926 resultados para Literary collections
n.s. no.38(2006)
n.s. no.103(2004)
n.s. no.19(1990)
n.s. no.92(1999)
n.s. no.36(2003)
The identification of breeding sites of sand flies is of great epidemiological interest. A soil emergence trap for investigating potential sand fly breeding sites is described. The trap was tested in two rural areas in the Mogi Guaçu River Valley where the American cutaneous leishmaniasis is an endemic disease. Seventy-three sand fly individuals of three species, Lutzomyia intermedia s. l., L. whitmani and L. pessoai, were collected on the forest floor and peridomicile.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte ha estat identificar i analitzar els rituals funeraris a celebrats als suburbis de Tàrraco i el seu territorium. Per tal d’assolir-lo hem revisat col•leccions de museus, arxius i informes arqueològics arribant a documentar 721 enterraments. A través de la recerca, hem estudiat les peculiaritats i els elements d’aixovar que les tombes presenten amb el suport de les fonts escrites. Hem detectat pràctiques rituals com ara libacions, sacrificis i objectes relacionats amb ofrenes funeràries a l’exterior de les tombes. Hem documentat certa una uniformitat general i repetiva pel que fa a la selecció dels aixovars funerari. No obstant això, hi ha algunes diferències sobretot en aixovars que provenen de les tombes d’individus morts prematurament (individus no casats, infants). També s’ha constatat una diferència sexual entre dones i homes pel que fa als objectes d’aixovar. Hem utilitzat l’evidència arqueològica i literària per tal de trobar el significat d’aquests artefactes quotidians que canvien de significat quan entren en contacte amb els morts. En revisar la informació procedent d’excavacions hem identificat espais rituals específics dins de la necròpolis com jardins funeraris i ustrina. Aquest estudi ha explorat la manera com l’arqueologia ens permeten identificar les pràctiques rituals dins les àrees funeràries. L’estudi de materials arqueològics documentats als estrats de freqüentació de les necròpolis ens ha permès detectar l’evidència material de la ritualitat.
Aim, Location Although the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola has been given species status since 1989, no distribution map has ever been constructed for this endemic alpine rodent in Switzerland. Based on redetermined museum material and using the Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), habitat-suitability maps were computed for A. alpicola, and also for the co-occurring A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus. Methods In the particular case of habitat suitability models, classical approaches (GLMs, GAMs, discriminant analysis, etc.) generally require presence and absence data. The presence records provided by museums can clearly give useful information about species distribution and ecology and have already been used for knowledge-based mapping. In this paper, we apply the ENFA which requires only presence data, to build a habitat-suitability map of three species of Apodemus on the basis of museum skull collections. Results Interspecific niche comparisons showed that A. alpicola is very specialized concerning habitat selection, meaning that its habitat differs unequivocally from the average conditions in Switzerland, while both A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus could be considered as 'generalists' in the study area. Main conclusions Although an adequate sampling design is the best way to collect ecological data for predictive modelling, this is a time and money consuming process and there are cases where time is simply not available, as for instance with endangered species conservation. On the other hand, museums, herbariums and other similar institutions are treasuring huge presence data sets. By applying the ENFA to such data it is possible to rapidly construct a habitat suitability model. The ENFA method not only provides two key measurements regarding the niche of a species (i.e. marginality and specialization), but also has ecological meaning, and allows the scientist to compare directly the niches of different species.