1000 resultados para Inquisição Portugal Teses


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The importance of intangible resources has increased dramatically in recent years comparing to tangible ones. The economy in which we live is the result of competitive pressures that have imposed the implementation of business at an international level as well as a requirement in the application of sophisticated technologies that allow us to follow this fast evolution. In this age of information and innovation organizations will only survive if they are inserted in a global network of strategic relations, generically called as the network economy by Lev (2003). The service sector has stood out against the more traditional sectors of the economy. The intensive use of knowledge and a strong customer orientation created a new reality in todays organizations: a growing importance attached to innovation, to the quality of products and services offered, to the information and communication technologies adopted, and to the creativity and particular abilities of human resources. The concept of intangible assets is more common in an accounting language and intellectual capital is most often applied in the context of management, being associated with a more comprehensive, multidimensional approach, representing all the knowledge that the institution owns and that it applies in the form of expertise, the creativity and organizational competencies that lead to innovation and to the sustained attainment of future economic benefits. An analysis of the scope of intellectual capital is fundamental to take more appropriate management decisions so that a more appropriate accounting treatment could be given by the accounting standardization organizations. This study intends to analyse the practices of information disclosure of the intellectual capital in the banking sector in Portugal, complementing the analysis of the disclosure of intangible assets in the context of accounting standards with the disclosure of intellectual capital in the context of organizational management. In particular, our main aims are to identify the extent of disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal and also to identify the factors that determine such a disclosure. The disclosure in the context of accounting standards will be studied by checking the disclosure of intangible assets through the items listed in the International Accounting Standard 38 developed by the International Accounting Standards Board. The context of management was analysed by means of creating a voluntary disclosure index based on assumptions of the model Intellectus, developed by the Centro de Investigacin sobre la Sociedad del Conocimiento Instituto de Administracin de Empresas (CIC-IADE) of the Universidad Autnoma of Madrid, and of the model Intellectual Capital Statement (made in Europe) (InCaS), both promoted by the European Commission and that we have adapted to the banking sector. When analysing the disclosure of intangible assets based on the context of accounting standards and the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, this study has tried to raise awareness about the importance of issuing reports on the intellectual capital as an alternative tool to take management decisions in the existing organizations and reflects the transparency and legitimacy that these institutions seek through a more extensive and more detailed information disclosure of their intellectual capital. Based on a complimentarily of economic theories, together with social and political theories, we tried to check the extent, evolution and tendencies of the compulsory disclosure of intangible assets and of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital analysed in the period 2001-2011. Banks characteristics were also analysed in order to deduce those factors that determine or promote a larger disclosure in this sector. Based on these objectives, we adopted a longitudinal approach to explore the extent and the development of the disclosure of intangible assets as well as the factors that have determined it. Furthermore, we sought to assess the impact of the adoption of IAS 38 in the financial statements of the organizations in this sector. The disclosure index created on the basis of the disclosure requirements stated in IAS 38 from IASB was applied to the consolidated financial statements of the seventeen banks that rendered their statements in Portugal from 2001 to 2009. Since the information disclosed in the context of accounting standards may not have an important role as a management tool once it was not able to reflect what really contributes to the competitiveness and organizational growth, the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital was analysed according to the information obtained from the 2010 annual individual reports of the banks operating in Portugal in that year and from their respective websites in 2011. We tried to analyse the extent of the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital and of each of its components, human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The comparative analysis of their annual reports and their web pages allowed us to assess the incidence of the disclosure and discover what channel the banking sector focuses on when disclosing their intellectual capital. Also in this analysis the study of the disclosure determinants has allowed us to conclude about the influence of particular characteristics in the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. The results of the analysis to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements of the banking groups in Portugal in the period 2001-2009 have shown an average information disclosure of 0.24. This information disclosure evolved from an average value of 0.1940 in 2001 to 0.2778 in 2009. The