907 resultados para Mean occupancy time
We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to explore the influence of a counterion on the structure and dynamics of cationic and anionic solvation shells for various ions in methanol at 298 K. We show that the variation in ionic size of either the cation or the anion in an ion pair influences the solvation structure of the other ion as well as the diffusivity in an electrolyte solution of methanol. The extent of ionic association between the cation and its counteranion of different ionic sizes has been investigated by analyzing the radial distribution functions (RDFs) and the orientation of methanol molecules in the first solvation shell (FSS) of ions. It is shown that the methanol in the FSS of the anion as well the cation exhibit quite different radial and orientational structures as compared to methanol which lie in the FSS of either the anion or the cation but not both. We find that the coordination number (CN) of F-, Cr-, and I- ions decreases with increasing size of the anion which is contrary to the trend reported for the anions in H2O. The mean residence time (MRT) of methanol molecules in the FSS of ions has been calculated using the stable states picture (SSP) approach. It is seen that the ion-counterion interaction has a considerable influence on the MRT of methanol molecules in the FSS of ions. We also discuss the stability order of the ion-counterion using the potentials of mean force (PMFs) for ion pairs with ions of different sizes. The PMF plots reveal that the Li+-F- pair (small-small) is highly stable and the Li+-I- pair is least stable (small-large) in electrolyte solutions.
An assessment of the status of the Atlantic stock of red drum is conducted using recreational and commercial data from 1986 through 1998. This assessment updates data and analyses from the 1989, 1991, 1992 and 1995 stock assessments on Atlantic coast red drum (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996). Since 1981, coastwide recreational catches ranged between 762,300 pounds in 1980 and 2,623,900 pounds in 1984, while commercial landings ranged between 60,900 pounds in 1997 and 422,500 pounds in 1984. In weight of fish caught, Atlantic red drum constitute predominantly a recreational fishery (ranging between 85 and 95% during the 1990s). Commercially, red drum continue to be harvested as part of mixed species fisheries. Using available length-frequency distributions and age-length keys, recreational and commercial catches are converted to catch in numbers at age. Separable and tuned virtual population analyses are conducted on the catch in numbers at age to obtain estimates of fishing mortality rates and population size (including recruitment to age 1). In tum, these estimates of fishing mortality rates combined with estimates of growth (length and weight), sex ratios, sexual maturity and fecundity are used to estimate yield per recruit, escapement to age 4, and static (or equilibrium) spawning potential ratio (static SPR, based on both female biomass and egg production). Three virtual analysis approaches (separable, spreadsheet, and FADAPT) were applied to catch matrices for two time periods (early: 1986-1991, and late: 1992-1998) and two regions (Northern: North Carolina and north, and Southern: South Carolina through east coast of Florida). Additional catch matrices were developed based on different treatments for the catch-and-release recreationally-caught red drum (B2-type). These approaches included assuming 0% mortality (BASEO) versus 10% mortality for B2 fish. For the 10% mortality on B2 fish, sizes were assumed the same as caught fish (BASEl), or positive difference in size distribution between the early period and the later period (DELTA), or intermediate (PROP). Hence, a total of 8 catch matrices were developed (2 regions, and 4 B2 assumptions for 1986-1998) to which the three VPA approaches were applied. The question of when offshore emigration or reduced availability begins (during or after age 3) continues to be a source of bias that tends to result in overestimates of fishing mortality. Additionally, the continued assumption (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996) of no fishing mortality on adults (ages 6 and older), causes a bias that results in underestimates of fishing mortality for adult ages (0 versus some positive value). Because of emigration and the effect of the slot limit for the later period, a range in relative exploitations of age 3 to age 2 red drum was considered. Tuning indices were developed from the MRFSS, and state indices for use in the spreadsheet and FADAPT VPAs. The SAFMC Red Drum Assessment Group (Appendix A) favored the FADAPT approach with catch matrix based on DELTA and a selectivity for age 3 relative to age 2 of 0.70 for the northern region and 0.87 for the