971 resultados para Inseminação intra-uterina
Activation of 5-HT1A receptors in the dorsal periaqueductal gray (dPAG) impairs escape behavior, suggesting a panicolytic-like effect. Cannabidiol (CBD), a major non-psychotomimetic compound present in Cannabis sativa, causes anxiolytic-like effects after intra-dPAG microinjections by activating 5-HT1A receptors. In the present work we tested the hypothesis that CBD could also impair escape responses evoked by two proposed animal models of panic: the elevated T-maze (ETM) and electric stimulation of dPAG. In experiment 1 male Wistar rats with a single cannula implanted in the dPAG received a microinjection of CBD or vehicle and, 10 min later, were submitted to the ETM and open field tests. In experiment 2 escape electrical threshold was measured in rats with chemitrodes implanted in the dPAG before and 10 min after CBD microinjection. In experiment 3 similar to experiment 2 except that the animals received a previous intra-dPAG administration of WAY-100635, a 5-HT1A receptor antagonist, before CBD treatment. In the ETM microinjection of CBD into the dPAG impaired inhibitory avoidance acquisition, an anxiolytic-like effect, and inhibited escape response, a panicolytic-like effect. The drug also increased escape electrical threshold, an effect that was prevented by WAY-100635. Together, the results suggest that CBD causes panicolytic effects in the dPAG by activating 5-HT1A receptors. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We investigated the effect of the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, tadalafil, on the acute hypernociception in rat models of arthritis. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Rats were treated with either an intra-articular injection of zymosan (1 mg) or surgical transection of the anterior cruciate ligament (as an osteoarthritis model). Controls received saline intra-articular or sham operation respectively. Joint pain was evaluated using the articular incapacitation test measured over 6 h following zymosan or between 4 and 7 days after anterior cruciate ligament transection. Cell counts, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and the chemokine, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1) were measured in joint exudates 6 h after zymosan. Groups received tadalafil (0.02-0.5 mg.kg(-1) per os) or saline 2 h after intra-articular zymosan. Other groups received the mu-opioid receptor antagonist naloxone or the cGMP inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3-a] quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) before tadalafil. KEY RESULTS Tadalafil dose-dependently inhibited hypernociception in zymosan and osteoarthritis models. In zymosan-induced arthritis, tadalafil significantly decreased cell influx and TNF-alpha release but did not alter IL-1 or CINC-1 levels. Pretreatment with ODQ but not with naloxone prevented the anti-inflammatory effects of tadalafil. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Therapeutic oral administration of tadalafil provided analgesia mediated by guanylyl cyclase and was independent of the release of endogenous opioids. This effect of tadalafil was associated with a decrease in neutrophil influx and TNF-alpha release in inflamed joints.
Background: We investigated basement membrane (BM) disruption and the distribution of mast cells (MCs) and T cell subsets, in oral lichen planus (OLP) and normal buccal mucosa (NBM) using immunohistochemistry. In OLP, there were increased numbers of tryptase(+) MCs in areas of BM disruption (P
A 20kg, 10-month-old male Kelpie developed a rapid onset of profound paresis progressing to flaccid paralysis and dyspnoea, followed by death about 36 hours after chewing on a partly discharged anti-bloat capsule from a dead cow. Intoxication by monensin in the capsule was considered the cause of death. No Lodes holocyclus were found on the dog. Evidence of muscle damage was seen in clinical biochemistry assays of plasma, but consent for necropsy was not obtained. The median lethal dose for Beagle dogs of the material contained in anti-bloat capsules is 0.5-1.0g. As this represents a serious toxicity risk if dogs chew these devises, the manufacturer includes a warning on potential dog toxicity in product literature.
