986 resultados para Liquid-vapor Interface


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Die Kontroverse über den Glasübergang im Nanometerbereich, z. B. die Glas¬über¬gangs-temperatur Tg von dünnen Polymerfilmen, ist nicht vollständig abgeschlossen. Das dynamische Verhalten auf der Nanoskala ist stark von den einschränkenden Bedingungen abhängig, die auf die Probe wirken. Dünne Polymerfilme sind ideale Systeme um die Dynamik von Polymerketten unter der Einwirkung von Randbedingungen zu untersuchen, wie ich sie in dieser Arbeit variiert habe, um Einblick in dieses Problem zu erhalten.rnrnResonanzverstärkte dynamische Lichtstreuung ist eine Methode, frei von z.B. Fluoreszenzmarkern, die genutzt werden kann um in dünnen Polymerfilmen dynamische Phänomene


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Determining the formation temperature of minerals using fluid inclusions is a crucial step in understanding rock-forming scenarios. Unfortunately, fluid inclusions in minerals formed at low temperature, such as gypsum, are commonly in a metastable monophase liquid state. To overcome this problem, ultra-short laser pulses can be used to induce vapor bubble nucleation, thus creating a stable two-phase fluid inclusion appropriate for subsequent measurements of the liquid-vapor homogenization temperature, T-h. In this study we evaluate the applicability of T-h data to accurately determine gypsum formation temperatures. We used fluid inclusions in synthetic gypsum crystals grown in the laboratory at different temperatures between 40 degrees C and 80 degrees C under atmospheric pressure conditions. We found an asymmetric distribution of the T-h values, which are systematically lower than the actual crystal growth temperatures, T-g; this is due to (1) the effect of surface tension on liquid-vapor homogenization, and (2) plastic deformation of the inclusion walls due to internal tensile stress occurring in the metastable state of the inclusions. Based on this understanding, we have determined growth temperatures of natural giant gypsum crystals from Naica (Mexico), yielding 47 +/- 1.5 degrees C for crystals grown in the Cave of Swords (120 m below surface) and 54.5 +/- 2 degrees C for giant crystals grown in the Cave of Crystals (290 m below surface). These results support the earlier hypothesis that the population and the size of the Naica crystals were controlled by temperature. In addition, this experimental method opens a door to determining the growth temperature of minerals forming in low-temperature environments.


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A phenomenological transition film evaporation model was introduced to a pore network model with the consideration of pore radius, contact angle, non-isothermal interface temperature, microscale fluid flows and heat and mass transfers. This was achieved by modeling the transition film region of the menisci in each pore throughout the porous transport layer of a half-cell polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell. The model presented in this research is compared with the standard diffusive fuel cell modeling approach to evaporation and shown to surpass the conventional modeling approach in terms of predicting the evaporation rates in porous media. The current diffusive evaporation models used in many fuel cell transport models assumes a constant evaporation rate across the entire liquid-air interface. The transition film model was implemented into the pore network model to address this issue and create a pore size dependency on the evaporation rates. This is accomplished by evaluating the transition film evaporation rates determined by the kinetic model for every pore containing liquid water in the porous transport layer (PTL). The comparison of a transition film and diffusive evaporation model shows an increase in predicted evaporation rates for smaller pore sizes with the transition film model. This is an important parameter when considering the micro-scaled pore sizes seen in the PTL and becomes even more substantial when considering transport in fuel cells containing an MPL, or a large variance in pore size. Experimentation was performed to validate the transition film model by monitoring evaporation rates from a non-zero contact angle water droplet on a heated substrate. The substrate was a glass plate with a hydrophobic coating to reduce wettability. The tests were performed at a constant substrate temperature and relative humidity. The transition film model was able to accurately predict the drop volume as time elapsed. By implementing the transition film model to a pore network model the evaporation rates present in the PTL can be more accurately modeled. This improves the ability of a pore network model to predict the distribution of liquid water and ultimately the level of flooding exhibited in a PTL for various operating conditions.


