865 resultados para Housing Authority of New Orleans
Waterways have many more ties with society than as a medium for the transportation of goods alone. Waterway systems offer society many kinds of socio-economic value. Waterway authorities responsible for management and (re)development need to optimize the public benefits for the investments made. However, due to the many trade-offs in the system these agencies have multiple options for achieving this goal. Because they can invest resources in a great many different ways, they need a way to calculate the efficiency of the decisions they make. Transaction cost theory, and the analysis that goes with it, has emerged as an important means of justifying efficiency decisions in the economic arena. To improve our understanding of the value-creating and coordination problems for waterway authorities, such a framework is applied to this sector. This paper describes the findings for two cases, which reflect two common multi trade-off situations for waterway (re)development. Our first case study focuses on the Miami River, an urban revitalized waterway. The second case describes the Inner Harbour Navigation Canal in New Orleans, a canal and lock in an industrialized zone, in need of an upgrade to keep pace with market developments. The transaction cost framework appears to be useful in exposing a wide variety of value-creating opportunities and the resistances that come with it. These insights can offer infrastructure managers guidance on how to seize these opportunities.
The rate of water reform in Australia is gathering pace with Federal and State initiatives promoting a more integrated approach to water management. This approach encompasses a more competitive environment and a greater role for the private sector. There is a growing recognition of the importance of water recycling in these initiatives and the need to provide opportunities for its development. In March 2008 the Productivity Commission published its discussion paper on urban water reform (Productivity Commission, 2008). The paper cited inadequate institutional arrangements for the management of Australian urban water resources and noted the benefits to be gained from a comprehensive public review of urban water management. This development can be supported through the promotion of a sewer mining industry. This industry, offers flexible and innovative solutions to water recycling demands in a variety of situations and structures. In addition it has the capability of satisfying government competition and private sector policy initiatives.
Shaft-mounted gearboxes are widely used in industry. The torque arm that holds the reactive torque on the housing of the gearbox, if properly positioned creates the reactive force that lifts the gearbox and unloads the bearings of the output shaft. The shortcoming of these torque arms is that if the gearbox is reversed the direction of the reactive force on the torque arm changes to opposite and added to the weight of the gearbox overloads the bearings shortening their operating life. In this paper, a new patented design of torque arms that develop a controlled lifting force and counteract the weight of the gearbox regardless of the direction of the output shaft rotation is described. Several mathematical models of the conventional and new torque arms were developed and verified experimentally on a specially built test rig that enables modelling of the radial compliance of the gearbox bearings and elastic elements of the torque arms. Comparison showed a good agreement between theoretical and experimental results.
The central purpose of this chapter is to address the tension between legal and medical discourses within the coronial/medico-legal system. In the context of a death investigation, medical expertise, manifest through the knowledge gained in an internal autopsy, is positioned as contributing the more valuable facts of the case, especially when contrasted with the evidence gathered at the scene of the death. We challenge this taken for granted understanding of medical knowledge in three ways: first, we examine the aspects of the history, philosophy and consequences of the processes by which the medical model gained its current dominance; second, we challenge the assumption that internal autopsy adds value to the death investigation, by utilising data from our own research in Australia; and finally, we engage with the debate about the purpose of a coronial/medico-legal investigation and role of an internal autopsy within that system.
Two ultrasound survey methods were used to determine the presence and activity patterns of New Zealand long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) in the city of Hamilton. First, 13 monthly surveys conducted at 18 green spaces found C. tuberculatus in only one urban forest reserve, Hammond Bush, where they were found consistently throughout the year. Bat activity was strongly related to temperature. Second, twice-yearly citywide surveys conducted over 2 years determined the distribution and habitat associations of C. tuberculatus. Bats were found only in the southern part of the city and were strongly associated with the Waikato River. Bat activity was negatively correlated with housing and street light density and positively correlated with topographical complexity. In Hamilton, topographical complexity indicates the presence of gullies. Gullies probably provide foraging and roosting opportunities and connect the river to distant forest patches. These results suggest that urban habitats can be useful for bats if gullies can link these to distant habitat fragments.
