186 resultados para Indutor


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As indústrias que realizam atividade galvânica são consideradas de alto impacto ambiental devido à natureza tóxica das matérias-primas e dos resíduos gerados. Os processos caracterizam-se também pelo alto consumo de energia, água e insumos. Grandes empresas com atividade de alto impacto ambiental estão submetidas a um maior controle, seja pelos órgãos ambientais, acionistas ou comunidade de entorno. As pressões exercidas por estes grupos induzem à implantação de medidas de gestão buscando o equilíbrio entre a atividade produtiva e a qualidade ambiental. Este contexto determinou o problema da pesquisa para a qual optou-se por empresas instaladas no Rio Grande do Sul, com atividade galvânica e de porte grande e excepcional. O objetivo geral proposto foi analisar a implantação de medidas de gestão ambiental em grandes empresas com atividade galvânica. Visa-se, com o trabalho, analisar a legislação ambiental que, além de controle e fiscalização, pode ser também um indutor para implantação de sistema de gestão que contribui para a melhoria do desempenho ambiental em empresas com atividade industrial de alto impacto. Para a realização da pesquisa, optou-se pelo método investigativo, que constou da aplicação de um questionário, survey, em quatorze empresas (Fase 1), e da realização de estudo de caso em cinco empresas (Fase 2). Os resultados do trabalho demonstraram que a implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental, além de proporcionar segurança no atendimento da legislação, promove uma redução de custos ambientais, melhora o desempenho ambiental, a produtividade e a competitividade das empresas.


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Esta dissertação aborda a questão das licitações e como elas podem ser usadas como instrumento de política pública de desenvolvimento regional. As licitações do estado de São Paulo são orientadas sob uma política pública que exige procedimentos licitatórios que considerem a descentralização territorial. O decreto que regulamenta tal política tem como principal enfoque o tratamento simplificado e favorecido a micro e pequenas empresas, sendo que o aspecto da descentralização inova em relação à legislação federal que aborda o assunto. O fenômeno descentralizador pode contribuir para o aumento da quantidade de empresas vencedoras pertencentes a uma determinada região na qual ocorrem às licitações, podendo desta forma produzir “crescimento econômico regional”. Contudo, adota-se aqui a hipótese de que esse diferencial não tem surtido efeito. Para verificar tal hipótese, realizou-se um estudo de caso centrado em duas unidades da Universidade de São Paulo, ambas localizadas no interior do estado. Foram analisadas as licitações realizadas de maneira presencial e eletrônica (pregões). A análise comparativa ainda foi complementada por um questionário submetido aos servidores da área de licitação das diversas unidades desta Universidade. O resultado obtido neste trabalho indica que o efeito de promoção do desenvolvimento regional não ocorreu em ambos os casos estudados. Conclui-se, ainda, que é preciso avançar muito na discussão acerca da utilização do poder de compra do Estado como potencial indutor de desenvolvimento regional. Esta atuação estatal invariavelmente deverá sofrer mudanças legais, sendo necessária, também, a adoção de outras políticas públicas complementares.


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A governança em Regiões Metropolitanas tem se apresentado como um dos maiores desafios para as sociedades urbanas modernas. No Brasil, a trajetória de formação das Regiões Metropolitanas, o modelo de sistema federativo e as questões econômicas e sociais que giram em torno destas metrópoles, exigem estruturas institucionais e arranjos políticos complexos e inovadores. A questão que se coloca é como lidar com os dilemas da metrópole em um contexto federativo em que os interesses são muitas vezes conflitantes e os arranjos institucionais, frágeis, a fim de assegurar espaços de pactuação e construção de oportunidades. A Prefeitura de São Paulo está apostando, entre outras coisas, em assumir o papel de indutor de desenvolvimento metropolitano e de líder, como município pólo, no processo de melhoria de cooperação entre as cidades da região. Ao ser eleito presidente do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Metropolitano da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo no começo do ano, Fernando Haddad propôs a criação de um plano diretor estratégico para toda a região e, de antemão, pediu que as outras cidades Encaminhassem demandas específicas ao desenvolvimento da região. Enfim, o tema metropolitano está assaz presente na agenda da esfera pública e nas mesas de debate da sociedade civil e da iniciativa privada. De fato, a governança metropolitana retornou à centralidade da agenda governamental no Estado de São Paulo a partir da promulgação da Lei Complementar nº 1.139 de 16 de junho de 2011, que reorganizou a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo como unidade regional do território estadual. O presente trabalho apresenta-se nesse contexto e com dois objetivos principais. De um lado, pretende realizar uma pesquisa exploratória acerca da disposição existente nos municípios da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo para tratar dos desafios de cooperação, articulação e integração entre os diferentes atores e níveis federativos inerentes à questão metropolitana, bem como averiguar se o tema está presente na agenda desses municípios. Em segundo lugar, considerando a reflexão teórica e as experiências de cooperação federativas, o trabalho procura indicar caminhos para o fortalecimento da governança metropolitana na RMSP, em especial, que favoreçam a construção de uma agenda positiva de cooperação intergovernamental entre o município-pólo e demais entes federativos. Essas proposições partem da avaliação de experiências nacionais e internacionais que desenvolveram arranjos institucionais capazes de lidar com processos de decisão compartilhada e de contratualização federativa encontrada na literatura, bem como das contribuições retiradas das diversas entrevistas realizadas pelo grupo.