southern region. In the northern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 1.3% for the period 1987-1991 to approximately 18% (15% and 20%) for the period 1992-1998. For the southern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 0.5% for the period 1988-1991 to approximately 15% for the period 1992-1998. Population models used in this assessment (specifically yield per recruit and static spawning potential ratio) are based on equilibrium assumptions: because no direct estimates are available as to the current status of the adult stock, model results imply potential longer term, equilibrium effects. Because current status of the adult stock is unknown, a specific rebuilding schedule cannot be determined. However, the duration of a rebuilding schedule should reflect, in part, a measure of the generation time of the fish species under consideration. For a long-lived, but relatively early spawning, species as red drum, mean generation time would be on the order of 15 to 20 years based on age-specific egg production. Maximum age is 50 to 60 years for the northern region, and about 40 years for the southern region. The ASMFC Red Drum Board's first phase recovery goal of increasing %SPR to at least 10% appears to have been met. (PDF contains 79 pages)
Monthly population size of bait shrimp in the Bay was estimated from December 1984 to July 1985. Growth rates for male and female P. duorarum showed that pink shrimp exhibit a mean residence time in the nursery area (Biscayne Bay) of approximately 21 weeks. Monthly mortality rates were determined for each sex of pink shrimp. It was estimated that 23% and 26% of the male and female monthly population size, respectively, was absorbed by both the fishery and ecosystem monthly. Monthly proportion of the standing stock expected to die exclusively through fishing was 6.5% and 6.0% for males and females respectively. Estimates of emigration rates showed that approximately 4.0% of the population was lost from the Bay system each month. This surplus production was about 50% of the average monthly catch by the fleet. Fishing mortality represents only 8 - 9% of the losses to the shrimp population. The biggest source of loss is emigration, suggesting that most shrimp beyond the size at recruitment (to the fishery) are not utilized for food while in the Bay. Thus, it appears that the direct impact of the fishery on the bait shrimp population is relatively small. (PDF contains 46 pages)
Folate-targeted poly[(p-nitrophenyl acrylate)-co-(N-isopropylacrylamide)] nanohydrogel (F-SubMG) was loaded with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) to obtain low (16.3 +/- 1.9 mu g 5-FU/mg F-SubMG) and high (46.8 +/- 3.8 mu g 5-FU/mg F-SubMG) load 5-FU-loaded F-SubMGs. The complete in vitro drug release took place in 8 h. The cytotoxicity of unloaded F-SubMGs in MCF7 and HeLa cells was low; although it increased for high F-SubMG concentration. The administration of 10 mu M 5-FU by 5-FU-loaded F-SubMGs was effective on both cellular types. Cell uptake of F-SubMGs took place in both cell types, but it was higher in HeLa cells because they are folate receptor positive. After subcutaneous administration (28 mg 5-FU/kg b.w.) in Wistar rats, F-SubMGs were detected at the site of injection under the skin. Histological studies indicated that the F-SubMGs were surrounded by connective tissue, without any signs of rejections, even 60 days after injection. Pharmacokinetic study showed an increase in MRT (mean residence time) of 5-FU when the drug was administered by drug-loaded F-SubMGs.
The problem of "exit against a flow" for dynamical systems subject to small Gaussian white noise excitation is studied. Here the word "flow" refers to the behavior in phase space of the unperturbed system's state variables. "Exit against a flow" occurs if a perturbation causes the phase point to leave a phase space region within which it would normally be confined. In particular, there are two components of the problem of exit against a flow:
i) the mean exit time
ii) the phase-space distribution of exit locations.
When the noise perturbing the dynamical systems is small, the solution of each component of the problem of exit against a flow is, in general, the solution of a singularly perturbed, degenerate elliptic-parabolic boundary value problem.
Singular perturbation techniques are used to express the asymptotic solution in terms of an unknown parameter. The unknown parameter is determined using the solution of the adjoint boundary value problem.
The problem of exit against a flow for several dynamical systems of physical interest is considered, and the mean exit times and distributions of exit positions are calculated. The systems are then simulated numerically, using Monte Carlo techniques, in order to determine the validity of the asymptotic solutions.
