995 resultados para INDUCED GAP


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Air Pollution and Health: Bridging the Gap from Sources to Health Outcomes, an international specialty conference sponsored by the American Association for Aerosol Research, was held to address key uncertainties in our understanding of adverse health effects related to air pollution and to integrate and disseminate results from recent scientific studies that cut across a range of air pollution-related disciplines. The Conference addressed the science of air pollution and health within a multipollutant framework (herein "multipollutant" refers to gases and particulate matter mass, components, and physical properties), focusing on five key science areas: sources, atmospheric sciences, exposure, dose, and health effects. Eight key policy-relevant science questions integrated across various parts of the five science areas and a ninth question regarding findings that provide policy-relevant insights served as the framework for the meeting. Results synthesized from this Conference provide new evidence, reaffirm past findings, and offer guidance for future research efforts that will continue to incrementally advance the science required for reducing uncertainties in linking sources, air pollutants, human exposure, and health effects. This paper summarizes the Conference findings organized around the science questions. A number of key points emerged from the Conference findings. First, there is a need for greater focus on multipollutant science and management approaches that include more direct studies of the mixture of pollutants from sources with an emphasis on health studies at ambient concentrations. Further, a number of research groups reaffirmed a need for better understanding of biological mechanisms and apparent associations of various health effects with components of particulate matter (PM), such as elemental carbon, certain organic species, ultrafine particles, and certain trace elements such as Ni, V, and Fe(II), as well as some gaseous pollutants. Although much debate continues in this area, generation of reactive oxygen species induced by these and other species present in air pollution and the resulting oxidative stress and inflammation were reiterated as key pathways leading to respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes. The Conference also underscored significant advances in understanding the susceptibility of populations, including the role of genetics and epigenetics and the influence of socioeconomic and other confounding factors and their synergistic interactions with air pollutants. Participants also pointed out that short-and long-term intervention episodes that reduce pollution from sources and improve air quality continue to indicate that when pollution decreases so do reported adverse health effects. In the limited number of cases where specific sources or PM2.5 species were included in investigations, specific species are often associated with the decrease in effects. Other recent advances for improved exposure estimates for epidemiological studies included using new technologies such as microsensors combined with cell phone and integrated into real-time communications, hybrid air quality modeling such as combined receptor-and emission-based models, and surface observations used with remote sensing such as satellite data.


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Abstract Introduction We conducted the present study to investigate whether early large-volume crystalloid infusion can restore gut mucosal blood flow and mesenteric oxygen metabolism in severe sepsis. Methods Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated male mongrel dogs were challenged with intravenous injection of live Escherichia coli (6 × 109 colony-forming units/ml per kg over 15 min). After 90 min they were randomly assigned to one of two groups – control (no fluids; n = 13) or lactated Ringer's solution (32 ml/kg per hour; n = 14) – and followed for 60 min. Cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and mesenteric oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate and gastric carbon dioxide tension (PCO2; by gas tonometry) were assessed throughout the study. Results E. coli infusion significantly decreased arterial pressure, cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, and systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery, and increased arterial and portal lactate, intramucosal PCO2, PCO2 gap (the difference between gastric mucosal and arterial PCO2), and systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction ratio in both groups. The Ringer's solution group had significantly higher cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery, and lower oxygen extraction ratio and PCO2 gap at 165 min as compared with control animals. However, infusion of lactated Ringer's solution was unable to restore the PCO2 gap. There were no significant differences between groups in mesenteric oxygen delivery, oxygen extraction ratio, or portal lactate at the end of study. Conclusion Significant disturbances occur in the systemic and mesenteric beds during bacteremic severe sepsis. Although large-volume infusion of lactated Ringer's solution restored systemic hemodynamic parameters, it was unable to correct gut mucosal PCO2 gap.


