99 resultados para Incongruence
The comedies of Pedro Muñoz Seca (1879-1936) received extraordinary public acclaim for over thirty years, yet critics rejected them. Although several experts have recently begun to study his plays in an objective manner, this author has generally either been underrated or omitted from theater histories. This study identifies the merit, contributions and relevance of Muñoz Seca's works so that the unwarranted void that now exists in Spanish theater annals is justly filled. Historical and biographical backgrounds and a brief sketch of the development of comedy in Spain serve to introduce the literary, political and social contexts in which the author develops the subgenre known as "astracán" and introduces the "fresco" character type. ^ This analysis illustrates Muñoz Seca's verbal comic techniques---the use of regional dialects and individuals' speech peculiarities, double entendres, incongruence, periphrasis, and ingenious plays on words. It also explores the author's profound theatrical sense manifested in inter-textual references and self-reflexivity within the content of his plays. In addition, it identifies the scenic creativity he displays through the use of cinematography, the removal of color from stage decor (or the elimination of scenery altogether), and the original application of music to create comic effect. Furthermore, this study comments the satirical tone projected in Muñoz Seca's characters' idiolect and barbarisms as socio-political conditions worsen. Finally, it brings forth the author's use of parody to criticize his society and to deride other theatrical genres in vogue during his time. ^ While the polarization between Muñoz Seca's popular success and the critics' rejection can be explained by esthetic and ideological prejudices, this dissertation ascertains that the true nature of the author's plays has not been properly identified. The "astracán" is a double parody; however, since it caricaturizes a comic subgenre that is already burlesque, its defining parodic features have been consistently misinterpreted as mere exaggerations and defects. What is more, as its critical content is not recognized, its renewing function goes unnoticed. Muñoz Seca's "astracán" illustrates an era of the Spanish comic stage and paves the way for the theater of the absurd. Its merit and relevance must be recognized. ^
Stillbirth is without question one of the most devastating experiences of grief for parents and families. The death of a baby is also a distressing experience for healthcare professionals who share hopes of a live healthy baby at the end of pregnancy. It is a sad reality however, that in Ireland one in 238 babies will die before birth. The creation and nurture of new life in pregnancy is a spiritual experience as a new baby is at the same time experienced and anticipated. There is little in the published literature concerning the spiritual impact of stillbirth on healthcare chaplains who are the main providers of spiritual care for parents and staff colleagues in Irish maternity units. In addition there are few qualitative studies that explore the impact of stillbirth on consultant obstetricians and no published studies on the spiritual impact of stillbirth on bereaved parents. This study explored the spiritual and professional impact of stillbirth on Irish maternity healthcare chaplains, consultant obstetricians and bereaved parents. Following an overall review of spiritual care provision following stillbirth in the Irish maternity services, thematic analysis was used in the first phase of the study following in-depth interviews with maternity healthcare chaplains. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used in the second and third phases with consultant obstetricians and bereaved parents respectively. The data from both maternity healthcare chaplains and consultant obstetricians revealed that stillbirth posed immense personal, spiritual and professional challenges. Chaplains expressed the spiritual and professional impact of stillbirth in terms of perception of their role, suffering, doubt and presence as they provided care for bereaved parents. A review of spiritual care provision in the Irish maternity services revealed a diversity of practice. The data from consultant obstetricians identified considerable personal, professional and spiritual impact following stillbirth that was identified in superordinate themes of human response to stillbirth, weight of professional responsibility, conflict of personal faith and incongruence between personal faith and professional practice. Data from bereaved parents revealed that stillbirth was spiritually challenging and all parents expressed that stillbirth posed considerable challenge to their faith/ belief structure. The parents of only three babies felt that their spiritual needs were adequately addressed while in hospital. The data had six superordinate themes of searching for meaning, maintaining hope, importance of personhood, protective care, questioning core beliefs and relationships. Other findings from the data from bereaved parents outlined the importance of environment of care and communication. This study has revealed the immense impact of stillbirth on healthcare chaplains, consultant obstetricians and most especially the spiritual impact for bereaved parents. Recommendations are made for improvements in clinical and spiritual care for bereaved parents following stillbirth and for staff wellbeing and support initiatives. Further research areas are recommended in the areas of spiritual care, theological reflection, bereavement care, post-mortem consent procedures and staff wellbeing.