946 resultados para Maria Rosa Lojo
La finalitat de l’experiència és oferir un recurs multimèdia, una webquest, per a l’alumnat dels estudis de Grau de Mestre en Educació Primària, per tal que aprenguin una forma més de realitzar planificacions didàctiques d’acord amb el marc teòric que sustenta l’Educació Inclusiva, l’accés universal a un currículum per a tothom i la normativa en matèria d’educació. L’experiència promou la innovació educativa mitjançant l'adequació dels ensenyaments a l'EEES, possibilitant el desenvolupament de determinades competències dels plans d'estudis implicats. Alhora, promou l'experimentació i avaluació de noves metodologies docents i l'elaboració i avaluació de materials d'aprenentatge autònom.
We have demonstrated previously that the complex bis[(2-oxindol-3-ylimino)-2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine-N,N`]copper(II), named [Cu(isaepy)(2)], induces AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)-dependent/p53-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells by targeting mitochondria. In the present study, we found that p38(MAPK) (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) is the molecular link in the phosphorylation cascade connecting AMPK to p53. Transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a dominant-negative mutant of AMPK resulted in a decrease in apoptosis and a significant reduction in phospho-active p38(MAPK) and p53. Similarly, reverse genetics of p38(MAPK) yielded a reduction in p53 and a decrease in the extent of apoptosis, confirming an exclusive hierarchy of activation that proceeds via AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53. Fuel supplies counteracted [Cu(isaepy)(2)]-induced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 activation, with glucose being the most effective, suggesting a role for energetic imbalance in [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity. Co-administration of 3BrPA (3-bromopyruvate), a well-known inhibitor of glycolysis, and succinate dehydrogenase, enhanced apoptosis and AMPK/p38(MAPK)/p53 signalling pathway activation. Under these conditions, no toxic effect was observed in SOD (superoxide dismutase)-overexpressing SH-SY5Y cells or in PCNs (primary cortical neurons), which are, conversely, sensitized to the combined treatment with [Cu(isaepy)(2)] and 3BrPA only if grown in low-glucose medium or incubated with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor dehydroepiandrosterone. Overall, the results suggest that NADPH deriving from the pentose phosphate pathway contributes to PCN resistance to [Cu(isaepy)(2)] toxicity and propose its employment in combination with 3BrPA as possible tool for cancer treatment.
Some oxindole-Schiff base copper(II) complexes have already shown potential antitumor activity towards different cells, inducing apoptosis in a process modulated by the ligand, and having nuclei and mitochondria as main targets. Here, three novel copper(II) complexes with analogous ligands were isolated and characterized by spectroscopic techniques, having their reactivity compared to the so far most active complex in this class. Cytotoxicity experiments carried out toward human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells confirmed its proapoptosis property. DNA cleavage studies were then performed in the presence of these complexes, in order to verify the influence of ligand structural features in its nuclease activity. All of them were able to cause double-strand DNA scissions, giving rise to nicked circular Form II and linear Form III species, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, DNA Form II was also detected in the absence of peroxide when the most active complex, [Cu(isaepy)(2)](2+) 1, was used. In an effort to better elucidate their interactions with DNA, solutions of the different complexes titrated with DNA had their absorption spectra monitored. An absorbance hyperchromism observed at 260 nm pointed to the intercalation of these complexes into the DNA structure. Further, investigations of 2-deoxy-D-ribose (DR) oxidation catalyzed by each of those complexes, using 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) method, and detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation by spin-trapping EPR, suggested that their mechanism of action in performing efficiently DNA cleavage occurs preferentially, but not only by oxidative pathways. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O presente trabalho apresenta inicialmente algumas conexões transversais nos tempos de vida da investigadora, preliminares à investigação. A partir dessas conexões, foram produzidas as questões que motivaram a elaboração da investigação sobre o desejo de aprender em um grupo de sujeitos de um programa de educação de jovens e adultos, bem como a procura e escolha de um referencial teórico que permitiu acompanhar a “atualização” desse desejo ao longo dos seus diversos tempos vividos. Assim, a investigação partiu do problema de que os movimentos de “atualização” do desejo de aprender no tempo de aprendizagem de jovens e adultos não obedecem a uma ordem cronológica, mas sim aos diferentes modos de articulação do presente, passado e futuro. No processo de construção do referencial teórico para investigar a “atualização” do desejo de aprender foi escolhido como eixo central o tempo, na concepção bergsoniana de duração, na qual se produzem a diferença e a singularidade, imbricadas no movimento de criação do sujeito. Embora a escolha tenha recaído no tempo, esse é inseparável do espaço, daí que foi elaborada uma análise da sociedade capitalista globalizada da contemporaneidade. O espaço é entendido aqui como extensão onde se produz o sujeito, o qual sofre as investidas dos mecanismos econômicos e culturais hegemônicos para tentar cooptar o seu desejo, acenando-lhe com a ilusão de uma total satisfação, através do consumo. Para tanto, foram analisados alguns mecanismos utilizados para a cooptação do sujeito, tais como a omissão ou suspensão de sua memória, como meio de conhecimento individual e da humanidade, cujos desdobramentos são a construção de uma lógica da não diferença e o desrespeito à alteridade, o que caracteriza a massificação da sociedade Junto à análise da sociedade capitalista massificada foi feita também uma análise das possibilidades de novas e múltiplas formas de subjetivação produtoras de linhas de fuga à homogeneização do sujeito, de dentro da sociedade, pois não há um fora possível. As novas possibilidades foram delineadas a partir de um referencial teórico encontrado na psicanálise, com suas contribuições sobre a produção do desejo, bem como as interlocuções possíveis com a filosofia da diferença em Deleuze. Quanto à orientação metodológica da investigação, a escolha do eixo tempo levou à orientação do método intuitivo bergsoniano através da leitura feita por Deleuze, o qual utiliza o caso-pensamento que, aqui, é a educação de jovens e adultos em processo de alfabetização, separando as questões relativas ao espaço e ao tempo e privilegiando o segundo; verifica se o problema proposto é um falso ou um verdadeiro problema, esse último propõe outras questões ao longo da investigação, não busca apenas soluções; acompanha o movimento do pensamento sem ter, a priori, um modelo dividido em categorias, mas procurando vê-lo na linha da duração e da produção de uma memória ontológica. O acompanhamento do pensamento dos sujeitos foi feito através da realização de entrevistas, nas quais falaram sobre o seu passado, o seu presente e suas perspectivas futuras, tendo como eixo das perguntas o desejo de aprender. Foi delimitado um grupo de nove sujeitos que participaram da investigação e estabelecidos os três tempos para serem entrevistados: o tempo de rememoração, no início do atual período de escolarização, para lembrar suas experiências passadas em relação ao desejo de freqüentar a escola; o tempo de produção/passagem, ao final do primeiro semestre de escolarização, para falar de suas experiências atuais; o tempo de fechamento/abertura, um ano após a segunda entrevista, para fazer um balanço de suas aprendizagens e das possíveis mudanças em sua vida a partir dessas aprendizagens. Esses três tempos permitiram delinear a cartografia do movimento de “atualização” do desejo de aprender dos sujeitos investigados. Após cada tempo de entrevistas dos sujeitos foi feita uma análise do que era comum a todas as falas dos sujeitos, não no sentido de encontrar generalidades, mas relativo à existência dos movimentos do seu pensamento, constituindo-se nos três entretempos da investigadora aprender e suas conexões com a produção da diferença, do estilo e da singularidade, bem como as articulações delineadas entre o presente da aprendizagem na escola, o passado e futuro de cada sujeito. A partir das conclusões e problemáticas construídas através da análise das entrevistas, foi possível apontar para algumas indicações de como se materializam as investidas da sociedade capitalista globalizada nos movimentos capilares sociais, no caso, nos sujeitos de um programa de educação de jovens e adultos, o que se mostrou de forma não monolítica, mas com ranhuras e falhas, o que permitiu ressaltar a máxima de que “nada está decidido” a respeito do sujeito e da subjetividade no seu processo de aprendizagem.
O estudo objetivou verificar até que ponto, a Universidade do Rio de Janeiro está se beneficiando da utilização das novas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação - TIC em suas atividades administrativas. Os resultados mostram que a informatização, com o incremento das TIC, estão em fase de implantação. Onde a rede já é uma realidade, seu uso tem sido pouco explorado. É comum as pessoas usarem a intranet, para navegar na internet e utilizar o correio eletrônico em assuntos pessoais, em vez de aproveitá-la para comunicação administrativa interna ou externa. Este fato confirma que praticamente não houve reflexos efetivos na agilização da comunicação e dos procedimentos administrativos na instituição. Os resultados indicam que as intenções de emprego na administração poderiam ser ainda maiores, caso houvesse maiores facilidades e se fossem incluídas em um planejamento institucional.
