989 resultados para Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
Anemia ferropénica, enfermedad común en niños afecta su desarrollo psicomotriz y cognitivo, se ha asociado a una disminución en su rendimiento escolar. OBJETIVO GENERAL Determinar la asociación entre la anemia ferropénica y rendimiento escolar en niños de 2º a 7º año de educación básica de la escuela “12 de Octubre” del cantón el Tambo, 2015. DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO Estudio tipo analítico transversal, a una población de 92 escolares de 2º a 7º año de educación básica, matriculados en el año lectivo 2015 – 2016. Previo a su inclusión representantes de los escolares firmaron consentimiento informado, luego llenaron un formulario que determinó variables como edad, sexo, año escolar, lugar de residencia. Un análisis sanguíneo permitió establecer la presencia de la variable anemia ferropénica; y la variable rendimiento escolar fue tomada de los libros de registro de calificaciones. Recolectada la información se ingresó al ordenador para un análisis ulterior en los programas Microsoft Office Excel 2010 y SPSS V22. RESULTADOS De los 92 escolares investigados, el 53,3% fueron mujeres y el 46.7% hombres. El promedio de edad fue de 9,38 (DS 2,10). El mayor número según grupo de edad fue entre 10 y 11 años con el 43,48%. Se presentó anemia por deficiencia de hierro en 25% de los escolares, la relación con el rendimiento escolar fue no significativa (RP 0,6 IC 95 0,14-2,51, valor de p=0,51)
El tema de planeación estratégica aplicado a las Mypes es de gran importancia, para el desarrollo de la economía nacional ya que genera crecimiento de estas a través de la implementación de estrategias y una adecuada planeación, en tal sentido es necesario brindar herramientas de este tipo para las empresas del sector avícola. Por lo anterior, es importante que estas entidades conozcan de un documento que contenga definiciones básicas, una breve descripción sobre la temática y su utilidad; así como también los controles internos básicos, ventajas y desventajas. La investigación se desarrolló utilizando el método descriptivo, mediante el cual se pudo obtener un panorama más preciso de la magnitud del problema o situación y consecuentemente lograr una respuesta a la investigación de campo, en razón de que estudia y narra la realidad, utilizando datos numéricos concretos que sirvan de base al proceso estadístico de descripción, auxiliado de la recolección, tabulación, presentación y estudio de los mismos. Para el análisis e interpretación de los datos se utilizó el programa de Microsoft office Excel, el cual contiene muchas facilidades tanto para la tabulación como la elaboración de gráficos, que muestren los resultados obtenidos del cuestionario. El estudio mostró que la mayoría de los encuestados, no conocen sobre la aplicación de “Planeación Estratégica “en sus empresas, y el resto dijeron conocerla de forma conceptual; por consiguiente el desarrollo de un plan estratégico en el sector avícola, es una forma de ampliar su competitividad, pues la mayor parte de granjas son familiares. De acuerdo a lo mencionado anteriormente se hace necesario contar con un plan estratégico adecuado que las haga tener ventaja sobre su competencia, por medio de la obtención de la información sobre el mercado, la economía, para tomar oportunamente las decisiones correspondientes.
O presente trabalho propõe-se estudar a execução "cruzada” de produtos/aplicações, particularmente de aplicações num sistema para o qual não foram concebidas. Em concreto, pretende-se analisar a execução de programas nativos do Windows em ambiente Linux e vice-versa. Na exploração desta tese foi seleccionado um conjunto representativo de diferentes aplicações, desde produtos genéricos como o Microsoft Office, soluções ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) e software mais utilizado em ambientes académicos e científicos. Para a execução de aplicações-Windows no Linux utilizaram-se essencialmente dois tipos de ferramentas: a camada de tradução Wine (capaz de executar programas nativos do Windows) e máquinas virtuais, como a VirtualBox e VMWare Player. Para a componente inversa deste trabalho (a execução de aplicações Linux em Windows), fez-se uso essencialmente dessas mesmas máquinas virtuais contendo embora (tendolhes sido adicionadas) as distribuições Linux, o Ubuntu 10.04 e OpenSUSE 11.3. ABSTRACT: This work intent to examine the "crossed “execution of products / applications, particularly in an operative system for which such products and applications were not designed. More specially, the purpose of this work is to analyze the performance of native Windows programs under within Linux and vice versa. Throughout the development of this thesis we selected a representative set of different applications, from generic products such 88 Microsoft Office, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and software mainly used in academic and scientific environments. For the execution of Windows applications in Linux, we used essentially two types of tools: the translation layer Wine (capable of running native Windows programs) and virtual machines, such 88 VirtualBox and VMWare Player. For the reverse case, running Linux applications in Windows, the main solution was the use of virtual machines, added with Linux distributions, Ubuntu 10.04 and OpenSUSE 11.3.