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Cette étude vise à établir des liens entre la situation de plafonnement de carrière et l'incongruence vocationnelle. De façon plus spécifique, il s'agit de vérifier, au moyen d'une étude, la relation entre la situation de plafonnement de carrière, largement étudiée jusqu'à présent par plusieurs auteurs et la congruence des intérêts. Ces auteurs s'interrogent sur la question des ressources humaines (tels par exemple Tremblay, Cardinal, Lamoureux, Hoyt, Charest) de laquelle, nous tenterons d'établir la congruence des intérêts professionnels en lien avec la typologie de Holland. Holland prévoit (6) six types: Réaliste (R), Investigateur (I), Artistique (A), Social (S), Entreprenant (E), et Conventionnel (C). Ces types peuvent être octroyés sur deux plans distinctifs. Il est en effet possible de définir le patron typologique sur les plans environnemental et individuel. C'est à partir de ces deux patrons typologiques, constitués de trois lettres, qu'on établira la correspondance entre les données provenant de l'individu et de l'environnement. C'est donc à partir de celles-ci que l'on peut calculer le niveau de congruence, en appliquant l'indice de lachan qui constitue une mesure de congruence. Deux instruments de mesure inclus dans une batterie d'inventaires seront donc proposés à soixante travailleurs de la Ville de Montréal. Il s'agit premièrement d'une grille d'évaluation élaborée à partir de critères spécifiques issus d'enquêtes différentes liées au plafonnement de carrière. L'instrument de mesure comporte sept échelles : le temps et l'âge, des informations relatives au travail, le positionnement par rapport aux collègues de travail, l'impact du changement sur l'individu, les rémunérations et • conditions salariales, la formation, les intérêts et loisirs reliées à la profession. Le plafonnement de carrière tel que nous le percevons, constitue un concept complexe nécessitant une vision systémique ; c'est-à-dire que le problème doit être considéré dans son ensemble, à savoir l'individu et son environnement. La deuxième étape consiste en la passation de l'inventaire des préférences professionnelles, abrégé (I.P.P.A.). Pour chacune des personnes évaluées, un patron typologique de l'environnement professionnel sera établi à partir du Codes Holland pour C. C. D. P. Les résultats obtenus par l'intermédiaire de l'I.P.P A. et transférés en types par l'intermédiaire du Guide : Codes Holland pour C.C.D.P., seront soumis à l'indice de lachan qui évalue la congruence entre deux séries de données. Le score du niveau de congruence sera par la suite confronté au score obtenu par l'intermédiaire de la grille/questionnaire par une simple corrélation. De cette façon, nous pourrons établir les liens et ainsi vérifier l'hypothèse de recherche. Cette recherche se propose donc d'identifier des plateaux de carrière à l'aide de la grille/questionnaire, pour ensuite vérifier s'il existe véritablement des liens entre la situation de plafonnement de carrière et la congruence d'intérêts. Cette démarche tend à confirmer l'hypothèse suivante : l'incongruence entre les intérêts individuels et ceux du milieu est responsable du plafonnement de carrière. En ce sens, elle entraîne entre autres une démotivation de l'individu à s'impliquer dans son travail, à mettre ses connaissances à jour. La présence du plafonnement de carrière peut décourager l'organisation et l'entourage immédiat de travail à justifier un accroissement des responsabilités ou toutes autres mobilités. Cette situation peut entraîner un malaise important tant chez l'employé que dans l'environnement de travail. La méthodologie proposée permet d'envisager la problématique sous différents angles, • étant donné que le plafonnement de carrière est à la fois la cause et l'effet d'un ensemble de facteurs difficilement mesurables.
Poucos são os estudos que relacionam variáveis de nível individual como o género, idade e antiguidade na empresa, com a percepção de contracto psicológico, no entanto para além destas variáveis moldarem o conteúdo do contracto psicológico (Guest, 2004), parecem também determinar diferentes valores e interesses de trabalho (Elizur, 1994; Bal, Lange, Jansen e Velde, 2008). Tais evidências chamam a atenção das organizações para o facto de diferentes grupos de trabalhadores apresentarem diferentes percepções de contracto psicológico, podendo consequentemente responder de diferente forma às mesmas políticas organizacionais (Freese & Schalk, 1996). O presente estudo procurou perceber se diferentes grupos de trabalhadores, de diferentes géneros, idades e antiguidades apresentam diferentes percepções de contracto psicológico, procurando posteriormente aceder às causas percebidas de quebra de contracto (Renegação, Disrupção, Incongruência e Anulação), mencionadas na literatura por Rousseau (1995) e Morrinson e Robinson (1997). Foi utilizada uma amostra, recolhida por conveniência, de 83 participantes pertencentes a uma empresa do sector alimentar, constituída por 57,8% de mulheres e 42,2% de homens. Em média possuem 37 anos de idade e 9 anos de antiguidade na empresa. Foi aplicado um questionário, desenvolvido por Lester, Turnley, Bloodgood e Bolino (2002) constituído por diferentes dimensões (Compensação, Recompensas com base na performance, Características da Função, Progressão e Desenvolvimento, Recursos e Relação Laboral) que constituem o contracto psicológico, assim como pelas diferentes causas percebidas de incumprimento da promessa. Após uma análise factorial, foram extraídos 5 factores (Características da Função, Relação Laboral, Compensação, Recursos e Progressão e Recompensas com base na performance). Os resultados demonstraram que os trabalhadores mais velhos percepcionam que a sua empresa lhes proporciona menos do que o prometido relativamente à Compensação, resultados igualmente obtidos para os trabalhadores com mais antiguidade na empresa. Uma posterior análise correlacional demonstrou que a idade está associada com a antiguidade dos trabalhadores. Quanto à causa percebida de incumprimento, os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria dos trabalhadores atribui o incumprimento das promessas à Renegação. Por outras palavras, os trabalhadores entendem que a sua organização não cumpriu as promessas que lhes fez, simplesmente porque assim o quis.
