995 resultados para Laboratory Culture


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Currently, much attention has been devoted to the renewal of knowledge about Stem Cells and Cell Therapy in domestic species. In this sense, the present work aimed to develop a methodology for collecting, processing and cultivation of mesenchymal stem cells obtained from bone marrow of coxal tuberosity in buffaloes. The collection was performed using a Komiyashiki needle, which was introduced in the coxal tuberosity and the bone marrow aspirated into a heparinized syringe with the aid of negative pressure. Directly after collection samples were processed at the laboratory at FMVZ - UNESP. The samples took approximately 32 days to reach 80% confluence, when the first passage and differentiation was performed. To confirm the mesenchymal origin, cells were induced to differentiate into adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. Samples showed morphological changes during differentiation protocol, but not all presented production of extracellular deposits of calcium or intracellular fat droplets, observed after staining with Alizarin Red and Oil Red respectively. Compared with the material obtained from other species and processed in the same laboratory, the primary culture was longer. Therefore, more studies are needed to standardize the age of animals used and to test other inducers of cell differentiation.


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Abstract Background Direct smear examination with Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is cheap and easy to use, but its low sensitivity is a major drawback, particularly in HIV seropositive patients. As such, new tools for laboratory diagnosis are urgently needed to improve the case detection rate, especially in regions with a high prevalence of TB and HIV. Objective To evaluate the performance of two in house PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): PCR dot-blot methodology (PCR dot-blot) and PCR agarose gel electrophoresis (PCR-AG) for the diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) in HIV seropositive and HIV seronegative patients. Methods A prospective study was conducted (from May 2003 to May 2004) in a TB/HIV reference hospital. Sputum specimens from 277 PTB suspects were tested by Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) smear, Culture and in house PCR assays (PCR dot-blot and PCR-AG) and their performances evaluated. Positive cultures combined with the definition of clinical pulmonary TB were employed as the gold standard. Results The overall prevalence of PTB was 46% (128/277); in HIV+, prevalence was 54.0% (40/74). The sensitivity and specificity of PCR dot-blot were 74% (CI 95%; 66.1%-81.2%) and 85% (CI 95%; 78.8%-90.3%); and of PCR-AG were 43% (CI 95%; 34.5%-51.6%) and 76% (CI 95%; 69.2%-82.8%), respectively. For HIV seropositive and HIV seronegative samples, sensitivities of PCR dot-blot (72% vs 75%; p = 0.46) and PCR-AG (42% vs 43%; p = 0.54) were similar. Among HIV seronegative patients and PTB suspects, ROC analysis presented the following values for the AFB smear (0.837), Culture (0.926), PCR dot-blot (0.801) and PCR-AG (0.599). In HIV seropositive patients, these area values were (0.713), (0.900), (0.789) and (0.595), respectively. Conclusion Results of this study demonstrate that the in house PCR dot blot may be an improvement for ruling out PTB diagnosis in PTB suspects assisted at hospitals with a high prevalence of TB/HIV.


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Among the cestodes, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis and Taenia solium represent the most dangerous parasites. Their larval stages cause the diseases cystic echinococcosis (CE), alveolar echinococcosis (AE) and cysticercosis, respectively, which exhibit considerable medical and veterinary health concerns with a profound economic impact. Others caused by other cestodes, such as species of the genera Mesocestoides and Hymenolepis, are relatively rare in humans. In this review, we will focus on E. granulosus and E. multilocularis metacestode laboratory models and will review the use of these models in the search for novel drugs that could be employed for chemotherapeutic treatment of echinococcosis. Clearly, improved therapeutic drugs are needed for the treatment of AE and CE, and this can only be achieved through the development of medium-to-high throughput screening approaches. The most recent achievements in the in vitro culture and genetic manipulation of E. multilocularis cells and metacestodes, and the accessability of the E. multilocularis genome and EST sequence information, have rendered the E. multilocularis model uniquely suited for studies on drug-efficacy and drug target identification. This could lead to the development of novel compounds for the use in chemotherapy against echinococcosis, and possibly against diseases caused by other cestodes, and potentially also trematodes.


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Land-based aquaculture facilities often utilize additional bicarbonate sources such as commercial sea salts that are designed to boost alkalinity in order to buffer seawater against reductions in pH. Despite these preventative measures, many facilities are likely to face occasional reductions in pH and corresponding reductions in carbonate saturation states due to the accumulation of metabolic waste products. We investigated the impact of reduced carbonate saturation states (Omega Ca, Omega Ar) on embryonic developmental rates, larval developmental rates, and echinoplutei skeletal morphometrics in the common edible sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus under high alkalinity conditions. Commercial artificial seawater was bubbled with a mixture of air and CO2 gas to reduce the carbonate saturation state. Rates of embryonic and larval development were significantly delayed in both the low and extreme low carbonate saturation state groups relative to the control at a given time. Although symmetry of overall skeletal body lengths was not affected, allometric relationships were significantly different between treatment groups. Larvae reared under ambient conditions had significantly greater postoral arm and overall body lengths relative to body lengths than larvae grown under extreme low carbonate saturation state conditions, indicating that extreme changes in the carbonate system affected not only developmental rates but also larval skeletal shape. Reduced rates of embryonic development and delayed and altered larval skeletal growth are likely to negatively impact larval culturing of L. variegatus in land-based, intensive culture situations where calcite and aragonite saturation states are lowered by the accumulation of metabolic waste products.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Prepared for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Monitoring Systems Research and Development Division, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Las Vegas, Nev.


