946 resultados para Money laundering


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Organized crime and illegal economies generate multiple threats to states and societies. But although the negative effects of high levels of pervasive street and organized crime on human security are clear, the relationships between human security, crime, illicit economies, and law enforcement are highly complex. By sponsoring illicit economies in areas of state weakness where legal economic opportunities and public goods are seriously lacking, both belligerent and criminal groups frequently enhance some elements of human security of the marginalized populations who depend on illicit economies for basic livelihoods. Even criminal groups without a political ideology often have an important political impact on the lives of communities and on their allegiance to the State. Criminal groups also have political agendas. Both belligerent and criminal groups can develop political capital through their sponsorship of illicit economies. The extent of their political capital is dependent on several factors. Efforts to defeat belligerent groups by decreasing their financial flows through suppression of an illicit economy are rarely effective. Such measures, in turn, increase the political capital of anti-State groups. The effectiveness of anti-money laundering measures (AML) also remains low and is often highly contingent on specific vulnerabilities of the target. The design of AML measures has other effects, such as on the size of a country’s informal economy. Multifaceted anti-crime strategies that combine law enforcement approaches with targeted socio-economic policies and efforts to improve public goods provision, including access to justice, are likely to be more effective in suppressing crime than tough nailed-fist approaches. For anti-crime policies to be effective, they often require a substantial, but politically-difficult concentration of resources in target areas. In the absence of effective law enforcement capacity, legalization and decriminalization policies of illicit economies are unlikely on their own to substantially reduce levels of criminality or to eliminate organized crime. Effective police reform, for several decades largely elusive in Latin America, is one of the most urgently needed policy reforms in the region. Such efforts need to be coupled with fundamental judicial and correctional systems reforms. Yet, regional approaches cannot obliterate the so-called balloon effect. If demand persists, even under intense law enforcement pressures, illicit economies will relocate to areas of weakest law enforcement, but they will not be eliminated.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão de Instituições Financeiras


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The Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 [POCA] embodies a serious attempt by the South African government to effectively police and curb organised crime, money laundering and criminal gang activities in South Africa. The Act provides inter alia for a range of crippling fines and for orders such as confiscation and forfeiture. Asset forfeiture and confiscation orders can affect the rights of third parties directly and indirectly in a number of ways. Young persons and children can beaffected indirectly because asset forfeiture and confiscation orders may violate the right to parental care of the dependent young persons and children of the person who is subject to the order. This brief article will investigate aspects of the protection afforded to the rights of children when such orders are made in terms of the provisions of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act.


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1-Resumo: A iniciativa privada é um Direito humano fundamental que está consagrado nos ordenamentos jurídicos modernos. No caso português, na Constituição portuguesa. A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos consagra o Direito à propriedade. E, por conseguinte, também a iniciativa privada. A iniciativa privada é tanto mais eficaz na sociedade, quanto mais democrático e livre for o Estado respectivo. A iniciativa privada está ligada ao financiamento público, mas também ao financiamento privado. Seja o financiamento de pessoas singulares, seja o financiamento de pessoas colectivas, organizações. O terrorismo pode ser financiado por outrem, assim como o terrorismo pode financiar actividades lícitas. Por acção ou por omissão. Assim, a isto tudo, está associado o ilícito de branqueamento de capitais. O crime de branqueamento pode ter por origem o crime de terrorismo e/ou o crime de organização terrorista. O branqueamento de capitais também pode servir para financiar o terrorismo. Neste contexto, se desenham zonas de contraste entre Direitos Humanos e Segurança. Entre crime e paz pública. Assim como se geram zonas de confluência entre Segurança e Direitos Humanos. O Direito Humano Fundamental à iniciativa privada e ao financiamento – passivo ou activo – pode sofrer restrições. As restrições podem existir desde que sejam proporcionais, adequadas, necessárias. Ou seja, as restrições têm que respeitar uma intervenção mínima. Assim, em nome da segurança, a prevenção do crime de terrorismo e do crime de branqueamento provoca novas dificuldades também ao próprio sistema económico capitalista. Provoca novas dificuldades ao Direito fundamental da iniciativa privada. Uma vez que o branqueamento de capitais, ou o próprio financiamento, podem estar associados ao crime de terrorismo.§ 1.1-Abstract: The private sector is a fundamental human right that is enshrined in modern legal systems. In the Portuguese case, in the Portuguese Constitution. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines the right to property. And therefore also the private sector. The private sector is much more effective in society, if the state is more democratic and free. Private initiative is linked to the public funding, but also to private funding. It could be the financing of individual persons, but also the financing of legal persons, organizations. Terrorism can be financed by others, as well as terrorism can finance legal activities. By act or omission. Thus, all this is associated with money laundering. Money laundering may have been originated in the crime of terrorism and / or in the crime of terrorist organization. Money laundering may also be used to finance terrorism. In this context, we have conflict zones between human rights and security. Between crime and public peace. As well as generates confluence zones between security and human rights. The Fundamental Human Right to the private sector and its financing - passive or active - can be restricted. Restrictions would be acceptable if are proportionate, appropriate and necessary. In other words, restrictions must comply with minimum intervention. So in the name of security, the prevention of the crime of terrorism and the Money laundering causes new difficulties also to the capitalist economic system. Causes new problems to the fundamental right of private enterprise. Money laundering or the financing itself may be associated with terrorist crime. The question is also: what could do the criminal lawmaker?


