948 resultados para Low Reynolds-Number


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"Interim report for period January 1975 to September 1976."


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The pumping characteristics of four Australian honey samples were investigated in a straight pipe. Six flow rates (100-500 kg h(-1)) were studied at three temperatures (35-50degreesC). The pressure loss increased with an increase in the length of the pipe, as the low rate was increased and as the temperature was reduced. In the 25.4 mm-pipe, the Reynolds number ranged from 0.2-32.0 and are substantially less than the critica value (2040-2180) for laminar condition in the system. The relationship between the wall shear stress and shear rate approximated power-law behaviour, and the power-law index was not significantly (p>0.05) different from 1.0. The honey samples exhibited Newtonian behaviour at all the temperatures and this was confirmed by rheometric studies using Couette geometry. A friction chart was generated independent of temperature and the type of honey. An equation was developed to predict the pressure loss of the honey in a typical pipeline at any temperature once the viscosity-temperature relationship had been established.


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The total number of nephrons in normal human kidneys varies over a 10-fold range. This variation in total nephron number leads us to question whether low nephron number increases the risk of renal disease in adulthood. This review considers the available evidence in humans linking low nephron number/reduced nephron endowment and the susceptibility to renal disease. Total nephron number in humans has been directly correlated with birth weight and inversely correlated with age, mean glomerular volume, and hypertension. Low nephron number may be the result of suboptimal nephrogenesis during kidney development and/or loss of nephrons once nephrogenesis has been completed. Low nephron number is frequently, but not always, associated with hypertrophy of remaining glomeruli. This compensatory hypertrophy has also been associated with a greater susceptibility for kidney disease. Three human studies have reported reduced nelphron number in subjects with a history of hypertension. This correlation has been observed in White Europeans, White Americans (but not African Americans) and Australian Aborigines. Studies in additional populations are required, as well as a greater understanding of the fetal environmental and genetic determinants of low nephron number.


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Low nephron number has been related to low birth weight and hypertension. In the southeastern United States, the estimated prevalence of chronic kidney disease due to hypertension is five times greater for African Americans than white subjects. This study investigates the relationships between total glomerular number (N-glom), blood pressure, and birth weight in southeastern African Americans and white subjects. Stereological estimates of N-glom were obtained using the physical disector/fractionator technique on autopsy kidneys from 62 African American and 60 white subjects 30-65 years of age. By medical history and recorded blood pressures, 41 African Americans, and 24 white subjects were identified as hypertensive and 21 African Americans and 36 white subjects as normotensive. Mean arterial blood pressure ( MAP) was obtained on 81 and birth weights on 63 subjects. For African Americans, relationships between MAP, N-glom, and birth weight were not significant. For white subjects, they were as follows: MAP and N-glom ( r = -0.4551, P = 0.0047); Nglom and birth weight ( r = 0.5730, P = 0.0022); MAP and birth weight ( r = -0.4228, P = 0.0377). For African Americans, average N-glom of 961 840 +/- 292 750 for normotensive and 867 358 +/- 341 958 for hypertensive patients were not significantly different ( P = 0.285). For white subjects, average N-glom of 923 377 +/- 256 391 for normotensive and 754 319 +/- 329 506 for hypertensive patients were significantly different ( P = 0.03). The data indicate that low nephron number and possibly low birth weight may play a role in the development of hypertension in white subjects but not African Americans.


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Turbulent flow around a rotating circular cylinder has numerous applications including wall shear stress and mass-transfer measurement related to the corrosion studies. It is also of interest in the context of flow over convex surfaces where standard turbulence models perform poorly. The main purpose of this paper is to elucidate the basic turbulence mechanism around a rotating cylinder at low Reynolds numbers to provide a better understanding of flow fundamentals. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) has been performed in a reference frame rotating at constant angular velocity with the cylinder. The governing equations are discretized by using a finite-volume method. As for fully developed channel, pipe, and boundary layer flows, a laminar sublayer, buffer layer, and logarithmic outer region were observed. The level of mean velocity is lower in the buffer and outer regions but the logarithmic region still has a slope equal to the inverse of the von Karman constant. Instantaneous flow visualization revealed that the turbulence length scale typically decreases as the Reynolds number increases. Wavelet analysis provided some insight into the dependence of structural characteristics on wave number. The budget of the turbulent kinetic energy was computed and found to be similar to that in plane channel flow as well as in pipe and zero pressure gradient boundary layer flows. Coriolis effects show as an equivalent production for the azimuthal and radial velocity fluctuations leading to their ratio being lowered relative to similar nonrotating boundary layer flows.