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Estuda-se a intervenção do Estado na economia através da regulação, tendo como objeto de análise o setor elétrico brasileiro. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar de que forma o Estado, desde a promulgação da Constituição de 1988, buscou cumprir os princípios estabelecidos na Ordem Econômica constitucional e exercer a sua função de ente regulador, fiscalizador, planejador e indutor do crescimento econômico, no setor elétrico. Analisa-se a reforma do Estado pensada pelo ex-Ministro Bresser Pereira e a inclusão de empresas do setor elétrico no Plano Nacional de Desestatização. Observa-se que o processo de privatização permanece inacabado nos segmentos da geração e da transmissão. Investiga-se a instituição do MAE e a criação do produtor independente de energia elétrica, no contexto de uma reforma que pretendia encaminhar o setor elétrico para o livre mercado. Estuda-se a crise de racionamento e a mudança de estratégia do Governo, cuja prioridade passou a ser um maior planejamento central que garantisse a segurança energética e a expansão da geração e transmissão. Analisa-se as diferenças entre o ACL e o ACR, bem como a formação do preço da energia elétrica em cada um e conclui-se, por meio da leitura de precedentes do CADE, que trata-se do mesmo mercado relevante na dimensão produto. Investiga-se as mudanças trazidas pela MP-579 e de que forma a intervenção do Estado no setor elétrico aumentou, e os impactos que isso trouxe. Conclui-se que, a partir da edição da MP-579, a intervenção do Estado no setor elétrico aumentou com o objetivo de controlar os preços e garantir a segurança energética, mas que as mudanças regulatórias não foram bem sucedidas em manter e a tarifa da energia paga pelo consumidor final em patamares baixos, tampouco em garantir a oferta de energia elétrica suficiente para cobrir a demanda das distribuidoras.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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GB virus type C (GBV-C) appears to promote a Th1 response and is associated with prolonged survival in HIV-infected people. L. chagasi causes a spectrum of illness that varies from severe visceral leishmaniasis, a disease that in the majority of cases is fatal if not treated, to self resolution of infection and development of positive DTH response that is protective against symptomatic disease. To determine if GBV-C viremia might influence the outcome of Leishmania infection, we characterized GBV-C status in a cohort of subjects residing in a L. chagasi endemic area in Brazil. GBV-C viremia was more prevalent in blood donors from urban than in periurban regions of Natal, Brazil (16% and 7.5% respectively). Evidence of prior GBV-C (anti-E2 antibodies) was detected in 24% and 12%of these groups respectively. Anti-E2 increased with age (p= 0.0121). No difference in GBV-C viremia was found in the DTH+ and VL groups (p= 0.269); however, subjects with visceral leishmaniasis were more likely to have anti-E2 than DTH+ subjects (p=0.0012), and DTH induration was smaller in subjects with E2 antibodies (4.5 mm) compared those without (7.12 mm) (p= 0.002). Furthermore, the size of the Leishmania DTH response was greater in GBV-C viremica subjects (6.8 mm) compared to non-viremic subjects (3.3 mm; p= 0.0054). There findings suggest that GBV-C virus may promote a type 1 immune response that could influence the outcome of Leishmania infection