The fundamental aim of this thesis is to examine the effect of New Public Management (NPM) on the traditional roles of elected representatives, management and community activists in Irish local government. This will be achieved through a case study analysis of one local authority, Cork County Council. NPM promises greater democracy in decision-making. Therefore, one can hypothesise that the roles of the three key groupings identified will become more influenced by principles of participatory decision-making. Thus, a number of related questions will be addressed by this work, such as, have the local elected representatives been empowered by NPM? Has a managerial revolution taken place? Has local democracy been enhanced by more effective community participation? It will be seen in chapter 2 that these questions have not been adequately addressed to date in NPM literature. The three groups identified can be regarded as stakeholders although the researcher is cautious in using this term because of its value-laden nature. Essentially, in terms of Cork County Council, stakeholders can be defined as decision-makers and people within the organization and its environment who are interested in or could be affected directly or indirectly by organizational performance. This is an all-embracing definition and includes all citizens, residents, community groups and client organizations. It is in this context that the term 'stakeholder' should be understood when it is occasionally used in this thesis. In this case, the perceptions of elected councilors, management and community representatives with regard to their changing roles are as significant as the changes themselves. The chapter begins with a brief account of the background to this research. This is followed by an explanation of the methodology which is used and then concludes with short statements about the remaining chapters in the thesis.
In the U.S., coal fired power plants produce over 136 million tons of coal combustion residuals (CCRs) annually. CCRs are enriched in toxic elements, and their leachates can have significant impacts on water quality. Here we report the boron and strontium isotopic ratios of leaching experiments on CCRs from a variety of coal sources (Appalachian, Illinois, and Powder River Basins). CCR leachates had a mostly negative δ(11)B, ranging from -17.6 to +6.3‰, and (87)Sr/(86)Sr ranging from 0.70975 to 0.71251. Additionally, we utilized these isotopic ratios for tracing CCR contaminants in different environments: (1) the 2008 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) coal ash spill affected waters; (2) CCR effluents from power plants in Tennessee and North Carolina; (3) lakes and rivers affected by CCR effluents in North Carolina; and (4) porewater extracted from sediments in lakes affected by CCRs. The boron isotopes measured in these environments had a distinctive negative δ(11)B signature relative to background waters. In contrast (87)Sr/(86)Sr ratios in CCRs were not always exclusively different from background, limiting their use as a CCR tracer. This investigation demonstrates the validity of the combined geochemical and isotopic approach as a unique and practical identification method for delineating and evaluating the environmental impact of CCRs.
Cette recherche évalue si l’intégration du programme d’agrément MIRE (Mesures implantées pour le renouveau de l’évaluation) d’Agrément Canada, anciennement Conseil canadien d’agrément des services de santé, engendre du changement et de l’apprentissage organisationnel. Elle étudie le cas de deux organismes de santé, la Health Authority of Anguilla (HAA) et la Ca’ Foncella Opetale de Treviso (CFOT). La recherche comporte trois niveaux d’analyse pour lesquels des données qualitatives et quantitatives ont été recueillies : 1) les membres des équipes d’agrément; 2) les équipes d’agrément; 3) l’organisme dans son ensemble. Des questionnaires individuels administrés aux membres des équipes, des entretiens semi-structurés avec les chefs des équipes et les coordonnateurs de la qualité, une revue de documentation et plusieurs mesures périodiques du niveau de compliance aux normes MIRE ont été les techniques de collecte de données utilisées. Les résultats indiquent que les organismes ont opéré des transformations : 1) stratégiques; 2) de l’organisation; 3) des relations avec son environnement. Ils ont amélioré leurs systèmes et leurs pratiques de gestion de même que leurs communications internes et externes. Il y a eu aussi des apprentissages utiles par les individus, les équipes et les organismes. Les apprentissages individuels concernaient les programmes qualité, l’approche centrée sur la clientèle, la gestion des risques, l’éthique professionnelle, la gestion participative et l’évaluation des services. Les étapes « autoévaluation » et « apporter des améliorations et donner suite aux recommandations » du cycle d’agrément ont contribué le plus au changement et à l’apprentissage organisationnel. Les équipes interdisciplinaires d’agrément ont été le véhicule privilégié pour réaliser ces changements et ces apprentissages. La HAA et la CFOT ont amélioré progressivement leur niveau de compliance aux normes dans toutes les dimensions de la qualité, au niveau des équipes d’agrément et pour l’ensemble de l’organisation. Néanmoins, l’amélioration du niveau global de compliance était en deçà de la limite minimum des exigences du programme pour l’obtention d’un statut d’agrément sans restrictions importantes. L’envergure des changements et des apprentissages réalisés soulève la question de la capacité des organismes d’institutionnaliser ces nouvelles connaissances. La CFOT pourrait y arriver étant donné les ressources et les compétences à sa disposition.
