality of an application from the organization and communication architecture of hardware platform at several levels of abstraction. The existing design methodologies pertaining to platform-based design approach don’t provide full automation at every level of the design processes, and sometimes, the co-design of platform-based systems lead to sub-optimal systems. In addition, the design productivity gap in multiprocessor systems remain a key challenge due to existing design methodologies. This thesis addresses the aforementioned challenges and discusses the creation of a development framework for a platform-based system design, in the context of the SegBus platform - a distributed communication architecture. This research aims to provide automated procedures for platform design and application mapping. Structural verification support is also featured thus ensuring correct-by-design platforms. The solution is based on a model-based process. Both the platform and the application are modeled using the Unified Modeling Language. This thesis develops a Domain Specific Language to support platform modeling based on a corresponding UML profile. Object Constraint Language constraints are used to support structurally correct platform construction. An emulator is thus introduced to allow as much as possible accurate performance estimation of the solution, at high abstraction levels. VHDL code is automatically generated, in the form of “snippets” to be employed in the arbiter modules of the platform, as required by the application. The resulting framework is applied in building an actual design solution for an MP3 stereo audio decoder application.


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Les systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce électronique (On-Chip Multiprocessor [OCM]) sont considérés comme les meilleures structures pour occuper l'espace disponible sur les circuits intégrés actuels. Dans nos travaux, nous nous intéressons à un modèle architectural, appelé architecture isométrique de systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce, qui permet d'évaluer, de prédire et d'optimiser les systèmes OCM en misant sur une organisation efficace des nœuds (processeurs et mémoires), et à des méthodologies qui permettent d'utiliser efficacement ces architectures. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons à la topologie du modèle et nous proposons une architecture qui permet d'utiliser efficacement et massivement les mémoires sur la puce. Les processeurs et les mémoires sont organisés selon une approche isométrique qui consiste à rapprocher les données des processus plutôt que d'optimiser les transferts entre les processeurs et les mémoires disposés de manière conventionnelle. L'architecture est un modèle maillé en trois dimensions. La disposition des unités sur ce modèle est inspirée de la structure cristalline du chlorure de sodium (NaCl), où chaque processeur peut accéder à six mémoires à la fois et où chaque mémoire peut communiquer avec autant de processeurs à la fois. Dans la deuxième partie de notre travail, nous nous intéressons à une méthodologie de décomposition où le nombre de nœuds du modèle est idéal et peut être déterminé à partir d'une spécification matricielle de l'application qui est traitée par le modèle proposé. Sachant que la performance d'un modèle dépend de la quantité de flot de données échangées entre ses unités, en l'occurrence leur nombre, et notre but étant de garantir une bonne performance de calcul en fonction de l'application traitée, nous proposons de trouver le nombre idéal de processeurs et de mémoires du système à construire. Aussi, considérons-nous la décomposition de la spécification du modèle à construire ou de l'application à traiter en fonction de l'équilibre de charge des unités. Nous proposons ainsi une approche de décomposition sur trois points : la transformation de la spécification ou de l'application en une matrice d'incidence dont les éléments sont les flots de données entre les processus et les données, une nouvelle méthodologie basée sur le problème de la formation des cellules (Cell Formation Problem [CFP]), et un équilibre de charge de processus dans les processeurs et de données dans les mémoires. Dans la troisième partie, toujours dans le souci de concevoir un système efficace et performant, nous nous intéressons à l'affectation des processeurs et des mémoires par une méthodologie en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps, nous affectons des unités aux nœuds du système, considéré ici comme un graphe non orienté, et dans un deuxième temps, nous affectons des valeurs aux arcs de ce graphe. Pour l'affectation, nous proposons une modélisation des applications décomposées en utilisant une approche matricielle et l'utilisation du problème d'affectation quadratique (Quadratic Assignment Problem [QAP]). Pour l'affectation de valeurs aux arcs, nous proposons une approche de perturbation graduelle, afin de chercher la meilleure combinaison du coût de l'affectation, ceci en respectant certains paramètres comme la température, la dissipation de chaleur, la consommation d'énergie et la surface occupée par la puce. Le but ultime de ce travail est de proposer aux architectes de systèmes multiprocesseurs sur puce une méthodologie non traditionnelle et un outil systématique et efficace d'aide à la conception dès la phase de la spécification fonctionnelle du système.


