832 resultados para Legal instruments (Canon law)
Se evaluó el nivel de conocimiento de la nueva Ley de bosque nativo y fomento forestal que poseen los pequeños propietarios forestales en dos territorios de la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, en Chile. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta a 53 personas (10 de las viviendas), que abordó cinco temas centrales: (1) uso del bosque nativo, (2) participación en redes sociales y acceso a la información, (3) conocimiento general de la Ley, (4) conocimiento respecto a la administración y (5) fomento de la Ley. Los resultados mostraron que: (1) el bosque nativo es usado para obtener productos madereros y no madereros, (2) las redes sociales y especialmente la radio son fundamentales para la transferencia de información, (3) tanto el conocimiento general de la Ley como (4) el nivel de conocimiento respecto de la administración de la Ley es insuficiente, y (5) se desconocen los trámites que deben efectuarse para obtener los beneficios de la Ley. Se concluye que: (1) el nivel de conocimiento de la Ley es insuficiente, (2) es fundamental estimular el uso de los instrumentos de esta Ley en la totalidad del territorio, de modo de garantizar el uso sustentable del recurso, y (3) la difusión de los beneficios de la Ley debe considerar las formas de comunicación tradicionales, el nivel de educación y la cultura de los espacios rurales
The City Educator Program is articulated with PROEX-Pro - Deanship Culture and Student Affairs through the Directorate of Extension, along with the Institute of Geography, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design Institute and the City Futura Pro. Program is conducted since 2008 by the Federal University of Uberlândia and Motion City Futura. The outreach program aims to promote democratic governance and smart planning municipal and regional level, enabling public and social (government technicians, law enforcement officers, and civil society leaders) seeking implementation of legal instruments, urban and tributaries in the counties of Araguari and Uberlândia, established in the City Statute and Master Plans, and the Fiscal Responsibility, Social Rights established by the Constitution, and all the instruments of social control in the municipalities involved. The methodology includes content developed through dynamic, research participant, group work and exposure dialogue. The results were relevant to holding the Course on Urban Management and Sustainable Democratic, Uberlândia A Forum for Sustainable Leadership Training Course Ethical and Sustainable, Community Workshops Seminars in Neighborhoods assessment; Map Workshop Speaker, Research Participants, Seminars and Interactive Campaigns Mobilization office in the territory. Were produced articles, reports and reflections that are public in book form. At the end of the implementation of program activities, the municipal governments, entities and non-governmental organizations as well as citizens who, directly or indirectly, involved with the program, attended the final seminar where, besides the presentation of results, was made, collectively, evaluation and assessment of all activities
El artículo analiza la situación actual de los archivos en Uruguay en relación a las leyes de Acceso a la Información Pública y de Sistema Nacional de Archivos, normativas que surge cuando el Estado uruguayo inicia una fase de reordenación de su gestión promoviendo cambios que fomentan la democratización y la eficiencia, a la vez que anulan la opacidad y extrema reserva en su administración. Se analiza cómo los profesionales archivólogos estuvieron estrechamente involucrados en el proceso de gestación de ambas leyes, dando inicio a una etapa de consecución de fuertes voluntades políticas que apoyaran los proyectos, convencidos que la premisa evidente del Derecho de Acceso es que el documento al que se pretenda acceder exista y sea recuperable. Se estudia como la coexistencia de ambas normas implicaban un cambio cultural, una evolución en el comportamiento de las organizaciones que no acompañó a la puesta en marcha de los instrumentos legales. Se concluye que el Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública está basado en el principio fundamental de transparencia de los Órganos del Estado, por lo que no es de extrañar que una ley que obliga a brindar información tenga el riesgo de devenir en letra muerta. El Archivo debe ser "condición" administrativa, lo que exige una nueva dimensión de ellos y de sus profesionales dentro de los organismos del Estado, de forma tal que se conviertan en una inmejorable herramienta para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Ley de Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública
El objetivo de la presente Tesis está dirigido a analizar diversas opciones de diversificación que la pesca marítima profesional puede tener, poniendo el acento en el respeto al medio ambiente. En concreto la Pesca-turismo aparece como una de las alternativas más viables tanto por su respeto al medio ambiente como por su relativamente sencilla posibilidad de implantación en España. A fin de poder desarrollar la misma se proponen los cambios legislativos necesarios para su implantación en nuestro país procediéndose, para ello, al estudio de la situación actual de la actividad pesquera en nuestro país desde un punto de vista jurídico, con una especial consideración de la gestión y conservación de los recursos pesqueros. El estudio de su posible implantación en España, comienza analizando cuáles son las diferentes administraciones que influyen en dicha actividad y en qué medida lo hacen, tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el supranacional, con una especial referencia a la Unión Europea, así como la organización de las mismas. Acto seguido se procede al examen, tanto de la normativa sobre la materia, como de la jurisprudencia y la doctrina aplicables a la actividad de pesca marítima en España para, una vez llevado a cabo dicho estudio, comenzar con el examen de los requisitos exigidos, ya sean éstos de índole material o humana, a aquéllos que quieran llevarla a cabo. A