Au Canada, les Commissions d'Examen des Troubles Mentaux de chaque province ont la responsabilité de déterminer les conditions de prise en charge des personnes déclarées Non Criminellement Responsables pour cause de Troubles Mentaux (NCRTM) et de rendre, sur une base annuelle une des trois décisions suivantes: a) détention dans un hôpital, b) libération conditionnelle, ou c) libération absolue. Pour favoriser la réinsertion sociale, la libération conditionnelle peut être ordonnée avec la condition de vivre dans une ressource d’hébergement dans la communauté. Parmi les personnes vivant avec une maladie mentale, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement a été associé à une plus grande stabilité résidentielle, une réduction de nombre et de la durée de séjours d'hospitalisation ainsi qu’une réduction des contacts avec le système judiciaire. Toutefois, l’accès aux ressources d’hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM est limité, en partie lié à la stigmatisation qui entoure cette population. Il existe peu d’études qui traitent du placement en ressources d’hébergement en psychiatrie légale. Pour répondre à cette question, cette thèse comporte trois volets qui seront présentés dans le cadre de deux manuscrits: 1) évaluer le rôle du placement en ressources d’hébergement sur la réhospitalisation et la récidive chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM; 2) décrire les trajectoires de disposition et de placement en ressources d’hébergement, et 3) mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à ces trajectoires. Les données de la province du Québec du Projet National de Trajectoires d’individus trouvés NCRTM ont été utilisées. Un total de 934 personnes trouvées NCRTM entre le 1er mai 2000 et le 30 avril 2005 compose cet échantillon. Dans le premier manuscrit, l’analyse de survie démontre que les individus placés dans un logement indépendant suite à une libération conditionnelle de la Commission d’Examen sont plus susceptibles de commettre une nouvelle infraction et d’être ré-hospitalisés que les personnes en ressources d’hébergement. Dans le deuxième article, l'analyse de données séquentielle a généré quatre modèles statistiquement stables de trajectoires de disposition et de placement résidentiel pour les 36 mois suivant un verdict de NCRTM: 1) libération conditionnelle dans une ressource d’hébergement (11%), 2) libération conditionnelle dans un logement autonome (32%), 3) détention (43%), et 4) libération absolue (14%). Une régression logistique multinomiale révèle que la probabilité d'un placement en ressource supervisée comparé au maintien en détention est significativement réduite pour les personnes traitées dans un hôpital spécialisé en psychiatrie légale, ainsi que pour ceux ayant commis un délit sévère. D'autre part, la probabilité d’être soumis à des dispositions moins restrictives (soit le logement indépendant et la libération absolue) est fortement associée à des facteurs cliniques tels qu’un nombre réduit d'hospitalisations psychiatriques antérieures, un diagnostic de trouble de l'humeur et une absence de diagnostic de trouble de la personnalité. Les résultats de ce projet doctoral soulignent la valeur protectrice des ressources en hébergement pour les personnes trouvées NCRTM, en plus d’apporter des arguments solides pour une gestion de risque chez les personnes trouvées NCRTM qui incorpore des éléments contextuels de prévention du risque, tel que l’accès à des ressources d’hébergement.
The British countryside has been shaped and sustained over the years by the establishment of landed estates. Some of our best known, and now most protected, landmarks derive from this tradition by which money, that was often sourced from outside the rural economy, was invested in land. Whilst there was some reversal in this trend during the last century, there is again a widespread desire among people of means to invest in new country property. Paragraph 3.21 of Planning Policy Guidance Note 7: The Countryside - Environmental Quality and Economic and Social Development was introduced in 1997 as a means of perpetuating the historic tradition of innovation in the countryside through the construction of fine individual houses in landscaped grounds. That it was considered necessary to use a special provision of this kind reflects the prevailing presumption of planning authorities against allowing private residential development in open countryside. The Government is currently reviewing rural planning policy and is focusing on higher density housing, affordable homes and the use of brownfield sites. There is an underlying conception that individual private house developments contribute nothing and are seen as the least attractive option for most development sites. The purpose of paragraph 3.21 lies outside the government’s priorities and its particular provisions may therefore be excluded in forthcoming ‘policy statements’. This paper seeks to examine the role of private investors wishing to build new houses in the countryside, and the impact that that might have on local economies. It explores the interpretation placed on PPG7 through an investigation of appeal sites, and concludes by making recommendations for the review process, including the retention of some form of exceptions policy for new build houses.
