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It is known that patients may cease participating in a longitudinal study and become lost to follow-up. The objective of this article is to present a Bayesian model to estimate the malaria transition probabilities considering individuals lost to follow-up. We consider a homogeneous population, and it is assumed that the considered period of time is small enough to avoid two or more transitions from one state of health to another. The proposed model is based on a Gibbs sampling algorithm that uses information of lost to follow-up at the end of the longitudinal study. To simulate the unknown number of individuals with positive and negative states of malaria at the end of the study and lost to follow-up, two latent variables were introduced in the model. We used a real data set and a simulated data to illustrate the application of the methodology. The proposed model showed a good fit to these data sets, and the algorithm did not show problems of convergence or lack of identifiability. We conclude that the proposed model is a good alternative to estimate probabilities of transitions from one state of health to the other in studies with low adherence to follow-up.
「Fansubs」というのはファンが翻訳した字幕のことである。 本稿では日本のテレビドラマの「Fansubs」の特徴を調べる為、3つのテレビドラマの日本 語の台詞と、ファンが作った字幕を比べている。原文のテキストが翻訳と字幕制作でどの ように変わったかを情報の増減や誤訳など9つのカテゴリーに分類し、字幕テキストを 分析した。作成したのがプロの翻訳者ではなく、または非常に短期間で作成されたこの 「Fansubs」は、公式のテレビやDVDの字幕よりも誤訳などのエラーが非常に多いことが分 かった。
Two decades after mountaineer Bill Holland ’72 was lost in a fall, his daughter retraces his steps on Mayflower Hill.
A notice of theft. A variety of posters we hung for the Graphic Design Senior Show. We just turned our backs for one minute, and WHAM! Some silkscreen - craving punk nicked' em.
ERICKSON, Sandra S.Fernandes. The ethics of gender in Milton's paradise lost. Principios: revista de filosofia. Natal (RN). v. 5, n. 6, p. 155-170. 1998. ISSN 1983-2109. Disponivel em:
This master s thesis aims at investigating the way in which diasporic subjects in the novel How the García Girls Lost their Accents (1992) cope with the clash of two cultures the Caribbean one, from the Dominican Republic, and the North-American one, from the U.S., as well as the implications of such negotiations in the lives of immigrants, once it apparently depicts the plight of those who are torn between mother-lands and mother-tongues (IYER, 1993, 46). At the same time, the implications of such negotiations in the lives of immigrants are relevant issues in the writing of Julia Alvarez. For this, there is the analysis of the uses of family memories as one of the main strategies immigrant writers possess to recall their identities. Moreover, this thesis will also consider the language issue for the construction of the immigrant identity insofar as bilingualism is a key factor in the negotiation the García girls must effect between their Caribbean and their American halves in order to understand where they stand in the contemporary world. In order to build a theoretical framework that supports this master s thesis, we list the works of Homi K. Bhabha (1990, 1996, 2003, 2005), Stuart Hall (2001, 2003), Julia Kristeva (1994), Salman Rushdie (1990, 1994), Sonia Torres (2001, 2003) among other contributions that were crucial to the completion of this academic research
Context. The V-type asteroids are associated with basaltic composition. Apart from ( 1459) Magnya, an asteroid that is clearly dynamically and mineralogically unconnected to the Vesta family, all currently known V-type asteroids are either members of the Vesta family, or are hypothesized to be former members of the dynamical family that migrated to their current orbital positions. The recent identification of ( 21238) 1995 WV7 as a V-type asteroid introduces the possibility that a second basaltic asteroid not connected with the Vesta family exists. This asteroid is on the opposite side of the 3: 1 mean motion resonance with respect to Vesta, and it would be very unlikely that a member of the Vesta family of its size (D > 5km) migrating via either the Yarkovsky effect or repeated close encounters with Vesta survived the passage through such a resonance.Aims. In this work we investigate the possibility that ( 21238) 1995 WV7 originated as a fragment of the parent body of the Eunomia family and then migrated via the interplay of the Yarkovsky effect and some powerful nonlinear secular resonances, such as the (s - s(6)) - ( g(5) - g(6)). If (15) Eunomia is, as claimed, a differentiated object whose originally pyroxene-enriched crust layer was lost in a collision that either created the Eunomia family or preceded its formation, can (21238) be a fragment of its long-lost basaltic crust that migrated to the current position?Methods. We mapped the phase space around (21238) and determined which of the nonlinear secular resonances that we identified are stronger and more capable of having caused the current difference in proper i between (21238) and members of the Eunomia family. We simulated the Yarkovsky effect by using the SWIFT-RMVSY integrator.Results. Our results suggest that it is possible to migrate from the Eunomia dynamical family to the current orbital location of ( 21238) via the interplay of the Yarkovsky effect and the (s - s6) - (g5 - g6) nonlinear secular resonance, on time-scales of at least 2.6 Gyr.Conclusions. (15) Eunomia might be the third currently known parent body for V-type asteroids.
