954 resultados para Ministério do Trabalho, Indústria e Comércio
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work intends to investigate the biodegradation of the polymers and blend films of polypropylene (PP) and poly(hidroxybutirate-valerate) (PHBV), after UV radiation to facilitate the PP degradation, which is a polymer with long chains difficult to degrade by biological agents present in the environment. This polymer is outstanding by its mechanical properties and versatility of industrial and commercial use and the PHBV by its quick biodegradability in the environment. Blends of these materials could to present a commitment between mechanical properties and biodegradability to execute its function and after the discard to have lesser lifetime in the garbage landfills. Another aspect of this work is the controlling effect of PP on PHBV, influencing its degradation time
Human development and population growth during the twentieth century increased the water demand, tripling its consumption between 1950 and 1990. As the water streams were polluted; and as water is the source of minerals and also regulates vital functions, it becomes the vehicle of transmission and consequently spreads many diseases. Probably, the industries are the major responsible for this pollution when they dump untreated effluents to water streams, saturating the already insufficient net of sanitation facilities polluting water and soil. An effective treatment has been established with low cost in Europe and the United States, through constructed systems on wetlands Constructed Wetland Systems - CWSs, gradually used in other countries in the last three decades. Lately, we observe a continuous growth in Brazilian poultry business, and poultry industry showed greatest dynamism in the country, following the global market. Pondering this information and the efficiency of such treatment, this work aimed to study prototypes, in a laboratory scale, simulating ascending and descending types of CWSs, vegetated with aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and the uses of aggregates and soil, to treat industrial wastewater from slaughterhouses and aviary. We conducted the initial characterization of the effluent to have an idea of its constituents and to scale the system and the continuous flow. Furthermore, we characterized the soil to be used in this system. The collects are periodically made in the refrigeration industry FRICOCK FRIGORIFICAÇÃO AVICULTURA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. for local treatment simulation. The effluent that was treated with 12 prototypes of CWSs are analyzed with some frequency. The results of these reviews were compared to the effluent coming from the industry... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The climate is one of the main elements of the natural environment that governs the life of man. Specific conditions of temperature, humidity, light, wind and precipitation have direct influence on physiological conditions that man needs to survive and more than that, besides the influence on human and animal physiology, the climatic elements are also responsible for a significant portion of economic activities such as industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, and others. Therefore, any change in weather patterns has great impact on daily activities, and even more in urban sites, where the most of population is concentrated nowadays. Based on this discussion and concerned in understand the atmospheric structure, this monograph intends to analyze the pattern of atmospheric and temperature element in seven cities of small and medium size located in the state of São Paulo countryside... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Monte Molião fica situado na margem esquerda do estuário da Ribeira de Bensafrim, em Lagos. Teve uma ocupação pré-romana, tendo sido densamente povoado durante toda a época romana. Neste trabalho, analisam-se os fragmentos de cerâmica de cozinha africana recolhidos no sítio, em escavações arqueológicas. O conjunto engloba 2005 fragmentos classificaveis, no entanto, apenas 1767 foram passíveis de tipificação (de acordo com as propostas de Tortorella, Hayes e M. Bonifay), tendo sido analisados também de acordo com a sua posição estratigráfica, o que permitiu retirar informação sobre a sua cronologia absoluta e integração nas diferentes fases de ocupação romana do sítio. Todos foram também abordados do ponto de vista do fabrico, concretamente no que se refere à cor e à estrutura física da pasta, numa tentativa de aproximação aos centros produtores. 161 exemplares, considerados representativos do conjunto, foram desenhados e tintados. O circuito da cerâmica de cozinha africana no sul de Portugal foi proposto com base nos dados do sítio de Lagos, mas também com outros provenientes de distintos locais algarvios, tendo-se concluído que aqueles em que esta cerâmica se tinha registado eram litorais ou facilmente acessíveis por rio.
This work aims to manufacture and characterize a hybrid plastic composite with the matrix isophthalic polyester resin base and having as reinforcing glass fiber and the dry endocarp of coconut (Coco nucifera Linn) in the form of particles as filler. The composite was made industrially in Tecniplas Industry and Trade LTDA. in the form of plate, and was manufactured process made by the manual lamination (Hand Lay Up). From the plate they were prepared test specimens for testing density, water absorption, uniaxial traction in dry and wet states, and testing of bending, as well as studies on the behavior of the generated fractures, macroscopic and microscopic, in mechanical tests through. All tests were performed in order to find the most viable applications the hybrid composite manufactured. The tensile and bending tests were analyzed last tensile properties, elasticity and deformation module. After the studies, it is observed that the percentage moisture absorbed was 3.03%. The presence of moisture in the tensile test meant a decrease of 19.77% from last stand, and 5.26% in the elastic modulus. For bending tests gave an average value of 69.13 MPa flexural strength. The results show the application of hybrid composite studied in lightweight structures, indoors, which require low / medium performance traction demands, and which involve flexural requests.
