659 resultados para Kane, Theresa
Este estudo trata-se de uma abordagem integral ao pré-natal em mulheres gestantes, no município de Agrestina, PE, realizada em uma unidade de atenção primária à saúde, através de uma assistência médica, odontológica e de enfermagem, com o objetivo de garantir a estas, uma saúde de qualidade tanto para mães como para os filhos. Serão incluídas neste programa, todas as mulheres gestantes da nossa área de atuação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, de todas as idades, que estejam fazendo pré-natal na unidade, através das consultas de rotina e participação das atividades propostas pela equipe. Serão excluídas mulheres gestantes que não faça parte da área adscrita do posto de saúde. Será desenvolvida atividades clínicas como solicitação de exames, vacinas, suplementação de medicação e a implantação do atendimento odontológico de rotina na gestação, como também atividades educativas, de instrução de higiene geral e oral, controle do peso e pressão arterial, incentivo à práticas de exercícios físicos, combate ao álcool e drogas, dentre outros. O benefício deste trabalho é que fortalecerá através da qualidade da atenção a gestante, sua saúde, como também do seu futuro filho e o conhecimento fornecido as mesmas sobre higiene e cuidados com os bebês otimizará a saúde deles, como também irá prevenir diversas doenças. Antes de iniciar esta intervenção os índices de gestantes desta área com avaliação se saúde bucal era igual a 0, com o andamento do trabalho de incentivo e valorização de tais práticas, atingiu-se 72% de gestante com avaliação de saúde bucal. O reflexo deste trabalho na comunidade é positivo, demonstrando interesse e participação das mulheres em atividades educativas e clínicas, antes inexistentes, como saúde para mães e filhos, decorrentes de um trabalho de qualificação e aprimoramento da saúde da gestante durante o pré-natal.
O atendimento pré-natal e puerperal de qualidade é fundamental para saúde materna e neonatal, para com isso evitar-se complicações e óbitos nessa fase tão importante da vida. Assim, tivemos a iniciativa de trabalhar com esse público na nossa comunidade, com o objetivo de adquirir essa qualidade na assistência pré-natal e puerperal. Para isso, utilizamos como metodologia, a conscientização da comunidade sobre a importância do pré-natal e seu início precoce, a busca ativa e cadastramento das gestantes, o preenchimento de fichas espelho, as planilhas de coleta de dados, assim como capacitação de todos os membros da equipe para sensibilizá-los para um bom acolhimento e para que pudessem conhecer as suas atribuições dentro da UBS e na comunidade; e as orientações a serem oferecidas aos usuários. Com isso, alcançamos a captação de novas gestantes para iniciar o acompanhamento de pré-natal, preferencialmente ainda no primeiro trimestre. Ficamos bastante satisfeitos com os resultados, que nos mostram um crescimento na adesão das gestantes, ampliando nossa cobertura para 100% das gestantes, bem como uma melhor qualidade no acompanhamento de pré-natal e puerperal no final dos quatro meses da intervenção. Além de evidenciar um expressivo percentual de 100% de gestantes com exames solicitados e realizados, usuárias vacinadas, prescrição de suplementação além de orientações oferecidas. Nossa maior dificuldade foi quanto a realização de exames de sorologias, tendo em vista que eram solicitados porém esperava-se muito tempo pelos resultados, perdendo a credibilidade das mulheres, tendo que ser adotadas medidas alternativas para recuperar a confiança delas e ter eficácia no recebimento dos resultados; e também, quanto a realização do exame ginecológico durante a gestação, porém ainda alcançamos 48% das gestantes, que no começo da intervenção tínhamos apenas 12,5% delas com pelo menos um exame ginecológico por trimestre. O principal ganho para a comunidade, sem dúvidas, foi a adaptação ao atendimento odontológico no período gravídico, já que esse tipo de atendimento não era rotina na unidade e nem na comunidade. Conseguimos um aumento de 38,5% de gestantes com adesão às consultas odontológicas, atingindo 76% ao final da intervenção. A conclusão que podemos chegar é que a intervenção foi de fácil adaptação para nós da equipe, para as gestantes e para a comunidade como um todo. E nossa intenção, é continuar adequando o conjunto de tarefas implantados pela intervenção em nossa rotina de atendimento, para continuarmos mantendo as metas atingidas e atingir as que não foram possíveis durante a intervenção.