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La lithographie et la loi de Moore ont permis des avancées extraordinaires dans la fabrication des circuits intégrés. De nos jours, plusieurs systèmes très complexes peuvent être embarqués sur la même puce électronique. Les contraintes de développement de ces systèmes sont tellement grandes qu’une bonne planification dès le début de leur cycle de développement est incontournable. Ainsi, la planification de la gestion énergétique au début du cycle de développement est devenue une phase importante dans la conception de ces systèmes. Pendant plusieurs années, l’idée était de réduire la consommation énergétique en ajoutant un mécanisme physique une fois le circuit créé, comme par exemple un dissipateur de chaleur. La stratégie actuelle est d’intégrer les contraintes énergétiques dès les premières phases de la conception des circuits. Il est donc essentiel de bien connaître la dissipation d’énergie avant l’intégration des composantes dans une architecture d’un système multiprocesseurs de façon à ce que chaque composante puisse fonctionner efficacement dans les limites de ses contraintes thermiques. Lorsqu’une composante fonctionne, elle consomme de l’énergie électrique qui est transformée en dégagement de chaleur. Le but de ce mémoire est de trouver une affectation efficace des composantes dans une architecture de multiprocesseurs en trois dimensions en tenant compte des limites des facteurs thermiques de ce système.


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One of the fastest expanding areas of computer exploitation is in embedded systems, whose prime function is not that of computing, but which nevertheless require information processing in order to carry out their prime function. Advances in hardware technology have made multi microprocessor systems a viable alternative to uniprocessor systems in many embedded application areas. This thesis reports the results of investigations carried out on multi microprocessors oriented towards embedded applications, with a view to enhancing throughput and reliability. An ideal controller for multiprocessor operation is developed which would smoothen sharing of routines and enable more powerful and efficient code I data interchange. Results of performance evaluation are appended.A typical application scenario is presented, which calls for classifying tasks based on characteristic features that were identified. The different classes are introduced along with a partitioned storage scheme. Theoretical analysis is also given. A review of schemes available for reducing disc access time is carried out and a new scheme presented. This is found to speed up data base transactions in embedded systems. The significance of software maintenance and adaptation in such applications is highlighted. A novel scheme of prov1d1ng a maintenance folio to system firmware is presented, alongwith experimental results. Processing reliability can be enhanced if facility exists to check if a particular instruction in a stream is appropriate. Likelihood of occurrence of a particular instruction would be more prudent if number of instructions in the set is less. A new organisation is derived to form the basement for further work. Some early results that would help steer the course of the work are presented.


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The Transit network provides high-speed, low-latency, fault-tolerant interconnect for high-performance, multiprocessor computers. The basic connection scheme for Transit uses bidelta style, multistage networks to support up to 256 processors. Scaling to larger machines by simply extending the bidelta network topology will result in a uniform degradation of network latency between all processors. By employing a fat-tree network structure in larger systems, the network provides locality and universality properties which can help minimize the impact of scaling on network latency. This report details the topology and construction issues associated with integrating Transit routing technology into fat-tree interconnect topologies.


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Inferring population admixture from genetic data and quantifying it is a difficult but crucial task in evolutionary and conservation biology. Unfortunately state-of-the-art probabilistic approaches are computationally demanding. Effectively exploiting the computational power of modern multiprocessor systems can thus have a positive impact to Monte Carlo-based simulation of admixture modeling. A novel parallel approach is briefly described and promising results on its message passing interface (MPI)-based C implementation are reported.


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This paper presents a paralleled Two-Pass Hexagonal (TPA) algorithm constituted by Linear Hashtable Motion Estimation Algorithm (LHMEA) and Hexagonal Search (HEXBS) for motion estimation. In the TPA., Motion Vectors (MV) are generated from the first-pass LHMEA and are used as predictors for second-pass HEXBS motion estimation, which only searches a small number of Macroblocks (MBs). We introduced hashtable into video processing and completed parallel implementation. We propose and evaluate parallel implementations of the LHMEA of TPA on clusters of workstations for real time video compression. It discusses how parallel video coding on load balanced multiprocessor systems can help, especially on motion estimation. The effect of load balancing for improved performance is discussed. The performance or the algorithm is evaluated by using standard video sequences and the results are compared to current algorithms.