continuación, se estudia el régimen de infracciones y sanciones, entrando, por último, en el terreno más propiamente de conservación de los recursos, donde se examinan las medidas que, a tal fin, se encuentran en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. Más adelante se analiza, siquiera sea brevemente, la pesca deportiva, que, aunque con una incidencia muy inferior, no deja de ser otra forma de actividad extractiva. La existencia de otras experiencias parecidas a la propuesta de pesca-turismo en el ámbito internacional es objeto de estudio a fin de determinar cuál es la situación en otros países donde se hayan implantado con anterioridad. Para ello se lleva a cabo un análisis de las distintas soluciones que a este mismo problema se han dado en otros países también con amplia tradición en este campo procediendo, a tal fin, a un estudio de la legislación sobre la pesca-turismo, fundamentalmente en Italia, pero también en Francia y Portugal. A la vista de cuanto antecede es posible concluir que al día de hoy no es factible la realización de las actividades de Pesca-turismo con los instrumentos jurídicos de los que se dispone en España, dado que existen puntos sustanciales en los mismos que o bien impiden o bien no permiten su desarrollo. Por tanto el planteamiento de tales actividades necesariamente conlleva una serie de modificaciones normativas. El siguiente paso y en relación con las modificaciones normativas a efectuar, se ofrece un texto alternativo al texto legal a modificar (Ley 3/2001 de Pesca Marítima del Estado) y al Real Decreto 1027/1989, mientras que se dejan efectuados los apuntes precisos de cual debería de ser el marco reglamentario que, en desarrollo de las modificaciones anteriores, posibilitasen el ejercicio de la Pesca-turismo en España. Por último se ha optado por efectuar un análisis de la opinión del sector, tendente a verificar si los datos obtenidos empíricamente quedaban asimismo reflejados en las actitudes de los destinatarios finales de tales normas, que no serían otros que los pescadores profesionales. A tal fin se ha procedido a recoger las opiniones de diversos colectivos del sector, a través tanto de las cofradías de pescadores como de las Federaciones, acerca de las actividades de pesca-turismo, buscando la representación de todas las zonas geográficas. Fruto de tal investigación se ha llegado a la conclusión de que el desarrollo de las actividades propuesta de pescaturismo cuenta con una opinión favorable dentro del sector que, con una mayoría aplastante se manifestó a favor de desarrollar la posibilidad de ejercicio de la mismas. SUMMARY The objective of this thesis is aimed to analyze various options of diversification that commercial maritime fishing can have, with an emphasis on respect for the environment. Specifically, fishing-tourism appears as one of the most viable alternatives because of its environmental friendliness as well by its relatively simple possibility of implementation in Spain In order to develop it, it is proposed the necessary changes legislative for implementation in our country proceeding to study of the current situation of fisheries in our country from a legal perspective, with special consideration of the management and conservation of fisheries resources. The study of their possible implementation in Spain, begins by analyzing which are the different administrations that influence in that activity and to what extent they do, both at the national field as well at the supranational field, with special reference to the European Union and organization of thereof. Then proceeds to an examination, both of the relevant legislation as well as of the jurisprudence and doctrine applicable to maritime fishing in Spain for, once conducted this study, to begin with the consideration of the requirements, be they human or material, to those who want to carry out. Then studies the regime of offences and penalties, entering, finally, in the field conservation of resources, where discusses measures which, to this end, are in our legal system Later analyzes, even briefly, sport fishing, which, although with a much lower incidence, it is another form of extractive activity. The existence of other similar experiences to the proposal of fishing-tourism in the international arena is object of study in order to determine which is the situation in other countries where it has been implemented previously. For that it is carried out an analysis of the different solutions that to this same problem have been given in other countries with long tradition in this field, to proceed to study about legislation on fishing-tourism, fundamentally in Italy, but also in France and Portugal In view of the above it can be concluded that today is not feasible to implement the fishing-tourism activities with the legal instruments that are available in Spain, as there are substantial points which prevent them or not allows its development. Therefore the approach to such activities necessarily entails a series of normatives changes. The next step and in relation to normatives changes to do, it is offered an alternative text to the legal text to modify (Law 3/2001 of the State Marine Fisheries) and to the Royal Decree No. 1027 / 1989, while we leave made accurate notes about which ought be the reglamentary framework that, in developing of the above modifications, can be enable exercise of fishing-tourism in Spain. Finally, it is been opted to carry out an analysis of the opinion of the sector, aimed at verifying if data obtained empirically were also reflected in the attitudes of the final recipients of such standards, who would not be other than the professional fishermen. For this purpose it has been collected the opinions of various groups of the sector, through of fishermen's associations and federations, about of the activities of tourism-fishing, looking for the representation of all geographical areas. The result of such an investigation has concluded that the development of this proposed activities fishing-tourism has a positive opinion within the sector because an overwhelming majority was in favor of developing the possibility of exercise of the same.
