996 resultados para Homologous genes


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The antimycobacterial compound ethambutol [Emb; dextro-2,2'-(ethylenediimino)-di-1-butanol] is used to treat tuberculosis as well as disseminated infections caused by Mycobacterium avium. The critical target for Emb lies in the pathway for the biosynthesis of cell wall arabinogalactan, but the molecular mechanisms for drug action and resistance are unknown. The cellular target for Emb was sought using drug resistance, via target overexpression by a plasmid vector, as a selection tool. This strategy led to the cloning of the M. avium emb region which rendered the otherwise susceptible Mycobacterium smegmatis host resistant to Emb. This region contains three complete open reading frames (ORFs), embR, embA, and embB. The translationally coupled embA and embB genes are necessary and sufficient for an Emb-resistant phenotype which depends on gene copy number, and their putative novel membrane proteins are homologous to each other. The predicted protein encoded by embR, which is related to known transcriptional activators from Streptomyces, is expendable for the phenotypic expression of Emb resistance, but an intact divergent promoter region between embR and embAB is required. An Emb-sensitive cell-free assay for arabinan biosynthesis shows that overexpression of embAB is associated with high-level Emb-resistant arabinosyl transferase activity, and that embR appears to modulate the in vitro level of this activity. These data suggest that embAB encode the drug target of Emb, the arabinosyl transferase responsible for the polymerization of arabinose into the arabinan of arabinogalactan, and that overproduction of this Emb-sensitive target leads to Emb resistance.


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We have cloned, from a beetle and a locust, genes that are homologous to the class 3 Hox genes of vertebrates. Outside the homeobox they share sequence motifs with the Drosophila zerknüllt (zen) and z2 genes, and like zen, are expressed only in extraembryonic membranes. We conclude that the zen genes of Drosophila derive from a Hox class 3 sequence that formed part of the common ancestral Hox cluster, but that in insects this (Hox) gene has lost its role in patterning the anterio-posterior axis of the embryo, and acquired a new function. In the lineage leading to Drosophila, the zen genes have diverged particularly rapidly.


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Genetic studies of the protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum have been severely limited by the inability to introduce or modify genes. In this paper we describe a system of stable transfection of P. falciparum using a Toxoplasma gondii dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase gene, modified to confer resistance to pyrimethamine, as a selectable marker. This gene was placed under the transcriptional control of the P. falciparum calmodulin gene flanking sequences. Transfected parasites generally maintained plasmids episomally while under selection; however, parasite clones containing integrated forms of the plasmid were obtained. Integration occurred by both homologous and nonhomologous recombination. In addition to the flanking sequence of the P. falciparum calmodulin gene, the 5' sequences of the P. falciparum and P. chabaudi dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase genes were also shown to be transcriptionally active in P. falciparum. The minimal 5' sequence that possessed significant transcriptional activity was determined for each gene and short sequences containing important transcriptional control elements were identified. These sequences will provide considerable flexibility in the future construction of plasmid vectors to be used for the expression of foreign genes or for the deletion or modification of P. falciparum genes of interest.


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The expression of at least 24 distinct genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 is under direct control of the "ferric uptake regulator" (Fur). Novel targets of the Fur protein were isolated in a powerful SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment)-like cycle selection consisting of in vitro DNA-Fur interaction, binding to anti-Fur antibody, purification on protein G, and PCR amplification. DNA fragments obtained after at least three exponential enrichment cycles were cloned and subjected to DNA mobility-shift assays and DNase I footprint analyses to verify the specific interaction with the Fur protein in vitro. Iron-dependent expression of the corresponding genes in vivo was monitored by RNase protection analysis. In total, 20 different DNA fragments were identified which represent actual Pseudomonas iron-regulated genes (PIGs). While four PIGs are identical to already known genes (pfeR, pvdS, tonB, and fumC, respectively), 16 PIGs represent previously unknown genes. Homology studies of the putative proteins encoded by the PIGs allowed us to speculate about their possible function. Two PIG products were highly similar to siderophore receptors from various species, and three PIG products were significantly homologous to alternative sigma factors. Furthermore, homologs of the Escherichia coli ORF1-tolQ, nuoA, stringent starvation protein Ssp, and of a two-component regulatory system similar to the Pseudomonas syringae LemA sensor kinase were identified. The putative gene products of seven additional PIGs did not show significant homologies to any known proteins. The PIGs were mapped on the P.aeruginosa chromosome. Their possible role in iron metabolism and virulence of P. aeruginosa is discussed.


