973 resultados para Mathematics. Trigonometric Functions. Geogebra


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Both the existence and the non-existence of a linearly ordered (by certain natural order relations) effective set of comparison functions (=dense comparison classes) are compatible with the ZFC axioms of set theory.


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The aim of this paper is to show that there exist infinite dimensional Banach spaces of functions that, except for 0, satisfy properties that apparently should be destroyed by the linear combination of two of them. Three of these spaces are: a Banach space of differentiable functions on Rn failing the Denjoy-Clarkson property; a Banach space of non Riemann integrable bounded functions, but with antiderivative at each point of an interval; a Banach space of infinitely differentiable functions that vanish at infinity and are not the Fourier transform of any Lebesgue integrable function.


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A series $S_a=\sum\limits_{n=-\infty}^\infty a_nz^n$ is called a {\it pointwise universal trigonometric series} if for any $f\in C(\T)$, there exists a strictly increasing sequence $\{n_k\}_{k\in\N}$ of positive integers such that $\sum\limits_{j=-n_k}^{n_k} a_jz^j$ converges to $f(z)$ pointwise on $\T$. We find growth conditions on coefficients allowing and forbidding the existence of a pointwise universal trigonometric series. For instance, if $|a_n|=O(\e^{\,|n|\ln^{-1-\epsilon}\!|n|})$ as $|n|\to\infty$ for some $\epsilon>0$, then the series $S_a$ can not be pointwise universal. On the other hand, there exists a pointwise universal trigonometric series $S_a$ with $|a_n|=O(\e^{\,|n|\ln^{-1}\!|n|})$ as $|n|\to\infty$.


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Building on a proof by D. Handelman of a generalisation of an example due to L. Fuchs, we show that the space of real-valued polynomials on a non-empty set X of reals has the Riesz Interpolation Property if and only if X is bounded.


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In this paper we present a generalization of belief functions over fuzzy events. In particular we focus on belief functions defined in the algebraic framework of finite MV-algebras of fuzzy sets. We introduce a fuzzy modal logic to formalize reasoning with belief functions on many-valued events. We prove, among other results, that several different notions of belief functions can be characterized in a quite uniform way, just by slightly modifying the complete axiomatization of one of the modal logics involved in the definition of our formalism. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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When asked to solve mathematical problems, some people experience anxiety and threat, which can lead to impaired mathematical performance (Curr Dir Psychol Sci 11:181–185, 2002). The present studies investigated the link between mathematical anxiety and performance on the cognitive reflection test (CRT; J Econ Perspect 19:25–42, 2005). The CRT is a measure of a person’s ability to resist intuitive response tendencies, and it correlates strongly with important real-life outcomes, such as time preferences, risk-taking, and rational thinking.

In Experiments 1 and 2 the relationships between maths anxiety, mathematical knowledge/mathematical achievement, test anxiety and cognitive reflection were analysed using mediation analyses. Experiment 3 included a manipulation of working memory load. The effects of anxiety and working memory load were analysed using ANOVAs.

Our experiments with university students (Experiments 1 and 3) and secondary school students (Experiment 2) demonstrated that mathematical anxiety was a significant predictor of cognitive reflection, even after controlling for the effects of general mathematical knowledge (in Experiment 1), school mathematical achievement (in Experiment 2) and test anxiety (in Experiments 1–3). Furthermore, Experiment 3 showed that mathematical anxiety and burdening working memory resources with a secondary task had similar effects on cognitive reflection.

Given earlier findings that showed a close link between cognitive reflection, unbiased decisions and rationality, our results suggest that mathematical anxiety might be negatively related to individuals’ ability to make advantageous choices and good decisions.


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Creativity is recognized nowadays as a basic skill. However, the educational system fails in promoting their development. On the other hand, a growing acknowledgement of the importance of geometry emerges. Conceptual renewal, namely on isometries, requires new approaches based on mathematically significant tasks. The digital revolution has brought powerful tools but demands changes in the educational process. The use of Dynamic Geometry Environments (DGE), complementing ‘paper and pencil’, can contribute to provide rich learning environments, enhanced by Classroom Management Systems (CMS) such as iTALC. Indeed, the qualitative case study we carried out suggests that: the creation of an "atmosphere" of cooperation, collaboration and sharing seems to increase creativity dimensions; the use of DGE can facilitate the emergence of more creative productions; development of knowledge and geometrical capabilities seems to benefit from a complementary approach that combines DGE and ‘paper and pencil’ environments. Different approaches, with a more technological and exploratory nature seem to promote more favourable attitudes towards mathematics in general, and geometry, in particular.


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We introduce an algebraic operator framework to study discounted penalty functions in renewal risk models. For inter-arrival and claim size distributions with rational Laplace transform, the usual integral equation is transformed into a boundary value problem, which is solved by symbolic techniques. The factorization of the differential operator can be lifted to the level of boundary value problems, amounting to iteratively solving first-order problems. This leads to an explicit expression for the Gerber-Shiu function in terms of the penalty function.


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Let f(x) be a complex rational function. In this work, we study conditions under which f(x) cannot be written as the composition of two rational functions which are not units under the operation of function composition. In this case, we say that f(x) is prime. We give sufficient conditions for complex rational functions to be prime in terms of their degrees and their critical values, and we derive some conditions for the case of complex polynomials. We consider also the divisibility of integral polynomials, and we present a generalization of a theorem of Nieto. We show that if f(x) and g(x) are integral polynomials such that the content of g divides the content of f and g(n) divides f(n) for an integer n whose absolute value is larger than a certain bound, then g(x) divides f(x) in Z[x]. In addition, given an integral polynomial f(x), we provide a method to determine if f is irreducible over Z, and if not, find one of its divisors in Z[x].