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1 – Resumo: a criminalidade económica tem uma relação muito próxima com o branqueamento de capitais ou lavagem de dinheiro. O sistema económico capitalista está relacionado de forma próxima com o branqueamento de capitais ou a lavagem de dinheiro. O branqueamento de vantagens – como por exemplo capitais -, é um crime que pode atingir um carácter mundial. Também o financiamento do terrorismo surge aqui com um papel importante. É muito importante punir a ilicitude do crime de branqueamento. Mas mais importante ainda é a prevenção do branqueamento de capitais. Neste sentido, o dever de formação é fundamental. E é um dever fundamental que é importante sobretudo no contexto de determinadas entidades. Entidades financeiras e entidades não financeiras. §1.1 Abstract: economic crime has a close relationship with money laundering. The capitalist economic system is related closely with money laundering. Bleaching of advantages - such as capital - is a crime that can reach a global nature. Also the financing of terrorism comes here with an important role. It is very important to punish the unlawfulness of laundering crime. But more important is the prevention of money laundering. In this sense, the duty of training is critical. It is a fundamental duty that is especially important in the context of certain entities. financial institutions and non-financial entities.


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Resumo: a criminalidade económica tem uma relação muito próxima com o branqueamento de capitais ou lavagem de dinheiro. O sistema económico capitalista está relacionado de forma próxima com o branqueamento de capitais ou a lavagem de dinheiro. O branqueamento de vantagens – como por exemplo capitais – é um crime que pode atingir um carácter mundial. Também o financiamento do terrorismo surge aqui com um papel importante. É muito importante punir a ilicitude do crime de branqueamento. Mas mais importante ainda é a prevenção do branqueamento de capitais. Neste sentido, o dever de formação é fundamental. E é um dever fundamental importante sobretudo no contexto de determinadas entidades. Entidades financeiras e entidades não financeiras.§ Abstract: Economic crime has a close relationship with money laundering. The capitalist economic system is related closely with money laundering. Bleaching of advantages – such as capital – is a crime that can reach a global nature. Also the financing of terrorism comes here with an important role. It is very important to punish the unlawfulness of laundering crime. But more important is the prevention of money laundering. In this sense, the duty of training is critical. It is a fundamental duty that is especially important in the context of certain entities. financial institutions and non-financial entities.


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Goncalo de Melo Bandeira Counter-Terrorism, State of Emergency and Human Rights. In the global cities, the fight against terrorism is a way forward. Prevention of terrorism is another possible way. There are legal systems where the prevailing idea is combating terrorism. Fight, because is possible: life imprisonment or informal death penalty or even torture. While other jurisdictions only follow the prevention of terrorist crime: the retribution and positive general prevention and the resocialization. There may be extreme cases also in restorative justice. The recent terrorist attacks in Paris on 11.13.2015 have shown to the different types of police several problems. Some of those are: the declaration of State of emergency and the consequent restriction of human rights as the privacy of human communication or the liberty of travel by local city citizens or foreign citizens or the public entertainment shows, the problem of money laundering and the restriction of the business as usual, the vicious circle of more isolation from some urban communities, v.g. muslims, and other citizens also; and, brevitatis causa, the criminological problem of the causes and consequences of terrorism.