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Although transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily ligands play critical roles in diverse developmental processes, how cells transduce signals from these ligands is still poorly understood. Cell surface receptors for these ligands have been identified, but their cytoplasmic targets are unknown. We have identified three Caenorhabditis elegans genes, sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4, that have mutant phenotypes similar to those of the TGF-beta-like receptor gene daf-4, indicating that they are required for daf-4-mediated developmental processes. We show that sma-2 functions in the same cells as daf-4, consistent with a role in transducing signals from the receptor. These three genes define a protein family, the dwarfins, that includes the Mad gene product, which participates in the decapentaplegic TGF-beta-like pathway in Drosophila [Sekelsky, J. J., Newfeld, S. J., Raftery, L. A., Chartoff, E. H. & Gelbart, W. M. (1995) Genetics 139, 1347-1358]. The identification of homologous components of these pathways in distantly related organisms suggests that dwarfins may be universally required for TGF-beta-like signal transduction. In fact, we have isolated highly conserved dwarfins from vertebrates, indicating that these components are not idiosyncratic to invertebrates. These analyses suggest that dwarfins are conserved cytoplasmic signal transducers.


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cdc18+ of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a periodically expressed gene that is required for entry into S phase and for the coordination of S phase with mitosis. cdc18+ is related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene CDC6, which has also been implicated in the control of DNA replication. We have identified a new Sch. pombe gene, orp1+, that encodes an 80-kDa protein with amino acid sequence motifs conserved in the Cdc18 and Cdc6 proteins. Genetic analysis indicates that orp1+ is essential for viability. Germinating spores lacking the orp1+ gene are capable of undergoing one or more rounds of DNA replication but fail to progress further, arresting as long cells with a variety of deranged nuclear structures. Unlike cdc18+, orp1+ is expressed constitutively during the cell cycle. cdc18+, CDC6, and orp1+ belong to a family of related genes that also includes the gene ORC1, which encodes a subunit of the origin recognition complex (ORC) of S. cerevisiae. The products of this gene family share a 250-amino acid domain that is highly conserved in evolution and contains several characteristic motifs, including a consensus purine nucleotide-binding motif. Among the members of this gene family, orp1+ is most closely related to S. cerevisiae ORC1. Thus, the protein encoded by orp1+ may represent a component of an Sch. pombe ORC. The orp1+ gene is also closely related to an uncharacterized putative human homologue. It is likely that the members of the cdc18/CDC6 family play key roles in the regulation of DNA replication during the cell cycle of diverse species from archaebacteria to man.


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Two issues in the evolution of the intron/exon structure of genes are the role of exon shuffling and the origin of introns. Using a large data base of eukaryotic intron-containing genes, we have found that there are correlations between intron phases leading to an excess of symmetric exons and symmetric exon sets. We interpret these excesses as manifestations of exon shuffling and make a conservative estimate that at least 19% of the exons in the data base were involved in exon shuffling, suggesting an important role for exon shuffling in evolution. Furthermore, these excesses of symmetric exons appear also in those regions of eukaryotic genes that are homologous to prokaryotic genes: the ancient conserved regions. This last fact cannot be explained in terms of the insertional theory of introns but rather supports the concept that some of the introns were ancient, the exon theory of genes.