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Measurements were carried out to determine local coefficients of heat transfer in short lengths of horizontal pipe, and in the region of an discontinuity in pipe diameter. Laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes were investigated, and mixtures of propylene glycol and water were used in the experiments to give a range of viscous fluids. Theoretical and empirical analyses were implemented to find how the fundamental mechanism of forced convection was modified by the secondary effects of free convection, temperature dependent viscosity, and viscous dissipation. From experiments with the short tube it was possible to determine simple empirical relationships describing the axial distribution of the local 1usselt number and its dependence on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Small corrections were made to account for the secondary effects mentioned above. Two different entrance configurations were investigated to demonstrate how conditions upstream could influence the heat transfer coefficients measured downstream In experiments with a sudden contraction in pipe diameter the distribution of local 1u3se1t number depended on the Prandtl number of the fluid in a complicated way. Graphical data is presented describing this dependence for a range of fluids indicating how the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter-ratio. Ratios up to 3.34:1 were considered. With a sudden divergence in pipe diameter, it was possible to derive the axial distribution of the local Nusse1t number for a range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in a similar way to the convergence experiments. Difficulty was encountered in explaining some of the measurements obtained at low Reynolds numbers, and flow visualization techniques wore used to determine the complex flow patterns which could lead to the anomalous results mentioned. Tests were carried out with divergences up to 1:3.34 to find the way in which the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter ratio, and a few experiments were carried out with very large ratios up .to 14.4. A limited amount of theoretical analysis of the 'divergence' system was carried out to substantiate certain explanations of the heat transfer mechanisms postulated.


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Interactions between the wakes in a flow past a row of square bars are investigated by numerical simulations, the linear stability analysis and the bifurcation analysis. It is assumed that the row of square bars is placed across a uniform flow. Two-dimensional and incompressible flow field is also assumed. The flow is steady and symmetric along a streamwise centerline through the center of each square bar at low Reynolds numbers. However, it becomes unsteady and periodic in time at the Reynolds numbers larger than a critical value, and then the wakes behind the square bars become oscillatory. It is found by numerical simulations that vortices are shed synchronously from every couple of adjacent square bars in the same phase or in the anti-phase depending upon the distance between the bars. The synchronous shedding of vortices is clarified to occur due to an instability of the steady symmetric flow by the linear stability analysis. The bifurcation diagram of the flow is obtained and the critical Reynolds number of the instability is evaluated numerically.


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The introduction of phase change material fluid and nanofluid in micro-channel heat sink design can significantly increase the cooling capacity of the heat sink because of the unique features of these two kinds of fluids. To better assist the design of a high performance micro-channel heat sink using phase change fluid and nanofluid, the heat transfer enhancement mechanism behind the flow with such fluids must be completely understood. ^ A detailed parametric study is conducted to further investigate the heat transfer enhancement of the phase change material particle suspension flow, by using the two-phase non-thermal-equilibrium model developed by Hao and Tao (2004). The parametric study is conducted under normal conditions with Reynolds numbers of Re = 90–600 and phase change material particle concentrations of ϵp ≤ 0.25, as well as extreme conditions of very low Reynolds numbers (Re < 50) and high phase change material particle concentration (ϵp = 50%–70%) slurry flow. By using the two newly-defined parameters, named effectiveness factor ϵeff and performance index PI, respectively, it is found that there exists an optimal relation between the channel design parameters L and D, particle volume fraction ϵp, Reynolds number Re, and the wall heat flux qw. The influence of the particle volume fraction ϵp, particle size dp, and the particle viscosity μ p, to the phase change material suspension flow, are investigated and discussed. The model was validated by available experimental data. The conclusions will assist designers in making their decisions that relate to the design or selection of a micro-pump suitable for micro or mini scale heat transfer devices. ^ To understand the heat transfer enhancement mechanism of the nanofluid flow from the particle level, the lattice Boltzmann method is used because of its mesoscopic feature and its many numerical advantages. By using a two-component lattice Boltzmann model, the heat transfer enhancement of the nanofluid is analyzed, through incorporating the different forces acting on the nanoparticles to the two-component lattice Boltzmann model. It is found that the nanofluid has better heat transfer enhancement at low Reynolds numbers, and the Brownian motion effect of the nanoparticles will be weakened by the increase of flow speed. ^


