983 resultados para Infant feeding


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Eczema prevalence rates among Irish infants are unreported, despite eczema being the most common inflammatory condition of infancy. Maternal and infant nutritional status including vitamin D and other fat-soluble vitamins as well as early infant feeding have been linked with eczema initiation and development. Therefore, early nutrition could be a potential modifiable risk factor. The objective of this thesis was to prospectively describe early infant feeding and complementary feeding practices, to evaluate infant vitamin D supplementation practice, to quantify cord serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and propose reference intervals for vitamin D metabolites, to report eczema prevalence and explore the potential role of infant nutrition and eczema. These research needs were investigated through the Cork BASELINE (Babies After SCOPE: Evaluating the Longitudinal Impact with Neurological and Nutritional Endpoints) Birth Cohort Study (n 2137). This thesis was the first comprehensive report from the birth cohort, therefore it was important to describe the cohort sociodemographic profile. Although socio-demographic characteristics compared well with national data, there was an over-representation of educated mothers which may limit the generalizability of the results. From August 2008 through November 2011, comprehensive postnatal assessments were completed at day 2 and at 2, 6, 12 and 24 months. Breastfeeding rates were low, while complementary feeding practices were broadly compliant with national guidelines. The implementation of a national infant vitamin D supplementation policy had a major impact on supplementation practice. Low levels of serum 25(OH)D were universal among Irish neonates. Eczema is a complex and multifaceted disease, which is increasing globally. This was the first report of eczema prevalence data among Irish infants which compared with international reports. Given the high prevalence and considerable burden eczema has on the lives of sufferers, intensive research efforts to identify a cause and therapeutic strategies to prevent/reduce eczema was re-emphasized in this thesis.


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This study examines the timing of menarche in relation to infant-feeding methods, specifically addressing the potential effects of soy isoflavone exposure through soy-based infant feeding. Subjects were participants in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Mothers were enrolled during pregnancy and their children have been followed prospectively. Early-life feeding regimes, categorised as primarily breast, early formula, early soy and late soy, were defined using infant-feeding questionnaires administered during infancy. For this analysis, age at menarche was assessed using questionnaires administered approximately annually between ages 8 and 14.5. Eligible subjects were limited to term, singleton, White females. We used Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazards models to assess age at menarche and risk of menarche over the study period. The present analysis included 2920 girls. Approximately 2% of mothers reported that soy products were introduced into the infant diet at or before 4 months of age (early soy). The median age at menarche [interquartile range (IQR)] in the study sample was 153 months [144-163], approximately 12.8 years. The median age at menarche among early soy-fed girls was 149 months (12.4 years) [IQR, 140-159]. Compared with girls fed non-soy-based infant formula or milk (early formula), early soy-fed girls were at 25% higher risk of menarche throughout the course of follow-up (hazard ratio 1.25 [95% confidence interval 0.92, 1.71]). Our results also suggest that girls fed soy products in early infancy may have an increased risk of menarche specifically in early adolescence. These findings may be the observable manifestation of mild endocrine-disrupting effects of soy isoflavone exposure. However, our study is limited by few soy-exposed subjects and is not designed to assess biological mechanisms. Because soy formula use is common in some populations, this subtle association with menarche warrants more in-depth evaluation in future studies.


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OBJECTIVE: To confirm that early growth is associated with type 1 diabetes risk in European children and elucidate any role of infant feeding. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Five centers participated, each with a population-based register of type 1 diabetes diagnosed at


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Aim: Intrauterine, early life and maternal exposures may have important consequences for cancer development in later life. The aim of this study was to examine perinatal and birth characteristics with respect to Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) risk. Methods: The Northern Ireland Child Health System database was used to examine gestational age adjusted birth weight, infant feeding practices, parental age and socioeconomic factors at birth in relation to CMM risk amongst 447,663 infants delivered between January 1971 and December 1986. Follow-up of histologically verified CMM cases was undertaken from the beginning of 1993 to 31st December 2007. Multivariable adjusted unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of CMM risk. Results: A total of 276 CMM cases and 440,336 controls contributed to the final analysis. In reference to normal (gestational age-adjusted) weight babies, those heaviest at birth were twice as likely to develop CMM OR 2.4 (95% CI 1.1-5.1). Inverse associations with CMM risk were observed with younger (