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Vinculin, a major constituent of focal adhesions and zonula adherens junctions, is thought to be involved in linking the microfilaments to areas of cell-substrate and cell-cell contacts. To test the role of vinculin in cell adhesion and motility, we used homologous recombination to generate F9 embryonal carcinoma and embryonic stem cell clones homozygous for a disrupted vinculin gene. When compared to wild-type cells, vinculin-mutant cells displayed a rounder morphology and a reduced ability to adhere and spread on plastic or fibronectin. Decreased adhesion of the mutant cells was associated with a reduction in lamellipodial extensions, as observed by time-lapse video microscopy. The locomotive activities of control F9 and the vinculin-null cells were compared in two assays. Loss of vinculin resulted in a 2.4-fold increase in cell motility. These results demonstrate an important role for vinculin in determining cell shape, adhesion, surface protrusive activity, and cell locomotion.


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Many features of Down syndrome might result from the overdosage of only a few genes located in a critical region of chromosome 21. To search for these genes, cosmids mapping in this region were isolated and used for trapping exons. One of the trapped exons obtained has a sequence very similar to part of the Drosophila single-minded (sim) gene, a master regulator of the early development of the fly central nervous system midline. Mapping data indicated that this exonic sequence is only present in the Down syndrome-critical region in the human genome. Hybridization of this exonic sequence with human fetal kidney poly(A)+ RNA revealed two transcripts of 6 and 4.3 kb. In situ hybridization of a probe derived from this exon with human and rat fetuses showed that the corresponding gene is expressed during early fetal life in the central nervous system and in other tissues, including the facial, skull, palate, and vertebra primordia. The expression pattern of this gene suggests that it might be involved in the pathogenesis of some of the morphological features and brain anomalies observed in Down syndrome.


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Open reading frames in the Plasmodium falciparum genome encode domains homologous to the adhesive domains of the P. falciparum EBA-175 erythrocyte-binding protein (eba-175 gene product) and those of the Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi Duffy antigen-binding proteins. These domains are referred to as Duffy binding-like (DBL), after the receptor that determines P. vivax invasion of Duffy blood group-positive human erythrocytes. Using oligonucleotide primers derived from short regions of conserved sequence, we have developed a reverse transcription-PCR method that amplifies sequences encoding the DBL domains of expressed genes. Products of these reverse transcription-PCR amplifications include sequences of single-copy genes (including eba-175) and variably transcribed genes that cross-hybridize to multiple regions of the genome. Restriction patterns of the multicopy genes show a high degree of polymorphism among different parasite lines, whereas single-copy genes are generally conserved. Characterization of the single-copy genes has identified a gene (ebl-1) that is related to eba-175 and is likely to be involved in erythrocyte invasion.


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A nervous system-specific glycoprotein antigen from adult Drosophila heads, designated Nervana (Nrv), has been purified on the basis of reactivity of its carbohydrate epitope(s) with anti-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) antibodies that are specific markers for Drosophila neurons. Anti-Nrv monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), specific for the protein moiety of Nrv, were used to screen a Drosophila embryo cDNA expression library. Three cDNA clones (designated Nrv1, Nrv2.1, and Nrv2.2) were isolated that code for proteins recognized by anti-Nrv mAbs on Western blots. DNA sequencing and Southern blot analyses established that the cDNA clones are derived from two different genes. In situ hybridization to Drosophila polytene chromosomes showed that the cDNA clones map to the third chromosome near 92C-D. Nrv1 and Nrv2.1/2.2 have open reading frames of 309 and 322/323 amino acids, respectively, and they are 43.4% identical at the amino acid level. The proteins deduced from these clones exhibit significant homology in both primary sequence and predicted topology to the beta subunit of Na+,K(+)-ATPase. Immunoaffinity-purified Nrv is associated with a protein (M(r) 100,000) recognized on Western blots by anti-ATPase alpha-subunit mAb. Our results suggest that the Drosophila nervous system-specific antigens Nrv1 and -2 are neuronal forms of the beta subunit of Na+,K(+)-ATPase.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to DNA damage by arresting cell cycle progression (thereby preventing the replication and segregation of damaged chromosomes) and by inducing the expression of numerous genes, some of which are involved in DNA repair, DNA replication, and DNA metabolism. Induction of the S. cerevisiae 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase repair gene (MAG) by DNA-damaging agents requires one upstream activating sequence (UAS) and two upstream repressing sequences (URS1 and URS2) in the MAG promoter. Sequences similar to the MAG URS elements are present in at least 11 other S. cerevisiae DNA repair and metabolism genes. Replication protein A (Rpa) is known as a single-stranded-DNA-binding protein that is involved in the initiation and elongation steps of DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair, and homologous recombination. We now show that the MAG URS1 and URS2 elements form similar double-stranded, sequence-specific, DNA-protein complexes and that both complexes contain Rpa. Moreover, Rpa appears to bind the MAG URS1-like elements found upstream of 11 other DNA repair and DNA metabolism genes. These results lead us to hypothesize that Rpa may be involved in the regulation of a number of DNA repair and DNA metabolism genes.