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The performance of building envelopes and roofing systems significantly depends on accurate knowledge of wind loads and the response of envelope components under realistic wind conditions. Wind tunnel testing is a well-established practice to determine wind loads on structures. For small structures much larger model scales are needed than for large structures, to maintain modeling accuracy and minimize Reynolds number effects. In these circumstances the ability to obtain a large enough turbulence integral scale is usually compromised by the limited dimensions of the wind tunnel meaning that it is not possible to simulate the low frequency end of the turbulence spectrum. Such flows are called flows with Partial Turbulence Simulation. In this dissertation, the test procedure and scaling requirements for tests in partial turbulence simulation are discussed. A theoretical method is proposed for including the effects of low-frequency turbulences in the post-test analysis. In this theory the turbulence spectrum is divided into two distinct statistical processes, one at high frequencies which can be simulated in the wind tunnel, and one at low frequencies which can be treated in a quasi-steady manner. The joint probability of load resulting from the two processes is derived from which full-scale equivalent peak pressure coefficients can be obtained. The efficacy of the method is proved by comparing predicted data derived from tests on large-scale models of the Silsoe Cube and Texas-Tech University buildings in Wall of Wind facility at Florida International University with the available full-scale data. For multi-layer building envelopes such as rain-screen walls, roof pavers, and vented energy efficient walls not only peak wind loads but also their spatial gradients are important. Wind permeable roof claddings like roof pavers are not well dealt with in many existing building codes and standards. Large-scale experiments were carried out to investigate the wind loading on concrete pavers including wind blow-off tests and pressure measurements. Simplified guidelines were developed for design of loose-laid roof pavers against wind uplift. The guidelines are formatted so that use can be made of the existing information in codes and standards such as ASCE 7-10 on pressure coefficients on components and cladding.


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A heat loop suitable for the study of thermal fouling and its relationship to corrosion processes was designed, constructed and tested. The design adopted was an improvement over those used by such investigators as Hopkins and the Heat Transfer Research Institute in that very low levels of fouling could be detected accurately, the heat transfer surface could be readily removed for examination and the chemistry of the environment could be carefully monitored and controlled. In addition, an indirect method of electrical heating of the heat transfer surface was employed to eliminate magnetic and electric effects which result when direct resistance heating is employed to a test section. The testing of the loop was done using a 316 stainless steel test section and a suspension of ferric oxide and water in an attempt to duplicate the results obtained by Hopkins. Two types of thermal ·fouling resistance versus time curves were obtained . (i) Asymptotic type fouling curve, similar to the fouling behaviour described by Kern and Seaton and other investigators, was the most frequent type of fouling curve obtained. Thermal fouling occurred at a steadily decreasing rate before reaching a final asymptotic value. (ii) If an asymptotically fouled tube was cooled with rapid cir- ·culation for periods up to eight hours at zero heat flux, and heating restarted, fouling recommenced at a high linear rate. The fouling results obtained were observed to be similar and 1n agreement with the fouling behaviour reported previously by Hopkins and it was possible to duplicate quite closely the previous results . This supports the contention of Hopkins that the fouling results obtained were due to a crevice corrosion process and not an artifact of that heat loop which might have caused electrical and magnetic effects influencing the fouling. The effects of Reynolds number and heat flux on the asymptotic fouling resistance have been determined. A single experiment to study the effect of oxygen concentration has been carried out. The ferric oxide concentration for most of the fouling trials was standardized at 2400 ppM and the range of Reynolds number and heat flux for the study was 11000-29500 and 89-121 KW/M², respectively.