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Das wichtigste Oxidationsmittel für den Abbau flüchtiger Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (VOC, engl.: volatile organic compounds) in der Atmosphäre ist das Hydroxylradikal (OH), welches sich in einem schnellen chemischen Gleichgewicht mit dem Hydroperoxylradical (HO2) befindet. Bisherige Messungen und Modellvergleiche dieser Radikalspezies in Waldgebieten haben signifikante Lücken im Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Prozesse aufgezeigt.rnIm Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden Messungen von OH- und HO2-Radikalen mittelsrnlaserinduzierten Fluoreszensmesstechnik (LIF, engl.: laser-induced fluorescence) in einem Nadelwald in Süd-Finnland während der Messkampagne HUMPPA–COPEC–2010 (Hyytiälä United Measurements of Photochemistry and Particles in Air – Comprehensive Organic Precursor Emission and Concentration study) im Sommer 2010 durchgeführt. Unterschiedliche Komponenten des LIF-Instruments wurden verbessert. Eine modifizierte Methode zur Bestimmung des Hintergrundsignals (engl.: InletPreInjector technique) wurde in den Messaufbaurnintegriert und erstmals zur Messung von atmosphärischem OH verwendet. Vergleichsmessungen zweier Instrumente basierend auf unterschiedlichen Methoden zur Messung von OH-Radikalen, chemische Ionisationsmassenspektrometrie (CIMS - engl.: chemical ionization mass spectrometry) und LIF-Technik, zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung. Die Vergleichsmessungen belegen das Vermögen und die Leistungsfähigkeit des modifizierten LIF-Instruments atmosphärische OH Konzentrationen akkurat zu messen. Nachfolgend wurde das LIF-Instrument auf der obersten Plattform eines 20m hohen Turmes positioniert, um knapp oberhalb der Baumkronen die Radikal-Chemie an der Schnittstelle zwischen Ökosystem und Atmosphäre zu untersuchen. Umfangreiche Messungen - dies beinhaltet Messungen der totalen OH-Reaktivität - wurden durchgeführt und unter Verwendung von Gleichgewichtszustandsberechnungen und einem Boxmodell, in welches die gemessenen Daten als Randbedingungen eingehen, analysiert. Wenn moderate OH-Reaktivitäten(k′(OH)≤ 15 s−1) vorlagen, sind OH-Produktionsraten, die aus gemessenen Konzentrationen von OH-Vorläuferspezies berechnet wurden, konsistent mit Produktionsraten, die unter der Gleichgewichtsannahme von Messungen des totalen OH Verlustes abgeleitet wurden. Die primären photolytischen OH-Quellen tragen mit einem Anteil von bis zu einem Drittel zur Gesamt-OH-Produktion bei. Es wurde gezeigt, dass OH-Rezyklierung unter Bedingungen moderater OH-Reaktivität hauptsächlich durch die Reaktionen von HO2 mit NO oder O3 bestimmt ist. Während Zeiten hoher OH-Reaktivität (k′(OH) > 15 s−1) wurden zusätzliche Rezyklierungspfade, die nicht über die Reaktionen von HO2 mit NO oder O3, sondern direkt OH bilden, aufgezeigt.rnFür Hydroxylradikale stimmen Boxmodell-Simulationen und Messungen gut übereinrn(OHmod/OHobs=1.04±0.16), während HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse in der Simulation signifikant unterschätzt werden (HO2mod/HO2obs=0.3±0.2) und die simulierte OH-Reaktivität nicht mit der gemessenen OH-Reaktivität übereinstimmt. Die gleichzeitige Unterschätzung der HO2-Mischungsverhältnisse und der OH-Reaktivität, während OH-Konzentrationen von der Simulation gut beschrieben werden, legt nahe, dass die fehlende OH-Reaktivität in der Simulation eine noch unberücksichtigte HO2-Quelle darstellt. Zusätzliche, OH-unabhängigernRO2/HO2-Quellen, wie z.B. der thermische Zerfall von herantransportiertem peroxyacetylnitrat (PAN) und die Photolyse von Glyoxal sind indiziert.


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Wound healing is a conserved survival response whose function is to restore the integrity of the tissue after physical trauma. Despite numerous studies in the wound healing field, the signals and pathways that orchestrate and control the wound healing program are still not entirely known. To identify additional signals and pathways that regulate epidermal wound repair in Drosophila larvae, we performed a pilot in vivo RNAi screen using a live reporter for epidermal morphology and a wounding assay. From our pilot screen we identified Pvr, the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate PDGF/VEGF receptors, and six other genes as epidermal wound healing genes. Morphological analysis of wound-edge cells lacking Pvr or the Drosophila Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK), previously implicated in larval wound closure, suggest that Pvr signaling leads to cell process extension into the wound site while JNK mediates transient dedifferentiation of wound-edge epidermal cells. Furthermore, we found that one of the three known Pvr ligands, Pvf1, is also required for epidermal wound closure. Through tissue-specific knock down and rescue experiments, we propose a model in which epidermally-produced Pvf1 may be sequestered into the hemolymph (blood) and that tissue damage locally exposes blood-borne Pvf1 to Pvr receptors on epidermal cells at the wound edge, thus initiating epidermal cell process extension and migration into the wound gap. Together, our data suggest that the Pvr and JNK signaling pathways act in parallel to control different aspects of wound closure and that PDGF/VEGF ligands and receptors may have a conserved autocrine role in epidermal wound closure. ^


