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The transport properties through a quantum dot are calculated using the recursion method. The results show that the electric fields can move the conductive peaks along the high- and low-energies. The electric field changes the intensity of conductance slightly. Our theoretical results should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glass spherical microcavities containing CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of a few microns in diameter are fabricated using a physical method. When a single glass microspherical cavity is excited by a laser beam at room temperature, very strong and sharp whispering gallery modes are shown on the background of PL spectra of CdSSe QDs, which confirms that coupling between the optical emission of embedded QDs and spherical cavity modes is realized. For a glass microsphere only 4.6 mum in diameter, it was found that the energy separation is nearly up to 26 nm both for TE and TM modes. With the increasing excitation intensity, the excitation intensity dependence of the emission intensity is not linear in the double-logarithmic scale. Above the threshold value, the linewidths of resonance modes become narrower. The lasing behavior is achieved at relatively low excitation intensity at room temperature. High optical stability and low threshold value make this optical system promising in visible microlaser applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Single photon Sagnac interferometry as a probe to macroscopic quantum mechanics is considered at the theoretical level. For a freely moving macroscopic quantum mirror susceptible to radiation pressure force inside a Sagnac interferometer, a careful analysis of the input-output relation reveals that the particle spectrum readout at the bright and dark ports encode information concerning the noncommutativity of position and momentum of the macroscopic mirror. A feasible experimental scheme to probe the commutation relation of a macroscopic quantum mirror is outlined to explore the possible frontier between classical and quantum regimes. In the Appendix, the case of Michelson interferometry as a feasible probe is also sketched.


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A recent quantum computing paper (G. S. Uhrig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 100504 (2007)) analytically derived optimal pulse spacings for a multiple spin echo sequence designed to remove decoherence in a two-level system coupled to a bath. The spacings in what has been called a "Uhrig dynamic decoupling (UDD) sequence" differ dramatically from the conventional, equal pulse spacing of a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) multiple spin echo sequence. The UDD sequence was derived for a model that is unrelated to magnetic resonance, but was recently shown theoretically to be more general. Here we show that the UDD sequence has theoretical advantages for magnetic resonance imaging of structured materials such as tissue, where diffusion in compartmentalized and microstructured environments leads to fluctuating fields on a range of different time scales. We also show experimentally, both in excised tissue and in a live mouse tumor model, that optimal UDD sequences produce different T(2)-weighted contrast than do CPMG sequences with the same number of pulses and total delay, with substantial enhancements in most regions. This permits improved characterization of low-frequency spectral density functions in a wide range of applications.


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This thesis reports advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with the ultimate goal of improving signal and contrast in biomedical applications. More specifically, novel MRI pulse sequences have been designed to characterize microstructure, enhance signal and contrast in tissue, and image functional processes. In this thesis, rat brain and red bone marrow images are acquired using iMQCs (intermolecular multiple quantum coherences) between spins that are 10 μm to 500 μm apart. As an important application, iMQCs images in different directions can be used for anisotropy mapping. We investigate tissue microstructure by analyzing anisotropy mapping. At the same time, we simulated images expected from rat brain without microstructure. We compare those with experimental results to prove that the dipolar field from the overall shape only has small contributions to the experimental iMQC signal. Besides magnitude of iMQCs, phase of iMQCs should be studied as well. The phase anisotropy maps built by our method can clearly show susceptibility information in kidneys. It may provide meaningful diagnostic information. To deeply study susceptibility, the modified-crazed sequence is developed. Combining phase data of modified-crazed images and phase data of iMQCs images is very promising to construct microstructure maps. Obviously, the phase image in all above techniques needs to be highly-contrasted and clear. To achieve the goal, algorithm tools from Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging (SWI) and Susceptibility Tensor Imaging (STI) stands out superb useful and creative in our system.


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A review of the atomistic modelling of the behaviour of nano-scale structures and processes via molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method of a canonical ensemble is presented. Three areas of application in condensed matter physics are considered. We focus on the adhesive and indentation properties of the solid surfaces in nano-contacts, the nucleation and growth of nano-phase metallic and semi-conducting atomic and molecular films on supporting substrates, and the nano- and multi-scale crack propagation properties of metallic lattices. A set of simulations selected from these fields are discussed, together with a brief introduction to the methodology of the MD simulation. The pertinent inter-atomic potentials that model the energetics of the metallic and semi-conducting systems are also given.


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Heat is extracted away from an electronic package by convection, conduction, and/or radiation. The amount of heat extracted by forced convection using air is highly dependent on the characteristics of the airflow around the package which includes its velocity and direction. Turbulence in the air is also important and is required to be modeled accurately in thermal design codes that use computational fluid dynamics (CFD). During air cooling the flow can be classified as laminar, transitional, or turbulent. In electronics systems, the flow around the packages is usually in the transition region, which lies between laminar and turbulent flow. This requires a low-Reynolds number numerical model to fully capture the impact of turbulence on the fluid flow calculations. This paper provides comparisons between a number of turbulence models with experimental data. These models included the distance from the nearest wall and the local velocity (LVEL), Wolfshtein, Norris and Reynolds, k-ε, k-ω, shear-stress transport (SST), and kε/kl models. Results show that in terms of the fluid flow calculations most of the models capture the difficult wake recirculation region behind the package reasonably well, although for packages whose heights cause a high degree of recirculation behind the package the SST model appears to struggle. The paper also demonstrates the sensitivity of the models to changes in the mesh density; this study is aimed specifically at thermal design engineers as mesh independent simulations are rarely conducted in an industrial environment.