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Members of the IRF family mediate transcriptional responses to interferons (IFNs) and to virus infection. So far, proteins of this family have been studied only among mammalian species. Here we report the isolation of cDNA clones encoding two members of this family from chicken, interferon consensus sequence-binding protein (ICSBP) and IRF-1. The predicted chicken ICSBP and IRF-1 proteins show high levels of sequence similarity to their corresponding human and mouse counterparts. Sequence identities in the putative DNA-binding domains of chicken and human ICSBP and IRF-1 were 97% and 89%, respectively, whereas the C-terminal regions showed identities of 64% and 51%; sequence relationships with mouse ICSBP and IRF-1 are very similar. Chicken ICSBP was found to be expressed in several embryonic tissues, and both chicken IRF-1 and ICSBP were strongly induced in chicken fibroblasts by IFN treatment, supporting the involvement of these factors in IFN-regulated gene expression. The presence of proteins homologous to mammalian IRF family members, together with earlier observations on the occurrence of functionally homologous IFN-responsive elements in chicken and mammalian genes, highlights the conservation of transcriptional mechanisms in the IFN system, a finding that contrasts with the extensive sequence and functional divergence of the IFNs.


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Three iromps (iron-regulated outer membrane proteins) of Aeromonas salmonicida were identified by the use of specific antibodies together with Southern hybridization analysis and limited nucleotide sequencing of their genes. The results of these experiments together with a search of the international database for homologous sequences led to their identification as follows: -86 kDa iromp (FstA) as a Vibrio anguillarum Fat A homologue -82 kDa iromp (FepA) as an Escherichia coli FepA homologue -74 kDa iromp (IrpA) as an Escherichia coli Cir homologue.


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The genome of all organisms constantly suffers the influence of mutagenic factors from endogenous and/or exogenous origin, which may result in damage for the genome. In order to keep the genome integrity there are different DNA repair pathway to detect and correct these lesions. In relation to the plants as being sessile organisms, they are exposed to this damage frequently. The Base Excision DNA Repair (BER) is responsible to detect and repair oxidative lesions. Previous work in sugarcane identified two sequences that were homologous to Arabidopsis thaliana: ScARP1 ScARP3. These two sequences were homologous to AP endonuclease from BER pathway. Then, the aim of this work was to characterize these two sequence using different approaches: phylogenetic analysis, in silico protein organelle localization and by Nicotiana tabacum transgenic plants with overexpression cassette. The in silico data obtained showed a duplication of this sequence in sugarcane and Poaceae probably by a WGD event. Furthermore, in silico analysis showed a new localization in nuclei for ScARP1 protein. The data obtained with transgenic plants showed a change in development and morphology. Transgenic plants had slow development when compared to plants not transformed. Then, these results allowed us to understand better the potential role of this sequence in sugarcane and in plants in general. More work is important to be done in order to confirm the protein localization and protein characterization for ScARP1 and ScARP3