Complete fetal bladder outlet obstruction was first diagnosed in a fetus at 13.5 weeks. After sequential vesico-centesis had shown good renal function, a vesico-amniotic shunt was inserted at 17 weeks with a Rodeck catheter. The procedure was successful and amniotic fluid volume re-accumulated to normal levels. A detailed scan at 20 weeks showed that the distal free end of the catheter was wound round the left fetal thigh. As the fetus grew, there was progressive constriction of the fetal thigh by the catheter. By 29 weeks, Doppler blood flow changes to the left leg were apparent. Fetoscopic surgery was performed at 30 weeks to release the constriction. The catheter was divided successfully, but the divided end of the shunt subsequently retracted into the fetal abdomen, producing urinary ascites, bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis. The baby was delivered at 31.5 weeks in good condition. Endoscopic resection of anterior and posterior urethral valves was performed at 6 months of age. At 2 years, the child has normal renal function, growth parameters and developmental milestones. Mild indentation of the left thigh was still apparent, although there was no functional impairment. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Most external assessments of cervical range of motion assess the upper and lower cervical regions simultaneously. This study investigated the within and between days reliability of the clinical method used to bias this movement to the upper cervical region, namely measuring rotation of the head and neck in a position of full cervical flexion. Measurements were made using the Fastrak measurement system and were conducted by one operator. Results indicated high levels of within and between days repeatability (range of ICC2,1 values: 0.85-0.95). The ranges of axial rotation to right and left, measured with the neck positioned in full flexion, were approximately 56% and 50%, respectively of total cervical rotation, which relates well to the proportional division of rotation in the upper and lower cervical regions. These results suggest that this method of measuring rotation would be appropriate for use in subject studies where movement dysfunction is present in the upper cervical region, such as those with cervicogenic headache. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A 13-year-old Labrador cross dog was presented with progressive abdominal distension of three to four months duration. A large abdominal mass displacing the intestines in a cranio-dorsal direction was diagnosed radiographically. A 4.5kg intra-abdominal lipoma was surgically removed from the lesser omentum near the splenic pedicle. This condition has been infrequently reported in the dog.
Considerando os conceitos de intra-empreendedorismo e sua import??ncia para as organiza????es atualmente, realizou-se pesquisa juntos aos ocupantes do cargo de Profissional de Servi??os Aeroportu??rios (PSA), na sede da Empresa Brasileira de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportu??ria (Infraero), buscando verificar se eles possuem ou n??o perfil intra-empreendedor. Utilizou-se um question??rio, composto de 28 quest??es referentes ??s necessidades e habilidades indispens??veis ao desenvolvimento do intra-empreendedorismo, para avaliar o perfil dos funcion??rios, bem como levantar as caracter??sticas que apareceram com maior e menor freq????ncia na amostra selecionada. Como resultado, concluiu-se que a maioria dos empregados pesquisados possui perfil intra-empreendedor, por??m necessitando do desenvolvimento de outras caracter??sticas, tais como necessidade de independ??ncia e de autorealiza????o, tamb??m imprescind??veis. Foram sugeridas, tamb??m, a????es que podem ser adotadas na organiza????o para incentivar os trabalhadores a exercer suas capacidades empreendedoras.
One is about a study of the interactions and conflicts between the distinct scales of the flows of the global production and urban mobility on the territory of the city, particularly of Vitória, Espírito Santo. From this analysis of the consequences of the new technologies of the information, of the communication and the transports on the economic and humans relations, if it considers the study of the characteristics of the two layers that act on the territory. Of the scale of the global production, the impacts of the great corporations, its physical nets and its force had been considered as territorial agent in the creation and sponsorship of plans. In the analysis of the place, the intra-urban movements of human displacements e had been considered, mainly the reasons of the trips. From the overlapping of the above-mentioned layers if it looked for to observe the interactions, conflicts and synergies between the layers the intervention in the flows demand of a coherent planning of the atract regions of trips, so that areas with infrastructure lack and services of public transport are not overloaded. Finally, as objective generality, generate with the basis in the interactions found in the overlapping, a list of subsidies for the planning of the urban flows.