average value is 0.8286 if it is only considered the disclosure of the intangible assets that the banks possessed. The evolution of this index means an increase in the average disclosure from 0.7852 in 2001 to 0.8788 in 2009. From the first results that are related to the extent of the disclosure of intangible assets in the financial statements, we can verify that the banking groups present a low disclosure level of these resources. However, when considering the disclosure of only the intangible assets that each institution owns, the disclosure level appears to be in compliance with the disclosure requirements for this sector. An evolution in the disclosure of intangible assets for the period considered was confirmed, showing an increase in the information disclosure of intangible assets in 2005, the year in which the accounting rules for intangible assets changed. The analysis that focused on the disclosure in the context of management tried to understand the extent, the incidence and the determinants of the voluntary information disclosure of intellectual capital in the annual reports of 2010 and on their web pages in 2011, studying the 32 banks operating in Portugal in this period. The average voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in the 2010 annual reports is 0.4342 while that in web pages is 0.2907. A review of the components of the intellectual capital allowed us to assess the importance that the banks confer to each of these components. The data obtained show that the relational capital, and more specifically the business capital, is the most disclosed component by banks in Portugal both in the annual reports and in their institutional web pages, followed by the structural capital and, finally, by the human capital. The disclosure of the human capital and the structural capital is higher in the annual reports than that in the websites, while the relational capital is more disclosed in the websites than in the annual reports. The results have also shown that the banks make a complementary use of both sources when disclosing information about their structural capital and relational capital but they do not show any information about their human capital in their websites. We tried to prove the influence of factors that could determine the accounting disclosure and the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital in this sector. The change in the IASB accounting rules as from January 1st 2005 gave a greater disclosure of accounting information of intangible assets in the financial statements of banks. The bank size and corporate governance measures have statistically proved to have an influence on the extent of the accounting disclosure of intangible assets and on the voluntary disclosure of the intellectual capital. Economic and financial variables such as profitability, operating efficiency or solvency were not determinants of information disclosure. The instability that the banking sector has experienced in economic and financial indicators in recent years as a result of the global financial markets imbalance has worsen indicators such as profitability, efficiency and solvency and caused major discrepancies in the economic situation between banks in Portugal. This empirical analysis has contributed to confront the disclosure required by accounting rules performed in the financial statements of organizations with that performed in the main disclosure media which is available for entities and which is increasingly requested in the process of taking management decisions. It also allowed us to verify whether there is homogeneity between institutions in the fulfilment of the requirements for information disclosure of intangible assets. However, as for voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital, there are large disparities in the disclosure extent between organizations. Regardless of this sector specific characteristics, the voluntary disclosure of intellectual capital made by banks in Portugal follows the trends in other sectors and the practices adopted in other countries, namely regarding the amount of information disclosed, the incidence of the disclosure on the indicators of relational capital and the importance of variables such as size as determinants of disclosure of intellectual capital. For a further knowledge in this field, we created a specific index for the banking sector, considering appropriate indicators for an incisive, comprehensive analysis in order to consider the most relevant indicators of intellectual capital components. Besides, confronting the analysis of disclosure in the context of accounting standards with the study of voluntary disclosure brought a new analysis approach to the research on intellectual capital disclosure. With this study, we have also intended to raise greater awareness of the need for harmonization in the intellectual capital disclosure on the part of the regulatory banking authority by means of a demanding, consistent and transparent report of intellectual capital with simple, clear, objective indicators so that those interested in disclosing intellectual capital information in the organizations in this sector may obtain more harmonized and comparable information. A research on the disclosure quality of intellectual capital, together with the application of other analysis methodologies in this sector, might be a promising approach for future research. Applying the voluntary disclosure index to the same sector in other countries may also contribute to the knowledge of disclosure practices in different geographical environments. We highlight the relevance of further studies contributing to the harmonization and consistency in the presentation of an intellectual capital report so as to enable organizations to disclose the resources that contribute most to their competitiveness and growth.