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A obesidade infantil é um importante problema de saúde pública, não só pelos efeitos adversos durante a infância mas porque tende a persistir na idade adulta, constituindo um factor de risco para diversas doenças crónicas. Os alicerces de uma vida saudável estruturam-se na vida pré-natal e sedimentam-se nos seis primeiros anos de vida, sendo o crescimento da criança fortemente influenciado pelo seu contexto ambiental familiar. Foi neste âmbito que emergiu como objectivo geral deste estudo explorar as relações existentes entre os determinantes infantis (antecedentes obstétricos e peri-natais) e parentais (práticas alimentares, conhecimento dos pais sobre alimentação infantil, percepção parental de competência e percepção do peso da criança) e o desenvolvimento de excesso de peso em crianças pré-escolares. Este estudo, de carácter observacional e transversal, foi realizado com 792 crianças pré-escolares, idade M= 4,39 anos (±0,91Dp) e seus pais, residentes num concelho pertencente às NUTs III Dão-Lafões, sendo efectuada a avaliação antropométrica e classificação nutricional das crianças com base no referencial NCHS (CDC, 2000) e da OMS nos pais. O protocolo de pesquisa incluiu instrumentos de medida que validamos para a população portuguesa e a construção do Questionário de Conhecimentos sobre Alimentação Infantil (QAI) cujas propriedades psicométricas certificam a sua qualidade (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,942; Alfa de Cronbach teste re-teste = 0,977). Nas crianças, 31,3% apresentavam excesso de peso (12,4% obesidade), assim como 41,1% das mães (10,2% obesidade) e 64,4% dos pais (14,8% obesidade), sendo mais evidente nas mães o risco metabólico associado ao Perímetro da Cintura. As mães revelam mais conhecimentos sobre alimentação e sentimentos de eficácia mais elevados com o papel parental, enquanto os pais manifestaram mais sentimentos de motivação e satisfação. Os resultados obtidos corroboram existir efeito significativo dos determinantes infantis e parentais no excesso de peso da criança, designadamente: (i) do peso ao nascer, com impacto dos nascidos grandes; (ii) da higiene do sono especificamente dos que dormem menos de 11horas; (iii) dos que não brincam na rua, (iv) das mães mais jovens, do IMC e risco metabólico dos Pais; (v) da percepção parental da imagem corporal dos filhos, verificando-se que quanto mais elevado o IMC das crianças, mais distorcida é esta percepção dos pais; (vi) das crenças, atitudes e práticas alimentares e que permitem inferir que uma maior preocupação com o peso da criança, maior controlo, restrição e menor pressão para comer se associa a maior excesso de peso. As inferências evidenciam que, na vigilância de saúde periódica se torna imprescindível a valorização dos determinantes de risco biológicos e familiares do excesso de peso infantil, considerando programas de intervenção centrados na família, num processo que encontre sentido a partir daquilo que as famílias experienciam, de forma a ajudá-las a criar recursos fortalecedores de competência para uma parentalidade mais positiva.


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Dans l’Europe du 18ème siècle, plusieurs médecins, pédagogues et moralistes conçoivent la maternité comme un enjeu politique. À l’intérieur de leurs discours, l’allaitement maternel devient le ciment reliant bonheur individuel, harmonie sociale et intérêts de l’État. L’examen de traités médicaux et moraux nous permet d’expliciter les significations que les médecins, pédagogues et moralistes rattachent à l’allaitement, et nous pouvons retracer la popularisation de leurs idées dans certains médias de l’époque tels que les périodiques. Toutefois, ces sources ne nous en disent pas long sur les significations que les femmes concernées elles-mêmes accordaient à l’allaitement. C’est précisément ce point que nous tentons d’élucider, à l’aide d’études de cas. Nous nous basons sur la correspondance d’une mère, sa fille et son beau-fils habitant Nuremberg et Munich au tournant du 18ème au 19ème siècle, afin de reconstituer les discours, enjeux, et pratiques autour de l’allaitement. Nous nous intéressons d’abord aux différentes émotions suscitées par plusieurs expériences d’allaitement, heureuses et moins heureuses. Ensuite, nous explicitons les arguments, relations et autorités mises en scène lors de discussions conflictuelles sur l’allaitement et le sevrage. Nous montrons aussi quelles personnes étaient déterminantes dans la pratique de l’allaitement, pour finalement tenter d’atteindre les expériences et représentations du corps allaitant.