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This thesis develops an effective modeling and simulation procedure for a specific thermal energy storage system commonly used and recommended for various applications (such as an auxiliary energy storage system for solar heating based Rankine cycle power plant). This thermal energy storage system transfers heat from a hot fluid (termed as heat transfer fluid - HTF) flowing in a tube to the surrounding phase change material (PCM). Through unsteady melting or freezing process, the PCM absorbs or releases thermal energy in the form of latent heat. Both scientific and engineering information is obtained by the proposed first-principle based modeling and simulation procedure. On the scientific side, the approach accurately tracks the moving melt-front (modeled as a sharp liquid-solid interface) and provides all necessary information about the time-varying heat-flow rates, temperature profiles, stored thermal energy, etc. On the engineering side, the proposed approach is unique in its ability to accurately solve – both individually and collectively – all the conjugate unsteady heat transfer problems for each of the components of the thermal storage system. This yields critical system level information on the various time-varying effectiveness and efficiency parameters for the thermal storage system.


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While nucleation of solids in supercooled liquids is ubiquitous [15, 65, 66], surface crystallization, the tendency for freezing to begin preferentially at the liquid-gas interface, has remained puzzling [74, 18, 68, 69, 51, 64, 72, 16]. Here we employ high-speed imaging of supercooled water drops to study the phenomenon of heterogeneous surface crystallization. Our geometry avoids the "point-like contact" of prior experiments by providing a simple, symmetric contact line (triple line defined by the substrate-liquid-air interface) for a drop resting on a homogeneous silicon substrate. We examine three possible mechanisms that might explain these laboratory observations: (i) Line Tension at the triple line, (ii) Thermal Gradients within the droplets and (iii) Surface Texture. In our first study we record nearly perfect spatial uniformity in the immersed (liquid-substrate) region and, thereby, no preference for nucleation at the triple line. In our second study, no influence of thermal gradients on the preference for freezing at the triple line was observed. Motivated by the conjectured importance of line tension (τ) [1, 66] for heterogeneous nucleation, we also searched for evidence of a transition to surface crystallization at length scales on the order of δ ∼ τ/σ, where σ is the surface tension [14]; poorly constrained τ [49] leads to δ ranging from microns to nanometers. We demonstrate that nano-scale texture causes a shift in the nucleation to the three-phase contact line, while micro-scale texture does not. The possibility of a critical length scale has implications for the effectiveness of nucleation catalysts, including formation of ice in atmospheric clouds [7].


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Twenty samples of siltstones and sandstones were taken from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1276 during Leg 210 for fluid inclusion studies. With the exception of one sample of vein calcite, all inclusions were in quartz grains. The results of fluid-inclusion petrology and microthermometry indicate the presence of three fluid inclusion types (Types 1, 2, and 3). Type 1 fluid inclusions are two-phase (liquid + vapor) aqueous inclusions, and Type 2 inclusions are monophase fluid inclusions (liquid or vapor). These are common in all samples and are formed either as primary isolated inclusions or as secondary inclusions as trails along annealed fractures in the grain. Type 3 fluid inclusions are three-phase (liquid + vapor + solid) inclusions. Type 3 inclusions are rare and are observed as isolated inclusions or in a cluster with other types (i.e., Types 1 and 2). The predominant population throughout the different units sampled is two-phase (liquid + vapor) aqueous fluid inclusions (i.e., Type 1). The temperature of homogenization (TH) bivariate plots for Type 1 inclusions shows dominance throughout the hole of low- to medium-salinity fluids with minimum trapping temperatures between 150° and 400°C.


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Pb17Li is today a reference breeder material in diverse fusion R&D programs worldwide. One of the main issues is the problem of liquid metals breeder blanket behavior. The knowledge of eutectic properties like optimal composition, physical and thermodynamic behavior or diffusion coefficients of Tritium are extremely necessary for current designs. In particular, the knowledge of the function linking the tritium concentration dissolved in liquid materials with the tritium partial pressure at a liquid/gas interface in equilibrium, CT =f(PT ), is of basic importance because it directly impacts all functional properties of a blanket determining: tritium inventory, tritium permeation rate and tritium extraction efficiency. Nowadays, understanding the structure and behavior of this compound is a real goal in fusion engineering and materials science. Atomistic simulations of liquids can provide much information; not only supplementing experimental data, but providing new tests of theories and ideas, making specific predictions that require experimental tests, and ultimately helping to a deeper understanding