O objetivo do presente estudo clínico é verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e interexaminadores de um critério de diagnóstico de cárie dentária (Nyvad et al. 1999) aplicado na dentição decídua, e avaliar o tempo médio necessário para a realização do exame clínico utilizando o referido critério. O mesmo é baseado na combinação de métodos visuais e táteis e propõe a diferenciação entre lesões ativas e inativas, tanto para lesões cavitadas quanto para não cavitadas. A amostra total consistiu de 80 crianças de três a sete anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do Centro Educacional Terra Santa (Petrópolis/ RJ). Os responsáveis assinaram um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e o trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do HUPE-UERJ. Os exames foram realizados após escovação supervisionada, em consultório odontológico sob iluminação artificial, após 3-5s de secagem com ar comprimido, por dois examinadores treinados pelas autoras do índice e calibrados. As concordâncias intra e interexaminadores foram avaliadas pelo percentual de concordância (%) e pelo teste kappa (k), considerando a superfície dentária como unidade de análise e os seguintes pontos de corte: 1) hígida versus cariada; 2) ativa versus inativa; 3) descontinuidade versus hígida; e 4) cavitada versus hígida. O % e o valor de k para confiabilidade interexaminadores para cada ponto de corte foram: 1) % = 0,97 e k = 0,82 (IC: 0,80 - 0,85); 2) % = 0,98 e k = 0,80 (IC: 0,76 - 0,83); 3) % = 0,99 e k = 0,90 (IC: 0,88 - 0,93); 4) % = 99,0 e k = 0,95 (IC: 0,92 - 0,97). O % e o valor de k para confiabilidade intraexaminador para cada ponto de corte foram: 1) % = 0,98 e k = 0,86 (IC: 0,84 - 0,86); 2) % = 0,99 e k = 0,86 (IC: 0,83 - 0,89); 3) % = 0,99 e k = 0,94 (IC: 0,92 - 0,96); 4) % = 0,99 e k = 0,98 (IC: 0,96 - 0,99). O maior % de discordância (65,3% - 158/242) concentrou-se na diferenciação entre supefícies hígidas e lesões não cavitadas: 33,5% (81/242) entre superfície hígida e lesão não cavitada inativa; 26,0% (63/242), entre superfície hígida e lesão não cavitada ativa; e 5,8% (14/242), entre lesão não cavitada ativa e lesão não cavitada inativa. O tempo necessário para realização do exame clínico foi em média 226,5s (128,53). Conclui-se que o índice apresentou reprodutibilidade variando de substancial à quase perfeita e um tempo de exame viável, mostrando-se consistente e reproduzível para a realização de estudos clínicos de cárie dentária na dentição decídua.
Bassenthwaite Lake is, in many ways, different from the other major lakes in the English Lake District: it is the most northerly, the shallowest, has the largest catchment and the shortest mean retention time. There is also considerable temporal variation in lake level. This article summarises the limnological features of Bassenthwaite Lake, the catchment and physical characteristics before describing the water chemistry, phytoplankton, macrophytes, zooplankton, invertebrates, fish, mammal and invertebrate population. The authors then describe the ecological pressures faced by Bassenthwaite Lake such as nutrients, sediments and introduced species.