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The main objectives of this investigation is to analyze the disclosure of information about intangible assets during a period of nine years, namely the extension or level, as well as their evolution and possible alterations verified upon them, that derived from the adoption in 2005, of the international norm in order to elaborate the consolidated accounts of banks. Through the verification of the disclosure of intangible assets. Taking into account items from International Accounting Standard (IAS) 38 from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), the consolidated financial statements from seventeen banks, presenting consolidated accounts in Portugal uninterruptable between 2001 and 2009 were analyzed. The results obtained through the construction of an index, elaborated from this effected, reveled an average of disclosure of information on intangibles of 0.24 during the period. The level of general disclosure evolved from an average of 0.1940 in 2001 to 0.2778 in the year 2009. The intangibles generated internally had an average of disclosure of 0.1592 and the intangibles acquired had an average value of 0.2927. A growth in the extension of disclosure of intangibles upon the consolidated financial statement of banks during period analyzed, being this growth more accentuated in 2005 and 2006, which correspond to the first years of adoption in Portugal of international norm endorsed by the European Union through the Regalement 1606/2002, of July 19, the designed IASB-UE norms.


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divulgao do capital intelectual no setor bancrio em Portugal.


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Esta comunicao tem como objetivo principal analisar o nvel de divulgao de informao voluntria sobre o capital humano nu amostra de 46 empresas cotadas na Euronext Lisbon. Recorrendo tcnica de anlise de contedo estudamos os relatrios anuais de contas consolidadas de 2008 a 2012. Para determinar o nvel de divulgao de informao sobre o capital humano desenvolvemos um ndice de divulgao (IDVCH), que varia entre 0 e 1, sendo composto por 45 indicadores, baseado no estudo de Silva et al. (2012).Os dados recolhidos para a construo do ndice foram codificados de forma binria: 0 para no divulga e 1 para divulga. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um nvel mdio de divulgao de 0,46, sendo possvel afirmar que as empresas cotadas em Portugal tm ganho conscincia e se preocupam em divulgar voluntariamente informao sobre o capital humano, fator de sucesso muitas vezes esquecido pelas organizaes e pela Contabilidade.


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As estatsticas informam que o acidente de trabalho de queda em altura das principais causas de morte no setor da construo em Portugal. Com base nas lacunas legais nacionais e regulamentos normativos aplicveis, pretende-se com a presente dissertao identificar medidas organizacionais e legais que contribuam para o aumento da eficcia da proteo coletiva temporria guarda corpos. A recolha de dados procedeu-se atravs de um inqurito por questionrio, do qual se obtiveram 155 respostas de tcnicos superiores de segurana e higiene no trabalho. Os resultados da anlise e verificao das hipteses concluem sobre a importncia de outros requisitos no legislados ou usualmente no considerados. So estes, entre outros, os ensaios, a certificao, a altura mnima de implementao, procedimentos e registos especficos da sua utilizao.


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Esta investigao emprica tem como objetivo principal analisar o nvel de divulgao de informao voluntria sobre o capital humano das empresas cotadas na Euronext Lisbon de 2008 a 2012, bem como identificar os seus fatores determinantes. Estudamos os relatrios anuais de contas consolidadas recorrendo tcnica de anlise de contedo, numa amostra composta por 46 empresas. Para determinar o nvel de divulgao de informao sobre o capital humano desenvolvemos um ndice de divulgao (IDVCH), composto por 45 indicadores, baseado no estudo de Silva et al. (2012). Os dados recolhidos para a construo do ndice foram codificados de forma binria: 0 para no divulga e 1 para divulga. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um nvel mdio de divulgao de informao sobre o capital humano de 0,46, verificando-se uma evoluo positiva e estatisticamente significativa do IDVCH durante os cincos anos. Os setores de atividade que apresentam maiores ndices de divulgao so o setor financeiro, o setor de telecomunicaes e o setor pblico. Identificmos atravs da anlise univariada e multivariada que os fatores que influenciam positivamente o nvel de divulgao de informao sobre o capital humano so: a rendibilidade, a dimenso do conselho de administrao, a disperso geogrfica dos colaboradores, e a integrao da sociedade no ndice PSI-20. No se obteve significncia estatstica para se concluir sobre os resultados das variveis independentes: a dimenso da organizao, o endividamento, o tipo de auditor, o setor de atividade e a idade da organizao. O modelo de regresso linear mltipla, (em que considermos o IDVCH como varivel dependente), explicado na ordem dos 40% pelas variveis independentes que analismos. A originalidade desta dissertao incide no facto de tratarmos isoladamente a componente do capital humano, e de apurarmos quais os fatores que influenciam o seu nvel de divulgao nas empresas cotadas em Portugal.


