974 resultados para Light absorption in nanocomposites


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Despite the potentially important role that water dimers may play in the Earth’s energy balance, there is still a lack of firm evidence for absorption of radiation by dimers in near-atmospheric conditions. We present results of the first high-resolution laboratory measurements of the water vapor continuum absorption within the 3100–4400 cm1 spectral region at a range of near-room temperatures. The analysis indicates a large contribution of dimer absorption to the water vapor continuum, significantly in excess of that predicted by other modern representations of the continuum. The temperature dependence agrees well with that expected for dimers.


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The oil-absorption capacity of different restructured potato chips during deep-fat frying was investigated. Low-leach potato flake was chosen as the major ingredient, whereas native and pregelatinized potato starches were studied as complementary ingredients. Results showed that off absorption increased significantly when reducing product thickness in all products. Interestingly, it was found that the product containing native potato starch as an ingredient picked up the lowest amount of on when sheeted into a thick chip, whereas it absorbed the largest amount of oil when sheeted into a thin chip. Those findings were mainly attributed to crust microstructure development as revealed by electron microscopy and confocal microscopy.


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In most near-infrared atmospheric windows, absorption of solar radiation is dominated by the water vapor self-continuum and yet there is a paucity of measurements in these windows. We report new laboratory measurements of the self-continuum absorption at temperatures between 293 and 472 K and pressures from 0.015 to 5 atm in four near-infrared windows between 1 and 4 m (10000-2500 cm-1); the measurements are made over a wider range of wavenumber, temperatures and pressures than any previous measurements. They show that the self-continuum in these windows is typically one order of magnitude stronger than given in representations of the continuum widely used in climate and weather prediction models. These results are also not consistent with current theories attributing the self continuum within windows to the far-wings of strong spectral lines in the nearby water vapor absorption bands; we suggest that they are more consistent with water dimers being the major contributor to the continuum. The calculated global-average clear-sky atmospheric absorption of solar radiation is increased by 0.75 W/m2 (which is about 1% of the total clear-sky absorption) by using these new measurements as compared to calculations with the MT_CKD-2.5 self-continuum model.


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For a long time, it has been believed that atmospheric absorption of radiation within wavelength regions of relatively high infrared transmittance (so-called ‘windows’) was dominated by the water vapour self-continuum, that is, spectrally smooth absorption caused by H2O−H2O pair interaction. Absorption due to the foreign continuum (i.e. caused mostly by H2O−N2 bimolecular absorption in the Earth's atmosphere) was considered to be negligible in the windows. We report new retrievals of the water vapour foreign continuum from high-resolution laboratory measurements at temperatures between 350 and 430 K in four near-infrared windows between 1.1 and 5 μm (9000–2000 cm−1). Our results indicate that the foreign continuum in these windows has a very weak temperature dependence and is typically between one and two orders of magnitude stronger than that given in representations of the continuum currently used in many climate and weather prediction models. This indicates that absorption owing to the foreign continuum may be comparable to the self-continuum under atmospheric conditions in the investigated windows. The calculated global-average clear-sky atmospheric absorption of solar radiation is increased by approximately 0.46 W m−2 (or 0.6% of the total clear-sky absorption) by using these new measurements when compared with calculations applying the widely used MTCKD (Mlawer–Tobin–Clough–Kneizys–Davies) foreign-continuum model.


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This paper proposes a new reconstruction method for diffuse optical tomography using reduced-order models of light transport in tissue. The models, which directly map optical tissue parameters to optical flux measurements at the detector locations, are derived based on data generated by numerical simulation of a reference model. The reconstruction algorithm based on the reduced-order models is a few orders of magnitude faster than the one based on a finite element approximation on a fine mesh incorporating a priori anatomical information acquired by magnetic resonance imaging. We demonstrate the accuracy and speed of the approach using a phantom experiment and through numerical simulation of brain activation in a rat's head. The applicability of the approach for real-time monitoring of brain hemodynamics is demonstrated through a hypercapnic experiment. We show that our results agree with the expected physiological changes and with results of a similar experimental study. However, by using our approach, a three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction can be performed in ∼3  s per time point instead of the 1 to 2 h it takes when using the conventional finite element modeling approach


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Thermoluminescence, electron paramagnetic resonance and optical absorption properties of rhodonite, a natural silicate mineral, have been investigated and compared to those of synthetic crystal, pure and doped. The TL peaks grow linearly for radiation dose up to 4 kGy, and then saturate. In all the synthetic samples, 140 and 340 degrees C TL peaks are observed; the difference occurs in their relative intensities, but only 340 degrees C peak grows strongly for high doses. Al(2)O(3) and Al(2)O(3) + CaO-doped synthetic samples presented several decades intenser TL compared to that of synthetic samples doped with other impurities. A heating rate of 4 degrees C/s has been used in all the TL readings. The EPR spectrum of natural rhodonite mineral has only one huge signal around g = 2.0 with width extending from 1,000 to 6,000 G. This is due to Mn dipolar interaction, a fact proved by numerical calculation based on Van Vleck dipolar broadening expression. The optical absorption spectrum is rich in absorption bands in near-UV, visible and near-IR intervals. Several bands in the region from 540 to 340 nm are interpreted as being due to Mn(3+) in distorted octahedral environment. A broad and intense band around 1,040 nm is due to Fe(2+). It decays under heating up to 900 degrees C. At this temperature it is reduced by 80% of its original intensity. The pink, natural rhodonite, heated in air starts becoming black at approximately 600 degrees C.