实现了应用于神光Ⅱ装置中的高精度整形激光脉冲与激光探针同步方案。在该方案中,激光探针经硅光导开关进行光电转换之后作为激光脉冲整形单元的触发信号,使激光脉冲整形单元,输出与激光探针同步的整形激光脉冲。为了降低由于触发信号不稳定引起的时间晃动,在光电转换之前放大激光探针,以调整激光脉冲整形单元触发信号的幅度。在神光Ⅱ装置中实现了整形激光脉冲与激光探针小于4.5 ps(均方根)的时间同步精度。
Ruptura do tendão calcâneo é uma das lesões tendíneas mais frequentes. Embora a maioria dos trabalhos sugira que o exercício seja benéfico na cicatrização tendínea, não há consenso sobre o efeito do antiinflamatório neste contexto. Trabalhos experimentais tentam reproduzir lesão aguda deste tendão, em diferentes espécies animais. Neste estudo, descrevemos uma técnica de tenotomia completa do tendão calcâneo direito em ratos e, em seguida, avaliamos os efeitos do uso do antiinflamatório e do exercício aeróbico, isoladamente e em combinação, sobre a proliferação celular e o perfil biomecânico do tendão calcâneo, durante o processo de cicatrização após tenotomia. Estudo experimental com 156 ratos machos adultos, da raça Wistar, com idade média de 3 meses e peso médio de 300g. Após anestesia com tiopental e com auxílio da microscopia de luz, foi realizada incisão longitudinal posterior de cinco milímetros, em direção proximal, a partir da tuberosidade posterior do calcâneo da pata direita do rato. Foi feito corte transversal do tendão calcâneo, a sete milímetros da tuberosidade do calcâneo, com preservação do tendão plantar. Utilizamos as técnicas de Hematoxilina e Eosina, Picrosirius-red e Resorcina-fucsina de Weigert para avaliação da cicatrização tendínea e das fibras dos sistemas colágeno e elástico. Após a tenotomia, metade dos animais receberam tenoxicam intramuscular por 7 dias e no 8o dia iniciou-se protocolo de exercício em esteira na metade de cada grupo. Os ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos de tratamento: A sem antiinflamatório E sem exercício (controle); B com antiinflamatório E com exercício; C sem antiinflamatório E com exercício; D com antiinflamatório E sem exercício. Os animais foram eutanasiados com 1, 2, 4 e 8 semanas após a tenotomia, para avaliação histológica pelo PCNA, e biomecânica através do teste de resistência à tração e da medida do ciclo locomotor. Foram realizados análise de variância, teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o método de Bonferroni, no programa R Project, versão 2.11.1. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 1 minuto e 24 segundos, sem complicações observadas até a 8a semana pós-operatória. Observamos proliferação celular e fibrilogênese com duas semanas, e diminuição da celularidade e das fibras elásticas na 8a semana, além de mudanças na organização estrutural do sistema colágeno. Encontramos pico da imunomarcação com PCNA na 2a semana em todos os grupos, exceto no grupo A, cujo pico aconteceu com 1 semana da tenotomia. Evidenciamos resistência à tração significativamente maior (p=0,02) nos ratos submetidos ao exercício, 8 semanas após ruptura. Nos grupos com antiinflamatório, observamos um ciclo locomotor mais estável durante todo o tempo avaliado. Consideramos a técnica cirúrgica experimental de tenotomia completa do tendão calcâneo, realizada com auxílio da microscopia de luz e preservação do tendão plantar, simples, rápida, com sinais de cicatrização tendínea normal e de fácil reprodução em ratos. O exercício aeróbico, iniciado precocemente após tenotomia completa do tendão calcâneo, é significativamente benéfico na sua recuperação biomecânica e o uso combinado com antiinflamatório confere maior estabilidade na marcha, o que pode proteger contra rerruptura tendínea em ratos
[EUS] Ikerketa honen helburua futbol partiduen eta entrenatzeko erabiltzen diren joko murriztuen arteko bihotz maiztasunean oinarritutako intentsitateen arteko konparazioa egitea zen, horrela joko errealarekin antz handiena zuen joko murriztua zein zen determinatzeko. Hemeretzi jokalari erdi profesional (18,74 ± 1,24-ko adina, 72,49 ± 4,72-ko pisua, 1,80 ± 0,05-ko altuera) parte hartu zuten aurre denboraldiko lau partidu hiru joko murriztu ezberdinekin, SSG4, SSG7 eta SSGPG, konparatu zituen ikerketan. Bihotz maiztasun maximoa (BMmax), bataz besteko bihotz maiztasuna (BMbb) eta 5 intentsitate zonalde ezberdinetan egondako denbora neurtu ziten lau partidu eta joko murriztu bakoitzeko hiru saiotan eta ezberdintasun esanguratsuak aurkitu ziren partiduen eta joko murriztu guztien artean BMmax eta BMbb baloreetan, SSG7an izan ezik, zeinen BMbb partiduetan erregistratuarenaren antzekoa izan zen. Joko murriztuen artean ere ezberdintasunak aurkitu ziren, haien denen artean SSG7 intentsuena izan zelarik. Intentsitate zonaldeen kasuan partiduak eta SSG7 beste jokoak baino intentsuagoak zirela iruditu zuten, jokalariak joko hauetan intentsitate altuko zonaldeetan egondako denbora tarte luzeagoengatik.