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The increasing nationwide interest in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and the need for more efficient transportation have led to the expanding use of variable message sign (VMS) technology. VMS panels are substantially heavier than flat panel aluminum signs and have a larger depth (dimension parallel to the direction of traffic). The additional weight and depth can have a significant effect on the aerodynamic forces and inertial loads transmitted to the support structure. The wind induced drag forces and the response of VMS structures is not well understood. Minimum design requirements for VMS structures are contained in the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specification for Structural Support for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO Specification). However the Specification does not take into account the prismatic geometry of VMS and the complex interaction of the applied aerodynamic forces to the support structure. In view of the lack of code guidance and the limited number research performed so far, targeted experimentation and large scale testing was conducted at the Florida International University (FIU) Wall of Wind (WOW) to provide reliable drag coefficients and investigate the aerodynamic instability of VMS. A comprehensive range of VMS geometries was tested in turbulence representative of the high frequency end of the spectrum in a simulated suburban atmospheric boundary layer. The mean normal, lateral and vertical lift force coefficients, in addition to the twisting moment coefficient and eccentricity ratio, were determined using the measured data for each model. Wind tunnel testing confirmed that drag on a prismatic VMS is smaller than the 1.7 suggested value in the current AASHTO Specification (2013). An alternative to the AASHTO Specification code value is presented in the form of a design matrix. Testing and analysis also indicated that vortex shedding oscillations and galloping instability could be significant for VMS signs with a large depth ratio attached to a structure with a low natural frequency. The effect of corner modification was investigated by testing models with chamfered and rounded corners. Results demonstrated an additional decrease in the drag coefficient but a possible Reynolds number dependency for the rounded corner configuration.


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The introduction of phase change material fluid and nanofluid in micro-channel heat sink design can significantly increase the cooling capacity of the heat sink because of the unique features of these two kinds of fluids. To better assist the design of a high performance micro-channel heat sink using phase change fluid and nanofluid, the heat transfer enhancement mechanism behind the flow with such fluids must be completely understood. A detailed parametric study is conducted to further investigate the heat transfer enhancement of the phase change material particle suspension flow, by using the two-phase non-thermal-equilibrium model developed by Hao and Tao (2004). The parametric study is conducted under normal conditions with Reynolds numbers of Re=600-900 and phase change material particle concentrations ¡Ü0.25 , as well as extreme conditions of very low Reynolds numbers (Re < 50) and high phase change material particle concentration (0.5-0.7) slurry flow. By using the two newly-defined parameters, named effectiveness factor and performance index, respectively, it is found that there exists an optimal relation between the channel design parameters, particle volume fraction, Reynolds number, and the wall heat flux. The influence of the particle volume fraction, particle size, and the particle viscosity, to the phase change material suspension flow, are investigated and discussed. The model was validated by available experimental data. The conclusions will assist designers in making their decisions that relate to the design or selection of a micro-pump suitable for micro or mini scale heat transfer devices. To understand the heat transfer enhancement mechanism of the nanofluid flow from the particle level, the lattice Boltzmann method is used because of its mesoscopic feature and its many numerical advantages. By using a two-component lattice Boltzmann model, the heat transfer enhancement of the nanofluid is analyzed, through incorporating the different forces acting on the nanoparticles to the two-component lattice Boltzmann model. It is found that the nanofluid has better heat transfer enhancement at low Reynolds numbers, and the Brownian motion effect of the nanoparticles will be weakened by the increase of flow speed.


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The drag on a nacelle model was investigated experimentally and computationally to provide guidance and insight into the capabilities of RANS-based CFD. The research goal was to determine whether industry constrained CFD could participate in the aerodynamic design of nacelle bodies. Grid refinement level, turbulence model and near wall treatment settings, to predict drag to the highest accuracy, were key deliverables. Cold flow low-speed wind tunnel experiments were conducted at a Reynolds number of 6∙〖10〗^5, 293 K and a Mach number of 0.1. Total drag force was measured by a six-component force balance. Detailed wake analysis, using a seven-hole pressure probe traverse, allowed for drag decomposition via the far-field method. Drag decomposition was performed through a range of angles of attack between 0o and 45o. Both methods agreed on total drag within their respective uncertainties. Reversed flow at the measurement plane and saturation of the load cell caused discrepancies at high angles of attack. A parallel CFD study was conducted using commercial software, ICEM 15.0 and FLUENT 15.0. Simulating a similar nacelle geometry operating under inlet boundary conditions obtained through wind tunnel characterization allowed for direct comparisons with experiment. It was determined that the Realizable k-ϵ was best suited for drag prediction of this geometry. This model predicted the axial momentum loss and secondary flow in the wake, as well as the integrated surface forces, within experimental error up to 20o angle of attack. SST k-ω required additional surface grid resolution on the nacelle suction side, resulting in 15% more elements, due to separation point prediction sensitivity. It was further recommended to apply enhanced wall treatment to more accurately capture the viscous drag and separated flow structures. Overall, total drag was predicted within 5% at 0o angle of attack and 10% at 20o, each within experimental uncertainty. What is more, the form and induced drag predicted by CFD and measured by the wake traverse shared good agreement. Which indicated CFD captured the key flow features accurately despite simplification of the nacelle interior geometry.