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Analise do conceito de Funo Publica, identificando, partida, uma dicotomia conceptual, entre um modelo marcadamente continental(broad concept of civil service) e um modelo restrito(restricted scope of the concept of civil service), caracterstico dos pases anglo-saxnicos, aflorando a reforma da Administrao Publica, na senda da New Public Management, como o caminho para a afirmao de modelos hbridos, com caractersticas de laboralizao da Funo Publica e de flexisegurana, que surgem como consequncia da pulverizao daquela dicotomia, revelando uma miscigenao entre os modelos iniciais e elementos externos, de acordo com as idiossincrasias de cada pas. Posterior estudo de caso, versando sobre Portugal e a Irlanda , dois pases que, so contrario do que a tradio anglo- saxnica da Irlanda faria adivinhar, partilham um conceito amplo de Funo Publica(broad concept of Civil Service), apoiado num sistema de carreira(carrear sytem). Percorrerem, quase em simultneo, o caminho de um regate econmico-financeiro desenvolvido pelo Fundo Monetrio Internacional, Banco Central Europeu e Comisso Europeia. Procurara investiga-se se o acordo firmado entre os dois pases e a Troika, materializado nos respectivos Memorando de Entendimento e sucessivas revises, no perodo compreendido entre 16 de Dezembro de 2010 e 31 de Dezembro de 2012, introduziu modificaes nos respectivos modelos de Funo Publica, designadamente forando-os a uma aproximao do restricted scope of the concept of Civil Service e, com isso, projectando-os para a adopo de modelos hbridos.


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In this article we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)in Portugal. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations (local governments, municipal corporations and hospitals) and 549 privately-owned organizations (large companies and small and medium enterprises) in Portugal, with an overall response rate of 31.3%. The results allow us to conclude that although the majority of respondents claimed to know the BSC, its use in Portugal is still limited and very recent, particularly in the public sector organizations. However, it should be noted that its use has increased in Portugal in recent years. Using as theoretical framework the contingency and institutional theories, we found that decentralization, vertical differentiation and the degree of higher education are associated with the implementation of the BSC.


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A crescente preocupao e consciencializao do pensamento global, acerca dos problemas ambientais, por sua vez associados rpida depleo dos recursos naturais, criaram uma forte aliana entre as presses legais, sociais e polticas e a necessidade das organizaes em preservar a sua imagem face a uma opinio pblica cada vez mais exigente e atenta a esta problemtica. Como resposta a este propsito, diversas organizaes e entidades internacionais viram-se foradas a criar padres internacionais de qualidade ao nvel ambiental. Nessa medida, a International Organization for Standardization (ISO) criou a famlia de normas ISO14000 como forma de procurar garantir aos legisladores, aos clientes e ao pblico em geral, produtos e/ou servios ambientalmente mais sustentveis. Para as empresas e organizaes, este combinado de normas surge como uma ferramenta estratgica capaz de proporcionar a identificao, controlo e a melhoria contnua do seu desempenho ambiental. Por outras palavras, visam a implementao de um Sistema de Gesto Ambiental (SGA) mais eficiente. Atendendo a este contexto, a implementao da ISO 14001, e respetiva certificao, tm vindo a adquirir uma importncia crescente dentro das organizaes. Motivo pelo qual este trabalho teve como objetivo primordial estudar e avaliar a relevncia da certificao atravs da norma ISO 14001 no sistema de gesto ambiental das empresas operadoras de resduos em Portugal. O resultado deste estudo contribuiu para edificar o conhecimento dos motivos que levam as empresas a adotar esta norma, identificar os benefcios e dificuldades da resultantes, bem como avaliar possveis impactos na melhoria contnua do desempenho por parte das organizaes, aps a obteno da certificao ambiental. Para almejar tal objetivo, realizou-se uma anlise dos resultados obtidos atravs da aplicao de dois inquritos por questionrio, constitudos por questes autoresposta que fizeram face ao objetivo do estudo e que permitiram dar resposta ao mesmo. O inqurito por questionrio, direcionado s empresas, foi enviado totalidade das empresas operadoras de resduos em Portugal, certificadas segundo a referida norma. A amostra estudada foi constituda por 22 empresas. A anlise aos inquritos por questionrio direcionado aos colaboradores destas mesmas empresas decorreu de 429 inquritos vlidos. Sendo a aplicao dos mesmos efetuada via correio CTT, durante os meses de dezembro de 2013 e janeiro de 2014 e a respetiva anlise com recurso ao Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Tornou-se, ainda, possvel efetuar um conjunto de recomendaes destinadas a orientar e facilitar o processo de adoo de sistemas de gesto ambiental neste setor. Conclui-se que a obteno da certificao ambiental potenciada pela melhoria da imagem pblica da empresa e a melhoria do desempenho ambiental da mesma. Esta melhoria reflete-se no aumento das preocupaes ambientais, ou seja, a minimizao/eliminao dos impactos ambientais decorrentes das atividades destas organizaes. No entanto, e apesar da possibilidade de obteno de benefcios e ganhos esperados, entre os quais se incluem o aumento da consciencializao sobre os impactos ambientais entre os funcionrios, a melhoria no desempenho da empresa e a influncia positiva em algum processo de gesto interno (melhoria na otimizao dos fluxos processuais), convm destacar que o processo poder ser dificultado pelo aumento da quantidade de documentao interna da empresa, pela exigncia de uma elevada formao pessoal dos colaboradores e pelas dificuldades inerentes ao prprio cumprimento da legislao ambiental. Mais do que explicar quais os fenmenos que levam as empresas a convergir na adoo de Sistemas de Gesto Ambiental, este estudo releva que as empresas detentoras da certificao ambiental exercem uma cultura ambiental que possibilita influenciar os colaboradores acerca das decises a albergar em relao s prticas ambientais do quotidiano.


