974 resultados para Hip hop culture


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Desea presentar al lector un recorrido por los cuerpos del Breakdance. Es una investigación que gira alrededor del análisis histórico del Breakdance, sus orígenes y la manera en que llega a nuestra región y a nuestro país. Además se analizan los cuerpos del Breakdance en lo que he llamado un rito a los cuerpos urbanos, es decir, en lo que se conoce con el nombre de batallas. Por último se analizarán estos cuerpos dentro del contexto de talleres y desde el concepto denominado como agenciamiento corporal. El propósito de esta tesis es abrir una puerta a investigaciones más amplias sobre el tema del Breakdance en particular y de la cultura Hip Hop en general.


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En el momento en que se activa la discusión del concepto de lo juvenil y de observar las representaciones e imaginarios que acompañan a este grupo etareo de la sociedad contemporánea, empiezan a aparecer nuevas nociones sobre las diferentes autoidentificaciones que circundan a los jóvenes. En este sentido se puede entender que los jóvenes son parte de un grupo social especial, sobre el cual recaen unos privilegios económicos de tiempo y de edad, de ahí que generalmente, el joven se distingue porque en cierta forma no se ha independizado de su familia nuclear, factor que ha facilitado para ser parte de nuevas formas del consumo en las industrial culturales y de construcciones de identidad a partir del consumo musical. Desde el relacionamiento del joven con el consumo de artefactos culturales, se pueden entender las construcciones identitarias que establece bajo parámetros muy específicos, de ahí que la cultura juvenil nos lleva a entender las identidades musicales que circundan en la sociedad juvenil contemporánea, identidades que parten desde el Rap, el HipHop, el Reggae hasta el Rock, el Metal y el Black Metal. Este último segmento identitario de las culturas juveniles llama la atención porque aparenta ser una construcción que contiene unos valores sociales nuevos, puesto que la música (Black Metal) que guía dicha identidad tiene el propósito de romper los estereotipos sociales, religiosos, morales y políticos. Al establecerse el Black Metal como una cultura juvenil con un alto consumo en la ciudad de Quito nos encontramos con que los jóvenes pertenecientes a esta cultura tienen una concepción de familia que deviene de una construcción tradicional de la sociedad, pero que a su vez ellos reinterpretan y se rea-propian de esta forma de ser y estar en el mundo; de ahí que la noción de familia al interior del Black Metal no se construye como una entidad que es contraria a la concepción tradicional, por el contrario contiene parámetros monógamos heterosexuales. Se advierte además que se reformulan las prácticas de la sexualidad y la importancia que se le da a las mismas en la concepción de la construcción de una familia propia que se intenta sea adaptativa y que no reprima la construcción identitaria de los futuros hijos.


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Uppsatsen undersöker hur de olika panoreringsteknikerna, direkt/ambient och direkt-överallt, för 5.1 surround uppfattas utav lyssnare. Enligt direkt/ambient ska alla direkta källor panoreras till frontkanalerna (L, C, R) och endast ambiens finnas i surroundkanalerna (Ls, Rs). Enligt direkt-överallt kan direkta källor panoreras till alla kanaler. Ljudstimuli i tre genrer har utav undertecknad framställts, rock/hårdrock, jazz/fusion och hip hop. Ett exempel enligt direkt/ambient och ett enligt direkt-överallt framställdes i varje genre. Vidare har två lyssningsundersökningar ägt rum, en med ”vana” lyssnare i ett kontrollrum samt en med ”vanliga” lyssnare i hemmiljö. Undersökningarna visade att de flesta föredrog direkt-överallt-produktionerna och dessa uppfattades även som mest omslutande vilket har visat sig vara en viktig egenskap för en musikproduktion i surround.


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Uppsatsen går ut på att undersöka om det finns skillnader på tekniker som används vid mixning av basinstrument i musik avsedd att spelas på dansgolv som t.ex. house, trance, hip hop, R n´B, osv. och annan musik som vanligen spelas på radio, TV, Mp3-spelare, bärbara datorer osv. som rock, metal, jazz, pop, osv. Musik som är dansinriktad och spelas på dansgolv upplevs oftast som starkare i basen, då den också har basinstrumenten som den viktigaste för att skapa ett ”groove”. I uppsatsen undersöks om det finns någon speciell teknik som vid mixning av sådan musik leder till denna basbetoning.Resultatet visar att teknikerna som används är oftast de samma, men anpassade till uppspelningssystemens möjligheter. Balansen i nivåer mellan de olika basinstrumenten och de övriga instrumenten och deras frekvensinnehåll är det som leder till upplevelsen att basinstrumenten låter starkare. Alltså ska basinstrumenten mixas mycket starkare i förhållande med de andra instrumenten. Detta för att skapa trycket. Basbetoningen sker däremot oftast automatiskt av ljudsystemet nattklubbarna, då det i förväg är inställt för att lyfta basen.Uppsatsens målgrupp är personer som är nybörjare på mixning av musik, speciellt dancemusik, samt för dem som har problem i mixningen av bas samt de som vill kunna ge sina mixar ett extra tryck i basen.