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A unidade de coqueamento retardado é um processo térmico de conversão, utilizado pelas refinarias, para converter cargas residuais em produtos de baixo peso molecular e com alto valor agregado (gases, nafta e gasóleo) e coque verde de petróleo. Um pequeno aumento no rendimento líquido da unidade de coqueamento retardado proporciona benefícios económicos consideráveis, especialmente no destilado líquido. A concorrência no mercado, as restrições sobre as especificações do produto e gargalos operacionais exigem um melhor planejamento da produção. Portanto, o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias e modelos matemáticos, focados em melhores condições de operação do processo industrial e formulações de produtos, é essencial para alcançar melhores rendimentos e um acompanhamento mais preciso da qualidade do produto. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de modelo matemático do conjunto forno-reator do processo de coqueamento, a partir de informações obtidas em uma planta industrial. O modelo proposto é baseado na caracterização da carga e dos produtos em pseudocomponentes, modelos cinéticos de grupos e condições de equilíbrio liquido-vapor. Além disso, são discutidos os principais desafios para o desenvolver o modelo matemático do forno e do reator, bem como a caracterização rigorosa do resíduo de vácuo e dos produtos para determinar os parâmetros que afetam a morfologia do coque e a zona de reação no interior do reator de coque.


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Presentation submitted to PSE Seminar, Chemical Engineering Department, Center for Advanced Process Design-making (CAPD), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), October 2012.


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ESAT 2014. 27th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Eindhoven University of Technology, July 6-9, 2014.


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Once considered unique to the lung, surfactant proteins have been clearly identified in the intestine and peritoneum and are suggested to exist in several other organs. In the lung, surfactant proteins assist in the formation of a monolayer of surface-active phospholipid at the liquid-air interface of the alveolar lining, reducing the surface tension at this surface. In contrast, surface-active phospholipid adsorbed to articular surfaces has been identified as the load-bearing boundary lubricant of the joint. This raises the question of whether surfactant proteins in synovial fluid (SF) are required for the formation of the adsorbed layer in normal joints. Proteins from small volumes of equine SF were resolved by 1- and 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and detected by Western blotting to investigate the presence of surfactant proteins. The study showed that surfactant proteins A and D (SP-A and SP-D) are present in the SF of normal horses. We suggest that, like surface-active phospholipid, SP-A and SP-D play a significant role in the functioning of joints. Next will be clarification of the roles of surfactant proteins as disease markers in a variety of joint diseases, such as degenerative joint disease and inflammatory problems.


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The aim of this study was to determine the relative cryopreservation success of koala and wombat spermatozoa and to investigate reasons for their respective post-thaw survival by examining the sperm's response to a range of osmotic media and determining the presence and distribution of F-actin. An hypothesis was proposed that F-actin may be imparting a degree of structural inflexibility to the koala sperm plasma membrane; hence, exposure of spermatozoa to cytochalasin D (5 mu M), a F-actin depolymerisation agent, should result in increased plasticisation of the membrane and greater tolerance of cell volume changes that typically occur during cryopreservation. In experiment 1, koala (n = 4) and wombat (n = 4) spermatozoa packaged in 0.25 mL straws were cryopreserved using two freezing rates (fast-3 cm above liquid N2 interface; slow-6 degrees C/min in a freezing chamber) and two glycerol concentrations (8 and 14% v/v) in a tris-citrate glucose buffer with 15% (v/v) egg yolk. Wombat spermatozoa showed better (P < 0.01) post-thaw survival (% motile, % intact plasma membranes, % decondensed sperm heads) than koala spermatozoa. When exposed to media of varying osmolality, koala spermatozoa were less tolerant (% intact plasma membrane) of hyper-osmotic conditions (920 and 1410mOsmol/kg) than wombat spermatozoa. F-actin was localised using a monoclonal antibody but only found in the wombat sperm head. When koala and wombat spermatozoa were exposed to media of varying osmolality, cytochalasin D had no beneficial effect on sperm survival (% intact plasma membranes). This study has demonstrated that wombat spermatozoa are highly tolerant of cryopreservation when compared to koala sperm but that spermatozoa from both species show greatest post-thaw survival when frozen slowly in 14% glycerol. Koala sperm are also particularly susceptible to hyper-osmotic environments but lack of detectable F-actin in the koala spermatozoan suggests that poor cryopreservation success in this species is unlikely to be associated with F-actin induced plasma membrane inflexibility. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We know that classical thermodynamics even out of equilibrium always leads to stable situation which means degradation and consequently d sorder. Many experimental evidences in different fields show that gradation and order (symmetry breaking) during time and space evolution may appear when maintaining the system far from equilibrium. Order through fluctuations, stochastic processes which occur around critical points and dissipative structures are the fundamental background of the Prigogine-Glansdorff and Nicolis theory. The thermodynamics of macroscopic fluctuations to stochastic approach as well as the kinetic deterministic laws allow a better understanding of the peculiar fascinating behavior of organized matter. The reason for the occurence of this situation is directly related to intrinsic non linearities of the different mechanisms responsible for the evolution of the system. Moreover, when dealing with interfaces separating two immiscible phases (liquid - gas, liquid -liquid, liquid - solid, solid - solid), the situation is rather more complicated. Indeed coupling terms playing the major role in the conditions of instability arise from the peculiar singular static and dynamic properties of the surface and of its vicinity. In other words, the non linearities are not only intrinsic to classical steps involving feedbacks, but they may be imbedded with the non-autonomous character of the surface properties. In order to illustrate our goal we discuss three examples of ordering in far from equilibrium conditions: i) formation of chemical structures during the oxidation of metals and alloys; ii) formation of mechanical structures during the oxidation of metals iii) formation of patterns at a solid-liquid moving interface due to supercooling condition in a melt of alloy. © 1984, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved.


