992 resultados para Judicial processes.


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Drawing on an important survey of European and Australian policies toward ‘judicial rehabilitation,’ this article makes the following arguments. First, the rehabilitation movement should return to the origins of the word ‘rehabilitation’ and focus at least as much on efforts to remove and relieve ex-prisoner stigma as on treatment and reform efforts. There will be no ‘rehabilitation revolution’ without this. Second, these efforts should involve active, not passive redemption. Rehabilitation processes that require almost a decade or more of ‘crime-free’ behaviour before forgiving an individual for his or her crimes are just and fair, but they miss the point of rehabilitation. Policies should encourage, support and facilitate good behaviour and not just reward it in retrospect. Third, rehabilitation should not just be done, but be ‘seen to be done,’ ideally in a ritualised format. This sends an important message to the individual and wider society. Finally, I argue that it may be better to forgive than forget past crimes. That is, rather than burying past crimes as if they never happened, states should instead acknowledge and formally recognise that people can change, that good people can do bad things, and that all individuals should be able to move on from past convictions.


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A prestação jurisdicional eficiente e eficaz é uma exigência social e constitucional. Um círculo virtuoso pode ser instaurado pela cobrança social de melhoria dos serviços prestados pelo Poder Judiciário. A resposta a essa exigência é necessária, com a reformulação e revisão de conceitos, estruturas e cultura organizacional. A atuação nessa seara impacta a legitimação do Poder Judiciário, podendo elevá-la tanto mais satisfeitas as expectativas sociais. Os conceitos de gestão e sua implementação devem ser parte das atividades judiciais, desde a alta administração até a gestão da unidade judicial. Há necessidade, portanto, de um sistema de gestão que permeie todas as atividades desenvolvidas. O Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul desde 1995 adotou o Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade (PGQP), através do Plano de Gestão pela Qualidade no Poder Judiciário do Rio Grande do Sul (PGQJ). A recente formulação do Planejamento Estratégico trouxe novas perspectivas, objetivos e desafios. A concreção dos objetivos estratégicos traçados depende do alinhamento das unidades judiciais. Surge aí a importância de um sistema de gestão das unidades judiciais, com elementos e indicadores definidos, permitindo a visualização pela alta administração do andamento da instituição em busca dos objetivos estabelecidos. Alinhada à importância do tema, propõe-se a apresentação dos principais elementos formadores de um sistema de gestão de unidade judicial: direcionamento e alinhamento estratégico; planejamento da microgestão; estrutura organizacional; processos de trabalho; procedimentos operacionais padrão; rotinas cartorárias; gestão de pessoas; treinamento e liderança. O Sistema de Gerenciamento Matricial dos Serviços Judiciários (GMS- JUD), desenvolvido pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul com a consultoria do Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento Gerencial (INDG), é apresentado como direcionador de acompanhamento do planejamento traçado pelas unidades judiciais, compondo o sistema de gestão proposto.


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A pesquisa tem como finalidade a análise do Poder Judiciário em um contexto de ampliação de sua dimensão política, o que traz como conseqüência um tipo inédito e peculiar de espaço público de participação democrática. Essa alteração no quadro político institucional possibilitou uma maior inserção do Poder Judiciário em questões essencialmente políticas, o que se convencionou denominar de judicialização da política - expressa na ampliação da importância e da participação do Poder Judiciário na vida social, política e econômica. Tal fenômeno, característico de democracias consolidadas, decorreu de condicionantes e peculiaridades vivenciadas na ordem política, econômica e social e gerou efeitos visíveis na democracia brasileira. As conseqüências desse processo de judicialização da política sobre o espaço democrático variam de acordo com o enfoque analítico estabelecido como referencial teórico: o substancialista, defensor de um Judiciário mais participativo; e o procedimentalista, eixo que enfatiza os processos majoritários de formação da vontade política em detrimento das vias judiciais. A presente pesquisa situa-se no marco conceitual procedimentalista que defende a primazia do procedimento que torne possível o diálogo democrático, ressaltando, assim, a dificuldade contra-majoritária da judicialização da política, os perigos da crescente tendência de valorização do ativismo político exercido pelo Poder Judiciário e a conseqüente necessidade de se estabelecer limites institucionais à atuação dos tribunais em demandas políticas.