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Grossular is one of six members of silicate Garnet group. Two samples GI and GII have been investigated concerning their luminescence thermally stimulated (TL). EPR and optical absorption and the measurements were carried out to find out whether or not same point defects are responsible for all three properties. Although X-rays diffraction analysis has shown that both GI and GII have practically the same crystal structure of a standard grossular crystal, they presented different behavior in many aspects. The TL glow curve shape, TL response to radiation dose, the effect of annealing at high temperatures before irradiation, the dependence of UV bleaching parameters on peak temperature, all of them differ going from GI to GII. The EPR signals around g = 2.0 as well as at g = 4.3 and 6.0 have much larger intensity in GI than in GII. Very high temperature (> 800 degrees C annealing causes large increase in the bulk background absorption in GI, however, only very little in GII. In the cases of EPR and optical absorption, the difference in their behavior can be attributed to Fe3+ ions; however, in the TL case one cannot and the cause was not found as yet. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we investigate the degenerate two-photon absorption spectrum of all-trans retinal ill ethanol employing the Z-scan technique with femtosecond pulses, The two-photon absorption (2PA) spectrum presents a monotonous increase as the excitation wavelength approaches the one-photon absorption band and it peak at 790 nm. We attribute the 2PA hand to the mixing of states (1)B(u)+-like and vertical bar S(1)>, which are strongly allowed by one- and two-photon, respectively. We modeled the 2PA spectrum by using the sum-over-states approach and obtained spectroscopic parameters of the electronic transitions to vertical bar S >, vertical bar S(2)> (""(1)Bu(+)""), vertical bar S(3)>, and vertical bar S(4)> singlet-excited states. The results were compared with theoretical predictions of one- and two-photon transition calculations using the response Functions formalism within the density functional theory framework with the aid of the CAM-B3LYP functional.


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In this work, we investigate the control of the two-photon absorption process of a series of organic compounds via spectral phase modulation of the excitation pulse. We analyzed the effect of the pulse central wavelength on the control of the two-photon absorption process for each compound. Depending on the molecules` two-photon absorption position relative to the excitation pulse wavelength, different levels of coherent control were observed. By simulating the two-photon transition probability in molecular systems, taking into account the band structure and its positions, we could explain the experimental results trends. We observed that the intrapulse coherent interference plays an important role in the nonlinear process control besides just the pulse intensity modulation.


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We carried out experiments of induced birefringence via two-photon absorption in spin-coated films of the conjugated polymer poly[2-[ethyl-[4-(4-nitro-phenylazo)-phenyl] -amino]-ethane (3-thienyl)ethanoate], PAzT, at 680 and 775 nm. This process allows recording in the bulk because of the spatial confinement of the bireffingence provided by the two-photon absorption. The induced birefringence is associated with molecular reorientation caused by the two-photon induced isomerization of the azochromophores attached to the polymer backbone. In addition, the two-photon absorption spectrum of PAzT was measured to help selecting the excitation wavelength for two-photon absorption induced birefringence. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Given a Lorentzian manifold (M, g), an event p and an observer U in M, then p and U are light conjugate if there exists a lightlike geodesic gamma : [0, 1] -> M joining p and U whose endpoints are conjugate along gamma. Using functional analytical techniques, we prove that if one fixes p and U in a differentiable manifold M, then the set of stationary Lorentzian metrics in M for which p and U are not light conjugate is generic in a strong sense. The result is obtained by reduction to a Finsler geodesic problem via a second order Fermat principle for light rays, and using a transversality argument in an infinite dimensional Banach manifold setup.


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This work reports on the two-photon absorption (2PA) cross-section for bis (n-butylimido) perylene (BuPTCD), bis (benzimidazo) perylene (AzoPTCD), bis (benzimidazo) thioperylene (Monothio BZP), bis (phenethylimido) perylene (PhPTCD), bis (benzylimido) perylene (BePTCD) and n-pentylimido-benzimidazo perylene (PAzoPTCD) solutions measured using the Z-scan technique with femtosecond laser pulses at 775 nm. All perylene derivatives studied present large 2PA cross-sections, only comparable to the best ones reported in the literature. The experimental 2PA cross-sections obtained for each PTCD compound are in good agreement with a simplified sum-over-state calculation. The results of the present work indicates perylene derivatives as promising materials for two-photon applications. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)