988 resultados para High-energy physics


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Since its discovery, top quark has represented one of the most investigated field in particle physics. The aim of this thesis is the reconstruction of hadronic top with high transverse momentum (boosted) with the Template Overlap Method (TOM). Because of the high energy, the decay products of boosted tops are partially or totally overlapped and thus they are contained in a single large radius jet (fat-jet). TOM compares the internal energy distributions of the candidate fat-jet to a sample of tops obtained by a MC simulation (template). The algorithm is based on the definition of an overlap function, which quantifies the level of agreement between the fat-jet and the template, allowing an efficient discrimination of signal from the background contributions. A working point has been decided in order to obtain a signal efficiency close to 90% and a corresponding background rejection at 70%. TOM performances have been tested on MC samples in the muon channel and compared with the previous methods present in literature. All the methods will be merged in a multivariate analysis to give a global top tagging which will be included in ttbar production differential cross section performed on the data acquired in 2012 at sqrt(s)=8 TeV in high phase space region, where new physics processes could be possible. Due to its peculiarity to increase the pT, the Template Overlap Method will play a crucial role in the next data taking at sqrt(s)=13 TeV, where the almost totality of the tops will be produced at high energy, making the standard reconstruction methods inefficient.


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In the year 2013, the detection of a diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux with the IceCube neutrino telescope – constructed at the geographic South Pole – was announced by the IceCube collaboration. However, the origin of these neutrinos is still unknown as no sources have been identified to this day. Promising neutrino source candidates are blazars, which are a subclass of active galactic nuclei with radio jets pointing towards the Earth. In this thesis, the neutrino flux from blazars is tested with a maximum likelihood stacking approach, analyzing the combined emission from uniform groups of objects. The stacking enhances the sensitivity w.r.t. the still unsuccessful single source searches. The analysis utilizes four years of IceCube data including one year from the completed detector. As all results presented in this work are compatible with background, upper limits on the neutrino flux are given. It is shown that, under certain conditions, some hadronic blazar models can be challenged or even rejected. Moreover, the sensitivity of this analysis – and any other future IceCube point source search – was enhanced by the development of a new angular reconstruction method. It is based on a detailed simulation of the photon propagation in the Antarctic ice. The median resolution for muon tracks, induced by high-energy neutrinos, is improved for all neutrino energies above IceCube’s lower threshold at 0.1TeV. By reprocessing the detector data and simulation from the year 2010, it is shown that the new method improves IceCube’s discovery potential by 20% to 30% depending on the declination.


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The GLAaS algorithm for pretreatment intensity modulation radiation therapy absolute dose verification based on the use of amorphous silicon detectors, as described in Nicolini et al. [G. Nicolini, A. Fogliata, E. Vanetti, A. Clivio, and L. Cozzi, Med. Phys. 33, 2839-2851 (2006)], was tested under a variety of experimental conditions to investigate its robustness, the possibility of using it in different clinics and its performance. GLAaS was therefore tested on a low-energy Varian Clinac (6 MV) equipped with an amorphous silicon Portal Vision PV-aS500 with electronic readout IAS2 and on a high-energy Clinac (6 and 15 MV) equipped with a PV-aS1000 and IAS3 electronics. Tests were performed for three calibration conditions: A: adding buildup on the top of the cassette such that SDD-SSD = d(max) and comparing measurements with corresponding doses computed at d(max), B: without adding any buildup on the top of the cassette and considering only the intrinsic water-equivalent thickness of the electronic portal imaging devices device (0.8 cm), and C: without adding any buildup on the top of the cassette but comparing measurements against doses computed at d(max). This procedure is similar to that usually applied when in vivo dosimetry is performed with solid state diodes without sufficient buildup material. Quantitatively, the gamma index (gamma), as described by Low et al. [D. A. Low, W. B. Harms, S. Mutic, and J. A. Purdy, Med. Phys. 25, 656-660 (1998)], was assessed. The gamma index was computed for a distance to agreement (DTA) of 3 mm. The dose difference deltaD was considered as 2%, 3%, and 4%. As a measure of the quality of results, the fraction of field area with gamma larger than 1 (%FA) was scored. Results over a set of 50 test samples (including fields from head and neck, breast, prostate, anal canal, and brain cases) and from the long-term routine usage, demonstrated the robustness and stability of GLAaS. In general, the mean values of %FA remain below 3% for deltaD equal or larger than 3%, while they are slightly larger for deltaD = 2% with %FA in the range from 3% to 8%. Since its introduction in routine practice, 1453 fields have been verified with GLAaS at the authors' institute (6 MV beam). Using a DTA of 3 mm and a deltaD of 4% the authors obtained %FA = 0.9 +/- 1.1 for the entire data set while, stratifying according to the dose calculation algorithm, they observed: %FA = 0.7 +/- 0.9 for fields computed with the analytical anisotropic algorithm and %FA = 2.4 +/- 1.3 for pencil-beam based fields with a statistically significant difference between the two groups. If data are stratified according to field splitting, they observed %FA = 0.8 +/- 1.0 for split fields and 1.0 +/- 1.2 for nonsplit fields without any significant difference.


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The redox property of ceria is a key factor in the catalytic activity of ceria-based catalysts. The oxidation state of well-defined ceria nanocubes in gas environments was analysed in situ by a novel combination of near-ambient pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and high-energy XPS at a synchrotron X-ray source. In situ high-energy XPS is a promising new tool to determine the electronic structure of matter under defined conditions. The aim was to quantitatively determine the degree of cerium reduction in a nano-structured ceria-supported platinum catalyst as a function of the gas environment. To obtain a non-destructive depth profile at near-ambient pressure, in situ high-energy XPS analysis was performed by varying the kinetic energy of photoelectrons from 1 to 5 keV, and, thus, the probing depth. In ceria nanocubes doped with platinum, oxygen vacancies formed only in the uppermost layers of ceria in an atmosphere of 1 mbar hydrogen and 403 K. For pristine ceria nanocubes, no change in the cerium oxidation state in various hydrogen or oxygen atmospheres was observed as a function of probing depth. In the absence of platinum, hydrogen does not dissociate and, thus, does not lead to reduction of ceria.


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There are several classes of homogeneous Fermi systems that are characterized by the topology of the energy spectrum of fermionic quasiparticles: (i) gapless systems with a Fermi surface, (ii) systems with a gap in their spectrum, (iii) gapless systems with topologically stable point nodes (Fermi points), and (iv) gapless systems with topologically unstable lines of nodes (Fermi lines). Superfluid 3He-A and electroweak vacuum belong to the universality class 3. The fermionic quasiparticles (particles) in this class are chiral: they are left-handed or right-handed. The collective bosonic modes of systems of class 3 are the effective gauge and gravitational fields. The great advantage of superfluid 3He-A is that we can perform experiments by using this condensed matter and thereby simulate many phenomena in high energy physics, including axial anomaly, baryoproduction, and magnetogenesis. 3He-A textures induce a nontrivial effective metrics of the space, where the free quasiparticles move along geodesics. With 3He-A one can simulate event horizons, Hawking radiation, rotating vacuum, etc. High-temperature superconductors are believed to belong to class 4. They have gapless fermionic quasiparticles with a “relativistic” spectrum close to gap nodes, which allows application of ideas developed for superfluid 3He-A.


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The literature has been searched for references pertaining to high energy reactions of interest to nuclear chemists. Nuclear Science Abstracts was the main source of references and wherever possible the complete abstract was retained.