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The main objective of this work is to adapt the Laser Induced Forward Techniques (LIFT), a well- known laser direct writing technique for material transfer, to define metallic contacts (fingers and busbars) onto c-Si cells. The silver paste (with viscosity around 30-50 kcPs) is applied over a glass substrate using a coater. The thickness of the paste can be control changing the deposit parameters. The glass with the silver paste is set at a controlled gap over the c-Si cell. A solid state pulsed laser (532 nm) is focused at the glass/silver interface producing a droplet of silver that it is transferred to the c-Si cell. A scanner is used to print lines. The process parameters (silver paste thickness, gap and laser parameters -spot size, pulse energy and overlapping of pulses) are modified and the morphology of the lines is studied using confocal microscopy. Long lines are printed and the uniformity (in thickness and height) is studied. Some examples of metallization of larger areas (up to 10 cm x 10 cm) are presented.


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While chemical synapses are very plastic and modifiable by defined activity patterns, gap junctions, which mediate electrical transmission, have been classically perceived as passive intercellular channels. Excitatory transmission between auditory afferents and the goldfish Mauthner cell is mediated by coexisting gap junctions and glutamatergic synapses. Although an increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration is expected to reduce gap junctional conductance, both components of the synaptic response were instead enhanced by postsynaptic increases in Ca2+ concentration, produced by patterned synaptic activity or intradendritic Ca2+ injections. The synaptically induced potentiations were blocked by intradendritic injection of KN-93, a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaM-K) inhibitor, or CaM-KIINtide, a potent and specific peptide inhibitor of CaM-KII, whereas the responses were potentiated by injection of an activated form of CaM-KII. The striking similarities of the mechanisms reported here with those proposed for long-term potentiation of mammalian glutamatergic synapses suggest that gap junctions are also similarly regulated and indicate a primary role for CaM-KII in shaping and regulating interneuronal communication, regardless of its modality.


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Gap junctional communication between microglia was investigated at rat brain stab wounds and in primary cultures of rat and mouse cells. Under resting conditions, rat microglia (FITC-isolectin-B4-reactive cells) were sparsely distributed in the neocortex, and most (95%) were not immunoreactive for Cx43, a gap junction protein subunit. At brain stab wounds, microglia progressively accumulated over several days and formed aggregates that frequently showed Cx43 immunoreactivity at interfaces between cells. In primary culture, microglia showed low levels of Cx43 determined by Western blotting, diffuse intracellular Cx43 immunoreactivity, and a low incidence of dye coupling. Treatment with the immunostimulant bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or the cytokines interferon-γ (INF-γ) or tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) one at a time did not increase the incidence of dye coupling. However, microglia treated with INF-γ plus LPS showed a dramatic increase in dye coupling that was prevented by coapplication of an anti-TNF-α antibody, suggesting the release and autocrine action of TNF-α. Treatment with INF-γ plus TNF-α also greatly increased the incidence of dye coupling and the Cx43 levels with translocation of Cx43 to cell–cell contacts. The cytokine-induced dye coupling was reversibly inhibited by 18α-glycyrrhetinic acid, a gap junction blocker. Cultured mouse microglia also expressed Cx43 and developed dye coupling upon treatment with cytokines, but microglia from homozygous Cx43-deficient mice did not develop significant dye coupling after treatment with either INF-γ plus LPS or INF-γ plus TNF-α. This report demonstrates that microglia can communicate with each other through gap junctions that are induced by inflammatory cytokines, a process that may be important in the elaboration of the inflammatory response.