The present thesis aimed at understanding how the insertion of music in the work environment contributes to achieving Quality of Work Life. - QWL, under the perspective of biopsychosocial and organizational well-being. As to music insertion we considered the theoretical-empirical perception about how music is inserted at work and its functions on such place. The context where the study was taken was the manufacturing area of a major textile company, located in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in which music is used during labor activities. The only study case was the research strategy adopted, with exploratory and descriptive purposes. The primary data were collected through the focus group technique, applied to the collaborator in the manufacturing sector. The semi-structured interview was done as a complementary tool, directed to the supervisor in that sector. Respecting the theoretical saturation criterion, we formed four focus groups, each one composed of eight members randomly selected, among the seventy-six collaborators in the sector. The data were analyzed qualitatively, through the content analysis technique, more specifically the category analysis. We identified twenty-eight QWL attributes. Six of them were found present in the four focus groups and in the interview. Among these ones, the attribute of Interpersonal Relationship at Work, contemplating the Psychological and Organizational dimensions, was the only one anticipated in four out of fifteen theoretical models here listed. The attribute Music at Work Environment could be inserted in the four QWL dimensions, highlighting the power and relevance of this attribute for the research participants. The way music has been inserted in the labor environment contributes to promoting well-being at work, which goes against theoretical conceptions, especially when it comes to musical genre. We identified nine functions of music at work, among which, Improving Work Conditions, Improving Interpersonal Relationship at Work and Favoring Motivation for Work had to be emphasized for being associated to three QWL attributes. In the total, we highlighted seven associations. The most affected QWL dimension through the insertion of music at work was the Psychological one, followed by the Organizational one. We conclude that music insertion provides biological, social and, above all, psychological and organizational well-being to the contributors, thus contributing to obtaining QWL at the labor environment researched. However, we should consider the context and proceed to periodical plans and adjustments in the way of music insertion so as to avoid health and well-being problems to those people at work
The present thesis aimed at understanding how the insertion of music in the work environment contributes to achieving Quality of Work Life. - QWL, under the perspective of biopsychosocial and organizational well-being. As to music insertion we considered the theoretical-empirical perception about how music is inserted at work and its functions on such place. The context where the study was taken was the manufacturing area of a major textile company, located in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in which music is used during labor activities. The only study case was the research strategy adopted, with exploratory and descriptive purposes. The primary data were collected through the focus group technique, applied to the collaborator in the manufacturing sector. The semi-structured interview was done as a complementary tool, directed to the supervisor in that sector. Respecting the theoretical saturation criterion, we formed four focus groups, each one composed of eight members randomly selected, among the seventy-six collaborators in the sector. The data were analyzed qualitatively, through the content analysis technique, more specifically the category analysis. We identified twenty-eight QWL attributes. Six of them were found present in the four focus groups and in the interview. Among these ones, the attribute of Interpersonal Relationship at Work, contemplating the Psychological and Organizational dimensions, was the only one anticipated in four out of fifteen theoretical models here listed. The attribute Music at Work Environment could be inserted in the four QWL dimensions, highlighting the power and relevance of this attribute for the research participants. The way music has been inserted in the labor environment contributes to promoting well-being at work, which goes against theoretical conceptions, especially when it comes to musical genre. We identified nine functions of music at work, among which, Improving Work Conditions, Improving Interpersonal Relationship at Work and Favoring Motivation for Work had to be emphasized for being associated to three QWL attributes. In the total, we highlighted seven associations. The most affected QWL dimension through the insertion of music at work was the Psychological one, followed by the Organizational one. We conclude that music insertion provides biological, social and, above all, psychological and organizational well-being to the contributors, thus contributing to obtaining QWL at the labor environment researched. However, we should consider the context and proceed to periodical plans and adjustments in the way of music insertion so as to avoid health and well-being problems to those people at work
Apresenta as ações realizadas pela Comissão de Economia, Indústria e Comércio em 2009 que incluíram debates, estudos de temas, audiências publicas, seminários e outros.
O Plenário debate a criação de novos municípios. No anteprojeto do Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) a decisão de emancipação caberia aos próprios moradores, através de plebiscito. A arrecadação municipal deverá atingir cinco milésimos do último exercício. O Deputado Ivo Mainardi (PMDB-RS) propõe que os Estados voltem a ter o direito de legislar sobre emancipações. O Deputado Virgildásio Sena (PMDB-BA) considera que os dispositivos são muito rígidos e deverão ser modificados, pois tornam inviável a emancipação. A Deputada Sandra Cavalcanti (PFL-RJ) acredita que, havendo plebiscito, não haverá necessidade de posterior aprovação municipal. No Brasil acontece um milhão de acidentes de trabalho por ano, uma média que vem se mantendo desde 1980. José Luiz Riani, Secretário de Segurança do Trabalho do Ministério do Trabalho, relata sobre os números de acidentes de trabalho. O Centro de Reabilitação Profissional do INSS, em Brasília, recebe cerca de duzentos acidentados por mês. O Deputado Antônio Carlos Mendes Thame (PFL-SP) diz que a situação é grave, pois não apenas a maquinaria continua perigosa, mas também a contaminação do ar e o nível de vibrações e ruídos são muito altos em grande parte das indústrias brasileiras. O Deputado Carlos Mosconi (PMDB-MG) almeja que a saúde ocupacional faça parte do SUS. O Deputado Antônio Carlos Mendes Thame (PFL-SP) propõe medidas de reparação do dano, como a garantia de emprego, seguro desemprego e aposentadoria especial.