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This paper presents a paralleled Two-Pass Hexagonal (TPA) algorithm constituted by Linear Hashtable Motion Estimation Algorithm (LHMEA) and Hexagonal Search (HEXBS) for motion estimation. In the TPA, Motion Vectors (MV) are generated from the first-pass LHMEA and are used as predictors for second-pass HEXBS motion estimation, which only searches a small number of Macroblocks (MBs). We introduced hashtable into video processing and completed parallel implementation. We propose and evaluate parallel implementations of the LHMEA of TPA on clusters of workstations for real time video compression. It discusses how parallel video coding on load balanced multiprocessor systems can help, especially on motion estimation. The effect of load balancing for improved performance is discussed. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by using standard video sequences and the results are compared to current algorithms.


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This paper presents a paralleled Two-Pass Hexagonal (TPA) algorithm constituted by Linear Hashtable Motion Estimation Algorithm (LHMEA) and Hexagonal Search (HEXBS) for motion estimation. In the TPA, Motion Vectors (MV) are generated from the first-pass LHMEA and are used as predictors for second-pass HEXBS motion estimation, which only searches a small number of Macroblocks (MBs). We introduced hashtable into video processing and completed parallel implementation. We propose and evaluate parallel implementations of the LHMEA of TPA on clusters of workstations for real time video compression. It discusses how parallel video coding on load balanced multiprocessor systems can help, especially on motion estimation. The effect of load balancing for improved performance is discussed. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by using standard video sequences and the results are compared to current algorithms.


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An n-dimensional Mobius cube, 0MQ(n) or 1MQ(n), is a variation of n-dimensional cube Q(n) which possesses many attractive properties such as significantly smaller communication delay and stronger graph-embedding capabilities. In some practical situations, the fault tolerance of a distributed memory multiprocessor system can be measured more precisely by the connectivity of the underlying graph under forbidden fault set models. This article addresses the connectivity of 0MQ(n)/1MQ(n), under two typical forbidden fault set models. We first prove that the connectivity of 0MQ(n)/1MQ(n) is 2n - 2 when the fault set does not contain the neighborhood of any vertex as a subset. We then prove that the connectivity of 0MQ(n)/1MQ(n) is 3n - 5 provided that the neighborhood of any vertex as well as that of any edge cannot fail simultaneously These results demonstrate that 0MQ(n)/1MQ(n) has the same connectivity as Q(n) under either of the previous assumptions.


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We consider the linear equality-constrained least squares problem (LSE) of minimizing ${\|c - Gx\|}_2 $, subject to the constraint $Ex = p$. A preconditioned conjugate gradient method is applied to the Kuhn–Tucker equations associated with the LSE problem. We show that our method is well suited for structural optimization problems in reliability analysis and optimal design. Numerical tests are performed on an Alliant FX/8 multiprocessor and a Cray-X-MP using some practical structural analysis data.


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Hybrid multiprocessor architectures which combine re-configurable computing and multiprocessors on a chip are being proposed to transcend the performance of standard multi-core parallel systems. Both fine-grained and coarse-grained parallel algorithm implementations are feasible in such hybrid frameworks. A compositional strategy for designing fine-grained multi-phase regular processor arrays to target hybrid architectures is presented in this paper. The method is based on deriving component designs using classical regular array techniques and composing the components into a unified global design. Effective designs with phase-changes and data routing at run-time are characteristics of these designs. In order to describe the data transfer between phases, the concept of communication domain is introduced so that the producer–consumer relationship arising from multi-phase computation can be treated in a unified way as a data routing phase. This technique is applied to derive new designs of multi-phase regular arrays with different dataflow between phases of computation.


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A parallel formulation for the simulation of a branch prediction algorithm is presented. This parallel formulation identifies independent tasks in the algorithm which can be executed concurrently. The parallel implementation is based on the multithreading model and two parallel programming platforms: pthreads and Cilk++. Improvement in execution performance by up to 7 times is observed for a generic 2-bit predictor in a 12-core multiprocessor system.