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After gravistimulation of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. protonemata in the dark, amyloplast sedimentation was followed by upward curvature in the wild-type (WT) and downward curvature in the wwr mutant (wrong way response). We used ponderomotive forces induced by high-gradient magnetic fields (HGMF) to simulate the effect of gravity and displace the presumptive statoliths. The field was applied by placing protonemata either between two permanent magnets at the edge of the gap, close to the edge of a magnetized ferromagnetic wedge, or close to a small (<1 mm) permanent magnet. Continuous application of an HGMF in all three configurations resulted in plastid displacement and induced curvature in tip cells of WT and wwr protonemata. WT cells curved toward the HGMF, and wwr cells curved away from the HGMF, comparable to gravitropism. Plastids isolated from protonemal cultures had densities ranging from 1.24 to 1.38 g cm−3. Plastid density was similar for both genotypes, but the mutant contained larger plastids than the WT. The size difference might explain the stronger response of the wwr protonemata to the HGMF. Our data support the plastid-based theory of gravitropic sensing and suggest that HGMF-induced ponderomotive forces can substitute for gravity.


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Levels and subcellular distribution of connexin 43 (Cx43), a gap junction protein, were studied in hamster leukocytes before and after activation with endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) both in vitro and in vivo. Untreated leukocytes did not express Cx43. However, Cx43 was clearly detectable by indirect immunofluorescence in cells treated in vitro with LPS (1 micrograms/ml, 3 hr). Cx43 was also detected in leukocytes obtained from the peritoneal cavity 5-7 days after LPS-induced inflammation. In some leukocytes that formed clusters Cx43 immunoreactivity was present at appositional membranes, suggesting formation of homotypic gap junctions. In cell homogenates of activated peritoneal macrophages, Cx43, detected by Western blot analysis, was mostly unphosphorylated. A second in vivo inflammatory condition studied was that induced by ischemia-reperfusion of the hamster cheek pouch. In this system, leukocytes that adhered to venular endothelial cells after 1 hr of ischemia, followed by 1 hr of reperfusion, expressed Cx43. Electron microscope observations revealed small close appositions, putative gap junctions, at leukocyte-endothelial cell and leukocyte-leukocyte contacts. These results indicate that the expression of Cx43 can be induced in leukocytes during an inflammatory response which might allow for heterotypic or homotypic intercellular gap junctional communication. Gap junctions may play a role in leukocyte extravasation.


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Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2016-06-01 00:03:02.939


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with enhanced synchronization of neuronal network activity in the beta (15-30 Hz) frequency band across several nuclei of the basal ganglia (BG). Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) appears to reduce this pathological oscillation, thereby alleviating PD symptoms. However, direct stimulation of primary motor cortex (M1) has recently been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms in PD, suggesting a role for cortex in patterning pathological rhythms. Here, we examine the properties of M1 network oscillations in coronal slices taken from rat brain. Oscillations in the high beta frequency range (layer 5, 27.8 +/- 1.1 Hz, n=6) were elicited by co-application of the glutamate receptor agonist kainic acid (400 nM) and muscarinic receptor agonist carbachol (50 mu M). Dual extracellular recordings, local application of tetrodotoxin and recordings in M1 micro-sections indicate that the activity originates within deep layers V/VI. Beta oscillations were unaffected by specific AMPA receptor blockade, abolished by the GABA type A receptor (GABAAR) antagonist picrotoxin and the gap-junction blocker carbenoxolone, and modulated by pentobarbital and zolpidem indicating dependence on networks of GABAergic interneurons and electrical coupling. High frequency stimulation (HFS) at 125 Hz in superficial layers, designed to mimic transdural/transcranial stimulation, generated gamma oscillations in layers 11 and V (incidence 95%, 69.2 +/- 7.3 Hz, n=17) with very fast oscillatory components (VFO; 100-250 Hz). Stimulation at 4 Hz, however, preferentially promoted theta activity (incidence 62.5%, 5.1 +/- 0.6 Hz, n=15) that effected strong amplitude modulation of ongoing beta activity. Stimulation at 20 Hz evoked mixed theta and gamma responses. These data suggest that within M1, evoked theta, gamma and fast oscillations may coexist with and in some cases modulate pharmacologically induced beta oscillations.