Presentations sponsored by the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Association (PTDLA) at the American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, June 25, 2006 Speaker #1: Nan Myers Associate Professor; Government Documents, Patents and Trademarks Librarian Wichita State University, Wichita, KS Title: Intellectual Property Roundup: Copyright, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, and Patents Abstract: This presentation provides a capsule overview of the distinctive coverage of the four types of intellectual property – What they are, why they are important, how to get them, what they cost, how long they last. Emphasis will be on what questions patrons ask most, along with the answers! Includes coverage of the mission of Patent & Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDLs) and other sources of business information outside of libraries, such as Small Business Development Centers. Speaker #2: Jan Comfort Government Information Reference Librarian Clemson University, Clemson, SC Title: Patents as a Source of Competitive Intelligence Information Abstract: Large corporations often have R&D departments, or large numbers of staff whose jobs are to monitor the activities of their competitors. This presentation will review strategies that small business owners can employ to do their own competitive intelligence analysis. The focus will be on features of the patent database that is available free of charge on the USPTO website, as well as commercial databases available at many public and academic libraries across the country. Speaker #3: Virginia Baldwin Professor; Engineering Librarian University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE Title: Mining Online Patent Data for Business Information Abstract: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website and websites of international databases contains information about granted patents and patent applications and the technologies they represent. Statistical information about patents, their technologies, geographical information, and patenting entities are compiled and available as reports on the USPTO website. Other valuable information from these websites can be obtained using data mining techniques. This presentation will provide the keys to opening these resources and obtaining valuable data. Speaker #4: Donna Hopkins Engineering Librarian Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY Title: Searching the USPTO Trademark Database for Wordmarks and Logos Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of wordmark searching in www.uspto.gov, followed by a review of the techniques of searching for non-word US trademarks using codes from the Design Search Code Manual. These codes are used in an electronic search, either on the uspto website or on CASSIS DVDs. The search is sometimes supplemented by consulting the Official Gazette. A specific example of using a section of the codes for searching is included. Similar searches on the Madrid Express database of WIPO, using the Vienna Classification, will also be briefly described.
The prospect of the continuous multiplication of life styles, the obsolescence of the traditional typological diagrams, the usability of spaces on different territorial scales, imposes on contemporary architecture the search for new models of living. Limited densities in urban development have produced the erosion of territory, the increase of the harmful emissions and energy consumption. High density housing cannot refuse the social emergency to ensure high quality and low cost dwellings, to a new people target: students, temporary workers, key workers, foreign, young couples without children, large families and, in general, people who carry out public services. Social housing strategies have become particularly relevant in regenerating high density urban outskirts. The choice of this research topic derives from the desire to deal with the recent accommodation emergency, according to different perspectives, with a view to give a contribution to the current literature, by proposing some tools for a correct design of the social housing, by ensuring good quality, cost-effective, and eco-sustainable solutions, from the concept phase, through management and maintenance, until the end of the building life cycle. The purpose of the thesis is defining a framework of guidelines that become effective instruments to be used in designing the social housing. They should also integrate the existing regulations and are mainly thought for those who work in this sector. They would aim at supporting students who have to cope with this particular residential theme, and also the users themselves. The scientific evidence of either the recent specialized literature or the solutions adopted in some case studies within the selected metropolitan areas of Milan, London and São Paulo, it is possible to identify the principles of this new design approach, in which the connection between typology, morphology and technology pursues the goal of a high living standard.
OBJECTIVES To describe uptake of chlamydia screening, determine rates of repeated yearly screening and investigate determinants of repeated participation in an organised school-based screening programme. METHODS The authors analysed data from 1995 to 2005 from female and male students in up to 13 schools in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The authors calculated proportions of students tested among all enrolled students and among those with parental consent and the percentage of positive chlamydia tests in each school year. The authors used random effects logistic regression to examine the effect of past screening history on subsequent participation. RESULTS 35 041 students were registered for at least one school year. Overall coverage was >30% in all school years. Among all students registered for 4 years, 10.6% (95% CI 9.3% to 12.0%) of women and 12.7% (95% CI 11.2% to 14.2%) of men had a test every year. Among students with parental consent for 4 years, 49.3% (95% CI 44.6% to 54.1%) of women and 59.3% (95% CI 54.5% to 64.0%) of men had a test every year. Among students registered for 2 or more years, those with a previous positive chlamydia test were less likely to have a subsequent test (female adjusted OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.88 and male adjusted OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.02). Chlamydia positivity increased over time. CONCLUSIONS High levels of uptake can be achieved in school-based chlamydia screening programmes, but repeated yearly screening is difficult to sustain over time.