The four-skills on tests for young native speakers commonly do not generate correlation incongruency concerning the cognitive strategies frequently reported. Considering the non-native speakers there are parse evidence to determine which tasks are important to assess properly the cognitive and academic language proficiency (Cummins, 1980; 2012). Research questions: It is of high probability that young students with origin in immigration significantly differ on their communication strategies and skills in a second language processing context (1); attached to this first assumption, it is supposed that teachers significantly differ depending on their scientific area and previous training (2). Purpose: This study intends to examine whether school teachers (K-12) as having different origin in scientific domain of teaching and training perceive differently an adapted four-skills scale, in European Portuguese. Research methods: 77 teachers of five areas scientific areas, mean of teaching year service = 32 (SD= 2,7), 57 males and 46 females (from basic and high school levels). Main findings: ANOVA (Effect size and Post-hoc Tukey tests) and linear regression analysis (stepwise method) revealed statistically significant differences among teachers of different areas, mainly between language teachers and science teachers. Language teachers perceive more accurately tasks in a multiple manner to the broad skills that require to be measured in non-native students. Conclusion: If teachers perceive differently the importance of the big-four tasks, there would be incongruence on skills measurement that teachers select for immigrant puppils. Non-balanced tasks and the teachers’ perceptions on evaluation and toward competence of students would likely determine limitations for academic and cognitive development of non-native students. Furthermore, results showed sufficient evidence to conclude that tasks are perceived differently by teachers toward importance of specific skills subareas. Reading skills are best considered compared to oral comphreension skills in non-native students.
Despite major progress, currently available treatment options for patients suffering from schizophrenia remain suboptimal. Antipsychotic medication is one such option, and is helpful in acute phases of the disease. However, antipsychotics cause significant side-effects that often require additional medication, and can even trigger the discontinuation of treatment. Taken together, along with the fact that 20-30% of patients are medication-resistant, it is clear that new medical care options should be developed for patients with schizophrenia. Besides medication, an emerging option to treat psychiatric symptoms is through the use of neurofeedback. This technique has proven efficacy for other disorders and, more importantly, has also proven to be feasible in patients with schizophrenia. One of the major advantages of this approach is that it allows for the influence of brain states that otherwise would be inaccessible; i.e. the physiological markers underlying psychotic symptoms. EEG resting-state microstates are a very interesting electrophysiological marker of schizophrenia symptoms. Precisely, a specific class of resting-state microstates, namely microstate class D, has consistently been found to show a temporal shortening in patients with schizophrenia compared to controls, and this shortening is correlated with the presence positive psychotic symptoms. Under the scope of biological psychiatry, appropriate treatment of psychotic symptoms can be expected to modify the underlying physiological markers accompanying behavioral manifestations of a disease. We reason that if abnormal temporal parameters of resting-state microstates seem to be related to positive symptoms in schizophrenia, regulating this EEG feature might be helpful as a treatment for patients. The goal of this thesis was to prove the feasibility of microstate class D contribution self-regulation via neurofeedback. Given that no other study has attempted to regulate microstates via neurofeedback, we first tested its feasibility in a population of healthy subjects. In the first paper we describe the methodological characteristics of the neurofeedback protocol and its implementation. Neurofeedback performance was assessed by means of linear mixed effects modeling, which provided a complete profile of the neurofeedback’s training response within and between-subjects. The protocol included 20 training sessions, and each session contained three conditions: baseline (resting-state) and two active conditions: training (auditory feedback upon self-regulation performance) and transfer (self-regulation with no feedback). With linear modeling we obtained performance indices for each of them as follows: baseline carryover (baseline increments time-dependent) and learning and aptitude for each of the active conditions. Learning refers to the increase/decrease of the microstate class D contribution, time-dependent during each active condition, and aptitude refers to the constant difference of the microstate class D contribution between each active condition and baseline independent of time. The indices provided are discussed in terms of tailoring neurofeedback treatment to individual profiles so that it can be applied in future studies or clinical practice. In our sample of participants, neurofeedback proved feasible, as all participants at least showed positive results in one of the aforementioned learning indices. Furthermore, between-subjects we observed that the contribution of microstate class D across-sessions increased by 0.42% during baseline, 1.93% during training trials, and 1.83% during transfer. This range is expected to be effective in treating psychotic symptoms in patients. In the second paper presented in this thesis, we explored the possible predictors of neurofeedback success among psychological variables measured with questionnaires. An interesting finding was the negative correlation between “motivational incongruence” and some of the neurofeedback performance indices. Even though this finding requires replication, we discuss it in terms of the interfering effects of incompatible psychological processes with neurofeedback training requirements. In the third paper, we present a meta-analysis on all available studies that have related resting-state microstate abnormalities and schizophrenia. We obtained medium effect sizes for two microstate classes, namely C and D. Combining the meta-analysis results with the fact that microstate class D abnormalities are correlated with the presence of positive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, these results add further support for the training of this precise microstate. Overall, the results obtained in this study encourage the implementation of this protocol in a population of patients with schizophrenia. However, future studies will have to show whether patients will be able to successfully self-regulate the contribution of microstate class D and, if so, whether this regulation will have an impact on symptomatology.
