982 resultados para MILK PRODUCTS


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O interesse crescente pelos alimentos enriquecidos com esteróis vegetais deve-se ao fato de que estes diminuem as concentrações sanguíneas de colesterol sem efeitos adversos colaterais. Neste contexto, o enriquecimento de alimentos com esteróis vegetais poderá constituir uma ajuda importante na proteção da população contra a aterosclerose e doenças cardiovasculares. As informações sobre o comportamento alimentar são praticamente inexistentes em Portugal, pelo que se torna indispensável perceber a importância dos produtos funcionais nos hábitos de consumo. O presente trabalho pretendeu avaliar os hábitos de consumo de uma população de Viseu relativamente aos leites fermentados com baixo teor de gordura enriquecidos com esteróis vegetais e margarinas enriquecidas com fitoesteróis. Para cada produto foram feitos 577 inquéritos a indivíduos escolhidos aleatoriamente numa população que efetuava as suas compras semanais em vários hipermercados da cidade de Viseu. Inquiriu-se sobre vários parâmetros respeitantes a leites fermentados com baixo teor de gordura enriquecidos com esteróis vegetais e margarinas enriquecidas com fitoesteróis. Os resultados preliminares obtidos mostraram que, para a maioria dos inquiridos a compra dos alimentos era condicionada pelo seu custo elevado. Os indivíduos que afirmaram consumir os produtos eram maioritariamente mulheres com idade entre os 40≤65 anos. Relativamente aos parâmetros avaliados não se observam diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre ambos os sexos. Estes inquiridos ingeriam maioritariamente o alimento 1vez/dia (leites fermentados, margarina (fatia/dia)) fazendo esta escolha por apresentarem colesterol elevado ou por lhes atribuírem efeitos preventivos para a doença. Para além disso quer os que estavam sob terapêutica antidislipidémica quer os que não estavam declararam observar efeitos positivos na hipercolesterolemia. Parece evidente que são as preocupações com a saúde que influenciam a aquisição dos leites fermentados com baixo teor de gordura e margarinas enriquecidos com fitoesteróis. As declarações feitas sobre os níveis de colesterol, ingestão declarada e efeitos observados parecem sugerir uma ingestão com quantidade e frequência suficiente. Também a faixa etária que mais consome parece estar de acordo com as recomendações. A elevada taxa de não consumidores encontrada no estudo e que alega não necessidade e descrença de efeitos mesmo quando tal não acontece pode atribuir-se à escassez de informação nos rótulos e/ou custo acrescido do produto. Esclarecer sobre a importância da inclusão destes produtos na dieta sozinhos ou como coadjuvantes de terapêutica instituída poderá ser uma forma de conseguir o equilíbrio na gestão da hipercolesterolemia.


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Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne's disease in cattle and other ruminants and has been implicated as a possible cause of Crohn's disease in humans. The organism gains access to raw milk directly through excretion into the milk within the udder and indirectly through faecal contamination during milking. MAP has been shown to survive commercial pasteurization in naturally infected milk, even at the extended holding time of 25 s. Pasteurized milk must therefore be considered a vehicle of transmission of MAP to humans. isolation methods for MAP from milk are problematical, chiefly because of the absence of a suitable selective medium. This makes food surveillance programs and research on this topic difficult. The MAP problem can be addressed in two main ways: by devising a milk-processing strategy that ensures the death of the organism: and/or strategies at farm level to prevent access of the organism into raw milk. Much of the research to date has been devoted to determining ifa problem exists and, if so, the extent of the problem. Little has been directed at possible solutions. Given the current state of information on this topic and the potential consequences for the dairy industry research is urgently needed so that a better understanding of the risks and the efficacy of possible processing solutions can be determined.


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The importance of milk in the human diet as a supplier of energy, high quality protein and other key nutrients, including calcium, is broadly accepted yet in the mind of many there remains uncertainty about whether or not these foods contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. The evidence from long term prospective cohort studies that high milk consumption does not increase cardiovascular disease risk and indeed may provide benefit is now pretty unequivocal, although the effects of butter and cheese and benefits of fat reduced milk and saturated fat reduced milk are less certain. Milk is a crucial supplier of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for bone growth and development in children and it is concerning that due to reduced milk consumption intake of these nutrients is often sub-optimal, particularly for female children. In addition, specific health issues in pregnant women and the elderly can be alleviated by milk or components of milk and these effects are not all explained by traditional nutrition.