Context: Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common knee condition in athletes. Recently, researchers have indicated that factors proximal to the knee, including hip muscle weakness and motor control impairment, contribute to the development of PFPS. However, no investigators have evaluated eccentric hip muscle function in people with PFPS. Objective: To compare the eccentric hip muscle function between females with PFPS and a female control group. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Musculoskeletal laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Two groups of females were studied: a group with PFPS (n = 10) and a group with no history of lower extremity injury or surgery (n = 10). Intervention(s): Eccentric torque of the hip musculature was evaluated on an isokinetic dynamometer. Main Outcome Measure(s): Eccentric hip abduction, adduction, and external and internal rotation peak torque were measured and expressed as a percentage of body mass (Nm/kg x 100). We also evaluated eccentric hip adduction to abduction and internal to external rotation torque ratios. The peak torque value of 5 maximal eccentric contractions was used for calculation. Two-tailed, independent-samples t tests were used to compare torque results between groups. Results: Participants with PFPS exhibited much lower eccentric hip abduction (t(18) = -2.917, P = .008) and adduction (t(18) = -2.764, P =.009) peak torque values than did their healthy counterparts. No differences in eccentric hip external (t(18) = 0.45, P = .96) or internal (t(18) = -0.742, P =.47) rotation peak torque values were detected between the groups. The eccentric hip adduction to abduction torque ratio was much higher in the PFPS group than in the control group (t(18) = 2.113, P = .04), but we found no difference in the eccentric hip internal to external rotation torque ratios between the 2 groups (t(18) = -0.932, P = .36). Conclusions: Participants with PFPS demonstrated lower eccentric hip abduction and adduction peak torque and higher eccentric adduction to abduction torque ratios when compared with control participants. Thus, clinicians should consider eccentric hip abduction strengthening exercises when developing rehabilitation programs for females with PFPS.
Recently, we have found an additional spin-orbit (SO) interaction in quantum wells with two subbands [Bernardes , Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076603 (2007)]. This new SO term is nonzero even in symmetric geometries, as it arises from the intersubband coupling between confined states of distinct parities, and its strength is comparable to that of the ordinary Rashba. Starting from the 8x8 Kane model, here we present a detailed derivation of this new SO Hamiltonian and the corresponding SO coupling. In addition, within the self-consistent Hartree approximation, we calculate the strength of this new SO coupling for realistic symmetric modulation-doped wells with two subbands. We consider gated structures with either a constant areal electron density or a constant chemical potential. In the parameter range studied, both models give similar results. By considering the effects of an external applied bias, which breaks the structural inversion symmetry of the wells, we also calculate the strength of the resulting induced Rashba couplings within each subband. Interestingly, we find that for double wells the Rashba couplings for the first and second subbands interchange signs abruptly across the zero bias, while the intersubband SO coupling exhibits a resonant behavior near this symmetric configuration. For completeness we also determine the strength of the Dresselhaus couplings and find them essentially constant as function of the applied bias.
Objectives: To study the effect of additional strengthening of hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles in a strengthening quadriceps exercise rehabilitation programme for patients with the patellofemoral pain syndrome. Design: Randomized controlled pilot trial. Setting: Clinical setting with home programme. Participants: Fourteen patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Intervention: The subjects were randomly assigned to the intervention group (strengthening of quadriceps plus strengthening of hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles) or to the control group (strengthening of quadriceps). Both groups participated in a six-week home exercise protocol. Main outcome measures: The perceived pain symptoms, isokinetic eccentric knee extensor, hip abductor and lateral rotator torques and the gluteus medius electromyographic activity were assessed before and after treatment. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used to compare the groups before and after treatment with alpha = 0.05. Results: Only the intervention group improved perceived pain symptoms during functional activities (P=0.02-0.04) and also increased their gluteus medius electromyographic activity during isometric voluntary contraction (P=0.03), Eccentric knee extensors torque increased in both groups (P=0.04 and P=0.02). There was no statistically significant difference in the hip muscles torque in either group. Conclusion: Supplementation of strengthening of hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles in a strengthening quadriceps exercise programme provided additional benefits with respect to the perceived pain symptoms during functional activities in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome after six weeks of treatment.
We present a method for measuring single spins embedded in a solid by probing two-electron systems with a single-electron transistor (SET). Restrictions imposed by the Pauli principle on allowed two-electron states mean that the spin state of such systems has a profound impact on the orbital states (positions) of the electrons, a parameter which SET's are extremely well suited to measure. We focus on a particular system capable of being fabricated with current technology: a Te double donor in Si adjacent to a Si/SiO2, interface and lying directly beneath the SET island electrode, and we outline a measurement strategy capable of resolving single-electron and nuclear spins in this system. We discuss the limitations of the measurement imposed by spin scattering arising from fluctuations emanating from the SET and from lattice phonons. We conclude that measurement of single spins, a necessary requirement for several proposed quantum computer architectures, is feasible in Si using this strategy.
This paper describes four cases of equine polysaccharide storage myopathy which were confirmed by histological examination of muscle biopsy specimens. The horses were of mixed breeding, with warmblood and thoroughbred dominating. They all had recurrent episodes of rhabdomyolysis, indicated by clinical signs and increased plasma levels of muscle enzymes. They were managed conservatively and have continued athletic careers despite their disease.