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Este estudo trata da realidade da prisão provisória dentro do contexto processual brasileiro e da consagração do direito fundamental à razoável duração do processo. A morosidade judicial faz parte do cotidiano de quem lida com o poder judiciário no Brasil. Uma questão, porém, sobressai-se no momento atual: o que fazer com os milhares de presos que dependem de uma resposta jurisdicional, os chamados presos provisórios “permanentes”? E o que fazer quando as prisões provisórias estão sendo aplicadas de uma forma completamente arbitrária, sem respeitar nenhum critério a não ser o de um termo vago e impreciso denominado “ordem pública”? Processos arrastam-se por anos, às vezes décadas, enquanto isso sujeitos ficam esquecidos dentro de estabelecimentos prisionais, tendo violados direitos constitucionais como a presunção de inocência, o devido processo legal, a razoável duração do processo e a liberdade de ir e vir. Foi feita uma análise do estigma que esses presos carregam, mais especificamente as presas, bem como dos prejuízos que advêm desse tipo de prisão. Atualmente, condena-se, antes mesmo de julgar, segregando de todas as formas essas mulheres do convívio familiar e social.


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Drawing on the European Union (EU) foreign policy literature on effectiveness, this article studies how the European Union chooses judges to serve on the World Trade Organization’s key judicial institution: the Appellate Body. Conceptually, the article differentiates between effectiveness in representation and effectiveness in impact. The article shows how delegation to the European Commission has increased the strategic agenda-setting power for championing its preferred candidates. The article further compares European and US practice in nominating candidates. Overall, the article finds that effectiveness in representation has increased over time. In terms of effectiveness in impact, the article shows how the international environment conditions the EU’s influence. The article also exposes the difficulties of studying the effectiveness of EU external relations due to the peculiar decision-making processes dominant in judicial bodies.


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The claim that the common law displays an economic logic is a centerpiece of the positive economic theory of law. A key question in this literature is whether this outcome is due to the conscious efforts of judges, or the result of invisible hand processes. This paper develops a model in which to two effects combine to determine the direction of legal change. The main conclusions are, first, that judicial bias can prevent the law from evolving toward efficiency if the fraction of judges biased against the efficient rule is large enough; and second, that precedent affects the rate of legal change but not its direction.


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Partiendo de una noción de acceso a la justicia, que no se restringe únicamente al acceso formal de los ciudadanos al sistema judicial y al adecuado ejercicio de derechos ante los Tribunales de Justicia, sino que también abarca la Prevención y Promoción de Derechos, la Solución Colaborativa de Conflictos, la Revisión y Propuesta de las Actuaciones Públicas mediante Acciones de Interés Público y Propuestas Legislativas; se implementaron, desde la Institución Judicial (Juzgado de Familia de Tupungato), acciones en el marco de buenas prácticas que se sustentas en tres ejes: Construcción de Ciudadanía, Desarrollo Humano Sustentable y Redes Sociales. Las mismas tienden a fortalecer las conexiones entre estructuras formales e informales de la comunidad, a fin de proveer efectivamente el Acceso a la Justicia a grupos que de otra manera podrían estar excluidos de ella y a la vez favorecer el empoderamiento de los grupos vulnerables en la búsqueda de soluciones a situaciones injustas en el ámbito de los procesos tramitan por ante los Juzgados de Familia. En dicho marco, el Juzgado referido puso en marcha un Juzgado Móvil que plantea una metodología de abordaje interdisciplinario, donde la intervención del Trabajador Social resulta relevante.