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Studies within the QLIF project reviewed in this article suggest that organic or low-input management is more likely to result in milk with fatty acid profiles that are higher in α-linolenic acid and/or beneficial isomers of conjugated linoleic acid and antioxidants with up to a 2.5-fold increase in some cases, relative to milk from conventional production. These advantages are preserved during processing, resulting in elevated contents or concentrations of these constituents in processed dairy products of organic or low input origin. Much of the literature suggests that these benefits are very likely to be a result of a greater reliance on forages in the dairy diets (especially grazed grass). Since the adoption of alternative breeds or crosses is often an integral part sustaining these low-input systems, it is not possible to rule out an interaction with genotype in these monitored herds. The results suggest that milk fat composition with respect to human health can be optimized by exploiting grazing in the diet of dairy cows. However, in many European regions this may not be possible due to extremes in temperature, soil moisture levels or both. In such cases milk quality can be maintained by the inclusion of oil seeds in the dairy diets.


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Milk and dairy products are widely recommended as part of a healthy diet. These products, however, can contain hormones such as insulin-like growth factor 1, and some studies have suggested that a high intake of milk and dairy products may increase the risk of cancer. This review examines recent studies on this topic, with the evidence suggesting that the recommended intake of milk and dairy products (3 servings/day) is safe and, importantly, does not seem to increase the risk of cancer. on the basis of the studies included in this review, cultured milk, yogurt, and low-fat dairy products should be preferred as the milk and dairy products of choice.


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To assess the fluoride (F) content in commercially available milk formulae in Brazil and to estimate the F intake in children from this source in the first year of life. Samples of cow's milk (n = 51), infant formulae (n = 15), powdered milk (n = 13), and soy-based products (n = 4) purchased in Araçatuba (Brazil) had their F content measured using an ion-specific electrode, after hexamethyldisiloxane-facilitated diffusion. Powdered milk and infant formulae were reconstituted with deionized water, while ready-to-drink products were analyzed without any dilution. Using average infant body masses and suggested volumes of formula consumption for infants 1-12 months of age, possible F ingestion per body mass was estimated. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Mean F content ranged from 0.02 to 2.52 mg/L in all samples. None of the cow's milk provided F intake higher than 0.07 mg/kg. However, two infant formulae, one powdered milk, and one soy-milk led to a daily F intake above the suggested threshold for fluorosis when reconstituted with deionized water. Assuming reconstitution of products with tap water at 0.7 ppm F, two infant formulae, five powdered milk, and four soymilks led to daily F intake ranging from 0.108 to 0.851 mg/kg. The results suggest that the consumption of some brands of infant formulae, powdered milk, and soy-based milk in the first year of age could increase the risk of dental fluorosis, reinforcing the need for periodic surveillance of the F content of foods and beverages typically consumed by young children.


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The objective of this study was to identify a suitable alternative to the current practice of complementing the feeding of milk by-products with straw. The influence of 5 different types of solid feeds on health and performance of Swiss veal calves was investigated in 2 production cycles of 200 veal calves each with a mean initial age of 40 days (d). The calves were housed in groups of 40 in stalls with outside pen. Liquid feeding consisted of a milk by-product combined with an additional skim milk powder ad libitum. Groups were assigned to 1 of the 5 following experimental solid feeds provided ad libitum: mix (composition: soy flakes, corn, barley, wheat, oat, barley middling, plant oil, molasses), whole plant corn pellets, corn silage, hay, and wheat straw as control. Daily dry matter intake per calf averaged 2.25 kg of the liquid food, 0.16 kg of straw, 0.33 kg of mix, 0.47 kg of corn silage, 0.38 kg of corn pellets, and 0.39 kg of hay. No significant differences (P > 0.05) among groups were found in calf losses that amounted to 4.8 % (68 % because of gastrointestinal disorders). Four percent of the calves were slaughtered prematurely. Daily doses of antibiotics were higher in the mix (36.9 d, P < 0.01) and in the corn silage groups (35 d, P < 0.01) compared to control. Compared to the 4 other groups, calves of the straw group showed the highest prevalence of abnormal ruminal content (73 %, P < 0.05), of abnormal ruminal papillae (42 %, P < 0.05), of abomasal fundic lesions (13.5 %, P < 0.1), and the lowest number of chewing movements per bolus (45, P < 0.05). The hemoglobin concentration averaged 85 g/l at the beginning and 99 g/l at the end of the fattening period with no significant differences among groups (P > 0.1). The duration of the fattening period averaged 114 d, slaughter age 157 d, and carcass weight 122 kg. The average daily weight gain (ADG) was highest in the control group straw (1.35 kg), and lowest in the hay group (1.22 kg, P < 0.01). The number of carcasses classified as C, H, and T (very high to medium quality) was lower in the hay group compared to straw (P < 0.01). No significant differences between groups were found in meat color (P > 0.1): 73 % of the carcasses were assessed as pale (267/364), 18 % as pink (66/364), and 9 % (31/364) as red. The results reveal that whole-plant corn pellets are most consistent with an optimal result combining the calves' health and fattening performance. Therefore, it can be recommended as an additional solid feed for veal calves under Swiss conditions.