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The coast of Rio Grande do Norte has more than 100 species of seaweed, mostly unexplored regarding their pharmacological potential. The sulfated polysaccharides (PS) are by far the more seaweed compounds studied, these present a range of biological properties, such as anticoagulant activity, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant properties. In this study, we extract sulfated polysaccharide rich-extracts of eleven algae from the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (Dictyota cervicornis; Dictiopterys delicatula; Dictyota menstruallis; Dictyota mertensis; Sargassum filipendula; Spatoglossum schröederi; Gracilaria caudata; Caulerpa cupresoides; Caulerpa prolifera; Caulerpa sertularioides e Codim isthmocladum), and these were evaluated for the potential anticoagulant, antioxidant and antiproliferative. All polysaccharide extracts showed activity for anticoagulant, antioxidant and/or antiproliferative activity, especially D. delicatula and S. filipendula, which showed the most prominent pharmacological potential, thereby being chosen to have their sulfated polysaccharides extracted. By fractionating method were obtained six fractions rich in sulfated polysaccharides to the algae D. delicatula (DD-0,5V, DD-0, 7V, DD-1,0v, DD-1,3v, DD-1,5v and DD-2,0) and five fractions to the alga S. filipendula (SF-0,5V, SF-0,7V, SF-1,0v, SF-1,5v and SF-2,0v). For the anticoagulant assay only the fractions of D. delicatula showed activity, with emphasis on DD-1, 5v that presented the most prominent activity, with APTT ratio similar to clexane® at 0.1 mg/mL. When evaluated the antioxidant potential, all fractions showed potential in all tests (total antioxidant capacity, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals scavenging, ferrous chelation and reducing power), however, the ability to chelate iron ions appears as the main mechanism antioxidant of sulfated polysaccharides from seaweed. In antiproliferative assay, all heterofucanas showed dose-dependent activity for the inhibition of cell proliferation of HeLa, however, with the exception of SF-0,7V, SF- 1,0v and SF-1,5v, all fractions showed antiproliferative activity against MC3T3, a normal cell line. The heterofucana SF-1,5V had its antiproliferative mechanism of action evaluated. This heterofucan induces apoptosis in HeLa cells by a pathway caspase independent, promoting the release of apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) in the cytosol, which in turn induces chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation into 50Kb fragments. These results are significant in that they provide a mechanistic framework for further exploring the use of SF-1.5v as a novel chemotherapeutics against human cervical cancer.


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In this work, we used sugarcane as a model due to its importance for sugar and ethanol production. Unlike the current plant models, sugarcane presents a complex genetics and an enormous allelic variation. Here, we report the analysis of SAGE libraries produced using the shoot apical meristem from contrasted genotypes by flowering induction (non-flowering vs. early-flowering varieties) grown under São Paulo state conditions. The expression pattern was analyzed using samples from São Paulo (SP) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN) states. These results showed that cDNAs identified by SAGE libraries had differential expression only in São Paulo state samples. Furthermore, the cDNA identified CYP (Citocrome P450) was chosen for in silico and genome characterization because it was found in SAGE libraries and subtractive libraries from samples from RN. Phylogenetic trees showed the relationship for these sequences. Furthermore, the qRT-PCR for CYP showed a potential role as flowering indutor for RN samples considering different isophorms. Considering the results present here, it can be consider that CYP gene may be used as molecular marker


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Galactans are polysaccharides sulfated present in the cell wall of red algae. Carrageenans are galactans well known in the food industry as gelling polysaccharides and for induce inflammatory process in rodents as animal model. The extraction of polysaccharides from A. multifida has been carried out by proteolysis and precipitation in different volumes of acetone, which produced three fractions (F1, F2, and FT). Chemical and physical analyses revealed that these fractions are sulfated galactan predominantly. Results of the antioxidant activity assays showed that all of these fractions have antioxidant activity and that was associated with sulfate content of the analysis of reducing power and total antioxidant capacity. However, these fractions were not effective against lipid peroxidation. The fraction FT presented higher activity on the APTT test at 200 μg (> 240 s). The assessment of the hemolytic activity showed that the FT fraction has the best activity, increasing lyses by the complement system to 42.3% (50 μg) (p< 0,001). The fraction FT showed the best yield, anticoagulant and hemolytic activity between the three fractions and therefore it was choose for the in vivo studies. The Inflammation assessment using the FT fraction (50 mg / kg MB) showed that the cellular migration and the IL-6 production increased 670.1% (p< 0,001) and 531.8% (p< 0,001), respectively. These results confirmed its use as an inflammation inducer in animal model. Cytotoxicity assay results showed that all fractions have toxic effects on 3T3 and HeLa cells after exposition of 48 hours, except when 100 μg for both F1 and FT were used. These results arise the discussion whether these polysaccharides it should be used as additive in foods, cosmetics and medicines.


