913 resultados para Men, masculinities and methodologies
Background: The principal mode of HIV transmission in Southern Africa is through sexual intercourse, and this has prompted uptake of safe male circumcision. Engaging in risky sexual behaviour by circumcised men increases the risks of acquiring HIV, though male circumcision coupled with preventive behaviour reduces this risk. Objective: To compare the factors associated with risky sexual behaviour among circumcised and uncircumcised men in Botswana. Methods: Nationally representative data from the Botswana AIDS Impact Survey III were used. A sample of 313 sexually active men was used. The data was analysed by cross-tabulation and logistic regression. Results: The study revealed that uncircumcised men (odds ratio, 5.711) were more likely to have sex while intoxicated with alcohol compared to circumcised men. Low levels of education (odds ratio, 8.736), urban residency (city/town: odds ratio, 1.238 and urban village: odds ratio, 1.098) were more likely to influence risky behaviour (more than one sexual partner) for circumcised men. The results also show that marital status (never married) (odds ratio, 1.947) influences risky behaviour (having sex while intoxicated with alcohol) among uncircumcised men. Conclusion: Low level of education, place of residence and alcohol consumption influences risky sexual behaviour for both circumcised and uncircumcised men. Policies and programmes should thus focus on the attitudes underlying sexual behaviour.
Objective: A needs analysis was undertaken to determine the quality and effectiveness of mental health services to Indigenous consumers within a health district of Southern Queensland. The study focussed on identifying gaps in the service provision for Indigenous consumers. Tools and methodologies were developed to achieve this. Method: Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires to the target populations: district health service staff and Indigenous consumers. Questionnaires were developed through consultation with the community and the Steering Committee in order to achieve culturally appropriate wording. Of prime importance was the adaptation of questionnaire language so it would be fully understood by Indigenous consumers. Both questionnaires were designed to provide a balanced perspective of current mental health service needs for Indigenous people within the mental health service. Results: Results suggest that existing mental health services do not adequately meet the needs of Indigenous people. Conclusions: Recommendations arising from this study indicate a need for better communication and genuine partnerships between the mental health service and Indigenous people that reflect respect of cultural heritage and recognises the importance of including Indigenous people in the design and management of mental health services. Attention to the recommendations from this study will help ensure a culturally appropriate and effective mental health service for Indigenous consumers.
The current study was designed to confirm that female drivers sit closer to the steering wheel than do male drivers and to investigate whether this expected difference in sitting position is attributable to differences in the physical dimensions of men and women. Driver body dimensions and multiple measures of sitting distance from the steering wheel were collected from a sample of 150 men and 150 women. The results confirmed that on average, women sit closer to the steering wheel than men do and that this difference is accounted for by variations in body dimensions, especially height. This result suggests that driver height may provide a good surrogate for sitting distance from the steering wheel when investigating the role of driver position in real-world crash outcomes. The potential applications of this research include change to vehicle design that allows independent adjustment of the relative distance among the driver's seat, the steering wheel, and the floor pedals.
Objective: To investigate: 1) the impact of clinical varicocele on reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in neat and washed semen in a proven fertile population; and 2) the correlation between ROS levels, testicular volume, and varicocele grade in the same population of fertile men. Design: Prospective controlled clinical study. Setting: Andrology laboratory at tertiary-care hospital. Patient(s): One hundred fourteen healthy fertile men (81 normal fertile and 33 fertile with clinical varicocele) and 30 infertile patients (control subjects). Intervention(s): Standard semen analysis and measurement of sperm ROS production. Main Outcome Measure(s): Seminal parameters, seminal ROS levels, seminal leukocyte levels, clinical varicocele, and testis size. Result(s): Thirty-three of the 11.4 (29%) fertile men had clinical varicocele (grade 1, n = 14; grade 2, n = 11; and grade 3, n = 8), and the remaining 81 (71%) had a normal physical examination. Levels of ROS and semen quality did not differ significantly between the fertile men with or without varicocele. No significant differences in ROS levels in neat and washed semen were observed compared with fertile men with grades 2 and 3 varicocele and with fertile men with varicocele grade 1. The ROS levels in neat and washed semen were not significantly correlated with varicocele grade in fertile men. No significant correlations between ROS levels and testis volume were observed between the fertile groups. Conclusion(s): The presence of clinical varicocele in fertile men is not associated with higher seminal ROS levels or abnormal semen parameters. Levels of ROS are not correlated with varicocele grade or testis volume in the same population of fertile men.
