915 resultados para Marsh, Moira


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Elaboración de bloques y materiales curriculares enfocados al área de Ciencias Sociales y, en concreto, a la valoración, respeto y disfrute del patrimonio histórico-artístico de la Humanidad, así como su defensa y conservación junto con las nuevas tecnologías, pues permiten un mayor análisis y conocimiento, no sólo del patrimonio cercano, sino también internacional. Participaron siete centros de bachillerato de la isla de Gran Canaria y los niveles implicados son: primero y tercero de BUP y COU. El trabajo está enfocado a la Historia de las Civilizaciones (1 de BUP), Historia de España (1 de BUP) e Historia del Arte (COU). El primer trimestre se dedicó a la autoformación del profesorado implicado en tratamiento de textos. En el segundo trimestre se trataron las imágenes con programas como: Linway, Screen Machine y Story Board. En el tercero, se recopiló todo el material, preparado en las reuniones anteriores, del Impresionismo francés.


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Proyecto de educación desarrollado por cinco profesores en el IB de 'Ingenio'. Los objetivos fueron: la preparación de materiales informáticos multimediales, el reciclaje de los miembros del grupo adaptándolo a la ESO, permitir a los profesoreos la reflexión sobre la práctica a través del intercambio de experiencias, ofrecer al profesorado actividades que potencien la actualización en el área y, construir modelos abiertos de actuación educativa que combinen con coherencia las enseñanzas mínimas y los fines que propugna la LOGSE. El desarrollo de la experiencia en el grupo se inició con la valoración del trabajo realizado en cursos anteriores. La elaboración de un cuadernillo que acompañara al programa informático y sirviese de guía didáctica, siendo sus objetivos: reconocer la pintura Barroca española y europea, diferenciar las escuelas, reforzar la meoria visual, indagar en la consideración social del artista, entresacar los aspectos sociales y la mentalidad de la época, etc. Se añadieron al programa desarrollado las figuras de dos pintores canarios del período Barroco (Juan de Miranda y Cristóbal Hernández de Quintana), y, se preparó un nuevo tema de carácter pictórico, sobre Goya, cuyo material acompaña a la memoria. En el aula se intentó potenciar la utilización del ordenador, el cual sirve no sólo como herramienta de trabajo, sino como sistema que permite el afloramiento de las ideas previas del alumnado, convirtiéndolo en un protagonista activo de su propio aprendizaje. La evaluación trató de lograr que el alumno fuese capaz de responder a una serie de criterios de evaluación detallados en la memoria final y diseñar herramientas que facilitasen los mismos. Entre los aspectos negativos del proyecto caben destacar la disponibilidad de un sólo ordenador lo que retrasó los trabajos del grupo y la necesidad de compartir la sala de reuniones con otras actividades, lo que en ocasiones alteró la dinámica de trabajo del grupo. Entre los aspectos positivos del proyecto cabe destacar el material desarrollado centrado en aspectos de ayuda al profesor y de facilitar al alumnado el aprendizaje de estas áreas.


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Although numerous field studies have evaluated flow and transport processes in salt marsh channels, the overall role of channels in delivering and removing material from salt marsh platforms is still poorly characterised. In this paper, we consider this issue based on a numerical hydrodynamic model for a prototype marsh system and on a field survey of the cross-sectional geometry of a marsh channel network. Results of the numerical simulations indicate that the channel transfers approximately three times the volume of water that would be estimated from mass balance considerations alone. Marsh platform roughness exerts a significant influence on the partitioning of discharge between the channel and the marsh platform edge, alters flow patterns on the marsh platform due to its effects on channel-to-platform transfer and also controls the timing of peak discharge relative to marsh-edge overtopping. Although peak channel discharges and velocities are associated with the flood tide and marsh inundation, a larger volume of water is transferred by the channel during ebb flows, a portion of which transfer takes place after the tidal height is below the marsh platform. Detailed surveys of the marsh channels crossing a series of transects at Upper Stiffkey Marsh, north Norfolk, England, show that the total channel cross-sectional area increases linearly with catchment area in the inner part of the marsh, which is consistent with the increase in shoreward tidal prism removed by the channels. Toward the marsh edge, however, a deficit in the total cross-sectional area develops, suggesting that discharge partitioning between the marsh channels and the marsh platform edge may also be expressed in the morphology of marsh channel systems.