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In the present work it was developed originals alternatives of enveronmentally safe and economically viable destination of thermoset plastic residue from a button factory, which at presnte stores such residue tempor and in a way that is inconvenient to the atmosphere, a waiting safe solutions. As the residue is not recycleab and its burning leberates strongly aggressive gases, safe alternatives were researched. Inicially, ghe residue in incineration was performed in cement ovens with precise control ofe emission of gases, but it was proved inviable due to its low calorific power, as well as the liberation of free lead in the ashes. An original and feasible option was the residue confinemente in soil-ciment blocks, lohich resulted in blocks highly resistant to simple compression with structural block, and also a significant increase in thermal resistence. Was got up other options of original and important composites as: making of blocks for pré-moulded flagstone, internal coating of walls with plaster being obtained good texture results, replenish of ceramic blocks and blocks with cement, also implying in increase of thermal resistance. Besides these original and scientific contributions, the it was technologically contribution of defreadation with suggestions of the material using torch of thermal plasm; for this was projected, built, characterized and tested a torch to it shapes it being obtained exciting results for the development of this technology come back for ending destruction from all the types of inconvenient garbage to the atmosphere


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This study aimed to analyze the social representations of Brazilian and Portuguese nurses on stress in the emergency service. A semi-structured interview and the free word association test, with "stress" as the inductive stimulus, were used as research instruments. Data were collected from 120 nurses, being 60 from an emergency hospital in the city of Natal, Brazil and 60 from an urgency hospital in the city of Aveiro, Portugal. Data from the word association test were analyzed with the EVOC 2002 program, after thematic categorical content analysis, enabling construction of a data bank. Data gathered from the interview were analyzed by ALCESTE 4.8 software. Nurse represent the stress in the urgency department as a generation of physical and mental detrition where adaptation is unsatisfactorily, resulting in the onset of fatigne, irritability, lack of concentration, lack of motivation, pessimism, impaired interpersonal relationship and low productivity. The solution is part of a complex whole, which demands an integrated way of acting that has demanded increasingly professional attitudes based on multidisciplinarity


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The present study seeks to understand tooth loss by investigating the social representations in the daily life of elderly individuals, thus characterizing itself as a comparative and analytic research. It is known that tooth loss is a common occurrence in elderly individuals, interfering at the psychosocial and biological levels, through its functional, esthetical and social implications. The area of oral health in Brazil is lacking studies on this topic, especially with respect to the psychosocial aspects of the elderly. The Theory of Social Representations and the Central Nucleus Theory were selected for theoretical-methodological support. The Free Association of Words Test was used, whose inducing stimulus were the words tooth loss , in which each subject was asked to associate 3 words, to respond to a questionnaire related to socio-economic conditions and containing an investigation of tooth loss, access to odontological services and the need for dental treatment, and to undergo a focus group interview. The study sample consisted of 120 individuals 60 years of age or over, resident in Natal, RN, Brazil and participants of the Live Together to Live Better group of the Basic Health Unit of Felipe Camarão Residential District and Unati (Open University of the Elderly); an interview was performed with 36 subjects. Data analysis was performed by Evoc 2000, SPSS/99, Graph Pad and Alceste softwares. The results demonstrate that the central nucleus of the social representations of tooth loss for the Live Together group emerged from the difficulty in eating categories, showing a relation between physiologic necessity, desire and pleasure from eating, not to mention the pain that resulted from justifying the tooth loss. Besides the central discourses, the following peripheral elements were gathered: difficulty in adapting to the prosthesis, treatment and difficulty in speaking. All of these categories, except the last, also comprised the class themes of the group interview. For the Unati group the central nucleus emerged from the socio-economic difficulties categories, demonstrating a narrow relation between poverty, access to health and education and esthetics, confirming in the discourse of common sense, the association between tooth loss and aging. At the margin of the central discourses was collected the peripheral element difficulty in adapting to the prosthesis, found both in the Live Together and Unati groups, which expresses the resistance of the subject to this new situation and the failure of the rehabilitation treatment in the sense of reviving the memory of their natural teeth. All of these categories also constitute the class themes of the of the group interview. Thus, through the study of the social representations, we can reveal a reality in the perspective of the social subjects, contemplating the multiple facets of the social-cultural reality experienced by these individuals