This paper examines men's and women's participation in housework in the United States, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Australia. While there has been considerable research into the factors relating to the division of housework between husbands and wives within countries, very little research has examined the way in which housework patterns vary across countries. The results show that women continue to undertake the bulk of domestic labor in all five countries, and that the factors determining men's and women's participation in housework do not vary markedly across countries. This suggests that variations across countries in levels of gender equality at a broader level have only very limited effects on levels of gender equality in the home.
Background This article provides a summary of the current status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Latin America, as well as an outline of the diverse responses to it. Methods A search of international databases (Pubmed and ISI-Web of Science), regional databases (Scielo and Lilacs), regional and national documents and UNAIDS reports. Data are presented according to subregion. Results In Mexico HIV remains concentrated among urban men who have sex with men (MSM), and has been growing among injecting drug users (IDU) and in rural areas in relation to migration. An increasing proportion of women among those affected is observed in all countries in Central America, the most affected region, as well as increasing the impact on other vulnerable groups, such as indigenous populations. The Andean Countries have urban epidemics concentrated among MSM. In Peru, non-traditional vulnerable populations were identified. In the Southern Cone heterosexual transmission became more relevant, probably in connection with IDU epidemics and is increasingly affecting lower income groups. Incidence rates have been declining since 2002 in Brazil, the first country to guarantee free, universal access to antiretrovirals, where one-third of drug-nave patients are still initiating treatment at an advanced stage. Generally, access to treatment has improved as a result of support from the Global Fund and other initiatives, but there are concerns regarding coverage, equity and sustainability. Conclusions HIV is still concentrated among MSM in Latin America. Non-traditional vulnerable groups such as migrants and lower income populations, usually considered part of the general population, deserve attention. Programmes confronting sexual exclusion are still needed. Access to treatment has improved over time, but inequalities persist.
Serum levels of troponin and heart-related fraction of creatine kinase (CK-MB) mass are used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria in myocardial infarction, but the relation between those levels and-the necropsy-determined size of necrosis has not been tested in human beings. In this retrospective study, 1-cm-thick transverse sections of the ventricles were cut from the base to the apex in the necropsy hearts of 27 patients aged 47 to 86 years (mean 66, median 69; 19 men). Total and necrotic areas were measured using a computer-linked image analysis system. The weights of the necrotic areas were also calculated. The correlations of the areas and weights of necrotic myocardium with the highest serum values of CK-MB mass and troponin 1, which had been quantified during life by chemiluminescence immunoassays, were verified by Pearson`s test; results were considered significant at p <= 50.05. Significant correlations were detected between CK-MB mass peak and infarct size (r = 0.63, p < 0.01) and weight (r = 0.69, p < 0.01) and between CK-MB mass and highest troponin level (r = 0.73, p < 0.01); however, the correlations between highest troponin level and myocardial infarct size (r = 0.31, p = 0.11) and weight (r = 0.35, p = 0.07) were small and nonsignificant. In conclusion, despite the well-established role of serum levels of troponin as a diagnostic tool for myocardial infarction, their highest values showed poor correlations with the extent of infarct. In contrast, the highest serum level of CK-MB mass was well correlated with myocardial infarct size. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Our interest lies in applying the principles of critical systems thinking to human activity systems in developing countries in situations where issues of natural resource sustainability constrain the feasible set of long-term strategies. The concept of sustainable development provides an expanded domain for critical systems thinking. The fundamental values underpinning sustainable development are that both intragenerational and intergenerational equity are important. As a consequence, key stakeholders are often excluded from power-sharing within current social systems. Addressing these issues requires renewed focus on emancipatory commitment and methodologies. To date, Ulrich's critical systems heuristics is the only critical systems methodology that offers practicable tools for emancipation. A case study analysis in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, provides insights in relation to the application of critical system heuristics to issues of sustainable development and highlights the need to extend the use of critical systems heuristics beyond the design and monitoring of structured interventions.
Recent research in Australia and overseas has suggested that we are witnessing a convergence of men's and women's time on domestic labour activities. But there is disagreement about whether this is due to women reducing their time on housework or men increasing their time on housework. This article addresses these issues using national survey data collected in Australia in 1986, 1993 and 1997. The results show some changes in the proportional responsibilities of men and women in the home with men reporting a greater share of traditional indoor activities. But overall both men and women are spending less time on housework. In particular, women's time on housework has declined by six hours per week since 1986. Hence, while the gender gap between men's and women's involvement in the home is getting smaller, it is not the result of men increasing their share of the load, but is due to the large decline in women's time spent on domestic labour. There is also evidence of change in the relationship. between paid and unpaid work for women. Women's hours of,paid labour had a greater impact on their involvement in domestic labour in 1997 compared to a decade earlier. The article concludes that women's increased labour force involvement in combination with changing patterns and styles, of consumption is leading to some changes in the gender-division:of household labour, but not in the direction anticipated by earlier commentators on the domestic division of labour.