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Mexico is now one of the countries with better policies on transparency and access to public information, according to various indicators and academics. Just fifteen years ago, Mexico was a country that lacked legal instruments thereon, whereby the institutions were deeply opaque and citizens could not exercise this right of access to public information. The development of the right of access to public information, in both law and public policy, a milestone in the history of Mexico. It has been, therefore gestation, as its formulation and implementation. In Mexico there have existed diverse social movements that have promoted democratization and the defense of human rights. In the framework of these movements the fight registers for the right of access to the public information that one presents as a successful model of civic action and government intervention, without for it, not to know the challenges that his deepening has still and take root both in the company and in the political class in general. How was it achieved to construct a new institutional of transparency that was functional? How was it possible that the above mentioned change was achieved? These are questions that interests formulated to the political science and to the public administration for the analysis of the change and improvement of institutions. The study of the political change is relevant since the public policies precisely try to solve a problem, to transform a reality but not always the change is achieved, is not even realized of successful form. In a nascent democratic regime, it turns out important to know what factors can collaborate in the conformation of a public successful sustainable politics in the time. Even more, on having treated itself about a substantive politics that it gives content and viability itself to the democracy in a marked country historically and culturally for the opaqueness and the corruption...
Refugiados ambientais são refugiados não convencionais e são migrantes forçados, interna ou internacionalmente, temporária ou permanentemente, em situação de vulnerabilidade e que se veem obrigados a deixar sua morada habitual por motivos ambientais de início lento ou de início rápido, causados por motivos naturais, antropogênicos ou pela combinação de ambos. Embora não existam reconhecimento e proteção específica para esses migrantes no direito internacional em escala global, alguns instrumentos jurídicos regionais e leis nacionais assim o fazem. Argumenta-se, nesta tese de doutorado, que os refugiados ambientais possuem modos de proteção geral em certas áreas do direito internacional e que as possibilidades atuais e futuras de proteção específica podem ser encontradas nas fontes primárias do direito internacional, indicadas no artigo 38(1) do Estatuto da Corte Internacional de Justiça. Foram identificadas sete vias de proteção dos refugiados ambientais no direito internacional e no direito interno estatal: (i) a via da ação humanitária, (ii) a via da proteção complementar, (iii) a via da legislação nacional, (iv) a via da justiça climática, (v) a via da responsabilidade compartilhada, (vi) a via da judicialização do refúgio ambiental e (vii) a via do tratado internacional. Sugere-se, ainda, o estabelecimento de uma governança migratória-ambiental global baseada nos regimes internacionais e na ação dos atores nos níveis local, nacional, regional e internacional para a execução das formas de proteção e para o atendimento das necessidades dos refugiados ambientais no mundo.
Subpoena to answer a petition by James Powell Cocke. Signed by William Hamlin.
Deed of sale in fee simple absolute of land in Boston to Abigail Brightman.
An order to the sheriff of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, for twelve men to serve on a jury in the trial of John Borrowes, for an unspecified crime. Signed: Jeremiah Langhorne (justice of the peace); dated 14 June 1731. With seal. With this document (originally attached) is the list of jurors chosen to serve at the trial.
Deed acknowledging Sprague's sale of land in Hingham to Israel Fering. Signed by Sprague, Nathaniel Beale, Sr., and John Parsens, Jr.
A warrant for the arrest and sale of all assets of Gray who was found to owe another merchant Alexander Hill in a recent trial. Also includes appraisal of property by Fairfield and Salter and statement by Sheriff Cudworth.
Bond signed by William Buckley, justice of the peace for Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Summons for Mahlon Kirkbride to appear before the justices of the peace of Bucks County on 13 December 1763, to testify against William McIlvaine, indicted for an unspecified crime. Signed: Lawr[ence] Growdon.
Williams was accused of assault and battery against John Black. Bond signed by Joseph Hartz, (justice of the peace for Bucks County, Pennsylvania); dated 30 October 1764.