974 resultados para Incêndio localizado,


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O betão, por norma, tem um bom comportamento quando submetido a temperaturas elevadas como as decorrentes dum incêndio. Contudo as suas propriedades mecânicas a altas temperaturas e residuais após incêndio sofrem deterioração podendo, em situação extrema, levar ao colapso, parcial ou total do edifício. Tal redução verifica-se quer no betão normal quer no betão de alta resistência. Nesta comunicação são apresentadas as alterações provocadas pela temperatura nas propriedades mecânicas residuais após incêndio dos betões - resistência à compressão, resistência à tração, resistência à flexão e módulo de elasticidade - obtidas em ensaios experimentais com betão normal e comparadas com os resultados existentes na literatura da especialidade para betão normal e de betão de alta resistência.


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As construções de betão quando sujeitas a um incêndio podem sofrer degradações leves, cuja intervenção é simples e superficial, ou profundas podendo exigir a demolição total ou parcial da estrutura. Após um incêndio, torna-se necessário avaliar o tipo e o nível de deterioração dos elementos construtivos, de modo a proceder a uma avaliação e classificação das anomalias seguida duma seleção dos métodos e materiais de reparação mais apropriados. Nesta comunicação, apresenta-se uma visão geral dos diferentes aspetos da avaliação e classificação de anomalias das estruturas após incêndio e propõe-se um conjunto de procedimentos e técnicas de reparação.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - Recursos Agro-Florestais e Ambientais.


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Este estudo aborda a Segurança contra Incêndios com base no desempenho do edifício da Fábrica de Lubrificantes da Refinaria da Galp em Matosinhos, ou seja utilizando a Engenharia de Segurança contra Incêndios. É avaliada a segurança do edifício em questão segundo métodos de análise de risco tradicionais como o método de Gretener e o FRAME. Para a análise do edifício com base no desempenho, é utilizada a modelação de deflagração e propagação de incêndio no interior do edifício que constitui a Fábrica, utilizando o software FDS, com a aplicação Pyrosim, desenvolvida pelo NIST, nos Estados Unidos da América, que permite a obtenção de campos de temperaturas e evolução da propagação de fumos no volume de controlo definido. O objetivo principal do estudo consiste na determinação dos aspetos negativos em termos de Segurança ao Incêndio, para permitir que no futuro possa ser melhorada a Segurança, cumprindo o objetivo comum a este tipo de empreendimentos, que deverá ser o objetivo de ZERO ACIDENTES.


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Problems associated to longitudinal interactions in buried pipelines are characterized as three-dimensional and can lead to different soil-pipe issues. Despite the progress achieved in research on buried pipelines, little attention has been given to the three-dimensional nature of the problem throughout the last decades. Most of researches simplify the problem by considering it in plane strain condition. This dissertation aims to present a study on the behavior of buried pipelines under local settlement or elevation, using three-dimensional simulations. Finite element code Plaxis 3D was used for the simulations. Particular aspects of the numerical modeling were evaluated and parametric analyzes were performed, was investigated the effects of soil arching in three-dimensional form. The main variables investigated were as follows: relative density, displacement of the elevation or settlement zone, elevated zone size, height of soil cover and pipe diameter/thickness ratio. The simulations were performed in two stages. The first stage was involved the validation of the numerical analysis using the physical models put forward by Costa (2005). In the second stage, numerical analyzes of a full-scale pipeline subjected to a localized elevation were performed. The obtained results allowed a detailed evaluation of the redistribution of stresses in the soil mass and the deflections along the pipe. It was observed the reduction of stresses in the soil mass and pipe deflections when the height of soil cover was decreased on regions of the pipe subjected to elevation. It was also shown for the analyzed situation that longitudinal thrusts were higher than vi circumferential trusts and exceeded the allowable stresses and deflections. Furthermore, the benefits of minimizing stress with technical as the false trench, compressible cradle and a combination of both applied to the simulated pipeline were verified


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The great demand for Federal Institutions of High Education (IFES) design, triggered by the favourable political moment, boosts the public works market and brings with it the stigma of seeking the lowest cost and meet the federal Law 8.666/93 (Bids). In this context, this research makes an analysis of compliance with Fire Safety’s normative requirements in IFES’s architectural designs, taking this point as an evaluation of quality of designs. For the study, were used, IFES’s designs, specifically from UFERSA – Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido and UFRN – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, selected by the relationship use x public served and yet, in the replication of these buildings’ construction. The research was developed through the identification of the Fire Safety applicable legislation to the designs in question, with the determination of the demanded conditions that are architect’s autonomy or that affect the architectural design. Tabulated the requirements, through data collection and measures gathered in the blueprints, was made a comparison and verification of the compliance with these. The results of this evaluation reveal that the minimum requirements was not fulfilled and that IFES’s architectural designs, taken as object in this study, certainly will suffer restrictions in their regularization process with the Fire Department. It is concluded that is necessary an improvement in the IFES’s designs to meet the minimum fire safety regulations and improvement in quality. Moreover, the results direct to the understanding that level of knowledge about Fire Safety received in undergraduate by architects is insufficient for appropriate elaboration of architectural designs in this area.


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Ceramic materials the alumina base are large industrial applications. They are required for these products, specific characteristics obtained by following strict criteria during the manufacturing process. However, after life, not always these products are reused by a suitable waste management process. In ceramist context, advance research aimed at the reuse of waste aimed at obtaining ceramics and composite materials, with marked reduction of conventional raw materials. Aiming to generate scientific, technological and environmental contribution, this work studied to obtain a composite of alumina ceramic (Al2O3) and sodium beta alumina (NaAl11O17 ), and as starting materials the residue of the ceramic insulator of spark plugs, as a source alumina (Al2O3) powder and unusable sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) of fire extinguishers, as a source of sodium oxide (Na2O). The final ceramic product was obtained from a conventional mixture of sodium aluminum oxide in appropriate molar proportions. Sample spark plugs were obtained, discarded by lifetime, specific to a manufacturer, which, after passing through mechanical stress (grinding, magnetic purification, washing, drying and grinding the high energy), which resulted in residue powder with ceramic content of 84.34 % alumina (Al2O3), found by FRX chemical analysis, the phases present and identified by DRX. The dry chemical fire extinguisher, baking soda-based (NaHCO3) with expired, was obtained through direct collection of the waste generated during maintenance. Subjected to heat treatment at 120 °C , the NaHCO3 powder was decomposed in sodium oxide ( Na2O), which, subjected to chemical analysis (FRX) and mineralogical (DRX) revealed a content of 86.62 % sodium oxide (Na2O) . In the following steps the experimental procedure, chemical formulations were made on a molar basis of the starting material (1:9, 1:10 and 1:11 de Na2O/ Al2O3) inclusion of additives, milling parameters, sieve analysis, dilatometry, conformation of specimens, sintering in firing steps at 800 °C , 1000 °C and 1.200 °C with varying stays 30 , 60 and 120 minutes in each of the levels. The characterization of the final product was made by the following physical tests: water absorption, porosity, linear shrinkage, mineralogical analysis by DRX and microstructural analysis by MEV. A higher formation of sodium beta alumina (NaAl11O17), in sintered specimens in levels of 1.200 °C and 120 minutes, despite the prevailing coexistence of alpha phase alumina (Al2O3). From the results obtained opens up prospects for the reuse of waste studied in this work, the potter context and in other technological areas.