371 resultados para Lorentz
In this paper we explore techniques to identify sources of electric current systems and their channels of flow in solar active regions. Measured photospheric vector magnetic fields (VMF) together with high-resolution white-light and H filtergrams provide the data base to derive the current systems in the photosphere and chromosphere. Simple mathematical constructions of fields and currents are also adopted to understand these data. As an example, the techniques are then applied to infer current systems in AR 2372 in early April 1980. The main results are: (i) In unipolar sunspots the current density may reach values of 103 CGSE, and the Lorentz force on it can accelerate the Evershed flow, (ii) Spots exhibiting significant spiral pattrn in the penumbral filaments are the sources of vertical major currents at the photospheric surface, (iii) Magnetic neutral lines where the transverse field was strongly sheared were channels along which strong current system flows, (iv) The inferred current systems produced oppositely-flowing currents in the area of the delta configuration that was the site of flaring in AR 2372.
The influences of the fluctuation fields are important in many astrophysical environments as shown by the observations, and can not be neglected. On the basis of the first-order smoothing approximation, in the present paper, we demonstrate the magnetostatic equations for both the cases of the conventional turbulence aud the random waves, and discuss the consistent conditions of the equations. In the static problem, the fluctuation Lorentz force(▽×δB)×δB influences the large-scale configurations of magnetic field. To study this influence in detail is quite necessary for the explanations of the observation features, especially for the astrophysical environments where the magnetic fields, including the fluctuation fields, are the dominant factors in the equilibrium of momentum and energy.
The propagation behaviors, which include the carrier-envelope phase, the area evolution and the solitary pulse number of few-cycle pulses in a dense two-level medium, are investigated based on full-wave Maxwell-Bloch equations by taking Lorentz local field correction (LFC) into account. Several novel features are found: the difference of the carrier-envelope phase between the cases with and without LFC can go up to pi at some location; although the area of ultrashort solitary pulses is lager than 2 pi, the area of the effective Rabi frequency, which equals to that the Rabi frequency pluses the product of the strength of the near dipole-dipole (NDD) interaction and the polarization, is consistent with the standard area theorem and keeps 2 pi; the large area pulse penetrating into the medium produces several solitary pulses as usual, but the number of solitary pulses changes at certain condition. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.
This thesis has two major parts. The first part of the thesis will describe a high energy cosmic ray detector -- the High Energy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HEIST). HEIST is a large area (0.25 m2sr) balloon-borne isotope spectrometer designed to make high-resolution measurements of isotopes in the element range from neon to nickel (10 ≤ Z ≤ 28) at energies of about 2 GeV/nucleon. The instrument consists of a stack of 12 NaI(Tl) scintilla tors, two Cerenkov counters, and two plastic scintillators. Each of the 2-cm thick NaI disks is viewed by six 1.5-inch photomultipliers whose combined outputs measure the energy deposition in that layer. In addition, the six outputs from each disk are compared to determine the position at which incident nuclei traverse each layer to an accuracy of ~2 mm. The Cerenkov counters, which measure particle velocity, are each viewed by twelve 5-inch photomultipliers using light integration boxes.
HEIST-2 determines the mass of individual nuclei by measuring both the change in the Lorentz factor (Δγ) that results from traversing the NaI stack, and the energy loss (ΔΕ) in the stack. Since the total energy of an isotope is given by Ε = γM, the mass M can be determined by M = ΔΕ/Δγ. The instrument is designed to achieve a typical mass resolution of 0.2 amu.
The second part of this thesis presents an experimental measurement of the isotopic composition of the fragments from the breakup of high energy 40Ar and 56Fe nuclei. Cosmic ray composition studies rely heavily on semi-empirical estimates of the cross-sections for the nuclear fragmentation reactions which alter the composition during propagation through the interstellar medium. Experimentally measured yields of isotopes from the fragmentation of 40Ar and 56Fe are compared with calculated yields based on semi-empirical cross-section formulae. There are two sets of measurements. The first set of measurements, made at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac using a beam of 287 MeV/nucleon 40Ar incident on a CH2 target, achieves excellent mass resolution (σm ≤ 0.2 amu) for isotopes of Mg through K using a Si(Li) detector telescope. The second set of measurements, also made at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac, using a beam of 583 MeV/nucleon 56FeFe incident on a CH2 target, resolved Cr, Mn, and Fe fragments with a typical mass resolution of ~ 0.25 amu, through the use of the Heavy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HIST) which was later carried into space on ISEE-3 in 1978. The general agreement between calculation and experiment is good, but some significant differences are reported here.
In this thesis we are concerned with finding representations of the algebra of SU(3) vector and axial-vector charge densities at infinite momentum (the "current algebra") to describe the mesons, idealizing the real continua of multiparticle states as a series of discrete resonances of zero width. Such representations would describe the masses and quantum numbers of the mesons, the shapes of their Regge trajectories, their electromagnetic and weak form factors, and (approximately, through the PCAC hypothesis) pion emission or absorption amplitudes.
We assume that the mesons have internal degrees of freedom equivalent to being made of two quarks (one an antiquark) and look for models in which the mass is SU(3)-independent and the current is a sum of contributions from the individual quarks. Requiring that the current algebra, as well as conditions of relativistic invariance, be satisfied turns out to be very restrictive, and, in fact, no model has been found which satisfies all requirements and gives a reasonable mass spectrum. We show that using more general mass and current operators but keeping the same internal degrees of freedom will not make the problem any more solvable. In particular, in order for any two-quark solution to exist it must be possible to solve the "factorized SU(2) problem," in which the currents are isospin currents and are carried by only one of the component quarks (as in the K meson and its excited states).