Examples of recent research into adolescent risk behaviors from a variety of disciplines and methodologies, denoting the range of researchers interested in this area and whose interest in communication and language articulates and exemplifies the extent of the field, are surveyed in this article.
A temática do fracasso escolar tem sido muito discutida atualmente. As taxas de evasão e de reprovação escolar são significativas, em especial quando é considerado o sexo masculino. Investigar informações sobre o fracasso escolar, seja enquanto repetência ou enquanto abandono, possibilitou um olhar mais sensível a esse problema em nossa sociedade e possibilitou a reflexão sobre o quanto há para ser feito em relação ao ensino médio, pois, na medida em que se propõe a universalização do ensino fundamental, pouco tem se feito para garantir a continuação dos estudos a fim de que os alunos concluam a educação básica. Assim, partindo de estudos e dados estatísticos que indicavam que os meninos tendem a fracassarem na escola, consideramos que seria possível supor que os significados atribuídos por esses jovens a evasão possam estar relacionados ao seu tornar-se homem. Desta forma a questão central de nossa investigação foi: Em que medida o processo de constituição da masculinidade de jovens homens influenciam ou interferem no fracasso escolar? Questionávamos como jovens do sexo masculino, que já abandonaram a escola durante a etapa do Ensino Médio, significam a sua ou suas história (s) de abandono escolar e em que medida os significados atribuídos por esses jovens à evasão escolar são relacionados ao processo de constituição de suas masculinidades. Adotamos as categorias Gênero e Juventude para compor a investigação sobre o fracasso de jovens do sexo masculino que evadiram e regressaram a escola. O objetivo de nosso estudo foi analisar a relação que jovens homens traçam entre a constituição de suas masculinidades e o fracasso escolar. Utilizamos entrevistas com 12 jovens do sexo masculino, 7 que haviam evadido e retornaram a escola e 5 que estão evadidos. E realizamos um grupo focal com o grupo que regressou. A partir das informações obtidas nas entrevistas e no grupo focal, podemos inferir que a questão da masculinidade influencia a evasão escolar destes meninos, uma vez que se relaciona, dentre outros com o aspecto da independência, da responsabilidade e da resistência ao modelo adotado pela escola atual, na qual se espera que os sujeitos sejam vistos apenas como aluno, sendo esquecido o fato de serem jovens.
O objetivo geral deste artigo é analisar os fatores de ordem social que influenciam a saúde dos homens portugueses, em particular os comportamentos que se associam à construção das masculinidades. Para satisfazer o objetivo da pesquisa proceder‑se‑á à análise de alguns indicadores estatísticos produzidos por fontes oficiais, de natureza amostral ou administrativa, como o INE ou o EUROSTAT. O modelo de masculinidade que emerge da análise dos indicadores nacionais apresentados remete para um ideário de género muito associado a estilos de vida e desempenho de profissões com impacto negativo na esperança média de vida dos homens portugueses. Tendo como referência as mulheres, destaca‑se no caso dos homens: maior taxa de acidentes de viação; consumo de álcool e tabaco mais acentuado e prematuro; mais mortes associadas ao consumo de drogas; mais mortes autoprovocadas intencionalmente; maior incidência da SIDA; maior número de acidentes de trabalho. ABSTRACT - The purpose of this article is to analyze the social factors that influence the health of Portuguese men, namely the behaviors that can be associated to the construction of masculinities. To satisfy this objective we will analyze some statistical indicators produced by official sources like INE or EUROSTAT. The model of masculinity that emerges from national indicators analysis is associated to behaviors and consumptions with a negative impact in Portuguese men health and life expectancy. In this article we highlight some of these behaviors: biggest rate of transport accidents; larger and early alcohol and tobacco consumption; more deaths associated to the consumption of drugs; more auto provoked deaths; bigger AIDS incidence; more occupational accidents.
Objectives - Review available guidance for quality assurance (QA) in mammography and discuss its contribution to harmonise practices worldwide. Methods - Literature search was performed on different sources to identify guidance documents for QA in mammography available worldwide in international bodies, healthcare providers, professional/scientific associations. The guidance documents identified were reviewed and a selection was compared for type of guidance (clinical/technical), technology and proposed QA methodologies focusing on dose and image quality (IQ) performance assessment. Results - Fourteen protocols (targeted at conventional and digital mammography) were reviewed. All included recommendations for testing acquisition, processing and display systems associated with mammographic equipment. All guidance reviewed highlighted the importance of dose assessment and testing the Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) system. Recommended tests for assessment of IQ showed variations in the proposed methodologies. Recommended testing focused on assessment of low-contrast detection, spatial resolution and noise. QC of image display is recommended following the American Association of Physicists in Medicine guidelines. Conclusions - The existing QA guidance for mammography is derived from key documents (American College of Radiology and European Union guidelines) and proposes similar tests despite the variations in detail and methodologies. Studies reported on QA data should provide detail on experimental technique to allow robust data comparison. Countries aiming to implement a mammography/QA program may select/prioritise the tests depending on available technology and resources.