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Portugal tem vindo a incorporar a responsabilidade social de uma forma crescente. Para alm da integrao nas polticas pblicas, tambm o setor privado e a sociedade civil tm desempenhado um importante papel na evoluo do conceito de responsabilidade social. Este conceito cada vez mais vivido e partilhado pelos portugueses. A norma SA 8000 a primeira norma auditvel a nvel mundial, que permite s organizaes a sua certificao em Sistemas de Gesto de Responsabilidade Social. Apesar da responsabilidade social das empresas (RSE) apenas possa ser assumida pelas prprias, as partes interessadas, como os trabalhadores e os consumidores, podem ter um papel fulcral ao incentivarem as empresas a implementarem prticas socialmente responsveis, ao nvel das condies de trabalho, do meio ambiente ou dos direitos humanos. Desta forma, uma das funes da RSE contribuir para a minimizao das consequncias sociais da atual crise da economia, de forma a colaborar na construo de uma sociedade mais forte, que possa evoluir para um sistema econmico sustentvel. Neste sentido, elaborou-se o presente estudo, tendo como principal objetivo estudar e perceber o comportamento das Pequenas e Mdias Empresas (PME) j certificadas em sistemas de gesto de qualidade e/ou ambiente e/ou segurana e das PME no certificadas, no Norte de Portugal, face responsabilidade social, nomeadamente ao nvel das motivaes, vantagens e obstculos. Para tal, optou-se por realizar uma investigao quantitativa, do tipo exploratrio-descritiva. O instrumento de recolha de dados selecionado foi o inqurito por questionrio, sendo um dirigido s PME no certificadas e outro s PME j certificadas em sistemas de gesto de qualidade e/ou ambiente e/ou segurana. A amostra analisada composta por 60 PME, todas localizadas na regio Norte de Portugal. Os questionrios foram enviados por e-mail, entre os meses de Janeiro e a primeira semana de Maro de 2014 e, os seus resultados foram posteriormente analisados com recurso ao programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). No decurso desta pesquisa, e em forma de concluso, verificou-se algum desconhecimento por parte das organizaes que participaram neste estudo, relativamente responsabilidade social. Os resultados obtidos foram muito similares entre as PME j certificadas em sistemas de gesto da qualidade e/ou ambiente e/ou segurana e as PME no certificadas, no Norte de Portugal, nomeadamente ao nvel dos principais indicadores, motivaes, vantagens e obstculos na implementao da responsabilidade social. Relativamente s motivaes gerais que podem influenciar na implementao de um sistema de responsabilidade social, todas as variveis geraram concordncia dos participantes. As duas variveis que reuniram total concordncia nas PME no certificadas foram o Respeito do proprietrio/ dirigente da organizao pelos valores ou compromissos ticos, com vista melhoria das condies de trabalho e as Presses externas dos clientes para a implementao da responsabilidade social. Nas PME j certificadas em sistemas de gesto da qualidade e/ou ambiente e/ou segurana, todos os inquiridos concordaram com as variveis apresentadas, sendo a varivel Benefcios internos, relativamente ao aumento de nvel de satisfao e motivao dos colaboradores, a que obteve maior percentagem de respostas. J quando questionados sobre se pensa implementar a curto prazo um sistema de gesto da responsabilidade social, a generalidade (93,33%) das PME j certificadas em sistemas de gesto da qualidade e/ou ambiente e/ou segurana, responderam no. Tambm a maioria (76,67%) das PME no certificadas em sistemas de gesto, no ponderam implementar/ certificar um sistema de gesto da responsabilidade social.