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The engineering of liquid behavior on surfaces is important for infrastructure, transportation, manufacturing, and sensing. Surfaces can be rendered superhydrophobic by microstructuring, and superhydrophobic devices could lead to practical corrosion inhibition, self-cleaning, fluid flow control, and surface drag reduction. To more fully understand how liquid interacts with microstructured surfaces, this dissertation introduces a direct method for determining droplet solid-liquid-vapor interfacial geometry on microstructured surfaces. The technique performs metrology on molten metal droplets deposited onto microstructured surfaces and then frozen. Unlike other techniques, this visualization technique can be used on large areas of curved and opaque microstructured surfaces to determine contact line. This dissertation also presents measurements and models for how curvature and flexing of microstructured polymers affects hydrophobicity. Increasing curvature of microstructured surfaces leads to decreased slide angle for liquid droplets suspended on the surface asperities. For a surface with regularly spaced asperities, as curvature becomes more positive, droplets suspended on the tops of asperities are suspended on fewer asperities. Curvature affects superhydrophobicity because microscopic curvature changes solid-liquid interaction, pitch is altered, and curvature changes the shape of the three phase contact line. This dissertation presents a model of droplet interactions with curved microstructured surfaces that can be used to design microstructure geometries that maintain the suspension of a droplet when curved surfaces are covered with microstructured polymers. Controlling droplet dynamics could improve microfluidic devices and the shedding of liquids from expensive equipment, preventing corrosion and detrimental performance. This dissertation demonstrates redirection of dynamic droplet spray with anisotropic microstructures. Superhydrophobic microstructured surfaces can be economically fabricated using metal embossing masters, so this dissertation describes casting-based microfabrication of metal microstructures and nanostructures. Low melting temperature metal was cast into flexible silicone molds which were themselves cast from microfabricated silicon templates. The flexibility of the silicone mold permits casting of curved surfaces, which this dissertation demonstrates by fabricating a cylindrical metal roller with microstructures. The metal microstructures can be in turn used as a reusable molding tool. This dissertation also describes an industrial investment casting process to produce aluminum molds having integrated microstructures. Unlike conventional micromolding tools, the aluminum mold was large and had complex curved surfaces. The aluminum was cast into curved microstructured ceramic molds which were themselves cast from curved microstructured rubber. Many structures were successfully cast into the aluminum with excellent replication fidelity, including circular, square, and triangular holes. This dissertation demonstrates molding of large, curved surfaces having surface microstructures using the aluminum mold. This work contributes a more full understanding of the phenomenon of superhydrophobicity and techniques for the economic fabrication of superhydrophobic microstructures.


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Classical theories have successfully provided an explanation for convection in a liquid layer heated from below without evaporation. However, these theories are inadequate to account for the convective instabilities in an evaporating liquid layer, especially in the case when it is cooled from below. In the present paper, we study the onset of Marangoni convection in a liquid layer being overlain by a vapor layer.A new two-sided model is put forward instead of the one-sided model in previous studies. Marangoni-Bénard instabilities in evaporating liquid thin layers are investigated with a linear instability analysis. We define a new evaporation Biot number, which is different from that in previous studies and discuss the influences of reference evaporating velocity and evaporation Biot number on the vapor-liquid system. At the end, we explain why the instability occurs even when an evaporating liquid layer is cooled from below.