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Culture-negative peritoneal inflammation accounts for between 5 and 20% of cases of peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients. Diagnostic yields may be enhanced considerably by reculturing dialysate effluents using appropriate collection methods and optimal laboratory techniques (including prolonged low-temperature and anaerobic incubations). In patients with persistent culture-negative peritonitis, consideration should be given to the possibilities of unusual or fastidious microorganisms (especially fungi and mycobacteria) and non-infective causes (especially drug reactions, malignancy, visceral inflammation and retroperitoneal inflammation). In this paper, an illustrative case of persistent culture-negative peritonitis is presented followed by a discussion of the investigative approach to such patients, with particular emphasis on differential diagnosis and the limitations of currently available tests.


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Growth, Condition Index (CI) and survival of the pearl oysters, Pinctada maxima and R margaritifera, were measured in three size groups of oysters over 14 months at two dissimilar environments in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. These were the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a mainland bay and Orpheus Island Research Station (OIRS) in coral reef waters. Temperature, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and particulate organic matter (POM) were monitored during the study. Temperature at AIMS fluctuated more widely than at OIRS both daily and seasonally, with annual ranges 20-31 degrees C and 22-30 degrees C, respectively. Mean SPM concentration at AIMS (11.1 mg l(-1)) was much higher than at OIRS (1.4 mg l(-1)) and fluctuated widely (2-60 mg l(-1)). Mean POM level was also substantially higher at AIMS, being 2.1 mg l(-1) compared with 0.56 mg l(-1) at OIRS. Von Bertalatiffy growth curve analyses showed that P. maxima grew more rapidly and to larger sizes than P. margaritifera at both sites. For the shell height (SH) of R maxima, growth index phi'=4.31 and 4.24, asymptotic size SHinfinity = 229 and 205 mm, and time to reach 120 mm SH (T-(120))= 1.9 and 2.1 years at AIMS and OIRS, respectively. While for P margaritifera, phi'=4.00 and 4.15, SHinfinity = 136 and 157 mm, and T-(120) = 2.5 and 3.9 years at AIMS and OIRS, respectively. R maxima had significantly lower growth rates and lower survival of small oysters during winter compared with summer. There were, however, no significant differences between the two sites in growth rates of P. maxima and final Cl values. In contrast, P. margaritifiera showed significant differences between sites and not seasons, with lower growth rates, survival of small oysters, final Cl values and asymptotic sizes at AIMS. The winter low temperatures, but not high SPM at AIMS, adversely affected P. maxima. Conversely, the high SPM levels at AIMS, but not temperature, adversely affected P. margaritifera. This was in accordance with earlier laboratory-based energetics studies of the effects of temperature and SPM on these two species. P maxima has potential to be commercially cultured in ca. > 25 degrees C waters with a wide range of SPM levels, including oligotrophic coral reef waters with appropriate particle sizes. It is possible to culture R margaritifera in turbid conditions, but its poor performance in these conditions makes commercial culture unlikely. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent changes to the legislation on chemicals and cosmetics testing call for a change in the paradigm regarding the current 'whole animal' approach for identifying chemical hazards, including the assessment of potential neurotoxins. Accordingly, since 2004, we have worked on the development of the integrated co-culture of post-mitotic, human-derived neurons and astrocytes (NT2.N/A), for use as an in vitro functional central nervous system (CNS) model. We have used it successfully to investigate indicators of neurotoxicity. For this purpose, we used NT2.N/A cells to examine the effects of acute exposure to a range of test chemicals on the cellular release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). It was demonstrated that the release of this protective neurotrophin into the culture medium (above that of control levels) occurred consistently in response to sub-cytotoxic levels of known neurotoxic, but not non-neurotoxic, chemicals. These increases in BDNF release were quantifiable, statistically significant, and occurred at concentrations below those at which cell death was measureable, which potentially indicates specific neurotoxicity, as opposed to general cytotoxicity. The fact that the BDNF immunoassay is non-invasive, and that NT2.N/A cells retain their functionality for a period of months, may make this system useful for repeated-dose toxicity testing, which is of particular relevance to cosmetics testing without the use of laboratory animals. In addition, the production of NT2.N/A cells without the use of animal products, such as fetal bovine serum, is being explored, to produce a fully-humanised cellular model.