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In order to question a sociology as it considers appropriate the body dimensions, which contributes in a mean singular in relation to body, not only as a matter, but mainly as a producer of knowledge, our research shows a reflection on corporality as the production of knowledge and to understand different perspectives and social logic here in contemporaneity, whose rationality seems to be placed in question through a performance expressed, a lot of 'breaks', including the space, which the dancer break appropriates of a reversed form and not more than linear. Our problem is the possibility of a greater understanding of this young body with dance the break, is not only 'breaking' his body, but fluent in their own body fragments, producing probably a break in relation to a dominant power established, by creating a kind of 'social resistance' to provide another sense for his life, out of the senses by the dominant of a social field. This is the area of production of knowledge, of the 'body' that cries keep our eyes, the challenge of dive in the depth of gestures, beyond the physical structure, restoring in a strong political constitution and cultural in so far as this body faces. The body as spectacular becomes 'cause and effect' of communication, this body is not only individual, it is not expression only for itself; when the young dance outside their walls individuals, makes it relational, turning to relate with the other, with the space, time and the world. The methodological point of view, to study this corporality in element break, the body as language of senses, we considered withdrawals in the field, observations of movements of the universe of break creative dance, performance and analysis of "attitudes" (expression peculiar world hip hop ), as well as my experience with dancing in the street interventions through 'urban' and our own attitudes to the object of research which challenges us academically and, it all, existentially


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Baseado na pesquisa desenvolvida junto ao rap gospel/cristão evangélico em Belém do Pará, pude reunir dados que me levaram a refletir sobre questões gerais da antropologia. Desta forma, estruturei a dissertação na perpectiva de uma compilação de ensaios que tratam da questão de como é possivel a utilização da subjetividade, na construção do texto etnográfico. Esta subjetividade (minha e de meus manos do hip hop) emerge do que chamei de experiências, ou, os encontros no campo entre pesquisador, intermediários, interlocutores e informantes. Para a exposição da análise em si, sobre este sistema cultural (rap gospel), em forma de compreensão e interpretação, me vali da analogia com a composição, produção e gravação de um cd, na verdade, é como se cada ensaio contido aqui, constituísse uma faixa do disco Palavras Sagradas, rimas e experiências: Uma tentativa de compreensão sobre cristianismo pentecostal, rap e antropologia, do mc e antropólogo Bruno “B.O.” Borda, com uma faixa bônus inclusive. O rap rap gospel/cristão evangélico proporcionou-me reflexões sobre religião, juventude e relações raciais por um lado, e epistemologia, metodologia e arte por outro, fazendo com que eu apresentasse este trabalho com vistas muito mais de incitação ao questionamento e a dúvida, no melhor estilo filosófico, mantendo o rítimo e a poesia, para propiciar uma leitura mista, que atinja parceiros antropólogos e aliados hip hoppers, no mínimo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this project is to foment and promote the themes related to the Hip Hop movement through a product, the H2 Magazine. Based on several forms of journalism, like photos, reports and interviews, we intend to demonstrate the use of Hip Hop as a vindicatory tool for young people living in the outskirts of towns. Moreover, we seek showing distinct visions and develop the issues in a broad and comprehensive way. H2 is an open space for reflections about Hip Hop, a cultural movement present in Bauru, as well as your importance in the social and cultural development of the citizens


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Th is article proposes a refl ection on the chronotope, considering its infl uence on the forms of cultural expression coming from segregated urban spaces in Brazil. Th e article deals, specifi cally, with Carioca Funk as a cultural expression and an integral part of the hip hop movement in Rio de Janeiro. With this aim in view, this work is based on the Bakhtin Circle proposals and some sociological refl ections on the approached subject.


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Tansania, Dar es Salaam, Swahili, Videofilme, Populärkultur, Bongo Flava, Hip Hop, Filmanalyse, Sprachanalyse, Swahili Slang, Kiswahili cha Mitaani, Codeswitching


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Oral jewelry is popular. One of the most widely spread types are so-called tooth diamonds made of composite materials which are applied to the teeth with an adhesive. Note that parents are required to sign a release form for under-aged patients in Switzerland. Tooth cap grills and gold teeth are considered status symbols within the Hip-Hop fashion scene. However, tooth ornaments favour the accumulation of plaque and can diminish the ability to articulate. With respect to jewelry in oral soft tissue especially tongue and lip piercings are of significance to dentists. Besides the systemic complications, which are mostly caused by a lack of hygiene or the failure of noting medical contraindications by the piercer, local complications occur frequently. After surgery, pain, swelling, infections as well as hemorrhages or hematomas can be observed. Long-term effects can be problematic: gingival recession can be discernes mainly in the case of lip piercings the loss of hard tooth substance in the case of tongue piercings. Because of that, conservation therapies can become indespensable. Patients wearing dental jewelry have to be aware of risks of tooth damage, and they regularly have to undergo dental check-ups. Information campaigns--for dentists as well as patients--are necessary.


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Christina Higgins credibly presents the situation of English in East Africa as scrutinized from four areas, which she investigated in the field: the newspaper journalism, annual beauty pageants for young women, the hip hop music of the youth, and advertisements. For me, as a Tanzanian, it has been a pleasure to review a book that illuminatingly documents the language situation, the cultural conceptualization and the localization of English that is taking place in the multilingual society in Tanzania.