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We analyse a picture of transport in which two large but finite charged electrodes discharge across a nanoscale junction. We identify a functional whose minimization, within the space of all bound many-body wavefunctions, defines an instantaneous steady state. We also discuss factors that favour the onset of steady-state conduction in such systems, make a connection with the notion of entropy, and suggest a novel source of steady-state noise. Finally, we prove that the true many-body total current in this closed system is given exactly by the one-electron total current, obtained from time-dependent density-functional theory.


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An energy storage system (ESS) installed in a power system can effectively damp power system oscillations through controlling exchange of either active or reactive power between the ESS and power system. This paper investigates the robustness of damping control implemented by the ESS to the variations of power system operating conditions. It proposes a new analytical method based on the well-known equal-area criterion and small-signal stability analysis. By using the proposed method, it is concluded in the paper that damping control implemented by the ESS through controlling its active power exchange with the power system is robust to the changes of power system operating conditions. While if the ESS damping control is realized by controlling its reactive power exchange with the power system, effectiveness of damping control changes with variations of power system operating condition. In the paper, an example power system installed with a battery ESS (BESS) is presented. Simulation results confirm the analytical conclusions made in the paper about the robustness of ESS damping control. Laboratory experiment of a physical power system installed with a 35kJ/7kW SMES (Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage) was carried out to evaluate theoretical study. Results are given in the paper, which demonstrate that effectiveness of SMES damping control realized through regulating active power is robust to changes of load conditions of the physical power system.


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A nonperturbative nonlinear statistical approach is presented to describe turbulent magnetic systems embedded in a uniform mean magnetic field. A general formula in the form of an ordinary differential equation for magnetic field-line wandering (random walk) is derived. By considering the solution of this equation for different limits several new results are obtained. As an example, it is demonstrated that the stochastic wandering of magnetic field-lines in a two-component turbulence model leads to superdiffusive transport, contrary to an existing diffusive picture. The validity of quasilinear theory for field-line wandering is discussed, with respect to different turbulence geometry models, and previous diffusive results are shown to be deduced in appropriate limits.


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A simple approach is proposed for disturbance attenuation in multivariable linear systems via dynamical output compensators based on complete parametric eigenstructure assignment. The basic idea is to minimise the H-2 norm of the disturbance-output transfer function using the design freedom provided by eigenstructure assignment. For robustness, the closed-loop system is restricted to be nondefective. Besides the design parameters, the closed-loop eigenvalues are also optimised within desired regions on the left-half complex plane to ensure both closed-loop stability and dynamical performance. With the proposed approach, additional closed-loop specifications can be easily achieved. As a demonstration, robust pole assignment, in the sense that the closed-loop eigenvalues are as insensitive as possible to open-loop system parameter perturbations, is treated. Application of the proposed approach to robust control of a magnetic bearing with a pair of opposing electromagnets and a rigid rotor is discussed.


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The overall quantum efficiency in surface plasmon (SP) enhanced Schottky barrier photodetectors is examined by considering both the external and internal yield. The external yield is considered through calculations of absorption and transmission of light in a configuration that allows reflectance minimization due to SP excitation. Following a Monte Carlo method, a procedure is presented to estimate the internal yield while taking into account the effect of elastic and inelastic scattering processes on excited carriers subsequent to photon absorption. The relative importance of internal photoemission and band-to-band contributions to the internal yield is highlighted along with the variation of the yield as a function of wavelength, metal thickness and other salient parameters of the detector. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A scanning probe microscopy approach for mapping local irreversible electrochemical processes based on detection of bias-induced frequency shifts of cantilevers in contact with the electrochemically active surface is demonstrated. Using Li ion conductive glass ceramic as a model, we demonstrate near unity transference numbers for ionic transport and establish detection limits for current-based and strain-based detection. The tip-induced electrochemical process is shown to be a first-order transformation and nucleation potential is close to the Li metal reduction potential. Spatial variability of the nucleation bias is explored and linked to the local phase composition. These studies both provide insight into nanoscale ionic phenomena in practical Li-ion electrolyte and also open pathways for probing irreversible electrochemical, bias-induced, and thermal transformations in nanoscale systems.


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We address the presence of bound entanglement in strongly interacting spin systems at thermal equilibrium. In particular, we consider thermal graph states composed of an arbitrary number of particles. We show that for a certain range of temperatures no entanglement can be extracted by means of local operations and classical communication, even though the system is still entangled. This is found by harnessing the independence of the entanglement in some bipartitions of such states with the system's size. Specific examples for one- and two-dimensional systems are given. Our results thus prove the existence of thermal bound entanglement in an arbitrary large spin system with finite-range local interactions.


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The test of modifications to quantum mechanics aimed at identifying the fundamental reasons behind the unobservability of quantum mechanical superpositions at the macroscale is a crucial goal of modern quantum mechanics. Within the context of collapse models, current proposals based on interferometric techniques for their falsification are far from the experimental state of the art. Here we discuss an alternative approach to the testing of quantum collapse models that, by bypassing the need for the preparation of quantum superposition states might help us addressing nonlinear stochastic mechanisms such as the one at the basis of the continuous spontaneous localization model.