In the free-quark model the currents at infinite momentum are found using a manifestly covariant formalism and are shown to satisfy the current algebra, but the mass spectrum is unrealistic. We then consider a pair of quarks bound by a potential, finding the current as a power series in 1/m where m is the quark mass. Here it is found impossible to satisfy the algebra and relativistic invariance with the type of potential tried, because the current contributions from the two quarks do not commute with each other to order 1/m3. However, it may be possible to solve the factorized SU(2) problem with this model.
The factorized problem can be solved exactly in the case where all mesons have the same mass, using a covariant formulation in terms of an internal Lorentz group. For a more realistic, nondegenerate mass there is difficulty in covariantly solving even the factorized problem; one model is described which almost works but appears to require particles of spacelike 4-momentum, which seem unphysical.
Although the search for a completely satisfactory model has been unsuccessful, the techniques used here might eventually reveal a working model. There is also a possibility of satisfying a weaker form of the current algebra with existing models.
170 p.
The optical properties of zirconia films doped with rhodamine 6G and oxazine 725 by the sol-gel process were investigated using spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). Accurate refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k were determined using a three-oscillator classical Lorentz model in the wavelength range of 300-800 nm. The derived refractive index of dye-doped films exhibited anomalous dispersion in the absorption region. Wavelength tunable output lasing action yellow and near-infrared wavelength region was achieved by DFB configuration using zirconia films doped with R6G and oxazine 725. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Se ha medido la emisividad espectral (2,5-25 micras) normal de una herramienta de corte industrial, compuesta en un 55% por nitruro de boro cúbico (cBN), en el rango de temperaturas 200-1000 ºC. La emisividad medida muestra un comportamiento suavemente descendente al aumentar la longitud de onda, propio de metales, con un descenso pronunciado alrededor de 9 micras. Este valle se corresponde con la emisividad calculada para el cBN cúbico puro en la literatura, que sin embargo no exhibe el comportamiento metálico medido. Así mismo, se observa que la emisividad espectral es esencialmente independiente de la temperatura, aunque no así la emisividad total. Los resultados experimentales para el cBN puro indican que la reflectividad de dicho compuesto se puede explicar satisfactoriamente mediante un modelo de Lorentz para dieléctricos, mientras que el ajuste teórico de la reflectividad medida para la herramienta de corte necesita incluir una contribución del modelo de Drude para explicar el comportamiento metálico observado. Este modelo combinado se ajusta razonablemente bien a las medidas, y revela que la herramienta de corte se comporta como un semiconductor degenerado, con una alta densidad de portadores libres. Además, permite realizar una estimación teórica de sus constantes ópticas. Por último, se ha realizado un estudio sobre la medida y el control de la temperatura de la muestra, empleando distintos métodos de unión termopar.
Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo do limite de Karlhede para ondas pp. Para este fim, uma revisão rigorosa de Geometria Diferencial foi apresentada numa abordagem independente de sistemas de coordenadas. Além da abordagem usual, a curvatura de uma variedade riemanniana foi reescrita usando os formalismos de referenciais, formas diferenciais e espinores do grupo de Lorentz. O problema de equivalência para geometrias riemannianas foi formulado e as peculiaridades de sua aplicação é a Relatividade Geral são delineadas. O limite teórico de Karlhede para espaços-tempo de vácuo de tipo Petrov N foi apresentado. Esse limite é estudado na prática usando técnicas espinores e as condições para sua existência são resolvidas sem a introdução de sistemas de coordenadas.
Multimode sound radiation from an unflanged, semi-infinite, rigid-walled circular duct with uniform subsonic mean flow everywhere is investigated theoretically. The multimode directivity depends on the amplitude and directivity function of each individual cut-on mode. The amplitude of each mode is expressed as a function of cut-on ratio for a uniform distribution of incoherent monopoles, a uniform distribution of incoherent axial dipoles, and for equal power per mode. The directivity function of each mode is obtained by applying a Lorentz transformation to the zero-flow directivity function, which is given by a Wiener-Hopf solution. This exact numerical result is compared to an analytic solution, valid in the high-frequency limit, for multimode directivity with uniform flow. The high-frequency asymptotic solution is derived assuming total transmission of power at the open end of the duct, and gives the multimode directivity function with flow in the forward arc for a general family of mode amplitude distribution functions. At high frequencies the agreement between the exact and asymptotic solutions is shown to be excellent.
Multimode sound radiation from hard-walled semi-infinite ducts with uniform subsonic flow is investigated theoretically. An analytic expression, valid in the high frequency limit, is derived for the multimode directivity function in the forward arc for a general family of mode distribution functions. The multimode directivity depends on the amplitude and directivity function of each individual mode. The amplitude of each mode is expressed as a function of cut-off ratio for a uniform distribution of incoherent monopoles, a uniform distribution of incoherent axial dipoles and for equal power per mode. The modes' directivity functions are obtained analytically by applying a Lorentz transformation to the zero flow solution. The analytic formula for the multimode directivity with flow is derived assuming total transmission of power at the open-end of the duct. This formula is compared to the exact numerical result for an unflanged duct, computed utilizing a Wiener-Hopf solution. The agreement is shown to be excellent. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.