Os linfócitos humanos apresentam na sua superfície a enzima NTPDase1 (ecto-apirase, ecto-difosfoidrolase; CD39; EC, responsável pela hidrólise do ATP e ADP extracelular e/ou outros nucleotídeos di ou tri fosfatados. A determinação da atividade da enzima foi padronizada através de método colorimétrico, o qual quantifica o fosfato livre liberado durante a reação. A NTPDase1 foi caracterizada através da demonstração de condições ótimas de incubação, como dependência de cálcio, pH, tempo de incubação e temperatura ótimos, além da obtenção de parâmetros cinéticos. Os resultados obtidos foram confirmados por uma baixa expressão de CD39 nos linfócitos humanos, verificada por análise citométrica, com utilização de anticorpo monoclonal correspondente. Este fato indica um baixo estado de ativação dos linfócitos, uma vez que o CD39 é considerado um marcador de ativação destas células. Posteriormente, foi determinada a atividade da NTPDase1 em linfócitos de pacientes imunodeprimidos pela infecção causada pelo HIV, os quais são acompanhados pelo monitoramento de sua carga viral no plasma e contagem de células T CD4+. A infecção pelo HIV resulta em alterações nas células imunes e na secreção de citocinas importantes na resposta patógenos. Nesta situação pode haver alterações bioquímicas na resposta imune, como por exemplo, alterações na hidrólise de nucleotídeos, ou seja, na atividade das enzimas que degradam nucleotídeos extracelulares. Os linfócitos encontram-se em estado de ativação crônica, o que faz com que até mesmo células não-infectadas pelo vírus, possam sofrer apoptose por ativação de caspases efetoras. Através da determinação da atividade da NTPDase nos linfócitos imunodeprimidos, verificou-se um aumento de sua atividade, acompanhado por uma maior expressão de CD39 na superfície destas células. Estes resultados sugerem que a NTPDase1 é importante para a manutenção da resposta imune, mantendo concentrações adequadas de ATP extracelular, o qual é essencial para certas funções imunes, mas também pode ser prejudicial no momento que induz apoptose nos linfócitos, o que poderia aumentar o estado de imunodepressão. Devido ao fato de que muitos dos pacientes HIV-positivos recebem terapia anti-retroviral, foi necessário verificar in vitro possíveis efeitos destas drogas sobre a atividade da NTPDase1. Neste caso, observou-se que as concentrações terapêuticas destas drogas não afetaram a atividade da enzima. Sendo assim, a atividade aumentada da NTPDase1 nestes pacientes, não é devida à interferência da terapia anti-retroviral.
This paper, Society, woman and education in Graciliano Ramos' novels, is a study object from the history of woman's education in the 1930 s, it is shown as a reading of woman's representation and the configuration of the Brazilian society in that period. São Bernardo, Angustia and Vidas Secas written by Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953) from Alagoas, are used here as sources associated with the reading of the Constitutions, of the Civil Code and of some presidential messages of that decade, also with the texts produced by other scholars that present some relationship within the thematic of this approach. The representation concepts and the configuration are essential for the production of this text. I run over to the configuration concept given by Chartier (1988, p.21) a definition to representation that can be understood as a relationship between a present image and an absent object that having the value of this because it is hamonized with it. I fall back upon the configuration concept given by Elias (1969) that understands it as been a social group performed by an interdependent network that occurs within individuals as a whole joined by any reason. The totality of each individual actions with each other, permeated by tension points and balance, is what characterizes each configuration; it can be a teachers and students meeting in a classroom or a friends' encounter in the bar table, for instance. The attempt of understanding woman's representation, being educated or not, the hole attributed to her in society according to her instruction degree and the way that same society saw this woman guided me through categories that were defined throughout the successive readings: gender, civil status, education, language domain, sexuality, marriage, family, ideal woman. I accomplish this reading that was possible to do - with the pretension of not having lost the relationship between history and literature nor forgotten each one peculiarities
This work analyses pedagogical practices of Adelle Sobral de Oliveira, from 1900 to 1940, in order to notice how her performance as educator and administrator took place in Externato Angelo Varela in the Rio Grande do Norte city of Ceará-Mirim within a time in which the public teaching started to be considered modern in the State. Adelle was a self learner who developed an important role as a mentality mentor of a generation in the region. As the research corpus we have taken the five Reading Books written by Felisberto de Carvalho used by Adelle in her Externato, interviews with her ex-students and researches in the newspapers of her time, in the Public Archives and in the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, and also in the governors messages, Education Department documents such as laws, and government decrees and acts. It was also taken as a research font the Publich Archives of Ceará-Mirim. The aim of this PhD thesis is understand the primary instruction spreading and modernization in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, which began with her teaching pedagogical practices. The research results show Adele Oliveira used practical and experimental modern methodological teaching methods in the subjects she taught. Due to this, in her scholar routine, she avoided physical punishment and mechanical teaching and learning strategies