The aim of the present study is to analyse the influence of different large-sided games (LSGs) on the physical and physiological variables in under-12s (U12) and -13s (U13) soccer players. The effects of the combination of different number of players per team, 7, 9, and 11 (P7, P9, and P11, respectively) with three relative pitch areas, 100, 200, and 300 m(2) (A100, A200, and A300, respectively), were analysed in this study. The variables analysed were: 1) global indicator such as total distance (TD); work:rest ratio (W:R); player-load (PL) and maximal speed (V-max); 2) heart rate (HR) mean and time spent in different intensity zones of HR (<75%, 75-84%, 84-90% and >90%), and; 3) five absolute (<8, 8-13, 13-16 and >16 Km h(-1)) and three relative speed categories (<40%, 40-60% and >60% V-max). The results support the theory that a change in format (player number and pitch dimensions) affects no similarly in the two players categories. Although it can seem that U13 players are more demanded in this kind of LSG, when the work load is assessed from a relative point of view, great pitch dimensions and/or high number of player per team are involved in the training task to the U12 players. The results of this study could alert to the coaches to avoid some types of LSGs for the U12 players such as:P11 played in A100, A200 or A300, P9 played in A200 or A300 and P7 played in A300 due to that U13>U12 in several physical and physiological variables (W:R, time spent in 84-90% HRmax, distance in 8-13 and 13-16 Km h(-1) and time spent in 40-60% V-max). These results may help youth soccer coaches to plan the progressive introduction of LSGs so that task demands are adapted to the physiological and physical development of participants.
We monitored the movements of 45 adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) between June 2007 and July 2008 through the use of passive acoustic telemetry to elucidate migratory and within-estuary behaviors in a lagoon system of the southern mid-Atlantic Bight. Between 8 June and 10 October 2007, fish resided primarily in the deeper (>3 m) regions of the system and exhibited low levels of large-scale (100s of meters) activity. Mean residence time within this estuarine lagoon system was conservatively estimated to be 130 days (range: 18–223 days), which is 1.5 times longer than the residence time previously reported for Summer Flounder in a similar estuarine habitat ~250 km to the north. The majority of fish remained within the lagoon system until mid-October, although some fish dispersed earlier and some of them appeared to disperse temporarily (i.e., exited the system for at least 14 consecutive days before returning). Larger fish were more likely to disperse before mid-October than smaller fish and may have moved to other estuaries or the inner continental shelf. Fish that dispersed after mid-October were more likely to return to the lagoon system the following spring than were fish that dispersed before mid-October. In 2008, fish returned to the system between 7 February and 7 April. Dispersals and returns most closely followed seasonal changes in mean water temperature, but photoperiod and other factors also may have played a role in large-scale movements of Summer Flounder.
The life history and population dynamics of the finetooth shark (Carcharhinus isodon) in the north-eastern Gulf of Mexico were studied by determining age, growth, size-at-maturity, natural mortality, productivity, and elasticity of vital rates of the population. The von Bertalanffy growth model was estimated as Lt=1559 mm TL (1–e–0.24 (t+2.07)) for females and Lt = 1337 mm TL (1–e–0.41 (t+1.39)) for males. For comparison, the Fabens growth equation was also fitted separately to observed size-at-age data, and the fits to the data were found to be similar. The oldest aged specimens were 8.0 and 8.1 yr, and theoretical longevity estimates were 14.4 and 8.5 yr for females and males, respectively. Median length at maturity was 1187 and 1230 mm TL, equivalent to 3.9 and 4.3 yr for males and females, respectively. Two scenarios, based on the results of the two equations used to describe growth, were considered for population modeling and the results were similar. Annual rates of survivorship estimated through five methods ranged from 0.850/yr to 0.607/yr for scenario 1 and from 0.840/yr to 0.590/yr for scenario 2. Productivities were 0.041/yr for scenario 1 and 0.038/yr for scenario 2 when the population level that produces maximum sustain-able yield is assumed to occur at an instantaneous total mortality rate (Z) equaling 1.5 M, and were 0.071/yr and 0.067/yr, when Z=2 M for scenario 1 and 2, respectively. Mean generation time was 6.96 yr and 6.34 yr for scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. Elasticities calculated through simulation of Leslie matrices averaged 12.6% (12.1% for scenario 2) for fertility, 47.7% (46.2% for scenario 2) for juvenile survival, and 39.7% (41.6% for scenario 2) for adult survival. In all, the finetooth shark exhibits life-history and population characteristics intermediate to those of sharks in the small coastal complex and those from some large coastal species, such as the blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus).