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The object of this doctoral thesis is the analysis of the political and administrative purpose that is given to the reform process of a vital sector of State powers within the framework of delegate democracy, such as the administration of Justice. The object is also to analyze if State reform in a diminished or non-liberal surrounding increase or improve conditions of democracy in a given situation, based on the constitutional “what should be”, or if what occurs is a process of “seizure” of the functions of State, which becomes an institutional risk. Finally, we will examine the real and effective existence of a horizontal accountability process through the use of institutional resources, which would evidence the existence of an incomplete model of democracy. This analysis implies the relationship between two institutions within public administration: State Reform, as an act of change in State structure in order to improve qualitatively the outcomes and outputs of public policies, and in sum, to make the system work better. This, as it will be examined later, is the case of Latin America as a response of the State to three processes in crisis: fiscal, as in government intervention or in the form of bureaucratic administration. In that scheme of things, this thesis examines the present state of the art in public administration science of this process to prove that in delegate democracy, this type of instruments disregard the constitutive elements of democracy and serve, especially in critical areas of the administration, allowing for Power to dismiss Law. This research seeks to contribute towards an area seldom analyzed regarding public administration doctrine under the light of the theory of law, which is the connection between previous conditions or principal inputs of an execution process of a democracy and, on the other hand, regarding the effects of introducing a reform within models of a changing democracy and new concepts of the rule of law. While reviewing writings regarding State reform, it is clear that no approximations have been previously made in reference to prior conditions of the political system in order to begin operating a reform which respects fundamental rights as an object of this procedure. Furthermore, no analysis has been found regarding structural change of strategic areas in State services as to the effect caused on democratic exercise and the outcome in an open society...


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To examine the question of whether Queensland judicial officers endorse the need for competence tests for non-accused child witnesses in criminal proceedings, a mail survey was sent to judicial officers - questions considered the need to distinguish between children's sworn and unsworn evidence - relevance of age to competence - desirability of competence test formalities.


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In recent decades, debates have intensified about (auto) biographical narratives as devices of socio-educational practices, aligned to the educational setting of the XXI century which have stimulated a new educational perspective woven with epistemological and methodological training throughout life. Towards that scenario, the continued training in Judicial School has occupied important space for constitutional effectiveness and, on the other hand, has grown the demands of expanding knowledge and enhancing training practices, in turn, judicial practices. The aim is to analyze the reflective Group through "Professional Training biographical Workshop" with Bailiffs such as socio-educational practices in socio Judicial School, in the city of Natal /RN. It has highlighted the questions that guided this study: 1. What paths of experiences and knowledge shared by the Law Officials, Federal Appraisers in "Professional Training biographical Workshop" as reflective Group? 2. How is organized the reflective Group as practice in socio-professional training setting? 3. What contributions narratives of themselves bring to the bailiff in reflective Group on Judicial School? The theoretical assumptions are supported in the lifelong training in methodological and epistemological dimension of (auto) biographical knowledge (JOSSO, 2008, 2010, 2012; PINEAU, 2005, 2006; DOMINICÉ, 2010; DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2006, 2008; FREIRE, 1987, 1996, 2001; PASSEGGI, 2008; 2010; 2011; 2012). In 2009, 09 (nine) civil servants in post of Federal Appraiser Justice Official, law graduates participated in this research through eight (08) "Biographical Workshops of Professional Training", consisting of biographical practices and scenarios, enabling oral and written narratives about a memory that has meaning, relationship and tessituras between files, facts and feelings that reveal the perception of self and other, as well as mobilize and weave the training process. The experiences of speaking, writing and reading were constituted of spaces that facilitating the reconstruction of the trajectory of training and career awareness-making, helping to re-signify labor relations and lead to their own professional design. From this study, the reflective properties of groups have emerged, consisting of Reflexivity, Experience, Historicity, Reversibility, dialog and formability processes, with paths to social and educational practices in which professionals identify the meaning and significance of self and of the profession that are exercising. The expectation is to continue with the spirit of research to emerge from the participants responses to training practices in Judicial School, aligned with the new knowledge of understanding the human being, not only an object of his work, but also a social subject, co-participant in the process of re-signifying life and work in a permanent way.