The bidimensional periodic structures called frequency selective surfaces have been well investigated because of their filtering properties. Similar to the filters that work at the traditional radiofrequency band, such structures can behave as band-stop or pass-band filters, depending on the elements of the array (patch or aperture, respectively) and can be used for a variety of applications, such as: radomes, dichroic reflectors, waveguide filters, artificial magnetic conductors, microwave absorbers etc. To provide high-performance filtering properties at microwave bands, electromagnetic engineers have investigated various types of periodic structures: reconfigurable frequency selective screens, multilayered selective filters, as well as periodic arrays printed on anisotropic dielectric substrates and composed by fractal elements. In general, there is no closed form solution directly from a given desired frequency response to a corresponding device; thus, the analysis of its scattering characteristics requires the application of rigorous full-wave techniques. Besides that, due to the computational complexity of using a full-wave simulator to evaluate the frequency selective surface scattering variables, many electromagnetic engineers still use trial-and-error process until to achieve a given design criterion. As this procedure is very laborious and human dependent, optimization techniques are required to design practical periodic structures with desired filter specifications. Some authors have been employed neural networks and natural optimization algorithms, such as the genetic algorithms and the particle swarm optimization for the frequency selective surface design and optimization. This work has as objective the accomplishment of a rigorous study about the electromagnetic behavior of the periodic structures, enabling the design of efficient devices applied to microwave band. For this, artificial neural networks are used together with natural optimization techniques, allowing the accurate and efficient investigation of various types of frequency selective surfaces, in a simple and fast manner, becoming a powerful tool for the design and optimization of such structures
In general, the materials used as substrates in the project of microstrip antennas are: isotropic, anisotropic dielectrics and ferrimagnetic materials (magnetic anisotropy). The use of ferrimagnetic materials as substrates in microstrip patch antennas has been concentrated on the analysis of antennas with circular and rectangular patches. However, a new class of materials, called metamaterials, has been currently the focus of a great deal of interest. These materials exhibit bianisotropic characteristics, with permittivity and permeability tensors. The main objective of this work is to develop a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of annular ring microstrip antennas, using ferrites and metamaterials as substrates. The full wave analysis is performed in the Hankel transform domain through the application of the Hertz vector potentials. Considering the definition of the Hertz potentials and imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency, radiation pattern, return loss, and antenna bandwidth as a function of the annular ring physical parameters, for different configurations and substrates. The theoretical analysis was developed for annular ring microstrip antennas on a double ferrimagnetic/isotropic dielectric substrate or metamaterial/isotropic dielectric substrate. Also, the analysis for annular ring microstrip antennas on a single ferrimagnetic or metamaterial layer and for suspended antennas can be performed as particular cases
The human voice is an important communication tool and any disorder of the voice can have profound implications for social and professional life of an individual. Techniques of digital signal processing have been used by acoustic analysis of vocal disorders caused by pathologies in the larynx, due to its simplicity and noninvasive nature. This work deals with the acoustic analysis of voice signals affected by pathologies in the larynx, specifically, edema, and nodules on the vocal folds. The purpose of this work is to develop a classification system of voices to help pre-diagnosis of pathologies in the larynx, as well as monitoring pharmacological treatments and after surgery. Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC), Mel Frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and the coefficients obtained through the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) are applied to extract relevant characteristics of the voice signal. For the classification task is used the Support Vector Machine (SVM), which aims to build optimal hyperplanes that maximize the margin of separation between the classes involved. The hyperplane generated is determined by the support vectors, which are subsets of points in these classes. According to the database used in this work, the results showed a good performance, with a hit rate of 98.46% for classification of normal and pathological voices in general, and 98.75% in the classification of diseases together: edema and nodules