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The issue of multi-classes in schools from the field and methodology for these classes is controversial and contentious, both in terms of teaching, monitoring and organizational, is the perspective of values, training and systematization of public policy. Why the strategy Methodological Active School facing those classes appeared as a significant and exciting topic of research. Thus, it was aimed to apprehend the social representations of active school by teachers (s) to understand the extent to which these representations influence the acceptance and use of the program strategies. Perceiving and analyzing also the various factors related to the management, monitoring and training needs of (the) teachers as alternatives to make this meaningful action. The study focused 112 teachers (s), which for over a year, worked in the program in six municipalities in the micro-region of Rio Grande do Norte / RN - Areia Branca, Baraúna, Grossos, Mossoró, Serra do Mel and Tibau. From this perspective relied on Social Representation Theory and the Theory of the Central Core, attending to the subjectivity of the object searched, inserted in the psychosocial field of knowledge, we opted for multi-methodological approach, using quantitative and qualitative techniques. However, the highlight was a projective technique Free Association of Words from the term Active School is .... The words were systematized by EVOC program, and also applied semi-structured interviews, focusing specific issues that led to trace the socio-demographic profile of (the) participants and wider issues about the object of study. The evocations, justifications and interviews provided the basis for the analysis of the content that followed the steps: formation of the corpus, the composition of the analysis and categorization. The results show the representations an attitude of acceptance and positive appraisal of the participants to the Active School Program. At the core, these representations are objectified around the words "action", "learning", "autonomy" and "interaction". Based on the premise that the representations have a duty to guide the practices and behavior, one can see that the positive attitude of the group favors a systematic methodology and acceptance of the program, but we must look at the changes in management, training, monitoring of (the) teachers (s) and support to schools.


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The present study had the objective to identify to the Social Representations of the professionals of medicine and nursing superior level of the Program Health of the Family concerning the assistance for the gestation. The research was qualitative under the optics of the Theory of the Social Representations of Serge Moscovici, of the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric and of the Analysis of Content of Laurence Bardin. We worked with the following instruments for the collection of data: Questionnaires, with social-demographic data; Free association of Words, with the inductive terms Pregnancy, Assistance for Gestation and Care; Production of mental image and half-structuralized Interview, with the following question: What does the assistance for the gestation represent for you? . We interviewed all the professionals of nursing and medicine of the Program Health of the Family in the city of Santa Cruz /RN (ten for each profession) in the period of February and March of 2007. From the analysis of the social-demographics data, we respectively identified the following percentages for nursing and medicine: the feminine sex for nursing predominated (90%); the age between 24 and 33 (70 and 60%); the religion catholic (80 and 50%) and 50% of the two groups has up to two years of formation and work in the score of the research. The analysis of the others instruments resulted in two categories: Institutionalized vision and Vision of the Common-sense. In the free association of words, the category institutionalized vision is configured as Central Nucleus and of the common sense one as nucleus Peripheral, demonstrating that the Social Representations of the assistance for the gestation attendance are in the universes consensual. In the mental images, we identified to this same construction. In the content of the interviews, the institutionalized vision is permeated by the responsibility of making and the availability of having - assistance for the gestation is recommended by the Health department and necessary genders - while the vision of the common-sense can be represented by the category sort, whose role of professionals of the assistance for the gestation is to strengthen the responsibility for the woman of a maternity socially constructed. In short, the analyzed speeches reflect that, to the knowledge acquired in the academy, are incorporated in the knowledge of the daily professional, and conducted by popular myths. Medicine and nursing recognize the importance of the attendance in such a way for the chance to educate the women for the maternity as for the possibility to prevent complications, but in its speeches they had excluded from this process the masculine figure. We conclude that the meaning of the inductive term take care, part of the common-sense and is incorporated the institutionalized speech to humanize the assistance. However, the pregnancy ceases from being seen in its natural biological direction and starts to be analyzed as a moment of fragility and predisposition the illnesses. Finally, the social nursing and the central nucleus representations for the assistance in gestation for medicine is anchored in the speeches institutionalized and of the common-sense, reflecting the concern in establishing a humanized assistance with quality


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)