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The building fabrics of seven churches situated either on Romney Marsh or the marshland fringe were examined briefly. These revealed important differences in the relative abundance of the two principal building stones. Ragstones from the Hythe Formation occurred more frequently in the northeast, while sandstones from the Ashdown 'Beds' were more common in the west. In the Romney Marsh area, both stones were quarried mainly from their adjoining coastlines, with, up to the thirteenth century, opportunist collection of beach boulders generally preceding the exploitation or hewn stone. Other building stones, possible distribution routes and impacts of the quarrying upon coastline development were also discussed.


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This paper takes a fresh look at the relationship between Christian conversion and economic change in Anglo-Saxon England, drawing upon new archaeological evidence from Kent. One of its primary aims is to exploit the archaeological record to provide a critical perspective on how these two processes may have related to one another, paying particular attention to previous assumptions concerning the role played by monastic institutions in the process of rural intensification in Anglo-Saxon England.


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A população de cervo-do-pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus) está drasticamente reduzida no Brasil. O nosso objetivo foi o de estimar a abundância do cervo-do-pantanal na bacia do Rio Paraná e discutir a metodologia aplicada. Os resultados darão suporte para uma análise do impacto do enchimento da represa de Porto Primavera sobre essa população. Sessenta e nove animais foram registrados através de sobrevôo utilizando-se a metodologia de transecção linear com amostragem das distâncias. Os dados não corrigidos resultaram em uma densidade estimada de 0,0035ind/ha e uma população de 636 indivíduos. A correção de g para os animais que não foram vistos apresentou uma densidade de 0,0049 ind/ha e uma abundância de 896 (CV=0,27) indivíduos. A metodologia foi aplicada com sucesso na estimativa de cervo-do-pantanal. Esse resultado é importante para avaliarmos a população do cervo-do-pantanal na área e para futuramente analisarmos o impacto do enchimento da represa.


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O trajeto das artérias coronárias foi estudado no cervo-do-pantanal para comparação com os ruminantes domésticos. A artéria coronária esquerda se origina na aorta, na superfície auricular cardíaca e divide-se em ramos paraconal e circunflexo, os quais preenchem o sulco paraconal interventricular e sulco subsinuoso, respectivamente; esta artéria também origina um ramo para o conus arteriosus imediatamente antes de entrar no miocárdio. A artéria coronária direita surge da aorta, na borda cranial cardíaca e termina nesta borda, próximo ao sulco subsinuoso interventricular, entretanto, sem preenche-lo.


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Marsh deer (Blastocenrs dichotomus) were captured for a research progam in Brazil and maintained in quarantine stations. After 60 days, fleas were detected on animals and identified as Ctenocephalides felis felis. Elimination of the infestation was difficult. Animal treatment with a fipronil-based compound was effective, and subsequently captured animals were treated prophylactically. Some animals remained infested, and some died from the infestation.


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Ehrlichia chaffeensis was detected for the first time in blood samples from Brazilian marsh deers (Blastocerus dichotomus) captured in the marshes of Parana River in Southeast Brazil in 1998. Seven EDTA-blood samples from deers were analyzed by PCR and nested PCR for presence of Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Ehrlichia ewingii, Ehrlichia canis, Neoriickettsia risticii, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Anaplasma marginale. Three samples showed positive reactions for E. chaffeensis and Anaplasma marginale. None contained detectable A. phagocytophilum, E. ewingii, E. canis or Neorickettsia risticii DNA. In Brazil, the wild marsh deer may be a natural reservoir of the agents that cause human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis and ruminant erythrocytic anaplasmosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The marsh deer is the largest neotropical cervid with morphological and ecological adaptations to wetlands and riparian habitats. Historically, this now endangered species occupied habitats along the major river basins in South America, ranging from southern Amazonia into northern Argentina to the Parana river delta. This particularly close association with wetlands makes marsh deer an excellent species for studying the effects of Pleistocene climatic changes on their demographic and phylogeographic patterns. We examined mitochondrial DNA variation in 127 marsh deer from 4 areas distributed throughout the Rio de]a Plata basin. We found 17 haplotypes in marsh deer from Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina that differed by 1-8 substitutions in a 601 bp fragment of mitochondrial control region sequence, and 486 bp of cytochrome b revealed only 3 variable sites that defined 4 haplotypes. Phylogeny and distribution of control region haplotypes suggest that populations close to the Pantanal area in central Brazil underwent a rapid population expansion and that this occurred approximately 28,000-25,000 years BP. Paleoclimatic data from this period suggests that there was a dramatic increase for precipitation in the medium latitudes in South America and these conditions may have fostered marsh deer's population growth.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)