This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis using the transverse resonance technique (TRT) and a proposed MTRT applied in the analysis of the dispersive characteristics of microstrip lines built on truncated isotropic and anisotropic dielectric substrates. The TRT uses the transmission lines model in the transversal section of the structure, allowing to analyze its dispersive behavior. The difference between TRT and MTRT consists basically of the resonance direction. While in the TRT the resonance is calculated in the same direction of the metallic strip normal axis, the MTRT considers the resonance in the metallic strip parallel plane. Although the application of the MTRT results in a more complex equivalent circuit, its use allows some added characterization, like longitudinal section electric mode (LSE) and longitudinal section magnetic mode (LSM), microstrips with truncated substrate, or structures with different dielectric regions. A computer program using TRT and MTRT proposed in this work is implemented for the characterization of microstrips on truncated isotropic and anisotropic substrates. In this analysis, propagating and evanescent modes are considered. Thus, it is possible to characterize both the dominant and higher order modes of the structure. Numerical results are presented for the effective permittivity, characteristic impedance and relative phase velocity for microstrip lines with different parameters and dimensions of the dielectric substrate. Agreement with the results obtained in the literature are shown, as well as experimental results. In some cases, the convergence analysis is also performed by considering the limiting conditions, like particular cases of isotropic materials or structures with dielectric of infinite size found in the literature. The numerical convergence of the formulation is also analyzed. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for the continuity of this work are presented
The frequency selective surfaces, or FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), are structures consisting of periodic arrays of conductive elements, called patches, which are usually very thin and they are printed on dielectric layers, or by openings perforated on very thin metallic surfaces, for applications in bands of microwave and millimeter waves. These structures are often used in aircraft, missiles, satellites, radomes, antennae reflector, high gain antennas and microwave ovens, for example. The use of these structures has as main objective filter frequency bands that can be broadcast or rejection, depending on the specificity of the required application. In turn, the modern communication systems such as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX, whose services are highly demanded by society, have required the development of antennas having, as its main features, and low cost profile, and reduced dimensions and weight. In this context, the microstrip antenna is presented as an excellent choice for communications systems today, because (in addition to meeting the requirements mentioned intrinsically) planar structures are easy to manufacture and integration with other components in microwave circuits. Consequently, the analysis and synthesis of these devices mainly, due to the high possibility of shapes, size and frequency of its elements has been carried out by full-wave models, such as the finite element method, the method of moments and finite difference time domain. However, these methods require an accurate despite great computational effort. In this context, computational intelligence (CI) has been used successfully in the design and optimization of microwave planar structures, as an auxiliary tool and very appropriate, given the complexity of the geometry of the antennas and the FSS considered. The computational intelligence is inspired by natural phenomena such as learning, perception and decision, using techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, fractal geometry and evolutionary computation. This work makes a study of application of computational intelligence using meta-heuristics such as genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence optimization of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Genetic algorithms are computational search methods based on the theory of natural selection proposed by Darwin and genetics used to solve complex problems, eg, problems where the search space grows with the size of the problem. The particle swarm optimization characteristics including the use of intelligence collectively being applied to optimization problems in many areas of research. The main objective of this work is the use of computational intelligence, the analysis and synthesis of antennas and FSS. We considered the structures of a microstrip planar monopole, ring type, and a cross-dipole FSS. We developed algorithms and optimization results obtained for optimized geometries of antennas and FSS considered. To validate results were designed, constructed and measured several prototypes. The measured results showed excellent agreement with the simulated. Moreover, the results obtained in this study were compared to those simulated using a commercial software has been also observed an excellent agreement. Specifically, the efficiency of techniques used were CI evidenced by simulated and measured, aiming at optimizing the bandwidth of an antenna for wideband operation or UWB (Ultra Wideband), using a genetic algorithm and optimizing the bandwidth, by specifying the length of the air gap between two frequency selective surfaces, using an optimization algorithm particle swarm