Cistos odontogênicos são lesões pouco comuns que podem ocorrer após inflamação da polpa dentária. A abordagem terapêutica destes cistos é realizada em consultórios odontológicos e, dependendo de sua extensão, pode ocasionar a formação de fístula oroantral e rinossinusite crônica. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor o tratamento videoendoscópico do cisto odontogênico com expressão em seio maxilar. Realizou-se um estudo retrospectivo de quatro casos de cistos de origem dentária, com extensão intra-sinusal, complicados com fístula oroantral e sinusite crônica de seio maxilar após curetagem em consultório odontológico. Utilizamos a técnica videoendoscópica via transmaxilar para acessarmos o cisto intra-sinusal. Os quatro pacientes apresentaram resolução do quadro infeccioso e cicatrização da fístula oroantral, sem recidiva durante o seguimento. A cirurgia videoendoscópica é um método seguro e efetivo para tratamento do cisto odontogênico descrito, podendo contribuir para prevenir a formação de fístula oroantral e supuração de seio maxilar.
A possibilidade de realizar o implante coclear em crianças pequenas torna necessário o uso de medidas objetivas para auxiliar a programação do processador de fala. Telemetria é a propriedade que permite, no Nucleus 24®, a obtenção do potencial de ação composto evocado do VIII par (EAP) utilizando o implante como instrumento de estimulação e gravação para o estudo das propriedades neurais remanescentes. OBJETIVO: Descrever a utilização do sistema de telemetria para a gravação do EAP, caracterizando as respostas obtidas e a sua prevalência na condição intraoperatória. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Medidas das impedâncias dos eletrodos e do EAP em um grupo de 17 indivíduos usuários do implante Nucleus 24® durante a cirurgia. Análise das respostas de acordo com a etiologia, o tempo de duração da surdez e a posição dos eletrodos dentro da cóclea. RESULTADOS: Maior prevalência nos eletrodos apicais e limiares mais elevados nos casos de meningite e otosclerose. CONCLUSÃO: A telemetria é eficiente para a verificação da integridade dos eletrodos na condição intraoperatória e para a gravação do EAP, apresentando alta prevalência na população estudada.
OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a especificidade, sensibilidade e a acurácia da ultra-sonografia (USG) intra-oral e transcutânea no diagnóstico de celulite e abscesso periamigdalianos. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico Prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Trinta e nove pacientes foram atendidos no pronto-socorro de otorrinolaringologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo com diagnóstico clínico de celulite ou abscesso periamigdaliano. Em todos os pacientes, após a avaliação inicial, foram realizadas ultra-sonografias intra-oral e transcutânea. RESULTADOS: O USG intra-oral foi realizado em 35 casos e demonstrou sensibilidade de 95,2%, especificidade de 78,5% e a acurácia de 86,9%. A USG transcutânea foi factível em todos os 39 pacientes e diagnosticou abscesso periamigdaliano em 53,8% dos pacientes. A sensibilidade foi de 80%, a especificidade de 92,8% e a acurácia de 84,5%. CONCLUSÕES: O USG intra-oral foi bastante sensível no diagnóstico de abscessos periamigdalianos. O USG transcutâneo obteve especificidade superior ao intra-oral. Porém, quando o USG transcutâneo foi realizado em pacientes com trismo, este diagnosticou todos os abscessos periamigdalianos, já que se tratava de coleções grandes, comuns em pacientes com trismo. Estes exames tiveram acurácia semelhantes.
O artigo explora as contribuições brasileiras na dinâmica migratória intra-regional vigente entre países da América Latina e Caribe. A dinâmica migratória intra-regional inclui as diásporas e os fluxos de brasileiros residentes nos países vizinhos e suas contrapartes latino-americanas e caribenhas residentes no Brasil. Verifica-se que o Brasil é o quinto emissor e quarto receptor de migrantes intra-regionais.