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Objective: To assess the effect on growth and iron status in preterm infants of a specially devised weaning strategy compared with current best practices in infant feeding. The preterm weaning strategy recommended the early onset of weaning and the use of foods with a higher energy and protein content than standard milk formula, and foods that are rich sources of iron and zinc. Subjects and design: In a blinded, controlled study, 68 preterm infants (mean (SD) birth weight 1470 (430) g and mean (SD) gestational age 31.3 (2.9) weeks) were randomised to either the preterm weaning strategy group (n = 37) or a current best practice control group (n = 31), from hospital discharge until 1 year gestation corrected age (GCA). Main outcome measures: Weight, supine length, occipitofrontal head circumference, and intakes of energy, protein, and minerals were determined at 0, 6, and 12 months GCA. Levels of haemoglobin, serum iron, and serum ferritin were assayed at 0 and 6 months GCA. Results: Significant positive effects of treatment included: greater increase in standard deviation length scores and length growth velocity; increased intake of energy, protein, and carbohydrate at 6 months GCA and iron at 12 months GCA; increased haemoglobin and serum iron levels at 6 months GCA. Conclusions: The preterm weaning strategy significantly influenced dietary intakes with consequent beneficial effects on growth in length and iron status. This strategy should be adopted as the basis of feeding guidelines for preterm infants after hospital discharge. School of Applied Statistics Faculty of Life Sciences


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Aim:  This study compared the diets of breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers from socioeconomically diverse regions of Melbourne to determine whether breastfeeding is a marker for healthier maternal dietary intakes.

  This cross-sectional study obtained information via self-reported questionnaire from 529 first-time Melbourne mothers. Breastfeeding status was determined when the children were 3.9 months. Diet information was obtained using a validated Food Frequency Questionnaire. Maternal diet was assessed by seven indicators: average daily intake of fruit, vegetables, non-core drinks, non-core sweet snacks, non-core savoury snacks, variety of fruit and variety of vegetables eaten in the preceding 12 months. Associations between breastfeeding status and each dietary variable were assessed using linear regression analyses. Socioeconomic position, maternal body mass index and the cluster-based sampling design were controlled for.

  Of the 529 subjects, 70% were breastfeeding their child. Compared with non-breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding mothers were found to consume more serves of vegetables (P= 0.001), a greater variety of fruit and vegetables (P= 0.001 and P≤ 0.001 respectively), and sweet snacks were consumed more frequently (P= 0.006). Differences were observed between low and high socioeconomic position mothers for fruit serves (P= 0.003), vegetable serves (P= 0.010) and fruit variety (P= 0.006). These associations persisted after controlling for socioeconomic position and maternal body mass index.

The association between infant feeding (breastfeeding) and some aspects of maternal diet provides further evidence suggesting a link between maternal and child diets from a younger age than previously examined.


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Infants of mothers of low educational background display consistently poorer outcomes, including suboptimal weaning diets. Less is known about the different causal pathways that relate maternal education to infants' diet. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that the relationship between maternal education and infants' diet is mediated by mothers' diet. The analyses included 421 mother–infant pairs from the Melbourne Infant Feeding Activity and Nutrition Trial (InFANT) Program. Dietary intakes were collected from mothers when infants were aged 3 months, using a validated food frequency questionnaire relating to the past year, and in infants aged 9 months using 3 × 24-h recalls. Principal component analysis was used to derive dietary pattern scores, based on frequencies of 55 food groups in mothers, and intakes of 23 food groups in infants. Associations were assessed with multivariable linear regression. We tested the product ‘ab’ to address the mediation hypothesis, where ‘a’ refers to the relationship between the predictor variable (education) and the mediator variable (mothers' diet), and ‘b’ refers to the association between the mediator variable and the outcome variable (infants' diet), controlling for the predictor variable. Maternal scores on the ‘Fruit and vegetables’ dietary pattern partially mediated the relationships between maternal education and two infant dietary patterns, namely ‘Balanced weaning diet’ [ab = 0.11; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.04; 0.18] and ‘Formula’ (ab = −0.08; 95%CI: −0.15; −0.02). These findings suggest that targeting pregnant mothers of low education level with the aim of improving their own diet may also promote better weaning diets in their infants.


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 The International Network for Food and Obesity/non-communicable diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS) proposes to collect performance indicators on food policies, actions and environments related to obesity and non-communicable diseases. This paper reviews existing communications strategies used for performance indicators and proposes the approach to be taken for INFORMAS. Twenty-seven scoring and rating tools were identified in various fields of public health including alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, infant feeding and food environments. These were compared based on the types of indicators used and how they were quantified, scoring methods, presentation and the communication and reporting strategies used. There are several implications of these analyses for INFORMAS: the ratings/benchmarking approach is very commonly used, presumably because it is an effective way to communicate progress and stimulate action, although this has not been formally evaluated; the tools used must be trustworthy, pragmatic and policy-relevant; multiple channels of communication will be needed; communications need to be tailored and targeted to decision-makers; data and methods should be freely accessible. The proposed communications strategy for INFORMAS has been built around these lessons to ensure that INFORMAS's outputs have the greatest chance of being used to improve food environments.