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Guimaraes is a UNESCO world heritage site, deemed as such in 2001 and hosted the 2012 European Capital of Culture. This paper examines the profile, destination image, and motivations of tourists visiting behaviors in Guimaraes before the cultural event. Based on survey responses from 276 tourists, we found that tourists arriving in Guimaraes had previously visited the two most important cities in the northern part of Portugal. These respondents were relatively young and well educated compared to the average tourists that visited Portugal. The results suggest that many tourists were aware of the city status as a world heritage site that encompasses a historic center, monuments, and architectural buildings. Furthermore, these perceptions shape the image of Guimaraes, as the factor analysis indicates that historical background and functionality was the most reliable and valid factor behind the choice of visiting the city.


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O objetivo do presente estudo consiste em analisar os determinantes da divulgao de informao sobre o capital intelectual nos bancos que desenvolveram a sua atividade em Portugal, em 2010 e 2011. Esta anlise contempla igualmente a divulgao sobre os diferentes componentes do capital intelectual: o capital humano, o capital estrutural e o capital relacional, obtendo-se, para o efeito, os dados nos relatrios anuais e nas pginas Web destas entidades no perodo considerado. Os resultados revelaram que as dimenses organizao e conselho de administrao so considerados os determinantes da divulgao de informao sobre o capital intelectual, tanto nos relatrios anuais como nas Webpages. As variveis econmicofinanceiras de rendibilidade, de eficincia e de solvabilidade no se apresentaram, na anlise multivariada, como fatores que determinam a divulgao de informao sobre o capital intelectual pelos bancos em Portugal. Saliente-se, no entanto, que numa anlise univariada, a solvabilidade apresenta um nvel de associao estatisticamente significativo com a divulgao de informao, revelando que os bancos com menor solvabilidade divulgam mais informao sobre o seu capital intelectual.


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Em notcia doutros rgos de comunicao social, v.g. TVI, 3/12/13, dizia-se o seguinte: Portugal manteve, em 2013, o 33. lugar no ndice de Perceo da Corrupo da organizao Transparncia Internacional, mas perdeu pontuao. Abstract: In news from other media, eg TVI, 12/03/13, it was said the following: "Portugal maintained in 2013, the 33 place in the Perception Index of Transparency International Corruption, but lost points."


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Ouvimos tambm muitos a falar em branqueamento de capitais, crimes financeiros, abuso de informao, manipulao do mercado, etc.. Salvo o devido respeito, contudo, poucos sabem o quo difcil a prova destes crimes! Sabiam que p.e. at meados de 2008, crimes como o abuso de informao ou a manipulao do mercado eram insusceptveis de interferncia nas comunicaes?! Sabiam que at hoje, o Cdigo dos Valores Mobilirios no prev a criminalizao das pessoas colectivas e, portanto, dos prprios bancos?! Abstract: We hear too many to talk about money laundering, financial crimes, insider trading, market manipulation, etc .. Unless all due respect, however, few know how hard it is to prove that the crimes! Standing knew that by mid-2008, crimes such as dealing or market manipulation were incapable of interference in communications ?! They knew that to date, the Securities Code does not provide for the criminalization of legal persons and therefore the banks themselves ?!


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O artigo 72 da Constituio (CRP), Terceira idade, claro: 1. As pessoas idosas tm direito segurana econmica e a condies de habitao e convvio familiar e comunitrio que respeitem a sua autonomia pessoal e evitem e superem o isolamento ou a marginalizao social. 2. A poltica de terceira idade engloba medidas de carcter econmico, social e cultural tendentes a proporcionar s pessoas idosas oportunidades de realizao pessoal, atravs de uma participao activa na vida da comunidade.. Abstract: Article 72 of the Constitution (CRP), "Seniors cirtizens", of course: '1. Older people have the right to economic security and housing conditions and family and community life that respect their personal autonomy and avoid and overcome isolation or social marginalization. 2. The policy for the aged include economic measures, social and cultural nature designed to provide the elderly with opportunities for personal achievement through active participation in community life. ".