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Land-based aquaculture facilities experience occasional hypercapnic conditions due to the accumulation of the metabolic waste product carbon dioxide. Pre-gonadal Lytechinus variegatus (horizontal diameter=20 mm) were exposed to control (608 µatm pCO2, pH 8.1) or hypercapnic conditions (1738 µatm pCO2, pH 7.7) in synthetic seawater for 14 weeks. Sea urchins exposed to hypercapnic conditions exhibited significantly slower growth (reduced dry matter production), primarily due to reduced test production. Higher fecal production rates and lower ash absorption efficiency (%) in individuals exposed to hypercapnic conditions suggest the ability to process or retain dietary carbonates may have been affected. Significant increases in neutral lipid storage in the gut and increased soluble protein storage in the gonads of individuals exposed to hypercapnic conditions suggest alterations in nutrient metabolism and storage. Furthermore, organic production and energy allocation increased in the lantern of those individuals exposed to hypercapnic conditions. These results suggest chronic exposure to hypercapnic conditions alters nutrient allocation to organ systems and functions, leading to changes in somatic and reproductive production.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo melhorar a técnica de cultura em lâmina para ser usada na avaliação da viabilidade de leveduras sob diferentes condições fisiológicas. Inicialmente, foram otimizadas as condições ideais para o cultivo em lâmina de uma estirpe laboratorial (BY4741) e de uma estirpe industrial (NCYC 1214) da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. O melhor protocolo foi obtido utilizando: YEPD agar com uma espessura de cerca de 2 mm; 20 μL de uma suspensão de 1 x 105 células/mL para a estirpe BY4741 ou de 5 x 104 células/mL para a estirpe NCYC 1214; uma câmara de humedecimento com 100 μL de água desionizada e um tempo de incubação de 24 h, a 25 ° C. Com o objetivo de facilitar a contagem das microcolónias, foi adicionado um corante (calcofluor white, CFW) ao meio YEPD agar. Ensaios preliminares, em YEPD líquido, contendo diferentes concentrações de CFW, permitiram verificar que o corante, até 5,0 μg/L, não inibe o crescimento da levedura. Uma concentração de 2,5 μg/L de CFW permitiu a coloração da parede das leveduras, não se observando células com morfologia alterada, sendo esta a concentração de CFW selecionado nos estudos subsequentes. A técnica de cultura em lâmina, com ou sem CFW, foi aplicada para avaliar a viabilidade de células saudáveis (células em fase exponencial de crescimento), células submetidas a stress de etanol [células expostas a 20% (v/v) de etanol, a 25 ºC, durante 2 h] e células envelhecidas (células incubadas em água, a 25 ° C, durante 48 h), da estirpe laboratorial. A percentagem de células viáveis não foi significativamente diferente entre as duas técnicas (com ou sem CFW), após uma incubação de 24 horas. Finalmente, a técnica de cultura de lâmina, contendo CFW, foi comparada com duas técnicas habitualmente usadas na indústria cervejeira: fermentação de curta duração e determinação da percentagem de células gemuladas. Os resultados obtidos através da técnica de cultura de lâmina, desenvolvida, seguem um padrão similar aos obtidos nos ensaios de fermentação de curta duração e aos da determinação da percentagem de células gemuladas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a técnica de cultura em lâmina, combinada com CFW, parece ser uma alternativa, fácil, rápida (em 24 h) e reprodutível, relativamente ao método convencional (técnica de plaqueamento), para a avaliação da viabilidade de células de levedura. Deverá ser realizado trabalho adicional a fim de validar o método com estirpes industriais.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o cultivo em larga escala de Ankistrodesmus gracilis e Diaphanososma birgei em laboratório através do estudo da biologia das espécies, composição bioquímica e custo operacional de produção. A. gracilis apresentou um crescimento exponencial até o sexto dia, ao redor de 144 x 10(4) células mL-1. Logo em seguida, sofreu um brusco decréscimo apresentando 90 x 10(4) células mL-1 (oitavo dia). A partir do décimo primeiro dia, as células algais tenderam a crescer novamente, apresentando um máximo de 135 x 10(4) células mL-1 no 17º dia. No cultivo de D. birgei, foi observado o primeiro pico de crescimento no nono dia com 140 x 10² indivíduos L-1, aumentando novamente a partir do décimo segundo dia. A alga clorofícea A. gracilis e o zooplâncton D. birgei possuem aproximadamente 50 e 70% de proteína (PS), respectivamente, com teor de carboidrato acima de 5%. A eletricidade e mão de obra foram os itens mais dispendiosos e, de acordo com os dados obtidos, a temperatura, nutrientes, disponibilidade de luz e manejo do cultivo, foram fatores determinantes sobre a produtividade. Os resultados indicam que o meio NPK (20-5-20) pode ser utilizado diretamente como uma alternativa de cultivo em larga escala, considerando o baixo custo de produção, promovendo adequado crescimento e valor nutricional para A. gracilis e D. birgei.