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Initiatives to promote children’s nutrition and prevent childhood obesity are vital. Dietary patterns are a useful way to characterize whole diets, though no previous early childhood health promotion trial has assessed intervention impact using this approach. This research aimed to assess the effect on young children’s dietary patterns of a healthy eating and physical activity intervention. The Melbourne Infant Feeding Activity and Nutrition Trial (InFANT) Program was a health promotion cluster-randomized controlled trial involving 542 families. Child diets were assessed by multiple 24-hour recalls post-intervention, at approximately 18 months of age. An Obesity Protective Dietary Index was created, and dietary patterns were also assessed by principal components analysis. These outcomes were used to compare intervention and control participants to test the effectiveness of the intervention. Children in the intervention arm scored significantly higher (15.6 ± 5.9) than those in the control arm (14.5 ± 6.7) for the Obesity Protective Dietary Index (scores out of 30, p=0.01). Three dietary patterns were identified by principal components analysis, however, scores were not significantly different between intervention and control arms. In conclusion, this paper presents novel results in both the evaluation of an early childhood health promotion intervention and in the assessment of child dietary patterns. The results highlight the capacity for such an initiative to improve child diets, and the need for further research in this area.


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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been associated with essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiencies, with some researchers theorising that dysregulation of phospholipid metabolism may form part of the biological basis for ASD. This pilot study compared observable signs of fatty acid status of 19 children with an ASD diagnosis to 23 of their typically developing siblings. A pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding history was also obtained from their parents, which included a measure of infant intake of fatty acid rich colostrum immediately post-partum. When considered within their family group, those infants not breastfed (with colostrum) within the first hour of life and who had a history of fatty acid deficiency symptoms were more likely to have an ASD diagnosis. Other variables such as formula use, duration of breastfeeding, gestational age and Apgar scores were not associated with group membership. The results of this study are consistent with previous research showing a relationship between fatty acid metabolism, breastfeeding and ASD such that early infant feeding practices and the influence this has on the fatty acid metabolism of the child may be a risk factor for ASD.


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This study describes engagement in and stability of physical activity and sedentary behaviours in early life, and assesses associations with sex, maternal education and developmental stage. Maternal-report data at child age 4, 9 and 20 months were collected from 542 families in the Melbourne Infant Feeding Activity and Nutrition Trial Program. Parents estimated average time per day their child spent in active pursuits or pursuits that restricted movement. With increasing age, children generally spent more time in active pursuits and watching television, and less time in situations that restrict movement. Associations were found with age of developmental milestone attainment but not sex or maternal education. Stability over time was strongest for television viewing (β = 0.34–0.38) and time spent outdoors (β = 0.27–0.33). Contrary to guidelines, television viewing increased and showed stability, suggesting a need to target this behaviour very early in life to achieve optimal longer term outcomes.


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BACKGROUND: Because parents with young children access primary health care services frequently, a key opportunity arises for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) nurses to actively work with families to support healthy infant feeding practices and lifestyle behaviours. However, little is known regarding the extent to which MCH nurses promote obesity prevention practices and how such practices could be better supported. METHODS: This mixed methods study involved a survey of 56 MCH nurses (response rate 84.8 %), 16 of whom participated in semi-structured qualitative interviews. Both components aimed to examine the extent to which nurses addressed healthy infant feeding practices, healthy eating, active play and limiting sedentary behavior during routine consultations with young children 0-5 years. Key factors influencing such practices and how they could be best supported were also investigated. All data were collected from September to December 2013. Survey data were analysed descriptively and triangulated with qualitative interview findings, the analysis of which was guided by grounded theory principles. RESULTS: Although nurses reported measuring height/length and weight in most consultations, almost one quarter (22.2 %) reported never/rarely using growth charts to identify infants or children at risk of overweight or obesity. This reflected a reluctance to raise the issue of weight with parents and a lack of confidence in how to address it. The majority of nurses reported providing advice on aspects of infant feeding relevant to obesity prevention at most consultations, with around a third (37 %) routinely provided advice on formula preparation. Less than half of nurses routinely promoted active play and only 30 % discussed limiting sedentary behaviour such as TV viewing. Concerns about parental receptiveness and maintaining rapport were key barriers to more effective implementation. CONCLUSION: While MCH nurses are well placed to address obesity prevention in early life, there is currently a missed public health opportunity. Improving nurse skills in behaviour change counseling will be key to increasing their confidence in raising sensitive lifestyle issues with parents to better integrate obesity prevention practices into normal MCH service delivery.