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Resumo: a fraude fiscal é um dos crimes que pode dar origem a um outro crime, o crime de branqueamento de capitais e/ou lavagem de dinheiro, como é mais conhecido por exemplo no Brasil. O branqueamento de capitais é apenas um dos exemplos do branqueamento de vantagens. Toda esta actividade pode ser incluída, em sentido amplo, na chamada corrupção internacional. Quanto mais internacionais forem estas actividades – fraude fiscal e branqueamento de capitais -, mais eficazes serão os seus proveitos. A fraude fiscal é um crime que pode atingir montantes mais elevados no caso de poder ser praticado em cenários internacionais. O branqueamento de capitais é também um crime que pode atingir montantes mais elevados no caso de poder ser praticado em cenários internacionais. Assim, a corrupção internacional em sentido amplo pode ser apelidada como mercado ideal para a criminalidade. Estamos também a falar de multinacionais do crime. § Abstract: tax fraud is a crime that can lead to another crime, the crime of money laundering. Money laundering is just one example of the whitening benefits. All this activity can be included in a broad sense, the international corruption. The more international are these activities - tax evasion and money laundering - the more effective will be the income. Tax fraud is a crime that can achieve higher amounts if it can be practiced in international scenarios. Money laundering is also a crime that can achieve higher amounts if it can be practiced in international scenarios. Thus, the international corruption in the broad sense can be dubbed as ideal market for the crime. We are talking also about transnational crime.


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It seems Australia is the place to be at the moment when it comes to making and creating horror films. Mark David Ryan explains how you can get involved in this boom industry. If you’re a writer with a passion for scary movies, a wordsmith who watches the occasional horror flick and writing your own has crossed your mind, or a writer who terrifies readers with an interest in screenwriting, then there has never been a better time to write Aussie horror flicks. This article introduces the horror genre’s core characteristics, issues to consider when crafting a horror flick, and provides tips for getting scripts into the hands of producers.


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Australian property bond markets are starting to improve, but don’t expect a return to the buoyant days of the past any time soon.


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Recent developments in technology, globalization, and consumer activism have challenged the "broadcasting model" of natonally bounded, vertically integrated, monopolistic, expert-paradigm media industries, dedicated to supplying leisure entertainment to more or less passive consumers. Instead, attention has turned to globally traded formats, social network markets, consumer-created content, multiplatform "publication," and a semiotic long tail where niche representations can be as valuable as blockbusters. Such chenges are just as much a challenge to education as they are to business models. And education, both formal and informal, is a dynamic agent in these processes, participation, and creative content require a rethink of "studies" just as much as of "media."


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Australia is just one of many developed countries facing the challenge of delivering value for money in the provision of a substantial infrastructure pipeline amidst severe construction and private finance constraints. To help address this challenge, this chapter focuses on developing an understanding of the determinants of value at key procurement decision points that range from the make-or-buy decision, to buying in the context of market structures, including the exchange relationship and contractual arrangement decision. This understanding is based on theoretical pluralism and illustrated by research in the field of construction and maintenance, and in public-private partnerships.


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The significant challenge faced by government in demonstrating value for money in the delivery of major infrastructure resolves around estimating costs and benefits of alternative modes of procurement. Faced with this challenge, one approach is to focus on a dominant performance outcome visible on the opening day of the asset, as the means to select the procurement approach. In this case, value for money becomes a largely nominal concept and determined by selected procurement mode delivering, or not delivering, the selected performance outcome, and notwithstanding possible under delivery on other desirable performance outcomes, as well as possibly incurring excessive transaction costs. This paper proposes a mind-set change in this particular practice, to an approach in which the analysis commences with the conditions pertaining to the project and proceeds to deploy transaction cost and production cost theory to indicate a procurement approach that can claim superior value for money relative to other competing procurement modes. This approach to delivering value for money in relative terms is developed in a first-order procurement decision making model outlined in this paper. The model developed could be complementary to the Public Sector Comparator (PSC) in terms of cross validation and the model more readily lends itself to public dissemination. As a possible alternative to the PSC, the model could save time and money in preparation of project details to lesser extent than that required in the reference project and may send a stronger signal to the market that may encourage more innovation and competition.


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