The encrustation of Paleozoic rhynchonelliform brachiopods has been studied for decades, but modern brachiopods have not received similar scrutiny. The discovery of abundant subtropical brachiopods from the Southeast Brazilian Bight provides an unprecedented opportunity to assess epibiont abundance, diversity, and encrustation patterns in modern brachiopod assemblages. Across the outer shelf, encrustation frequencies vary among taxa, from mean values of 0.45% for Platidia to 9.3% for Argyrotheca. Encrustation frequencies for Bouchardia increase from 1.6% on the outer shelf to 84% on the inner shelf Larger valves are encrusted more frequently, and epibionts preferentially colonize valve interiors. Increased encrustation on the inner shelf may reflect the greater surface area of larger hosts, longer exposure of dead shells, water-mass characteristics, sedimentation rates, productivity, or other factors that vary with depth. Inner-shelf brachiopods exhibit encrustation frequencies comparable to those reported for epifaunal bivalves. The epibiont fauna is dominated by bryozoans and serpulids, with minor roles played by spirorbids, bivalves, barnacles, foraminifera, algae, and other taxa. Epibiont abundance at each site is highly variable, but sites are similar in rank importance of epibiont taxa. A different suite of epibionts colonized Paleozoic brachiopods, but similar patterns of encrustation have been observed, including preferential settlement according to valve morphology. These results provide a baseline for evaluating the encrustation of modern bivalves and ancient brachiopods, and may elucidate the macroevolutionary history of epibionts and their relationship to their hosts.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Alveolar bone resorption results from the inflammatory response to periodontal pathogens. Systemic diseases that affect the host response, such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), can potentiate the severity of periodontal disease (PD) and accelerate bone resorption. However, the biological mechanisms by which DM1 modulates PD are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of DM1 on alveolar bone resorption and to evaluate the role of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin (OPG) in osteoclastogenesis in rats. PD was induced by means of ligature in nondiabetic and in streptozotocyn-induced DM1 rats. Morphological and morphometric analyses, stereology and osteoclast counting were performed. RANKL and OPG mRNA levels, protein content, and location were determined. PD caused alveolar bone resorption, increased the number of osteoclasts in the alveolar bone crest and also promoted changes in RANKL/OPG mRNA expression. DM1 alone showed alveolar bone destruction and an increased number of osteoclasts at the periapical and furcal regions. DM1 exacerbated these characteristics, with a greater impact on bone structure, resulting in a low OPG content and a higher RANKL/OPG ratio, which correlated with prominent osteoclastogenesis. This work demonstrates that the effects of PD and DM1 enhance bone destruction, confirms the importance of the RANKL signaling pathway in bone destruction in DM1 in animal models and suggests the existence of alternative mechanisms potentiating bone degradation in PD.
Nonostante l’importanza crescente degli scrittori latinos caraibici all’interno della letteratura nordamericana, le loro opere sono ancora poco conosciute in Italia. Lo scopo di questa tesi è di presentare il filone degli scrittori caraibici che scrivono e pubblicano negli Stati Uniti attraverso la traduzione di alcuni capitoli tratti dal romanzo How the García girls lost their accents della scrittrice newyorchese di origini dominicane Julia Álvarez. L’elaborato è diviso in cinque capitoli: il primo inizia fornendo una breve panoramica del contesto storico e letterario in cui si inseriscono gli autori latinos, per poi proseguire con la descrizione delle caratteristiche principali di questo filone; una breve parentesi verrà dedicata anche alla sua difficile collocazione letteraria. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata l’autrice e la sua opera. Il terzo capitolo si focalizza sulla struttura e i temi principali del romanzo e su una descrizione più dettagliata dei capitoli scelti per la traduzione. Nel quarto capitolo vengono riportate le mie proposte di traduzione per quattro dei capitoli del romanzo. Infine, l’ultimo capitolo è composto da un’analisi dettagliata del processo di traduzione che include alcune riflessioni preliminari sul testo, la descrizione di alcune delle teorie più recenti dei Translation Studies e delle strategie messe in atto durante il processo di traduzione.