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Surface compositional change of GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, InSb, GeSi and CdSe single crystals due to low keV noble gas ion beam bombardment has been investigated by combining X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (LEISS). The purpose of using this complementary analytical method is to obtain more complete experimental evidence of ion beam modification in surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy to improve the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for these effects. Before ion bombardment the sample surfaces were analysed nondestructively by Angular Resolved XPS (ARXPS) and LEISS to get the initial distribution of surface composition. Ion bombardment experiments were carried out using 3keV argon ions with beam current of 1μA for a period of 50 minutes, compositional changes in the surfaces of compound semiconductors and GeSi alloy were monitored with normal XPS. After ion bombardment the surfaces were re-examined with ARXPS and LEISS. Both XPS and LEISS results showed clearly that ion bombardment will change the compositional distribution in the compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces. In order to explain the observed experimental results, two major theories in this field, Sigmund linear collision cascade theory and the thermodynamic models based on bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion, were investigated. Computer simulation using TRIM code was also carried out for assistance to the theoretical analysis. Combined the results obtained from XPS and LEISS analyses, ion bombardment induced compositional changes in compound semiconductor and GeSi surfaces are explained in terms of the bombardment induced Gibbsian surface segregation and diffusion.


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The control of cellular water flow is mediated by the aquaporin (AQP) family of membrane proteins. The family's structural features and the mechanism of selective water passage through the AQP pore are established, but there remains a gap in our knowledge of how water transport is regulated. Two broad possibilities exist. One is controlling the passage of water through the AQP pore, but this has only been observed as a phenomenon in some plant and microbial AQPs. An alternative is controlling the number of AQPs in the cell membrane. Here we describe a novel pathway in mammalian cells whereby a hypotonic stimulus directly induces intracellular calcium elevations, through transient receptor potential channels, that trigger AQP1 translocation. This translocation, which has a direct role in cell volume regulation, occurs within 30s and is dependent on calmodulin activation and phosphorylation of AQP1 at two threonine residues by protein kinase C. This direct mechanism provides a rationale for the changes in water transport that are required in response to constantly-changing local cellular water availability. Moreover, since calcium is a pluripotent and ubiquitous second messenger in biological systems, the discovery of its role in the regulation of AQP translocation has ramifications for diverse physiological and pathophysiological processes, as well as providing an explanation for the rapid regulation of water flow that is necessary for cell homeostasis.


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We studied the optical properties of a strain-induced direct-band-gap Ge quantum well embedded in InGaAs. We showed that the band offsets depend on the electronegativity of the layer in contact with Ge, leading to different types of optical transitions in the heterostructure. When group-V atoms compose the interfaces, only electrons are confined in Ge, whereas both carriers are confined when the interface consists of group-III atoms. The different carrier confinement results in different emission dynamics behavior. This study provides a solution to obtain efficient light emission from Ge.


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Pipelines are one of the safest means to transport crude oil, but are not spill-free. This is of concern in North America, due to the large volumes of crude oil shipped by Canadian producers and the lengthy network of pipelines. Each pipeline crosses many rivers, supporting a wide variety of human activities, and rich aquatic life. However, there is a knowledge gap on the risks of contamination of river beds due to oil spills. This thesis addresses this knowledge gap by focussing on mechanisms that transport water (and contaminants) from the free surface flow to the bed sediments, and vice-versa. The work focuses on gravel rivers, in which bed sediments are sufficiently permeable that pressure gradients caused by the interactions of flow with topographic elements (gravel bars), or changes in direction induce exchanges of water between the free surface flow and the bed, known as hyporheic flows. The objectives of the thesis are: to present a new method to visualize and quantify hyporheic flows in laboratory experiments; to conduct a novel series of experiments on hyporheic flow induced by a gravel bar under different free surface flows. The new method to quantify hyporheic flows rests on injections of a solution of dye and water. The method yielded accurate flow lines, and reasonable estimates of the hyporheic flow velocities. The present series of experiments was carried out in a 11 m long, 0.39 m wide, and 0.41 m deep tilting flume. The gravel had a mean particle size of 7.7 mm. Different free surface flows were imposed by changing the flume slope and flow depth. Measured hyporheic flows were turbulent. Smaller free surface flow depths resulted in stronger hyporheic flows (higher velocities, and deeper dye penetration into the sediment). A significant finding is that different free surface flows (different velocities, Reynolds number, etc.) produce similar hyporheic flows as long as the downstream hydraulic gradients are similar. This suggests, that for a specified bar geometry, the characteristics of the hyporheic flows depend on the downstream hydraulic gradients, and not or only minimally on the internal dynamics of the free surface flow.