Purpose: to evaluate and compare the periodical patterns of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD), including acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and stroke in the Swiss population between the years 1969 and 2007.¦Methods: Swiss mortality database for the period of 1969- 2007 (2'362'430 deaths overall). The number of deaths due to CVD, AMI and stroke according to the time of day, day of the week and month were assessed, overall and after dividing the events according to gender and age (< 65 or ≥65 years old).¦Results: In general and for all four subgroups according to age and sex, there is a daily variation in the number of deaths with a first peak in the morning (8h00 -12h00) and a smaller second peak in the late afternoon (14h - 18h). Both males and females have similar hourly patterns, although the magnitude of the difference diminishes in older patients particularly for people who die from stroke. For the weekly variation, there seems to be a significant trend only in the younger population with the lowest mortality rates on Sunday and the highest on Mondays for all diseases. When it comes to seasonal variation according to month, the trend is more significant in the elder patients with the highest death rates during the winter months (+31%) and the lowest in the summer (July/August).¦Conclusion: There is a timely pattern for CVD, AMI and stroke deaths in Switzerland. This pattern changes according to the age and sex of the patients. Knowing this trend, its triggering factors and consequences, perhaps there could be measures put in place to prevent, diagnose and treat the population which is the most vulnerable at certain times.
24.6.2008 National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2007 Suicidal behaviour remains a significant public health problem in Ireland. Nearly 11,000 self harm presentations were made to our Emergency Departments in 2007. The latest year of occurrence data for 2005 shows the number of recorded suicides at 481, slightly lower than previous years. As our population has increased our overall rate of suicide has reduced, although our rate of youth suicide remains the 5th highest in Europe. However, we should be encouraged by the self harm and year of occurrence suicide data which although not yet indicating significant downward trends are perhaps beginning to reflect the impact of the work undertaken in the last few years. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb
The Agency Performance Report for the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy is published in accordance with the Accountable Government Act. The information provided within this report is to aid in decision-making and to illustrate accountability to stakeholders and citizens. The report is indicative of the agency’s progress in meeting performance targets and achieving goals consistent with the enterprise strategic plan, the agency strategic plan and agency performance plan.
Audit report on the Office of Treasurer of State, Iowa Educational Savings Plan Trust (Trust) for the year ended June 30, 2007
Special investigation of the Monona County Engineer’s Office for the period January 1, 2004 through April 20, 2007
Twelve regularly scheduled lettings and seven emergency/special lettings were held by the Iowa Department of Transportation for construction and maintenance work during the period covered by this report. At these lettings, projects totaling $492,299,871 were approved.
Audit report on the Iowa State Center Business Office of Iowa State University of Science and Technology for the year ended June 30, 2007
The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program operates as a unit within the Office of Elder Rights at Iowa Department of Elder Affairs. Duties of all long-term care ombudsmen are mandated by the Older Americans Act. This office serves people living in nursing facilities, residential care facilities, elder group homes and assisted living programs. With the addition of 2 ombudsmen, regional offices were closed and 7 local programs were established in 2007. Local long-term care ombudsmen are becoming more aware of issues that need to be addressed, yet as evidenced by the tables included in this report, the increase in work load has been phenomenal, and is reaching the point of being unmanageable with the current staff.
The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program operates as a unit within the Office of Elder Rights at Iowa Department of Elder Affairs. Duties of all long-term care ombudsmen are mandated by the Older Americans Act. This office serves people living in nursing facilities, residential care facilities, elder group homes and assisted living programs. With an increasing number of complaints for federal fiscal year 2006 this office continues to struggle with fulfilling all of the mandates of the Older Americans Act. Complaint investigations and working with residents and families remain the priority.
Special report on the Woodbury County Sheriff’s Office for the period December 1, 2004 through December 31, 2007
Report on the Office of Secretary of State for the year ended June 30, 2007
Report on the Office of Governor for the year ended June 30, 2007