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This thesis develops and tests various transient and steady-state computational models such as direct numerical simulation (DNS), large eddy simulation (LES), filtered unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) and steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) with and without magnetic field to investigate turbulent flows in canonical as well as in the nozzle and mold geometries of the continuous casting process. The direct numerical simulations are first performed in channel, square and 2:1 aspect rectangular ducts to investigate the effect of magnetic field on turbulent flows. The rectangular duct is a more practical geometry for continuous casting nozzle and mold and has the option of applying magnetic field either perpendicular to broader side or shorter side. This work forms the part of a graphic processing unit (GPU) based CFD code (CU-FLOW) development for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulent flows. The DNS results revealed interesting effects of the magnetic field and its orientation on primary, secondary flows (instantaneous and mean), Reynolds stresses, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets, momentum budgets and frictional losses, besides providing DNS database for two-wall bounded square and rectangular duct MHD turbulent flows. Further, the low- and high-Reynolds number RANS models (k-ε and Reynolds stress models) are developed and tested with DNS databases for channel and square duct flows with and without magnetic field. The MHD sink terms in k- and ε-equations are implemented as proposed by Kenjereš and Hanjalić using a user defined function (UDF) in FLUENT. This work revealed varying accuracies of different RANS models at different levels. This work is useful for industry to understand the accuracies of these models, including continuous casting. After realizing the accuracy and computational cost of RANS models, the steady-state k-ε model is then combined with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) and impeller probe velocity measurements in a 1/3rd scale water model to study the flow quality coming out of the well- and mountain-bottom nozzles and the effect of stopper-rod misalignment on fluid flow. The mountain-bottom nozzle was found more prone to the longtime asymmetries and higher surface velocities. The left misalignment of stopper gave higher surface velocity on the right leading to significantly large number of vortices forming behind the nozzle on the left. Later, the transient and steady-state models such as LES, filtered URANS and steady RANS models are combined with ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV) measurements in a GaInSn model of typical continuous casting process. LES-CU-LOW is the fastest and the most accurate model owing to much finer mesh and a smaller timestep. This work provided a good understanding on the performance of these models. The behavior of instantaneous flows, Reynolds stresses and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analysis quantified the nozzle bottom swirl and its importance on the turbulent flow in the mold. Afterwards, the aforementioned work in GaInSn model is extended with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) to help optimize a ruler-type brake and its location for the continuous casting process. The magnetic field suppressed turbulence and promoted vortical structures with their axis aligned with the magnetic field suggesting tendency towards 2-d turbulence. The stronger magnetic field at the nozzle well and around the jet region created large scale and lower frequency flow behavior by suppressing nozzle bottom swirl and its front-back alternation. Based on this work, it is advised to avoid stronger magnetic field around jet and nozzle bottom to get more stable and less defect prone flow.


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We consider laminar high-Reynolds-number flow through a finite-length planar channel, where a portion of one wall is replaced by a thin massless elastic membrane that is held under longitudinal tension T and subject to an external pressure distribution. The flow is driven by a fixed pressure drop along the full length of the channel. We investigate the global stability of two-dimensional Poiseuille flow using a method of matched local eigenfunction expansions, which is compared to direct numerical simulations. We trace the neutral stability curve of the primary oscillatory instability of the system, illustrating a transition from high-frequency ‘sloshing’ oscillations at high T to vigorous ‘slamming’ motion at low T . Small-amplitude sloshing at high T can be captured using a low-order eigenmode truncation involving four surface-based modes in the compliant segment of the channel coupled to Womersley flow in the rigid segments. At lower tensions, we show that hydrodynamic modes contribute increasingly to the global instability and we demonstrate a change in the mechanism of energy transfer from the mean flow, with viscous effects being destabilising. Simulations of finite-amplitude oscillations at low T reveal a generic slamming motion, in which the the flexible membrane is drawn close to the opposite rigid wall before rapidly recovering. A simple model is used to demonstrate how fluid inertia in the downstream rigid channel segment, coupled to membrane curvature downstream of the moving constriction, together control slamming dynamics.