Ninety-six bigeye tuna (88– 134 cm fork length) were caught and released with implanted archival (electronic data storage) tags near fish-aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) during April 2000. Twenty-nine fish were recaptured, and the data from twenty-seven tags were successfully downloaded and processed. Time at liberty ranged from 8 to 446 days, and data for 23 fish at liberty for 30 days or more are presented. The accuracy in geolocation estimates, derived from the light level data, is about 2 degrees in latitude and 0.5 degrees in longitude in this region. The movement paths derived from the filtered geolocation estimates indicated that none of the fish traveled west of 110°W during the period between release and recapture. The null hypothesis that the movement path is random was rejected in 17 of the 22 statistical tests of the observed movement paths. The estimated mean velocity was 117 km/d. The fish exhibited occasional deep-diving behavior, and some dives exceeded 1000 m where temperatures were less than 3°C. Evaluations of timed depth records, resulted in the discrimination of three distinct behaviors: 54.3% of all days were classified as unassociated (with a floating object) type-1 behavior, 27.7% as unassociated type-2 behavior, and 18.7% as behavior associated with a floating object. The mean residence time at floating objects was 3.1 d. Data sets separated into day and night were used to evaluate diel differences in behavior and habitat selection. When the fish were exhibiting unassociated type-1 behavior (diel vertical migrations), they were mostly at depths of less than 50 m (within the mixed layer) throughout the night, and during the day between 200 and 300 m and 13° and 14°C. They shifted their average depths in conjunction with dawn and dusk events, presumably tracking the deep-scattering layer as a foraging strategy. There were also observed changes in the average nighttime depth distributions of the fish in relation to moon phase.
Berendse&Aerts (1987)认为氮素利用效率(nitrogen use efficiency,NUE)可以分为两部分的乘积,即:①氮素生产力(nitrogen productivity,NP),②氮素的平均滞留时间(mean residencetime,MRT)。本文利用这一概念对处于我国北方农牧交错带的内蒙古自治区多伦县典型植物的氮素利用策略进行了研究。研究假设:植物在贫瘠生境上所采取的氮素适应策略主要是提高对所吸收氮素的保持能力(较长的MRT),而不是提高NUE。 在不同土壤生境上,属于不同生活型的不同物种其NP和MRT之间存在负相关关系。在不同生境、生活型和物种之间,作为NP与MRT乘积的NUE比NP、MRT的变化相对要小,结果表明植物主要通过延长MRT来适应氮素贫瘠的生境。因为NP与MRT相反的方向变化,二者不能同时增加或减少,所以NP与MRT之间存在相互协调(trade-off)的关系。 在群落和生态系统水平上,NP与MRT之间也存在相互协调关系,不同水平上的NUE之间也存在一定的联系。除了在种间存在这种关系外,通过对多伦县和十三里滩两种针茅(大针茅、克氏针茅)的氮素利用特征的研究,发现在种内,NP与MRT之间也存在这种相互协调关系。NUE与土壤供氮能力有关,随着土壤供氮能力的下降,NUE呈上升趋势。植物的NUE不仅与土壤的供氮能力有关,其它因素如土壤水分供应状况也会对植物的NUE产生影响,例如,与生长在河岸上的植物相比,生长在河滩湿地上的植物具有较高的NP,但MRT却较低。在群落中,不同植物个体的NUE及其组成参数NP和MRT也存在较大的差异,较大的植株具有较高的NP和MRT,因而NUE也高于个体较小的植株。本文研究结果表明,植物的NUE与氮素回收转移特性密切相关,植物提高氮素回收效率(nitrogen resorption efficiency,NRE)可以延长MRT,从而提高NUE。