977 resultados para Managment Frames


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The fuzzy set theory has a wider scope of applicability than classical set theory in solving various problems. Fuzzy set theory in the last three decades as a formal theory which got formalized by generalizing the original ideas and concepts in classical mathematical areas and as a very powerful modeling language, that can cope with a large fraction of uncertainties of real life situations. In Intuitionistic Fuzzy sets a new component degree of non membership in addition to the degree of membership in the case of fuzzy sets with the requirement that their sum be less than or equal to one. The main objective of this thesis is to study frames in Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy contexts. The thesis proved some results such as ifµ is a fuzzy subset of a frame F, then µ is a fuzzy frame of F iff each non-empty level subset µt of µ is a subframe of F, the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames has products and the category Fuzzfrm of fuzzy frames is complete. It define a fuzzy-quotient frame of F to be a fuzzy partition of F, that is, a subset of IF and having a frame structure with respect to new operations and study the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy frames and obtain some results and introduce the concept of Intuitionistic fuzzy Quotient frames. Finally it establish the categorical link between frames and intuitionistic fuzzy topologies.


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Frames are the most widely used structural system for multistorey buildings. A building frame is a three dimensional discrete structure consisting of a number of high rise bays in two directions at right angles to each other in the vertical plane. Multistorey frames are a three dimensional lattice structure which are statically indeterminate. Frames sustain gravity loads and resist lateral forces acting on it. India lies at the north westem end of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate and is identified as an active tectonic area. Under horizontal shaking of the ground, horizontal inertial forces are generated at the floor levels of a multistorey frame. These lateral inertia forces are transferred by the floor slab to the beams, subsequently to the columns and finally to the soil through the foundation system. There are many parameters that affect the response of a structure to ground excitations such as, shape, size and geometry of the structure, type of foundation, soil characteristics etc. The Soil Structure Interaction (SS1) effects refer to the influence of the supporting soil medium on the behavior of the structure when it is subjected to different types of loads. Interaction between the structure and its supporting foundation and soil, which is a complete system, has been modeled with finite elements. Numerical investigations have been carried out on a four bay, twelve storeyed regular multistorey frame considering depth of fixity at ground level, at characteristic depth of pile and at full depth. Soil structure interaction effects have been studied by considering two models for soil viz., discrete and continuum. Linear static analysis has been conducted to study the interaction effects under static load. Free vibration analysis and further shock spectrum analysis has been conducted to study the interaction effects under time dependent loads. The study has been extended to four types of soil viz., laterite, sand, alluvium and layered.The structural responses evaluated in the finite element analysis are bending moment, shear force and axial force for columns, and bending moment and shear force for beams. These responses increase with increase in the founding depth; however these responses show minimal increase beyond the characteristic length of pile. When the soil structure interaction effects are incorporated in the analysis, the aforesaid responses of the frame increases upto the characteristic depth and decreases when the frame has been analysed for the full depth. It has been observed that shock spectrum analysis gives wide variation of responses in the frame compared to linear elastic analysis. Both increase and decrease in responses have been observed in the interior storeys. The good congruence shown by the two finite element models viz., discrete and continuum in linear static analysis has been absent in shock spectrum analysis.


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One can do research in pointfree topology in two ways. The rst is the contravariant way where research is done in the category Frm but the ultimate objective is to obtain results in Loc. The other way is the covariant way to carry out research in the category Loc itself directly. According to Johnstone [23], \frame theory is lattice theory applied to topology whereas locale theory is topology itself". The most part of this thesis is written according to the rst view. In this thesis, we make an attempt to study about 1. the frame counterparts of maximal compactness, minimal Hausdor - ness and reversibility, 2. the automorphism groups of a nite frame and its relation with the subgroups of the permutation group on the generator set of the frame


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A new formulation for recovering the structure and motion parameters of a moving patch using both motion and shading information is presented. It is based on a new differential constraint equation (FICE) that links the spatiotemporal gradients of irradiance to the motion and structure parameters and the temporal variations of the surface shading. The FICE separates the contribution to the irradiance spatiotemporal gradients of the gradients due to texture from those due to shading and allows the FICE to be used for textured and textureless surface. The new approach, combining motion and shading information, leads directly to two different contributions: it can compensate for the effects of shading variations in recovering the shape and motion; and it can exploit the shading/illumination effects to recover motion and shape when they cannot be recovered without it. The FICE formulation is also extended to multiple frames.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Para la empresa la atención de cliente es una variable vinculada de forma directa con la satisfacción del mismo, de tal manera que una no puede separarse de la otra, en este estudio se revisará las acciones por las cuales se considera que la satisfacción del cliente y su fidelización son componentes esenciales para incrementar la competitividad de las organizaciones. La identificación de las necesidades y expectativas de los distintos segmentos de clientes es fundamental para alcanzar su satisfacción. En los actuales momentos, la globalización, la apertura de fronteras, la libre comercialización entre los países, constituyen un reto de estabilidad comercial y sobrevivencia de las empresas ecuatorianas, razón por la cual las compañías y entre ellas las comercializadoras, buscan estrategias y alternativas para garantizar su permanencia en el mercado, por lo que una de ellas a considerar es la fidelización del cliente. El punto de partida de cualquier estrategia sensible a los clientes es un conocimiento profundo de la lealtad, identificándola como una relación de apego hacia los productos o servicios de una empresa . Por esta razón la organización reconocen que la satisfacción de los clientes no basta. Esta debe transformarse en relaciones duraderas y leales. Una vez que se ha determinado que la fidelidad del consumidor es un recurso importante para el desarrollo y crecimiento del cliente-empresa, el siguiente estudio propone estrategias que tiene como finalidad la permanencia del cliente a largo plazo, traducido en desarrollo económico para las dos partes. El estudio inicia con una evaluación de las condiciones actuales de la empresa, en relación al nivel de fidelidad del cliente con el que se desarrolla la misma, los datos recabados son captados a través de encuestas, luego son tabulados, analizados, posteriormente se aplican las estrategias, los resultados obtenidos se evalúan a corto y mediano plazo con el fin de determinar la efectividad de las mismas, finalmente ellas son detalladas en las conclusiones y sustentadas en las recomendaciones.


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Fracking in England has been the subject of significant controversy and has sparked not only public protest but also an associated framing war with differing social constructions of the technology adopted by different sides. This article explores the frames and counter-frames which have been employed by both the anti-fracking movement and by government and the oil and gas industry. It then considers the way in which the English planning and regulatory permitting systems have provided space for these frames within the relevant machinery for public participation. The article thus enables one to see which frames have been allowed a voice and which have been excluded.


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Using Azoulay's frame of the civil gaze, this chapter examines selected Second World War images, catalogued under 'interpreter' in the IWM's photographic archive, looking at representative situations in which interpreters typically operate in wartime - communicating with clandestine forces, liaising between the army and civilians, and dealing with the aftermath of war.