The scope of this paper is to adapt the standard mean-variance model of Henry Markowitz theory, creating a simulation tool to find the optimal configuration of the portfolio aggregator, calculate its profitability and risk. Currently, there is a deep discussion going on among the power system society about the structure and architecture of the future electric system. In this environment, policy makers and electric utilities find new approaches to access the electricity market; this configures new challenging positions in order to find innovative strategies and methodologies. Decentralized power generation is gaining relevance in liberalized markets, and small and medium size electricity consumers are also become producers (“prosumers”). In this scenario an electric aggregator is an entity that joins a group of electric clients, customers, producers, “prosumers” together as a single purchasing unit to negotiate the purchase and sale of electricity. The aggregator conducts research on electricity prices, contract terms and conditions in order to promote better energy prices for their clients and allows small and medium customers to benefit improved market prices.
All over the world, the liberalization of electricity markets, which follows different paradigms, has created new challenges for those involved in this sector. In order to respond to these challenges, electric power systems suffered a significant restructuring in its mode of operation and planning. This restructuring resulted in a considerable increase of the electric sector competitiveness. Particularly, the Ancillary Services (AS) market has been target of constant renovations in its operation mode as it is a targeted market for the trading of services, which have as main objective to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. In this way, with the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources including distributed generation, demand response, storage units and electric vehicles, it is essential to develop new smarter and hierarchical methods of operation of electric power systems. As these resources are mostly connected to the distribution network, it is important to consider the introduction of this kind of resources in AS delivery in order to achieve greater reliability and cost efficiency of electrical power systems operation. The main contribution of this work is the design and development of mechanisms and methodologies of AS market and for energy and AS joint market, considering different management entities of transmission and distribution networks. Several models developed in this work consider the most common AS in the liberalized market environment: Regulation Down; Regulation Up; Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve. The presented models consider different rules and ways of operation, such as the division of market by network areas, which allows the congestion management of interconnections between areas; or the ancillary service cascading process, which allows the replacement of AS of superior quality by lower quality of AS, ensuring a better economic performance of the market. A major contribution of this work is the development an innovative methodology of market clearing process to be used in the energy and AS joint market, able to ensure viable and feasible solutions in markets, where there are technical constraints in the transmission network involving its division into areas or regions. The proposed method is based on the determination of Bialek topological factors and considers the contribution of the dispatch for all services of increase of generation (energy, Regulation Up, Spinning and Non-Spinning reserves) in network congestion. The use of Bialek factors in each iteration of the proposed methodology allows limiting the bids in the market while ensuring that the solution is feasible in any context of system operation. Another important contribution of this work is the model of the contribution of distributed energy resources in the ancillary services. In this way, a Virtual Power Player (VPP) is considered in order to aggregate, manage and interact with distributed energy resources. The VPP manages all the agents aggregated, being able to supply AS to the system operator, with the main purpose of participation in electricity market. In order to ensure their participation in the AS, the VPP should have a set of contracts with the agents that include a set of diversified and adapted rules to each kind of distributed resource. All methodologies developed and implemented in this work have been integrated into the MASCEM simulator, which is a simulator based on a multi-agent system that allows to study complex operation of electricity markets. In this way, the developed methodologies allow the simulator to cover more operation contexts of the present and future of the electricity market. In this way, this dissertation offers a huge contribution to the AS market simulation, based on models and mechanisms currently used in several real markets, as well as the introduction of innovative methodologies of market clearing process on the energy and AS joint market. This dissertation presents five case studies; each one consists of multiple scenarios. The first case study illustrates the application of AS market simulation considering several bids of market players. The energy and ancillary services joint market simulation is exposed in the second case study. In the third case study it is developed a comparison between the simulation of the joint market methodology, in which the player bids to the ancillary services is considered by network areas and a reference methodology. The fourth case study presents the simulation of joint market methodology based on Bialek topological distribution factors applied to transmission network with 7 buses managed by a TSO. The last case study presents a joint market model simulation which considers the aggregation of small players to a VPP, as well as complex contracts related to these entities. The case study comprises a distribution network with 33 buses managed by VPP, which comprises several kinds of distributed resources, such as photovoltaic, CHP, fuel cells, wind turbines, biomass, small hydro, municipal solid waste, demand response, and storage units.