The purpose of this research was to determine if a multi-component consultation intervention was effective in improving pragmatic performance in students with ADHD. Participants for this study consisted of 7 children for whom 3 data points were obtained by a parent or 2 data points by a teacher. Changes in pragmatic performance were measured by comparing reports provided by parents or teachers pre- and post- intervention. Descriptive analysis procedures were completed to summarize changes in pragmatic behavior. Results revealed the mean overall change in pragmatic behavior for children in the MCC condition (Χ=1.133) was greater than the change seen in the CAU condition (.334) after 2 months of intervention as per parent reported data. Data indicated improvement in each behavior but incongruence between teachers and parents was found. Results support the hypothesis that the multi-component consultation intervention is effective in improving the pragmatic language performance of children with ADHD.
The purpose of this case study is to report on the use of learning journals as a strategy to encourage critical reflection in the field of graphic design. Very little empirical research has been published regarding the use of critical reflection in learning journals in this field. Furthermore, nothing has been documented at the college level. To that end, the goal of this research endeavor was to investigate whether second-year students in the NewMedia and Publication Design Program at a small Anglophone CEGEP in Québec, enrolled in a Page Layout and Design course, learn more deeply by reflecting in action during design projects or reflecting on action after completing design projects. Secondarily, indications of a possible change in self-efficacy were examined. Two hypotheses were posited: 1) reflection-on-action journaling will promote a deeper approach to learning than reflection-in-action journaling, and 2) the level of self-efficacy in graphic design improves as students are encouraged to think reflectively. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, a mixed methods approach was used to collect and analyze the data. Content analysis of journal entries and interview responses was the primary method used to address the first hypothesis. Students were required to journal twice for each of three projects, once during the project and again one week after the project had been submitted. In addition, data regarding the students' perception of journaling was obtained through administering a survey and conducting interviews. For the second hypothesis, quantitative methods were used through the use of two surveys, one administered early in the Fall 2011 semester and the second administered early in the Winter 2012 semester. Supplementary data regarding self-efficacy was obtained in the form of content analysis of journal entries and interviews. Coded journal entries firmly supported the hypothesis that reflection-on-action journaling promotes deep learning. Using a taxonomy developed by Kember et al. (1999) wherein "critical reflection" is considered the highest level of reflection, it was found that only 5% of the coded responses in the reflection-in-action journals were deemed of the highest level, whereas 39% were considered critical reflection in the reflection-on-action journals. The findings from the interviews suggest that students had some initial concerns about the value of journaling, but these concerns were later dismissed as students learned that journaling was a valuable tool that helped them reflect and learn. All participants indicated that journaling changed their learning processes as they thought much more about what they were doing while they were doing it. They were taking the learning they had acquired and thinking about how they would apply it to new projects; this is critical reflection. The survey findings did not support the conclusive results of the comparison of journal instruments, where an increase of 35% in critical reflection was noted in the reflection-on-action journals. In Chapter 5, reasons for this incongruence are explored. Furthermore, based on the journals, surveys, and interviews, there is not enough evidence at this time to support the hypothesis that self-efficacy improves when students are encouraged to think reflectively. It could be hypothesized, however, that one's self-efficacy does not change in such a short period of time. In conclusion, the findings established in this case study make a practical contribution to the literature concerning the promotion of deep learning in the field of graphic design, as this researcher's hypothesis was supported that reflection-on-action journaling promoted deeper learning than reflection-in-action journaling. When examining the increases in critical reflection from reflection-in-action to the reflection-on-action journals, it was found that all students but one showed an increase in critical reflection in reflection-on-action journals. It is therefore recommended that production-oriented program instructors consider integrating reflection-on-action journaling into their courses where projects are given.