The co-occurrence of problem drinking and binge eating and purging has been well documented. However, there has been relatively little investigation of etiological models that may influence the development of this co-occurrence. This study tests the hypotheses that impulsivity is heightened in eating disordered women compared with controls, and that women with comorbid bulimia and alcohol use disorders show higher impulsivity than bulimic-only women. The Impulsivity scale, BIS/BAS scales, State Anxiety Inventory, and a behavioural measure of reward responsiveness (CARROT) were administered to 22 women with bulimia, 23 women with comorbid bulimia and alcohol abuse/dependence, and 21 control women. As hypothesised, eating disordered women scored higher than controls on several self-report measures of impulsivity and sorted cards faster during a financially rewarded trial on the behavioural task. Also, as predicted, comorbid women scored higher than bulimic women on the Impulsivity scale. These findings suggest that individual differences in impulsiveness and a tendency to approach rewarding stimuli may contribute to developing these disorders. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We theoretically study the Hilbert space structure of two neighboring P-donor electrons in silicon-based quantum computer architectures. To use electron spins as qubits, a crucial condition is the isolation of the electron spins from their environment, including the electronic orbital degrees of freedom. We provide detailed electronic structure calculations of both the single donor electron wave function and the two-electron pair wave function. We adopted a molecular orbital method for the two-electron problem, forming a basis with the calculated single donor electron orbitals. Our two-electron basis contains many singlet and triplet orbital excited states, in addition to the two simple ground state singlet and triplet orbitals usually used in the Heitler-London approximation to describe the two-electron donor pair wave function. We determined the excitation spectrum of the two-donor system, and study its dependence on strain, lattice position, and interdonor separation. This allows us to determine how isolated the ground state singlet and triplet orbitals are from the rest of the excited state Hilbert space. In addition to calculating the energy spectrum, we are also able to evaluate the exchange coupling between the two donor electrons, and the double occupancy probability that both electrons will reside on the same P donor. These two quantities are very important for logical operations in solid-state quantum computing devices, as a large exchange coupling achieves faster gating times, while the magnitude of the double occupancy probability can affect the error rate.
Aggregates of the amyloid-P peptide (A beta) play a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer`s disease (AD). Identification of proteins that physiologically bind A beta and modulate its aggregation and neurotoxicity could lead to the development of novel disease-modifying approaches in AD. By screening a phage display peptide library for high affinity ligands of aggregated A beta(1-42), We isolated a peptide homologous to a highly conserved amino acid sequence present in the N-terminus of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). We show that purified human apoA-I and A beta form non-covalent complexes and that interaction with apoA-I affects the morphology of amyloid aggregates formed by A beta. Significantly, A beta/apoA-I complexes were also detected in cerebrospinal fluid from AD patients. Interestingly, apoA-I and apoA-I-containing reconstituted high density lipoprotein particles protect hippocampal neuronal cultures from A beta-induced oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. These results suggest that human apoA-I modulates A beta aggregation and A beta-induced neuronal damage and that the A beta-binding domain in apoA-I may constitute a novel framework for the design of inhibitors of A beta toxicity. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
Objective: To determine the relationships between eccentric hip and knee torques, symptom severity and functional capacity in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). Design: Within-subject correlational study. Setting: University biomechanics laboratory. Participants: 10 females diagnosed with PFPS. Main outcome measures: Eccentric strength of the hip abductors and lateral rotators, and knee extensors were assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer. A 10-cm visual analog scale was used to determine usual knee pain in the last week. The Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS) was used to determine the functional capacity of the patients. Results: The study found that the greater the eccentric knee extensor and hip lateral rotator torques, the higher the functional capacity of the patients (p = 0.02, r = 0.72; p = 0.02, r = 0.72). It was also shown that the greater hip lateral rotator torque, the less the usual pain reported in the last week (p = 0.004, r = -0.84). Despite the lack of statistical significance (p = 0.11), it was also found a modest negative relationship between the eccentric knee extensor torque and the usual pain reported in the last week (r = -0.56) that was considered clinically meaningful (d = 1.4). Conclusions: This study showed that eccentric knee extensor and hip lateral rotator torques were associated with functional capacity and pain level in females with PFPS. Further investigations should be carried out to verify the effects of an intervention program focused on the eccentric action of these muscles with respect to the symptoms in patients with PFPS. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe the conditional and unconditional dynamics of two coupled quantum dots when one dot is subjected to a measurement of its occupation number by coupling it to a third readout dot via the Coulomb interaction. The readout dot is coupled to source and drain leads under weak bias, and a tunnel current flows through a single bound state when energetically allowed. The occupation of the quantum dot near the readout dot shifts the bound state of the readout dot from a low conducting state to a high conducting state. The measurement is made by continuously monitoring the tunnel current through the readout dot. We show that there is a difference between the time scale for the measurement-induced decoherence between the localized states of the dots, and the time scale on which the system becomes localized due to the measurement.